Highland Sparks: Logan and Gwyneth (Clan Grant Series Book 5) (8 page)

BOOK: Highland Sparks: Logan and Gwyneth (Clan Grant Series Book 5)
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He held his hands up. “Sorry. I promised, didn’t I? It won’t happen again.”

Gwyneth stomped off into the bushes, a low growl coming from her.

Logan laughed.

“I think she really likes you, Logan. Don’t feel bad,” Ashlyn said.

“I think you’re right,” he whispered.

A squeal came from the trees not far away. Logan laughed again. “Not my words, Gwyneth. Just a bairn’s observations.”

After eating her treasures, Gracie walked over to Logan and kissed him on the cheek after patting her belly. What better reward could one ask for?

His biggest challenge in keeping the lasses safe and comfortable would be the cold nights in the Highlands. He had a couple of furs and two plaids, but the air would soon be quite chilly. All three of the lasses were too thin to stay warm, another reason for him to speed up their journey. He had to get them to the Grants without delay.

He decided to settle in for the night and check on Gwyneth. As soon as he laid his plaid on the ground, Gracie waddled toward him with her arms raised and a big smile on her face. “You wish to sleep with me, lassie?”

Gracie nodded and plopped down into his lap. She peeked up at him and said, “He save my mama?”

Logan nodded. “Aye, Captain Grant will save your mama. We’ll wait for her at the Grant’s castle. You’ll see.”

Gracie pointed to the opposite side of the clearing and then put her finger up to her lips. “Shhh.”

Looking around, he saw the two guards who were off-duty snoozing at one side of the clearing, one of them already snoring. In the middle of the night, they would trade places with the two guards who were now on watch. Gwyneth, who had clearly waited for the guards to settle before returning just now to choose a sleeping spot, was as far away from the sleeping guards as possible. Ashlyn held Gwyneth’s hand while she arranged a fur on the ground not far from Logan and the fire.

“Ashlyn, you would probably be warmer over here with Gracie and me. ‘Twill get mighty cold tonight.”

Ashlyn shook her head and clutched Gwyneth’s hands tight, her knuckles going white.

Hellfire, he would like to kill the bastard who had put that fear into a lassie’s eyes. His niece, Lily, wouldn’t hesitate to sleep near any warm person she knew. He understood her hesitancy with the strange guards, but he’d hoped she would trust him by now.

“Ramsay, go to sleep. We’ll be fine.” Gwyneth positioned herself with Ashlyn tucked beside her and wrapped the plaid around both of them.

“Suit yourself. I’ll be here if you change your mind.” He winked at Gwyneth. “My plaid is always open.”

Gwyneth snorted. “I’ll bet.”

“No reason to get nasty, Gwyneth. That is quite an unladylike sound you made, by the way.” Her face was out of sight now that both of them were lying down, but how dearly he wished he could see it to catch her reaction to his comment. She was fun to goad. He was trying his best since he had promised her to behave, but hellfire, she left herself open to teasing. How he loved a lass with spirit, and Gwyneth had plenty.

She snorted again for effect. He chuckled and nestled into his plaid, tucking Gracie up close to his heat.

Logan woke up when the guards were switching posts. He was about to close his eyes again when he noticed a wee figure standing in front of him shivering. “Ashlyn, do you wish to join us?”

She nodded. “I’m cold.”

Logan opened his plaid and shifted Gracie to make room for her sister. When he had both lassies repositioned, he wrapped his arms around them and covered all of them with his plaid. “Och, lassie, you’re a piece of ice.” He set one of his warm hands against her cold cheek and she sighed with relief. It took a few minutes to stop her shivering, but eventually she calmed.

“Gwyneth, you should join us. Logan is warm.” Her voice squeaked out through the plaid.

“I’m glad you are warm, Ashlyn. I am fine. Go to sleep.”

Logan could swear her voice trembled. About an hour later, he felt her cold back press up against his. She had moved her fur. He whispered over his shoulder, “‘Tis much warmer in front. The girls are nice and toasty now.”

Silence. The lass was ice cold, but too stubborn to move. “You have my word of honor as a Ramsay. I promised Grant I would behave and there are two bairns next to me. What do you believe I would do, Gwyneth?” A few more moments of silence before he heard her slide the fur over to the front of him.

Her blue eyes bore into him. “Promise?”


“Because I couldn’t handle it after the ship incident. ‘Twas bad.” He heard the tremor in her voice as she stared at the ground, and he knew how hard it was for her to say those words.

“Aye, you have my word.” He held his plaid up.

“How can we possibly do this with three of us?” she whispered.

“Gracie needs my heat most. I’m taller than you, so she can squeeze between your shoulders and me. Ashlyn can fit in front of you and my arms are plenty big enough to wrap around all three of you.”

She nodded and climbed behind Ashlyn, who hardly stirred in her sleep. As soon as he had everyone comfortable, he tossed the plaid over them and tugged them close. Why were women always so cold? Gwyneth shivered against him for a few minutes and must have started to fall asleep, because she let out a moan that went straight to his groin. She must have felt his hardness, because she froze and held her breath.

“I promised. I can’t help being a man. Let it go, and I will, too.”

God’s teeth, though, she felt like heaven in his arms.


Chapter Eight


That first night set a pattern for the rest, and Logan was pleased that the girls continued to eat whatever food he found for them. Further up the trail, he found some wild carrots and turnips in the ground. Once he scrubbed the dirt off them, wee Gracie would spend the entire day gnawing on a carrot as she rode in front of him. One evening Gwyneth and Ashlyn had broken into peals of laughter when they finally stopped—Gracie’s face was orange from all the carrot smeared over her cheeks. Gwyneth’s laughter was a sweet sound, he had to admit. The lass was much too serious and had dealt with so much tragedy in her short life. The sound of her enjoyment was wonderful to behold.

After they ate a small meal, he returned to his horse and put the leftovers in his sack.

“Ramsay, are you willing to share your skills?” Gwyneth stood on the far side of the clearing, her bow hooked over her shoulder.

He grinned. “Aye. I can think of many skills I would share with such a fine lass as yourself, Gwyneth.”

She glared at him. “Just remember, I’m close enough to you at night to use that dagger as I promised.”

Ashlyn’s head spun around to stare at Gwyneth. “What? What would you do?” Her eyes were wide with alarm.

Shrugging her shoulders, Gwyneth let out a deep sigh. “Naught. I was teasing him, Ashlyn. I promise not to hurt Logan.”

“What skill would you like me to share with you?” Logan sneaked over and whispered in her ear.

She took a step back. “Tracking. I would like to track our trail so I can find my way back on my own.”

“You don’t need to do that, lass. I’ll lead you back myself.” Logan’s wry grin did not sway her to smile. He’d try a little harder to earn a smile from her—it was all he wanted. “Just you and me.” He glanced at her. Nothing, not even a twitch of her mouth. In fact, her eyes had become narrow slits.

“I don’t need help. I’ll find my own way back. Will you teach me or not?”

He picked up Gracie and said, “Come, I’ll show you a few things. Ashlyn? Stay with us. And you can learn, too. Girls need to be smart.”

Gracie patted his shoulder and he grinned at her. “You, too, wean?”

Gwyneth quirked her brow and he finally detected a small smile at the corner of her mouth. Now he knew how to make her smile.

“What are you showing us, Logan?” Ashley asked.

“I’m going to show you what you can learn from the outdoors, about tracking other people, foraging for foods, about animals, and how to remember your way back.”


“Because lassies need to be strong, too. Don’t you want to be strong and be an archer like Gwyneth?”

“Don’t most women use bow and arrows? Although I know my mama doesn’t.” Ashlyn kept her hand clasped tight in Gwyneth’s.

“Nay, most women do not use bow and arrows. Gwyneth is indeed a special lass.” He glanced at her and smiled. He absolutely meant what he said. There weren’t many like her.

“I want to be like Gwyneth when I get bigger. Will you teach me Gwyneth?” Ashlyn looked up at Gwyneth with a look of wonder.

Gwyneth nodded. “Of course, Ashlyn.” She glanced at him out of the corner of her eye, a small sense of appreciation flitting in her gaze.

Aye, the wooing had begun.


It was just past dark a few days later when they finally made it to the Grant Castle. Gracie didn’t move on Logan’s lap, so she had to be asleep, but Ashlyn sat up straight in front of Gwyneth, taking it all in.

“Gwyneth, I have never seen anything so big. Have you?” She turned to look at Gwyneth, her eyes big as saucers.

“Nay, I haven’t. ‘Tis quite a place.” Rows and rows of cottages sat outside the walls of the keep. There were towers in each of the four corners of the enormous building’s stone walls, tall enough to keep most invaders away. Men crossed the battlements and there was a flurry of activity as the group approached the keep.

They moved through the outer bailey and were greeted by a few scattered clan members, but word of the approaching visitors traveled fast and a group of warriors rushed to greet them in a short time. Once they realized four of their clan rode with them, the men relaxed.

The horn sounded as they came up to the portcullis. Ashlyn stared at all the torches atop the gates and the parapets. “It looks magical, does it not?”

“Aye, the torches at night give it a special appearance. It is a huge place.”

“Gwyneth, I was worried they wouldn’t have a place for us to sleep. I think they’ll manage to find room.”

She laughed. “I would guess they have room for many to sleep here. The castle is three stories high, plus look at all the cottages in the bailey. ‘Tis almost a town of its own.”

They rode to the stables, leaving the guards at the gate, where a very large man approached to help them down. “Ladies, I am Laird Alexander Grant. Welcome to my home.”

Alex Grant was quite an impressive figure, taller than anyone Gwyneth had ever seen. He had long dark hair, gray eyes, and massive shoulders, but a smile that promised he meant what he said.

“Logan Ramsay,” he clasped his shoulder. “Good to see you again. I presume you have located Robbie and have news?”

“Aye, Robbie sent us ahead. He’ll be following with the lasses’ mother.”

Ashlyn just stared up at him. “Captain Grant is saving our mama. Are you Captain Grant, too?”

“Nay, lass,” he tousled her hair, “I’m Laird Grant. Are you hungry?”

Gracie nodded her head so fiercely that Alex laughed. “Come, we’ll find you something to eat. My wife will fill your bellies.”

“Laird Grant, do you have enough room for us to sleep inside tonight? ‘Tis verra cold sleeping on the ground.” Ashlyn held her sister’s hand. “May we sleep inside?”

“We’ll take good care of you until your mama arrives. I promise. You can sleep in the lassies’ room tonight.”

Gwyneth wondered briefly where she would fit in.

He turned to speak to Logan and led them across the courtyard and up the steps to the great hall, asking questions about Robbie as they went. At the top of the steps, another man who looked like Robbie stood smiling at them.

“Greetings, I am Brodie, Robbie’s brother.” He held the door for them to enter the keep.

Once inside, they met Alex’s wife, Maddie; Logan’s brother, Quade; and his wife, Brenna. After exchanging warm greetings, they beckoned them to sit at a long table surrounded by playing bairns. Servants brought food and ale and before long a lad and a lassie ran over to Logan shouting, “Uncle Logan!”

Logan introduced his niece and nephew, Lily and Torrian. They also met Jennie, Robbie’s sister; Celestina, Brodie’s wife; Loki, Brodie’s son; and Avelina, Logan’s sister. Lily held her hand out to Gracie. “Come play with me.”

Gracie peered up at her sister and Ashlyn nodded her head. “Go ahead, Gracie.” Avelina and Jennie came over to talk to Ashlyn.

Gwyneth was so confused by all the names and faces that after she stumbled into her chair, she just stared at all the people in the room, all laughing and trading stories. She watched Logan with his niece and nephew, amazed at how much love he showed the bairns. His brother didn’t look at all like him, except for their eyes. Quade seemed much calmer than Logan.

Eventually, the girls returned to the table to eat. Gracie ate everything she could and Ashlyn picked at her food, more concerned with Gracie than herself.

After they were fed, Lily came over and grabbed Gracie’s hand. “Come, you can sleep with us.”

Maddie stopped her. “Lily, please wait.” She turned to Gwyneth and said, “Would you like your own chamber, or would you prefer for the girls to sleep with you?”

Gwyneth just stared at her for a moment, uncertain of what to say.

“If you would rather sleep on your own, they can stay in the girls’ chamber. Jennie, Avelina, and Lily sleep there together in a verra large bed. My maid sleeps in her own pallet in the same room. I’ll make sure to introduce you to Alice. ”

Wee Gracie turned to look at her sister, as if leaving it to her to make the decision. Lily, who still stood in front of them, started to hop in place in excitement. “Sleep with us. Please? ‘Tis fun to sleep together.”

Ashlyn glanced up at Gwyneth, as if for permission. “Go ahead, lass,” she said with a smile. “Sleep with the lassies and know that I will no’ be far away. If you change your mind, you can come to me later.”

“Why don’t we all go look at it now,” Maddie said with a smile.

The bairns tore up the staircase, excited to show the newcomers the girls’ chamber. Gwyneth trudged behind with Maddie, uncertain of what to think.

She had never been around this many girls in her entire life.

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