Highlanders (63 page)

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Authors: Tarah Scott

BOOK: Highlanders
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“So you believe that if you absolutely refuse me that our fathers will let me go my merry way?”

“You are the one who told me to hold fast and we would be free of one another,” she countered.

“That was before we ended up in Gretna Green.”

Eve snorted. “They cannot insist you marry Grace after you signed a contract for marriage to me.”

“Make no mistake, Miss Crenshaw, our parents are decided that I will marry you or your sister. But, if you have doubts, we will ask them. First, however, you will answer one question: would you rather marry Somerset?”


Her heart broke as the seconds of silence passed, then he canted his head. “You will marry Somerset, then. Shall we inform our parents?”

“There is nothing to tell them. I may prefer him, but that doesn’t mean I will marry him.”

“Why not?”

“Because—” she broke off, silently adding, because he prefers my sister—and because I am a fool, then said, “Because I am ruined for any man of character.”

“But Somerset is a man of character and he did ask you to marry him, repeatedly.”

“That was before.”

Lord Rushton leaned a shoulder against the wall. “Before you sullied yourself with the likes of me?”

“I doubt it would matter who the man was,” she said.

Eve hadn’t lied when she told Grace she wasn’t angry that Grace was more beautiful. Eve had had her share of suitors, a few who she felt sincerely held some genuine affection for her. But to discover that the man who had only days ago threatened a duel in her honor had fallen in love with her sister hurt.

“I doubt any other man could have incited you to kidnap him,” Lord Rushton said.

“That is most certainly true.”

“You need never fear that I will think you unworthy of my esteem.” He flashed a smile. “As I am not a man of character, there is no danger of you falling from grace.”

Had she heard right? “How am I to take that, my lord? Does your lack of character mean you don’t care that I am no better than you? Or is it that since I have fallen to your depths, you see us on even footing? Or perhaps I should take comfort in the fact you have no character, therefore, you do not require a wife of character?” She gave him a cold smile. “I suppose I win in any case.”

“A woman who can depend upon her husband’s feelings remaining constant is fortunate,” he said.

Yes, she was fortunate. He didn’t love her and never would. Her father had been right. “I am the most fortunate of women.”

“Not yet,” he said, “but you will be.”

“I shall be the envy of every eligible—” and many an ineligible “—lady of the ton.”

“Yes, you will—if I do my job properly,” he drawled.

Dear God, the cad actually sounded pleased with himself.

He lifted a brow. “Perhaps you would like a taste of your good fortune?”

“A what?”


His hand shot about her waist and he yanked her to him. Her breasts and belly crashed against his hard body and liquid fire ignited in her core.

Eve gasped. “Have you gone mad?”

“I believe I have,” he said. Then kissed her.

Eve slammed her palms against his shoulders to shove him away, but his mouth ravished hers with such insistence that the strength ebbed from her. This wasn’t the slow assault he’d waged on her in the ship’s cabin. This, she realized with a jolt, was unadulterated lust. His mouth slid down her cheek and along the curve of her throat. She became conscious of the steel rod pressing into her abdomen, then his mouth found the curve of her breast above the fabric of her dress. He tugged her bodice and cool air washed over her breasts.

“Sir!” Eve grabbed for her bodice.


He grasped her wrists and pushed them behind her back as he urged her backwards against the stone wall. His head dipped and he closed warm lips around one nipple. He suckled so hotly Eve found herself stunned by the intense pleasure that tightened her sex. She drew a sharp breath when he clamped her wrists together with one hand and began hiking up her dress with his free hand. His warm palm came in contact with her hip as he flicked his tongue against the rigid peak of her nipple. The place between her legs throbbed in unison with the action. His fingers slid over and brushed her curls.

“This is madness.” She couldn’t think. “Our families—”

A long digit caressed her swollen sex. Eve shuddered. He rubbed gently. Hot need surged through her. Insanity. If they were caught—his finger dipped between her moist folds. His finger slipped inside her and she froze as he began to stroke. He shifted to her other breast and sucked, still stroking inside her. A tremble radiated from her stomach. Pleasure coursed like a whirlwind with his finger its vortex centered between her legs.

“My lord,” she whispered. “We shouldn’t do this.”

“Quite the contrary,” he withdrew his finger and began rubbing her swollen nub again, “this is exactly what we should be doing.”

“Oh my goodness—” She tensed. What was he doing to her? Faster, he stroked faster, while he flicked his tongue against her nipple, mimicking the action of his finger. Heat rushed through her. “Why-why is this exactly what we should be doing?” She drew a harsh breath.

“So that you will know no other man will do for you what I can do.”

He was right. Blane certainly hadn’t made her feel like this.

Reality washed over her like ice water and she stiffened. “You are not the first man to put the wedding night ahead of our wedding.”

He stilled. Slowly he straightened, but his finger remained on her sex. “I promise you, the wedding night will be far superior to a little pleasure in an alcove.”

Gaze locked with hers, he massaged her sex. Her stomach flipped.

“Did Blane do this for you?” Lord Rushton leaned closer. “Can Somerset please you like I can?”

Eve closed her eyes, but the ache only engulfed her.

He pressed close to her hip, rubbing his engorged shaft against her. “Did they want you this badly?” he asked. She didn’t answer and he bent and whispered in her ear. “Did they, Eve?” He stroked faster. “Did you want them?” Faster he stroked. “Did you?”

She shook her head as much to ward off the need that gripped her as to answer his question.

He ran his tongue along the shell of her ear. “Do you want me?”

She wanted him and—Holy God—she wanted him to keep doing what he was doing. Eve moaned.

“I’ll take that as a yes.”

He released her wrists and wrapped his arm around her, while stroking her in small circles, tormenting her until her breath caught and light danced across her closed eyelids. Pleasure burst over her, swallowing up her senses and centering on his touch.

“Yes, love,” he whispered.

His voice washed over her and she shivered as another wave of pleasure weakened her knees. He caught her to his chest as he slowed his strokes. An echo of pleasure rippled through her, then another followed until she released a slow breath. He removed his hand, pulled down her dress, then held her close. Eve sagged into his warmth.

It seemed they held one another for hours, until Eve realized that her bare breasts  were pressed  against Lord Rushton’s shirt—and he hadn’t satisfied his lust, although the bulge in his pants had receded somewhat. She had the unexpected desire to do for him what he’d done for her—had no idea how to go about it—but good sense kept her from asking.

He drew back. She started to straighten her bodice, but he grasped the fabric and lifted it over her breasts, then released a breath.

“Are you ready to return to the lion’s den?” he asked.

“You once told me you would not willingly go into the lion’s den.”

He traced a finger down her cheek. “For you, madam, I will.”

She blinked. Then he smiled and her breath caught.

“We had best return,” he said. “I doubt my threat will keep our families at bay indefinitely.”

Eve froze. Everyone was sure to know the earl had made love to her while they’d sat chatting in the library.


Erroll pulled back the tapestry and stepped from the alcove.  “Miss Crenshaw.”

She joined him, glanced in the direction of his father’s library, then looked up at him. His mouth went dry. Her cheeks were still flushed with the remnants of pleasure. She was stunning. His cock throbbed again. He was going to make her a very rich widow before he’d had a chance to truly take a husband’s pleasure.

“They will know…” she said, and Erroll feared she might be right. Unless…

“They already believe it is true,” he said.

“Believing we have been intimate and finding out we dallied while they waited a few feet away is quite another.”

That was true, and the distinction that might get him shot. He shrugged. “Do we care what they think?”

Her brows snapped down. “I am not a woman who allows a man to tumble her anywhere.”

“Not any man, love. Me. That is a point I will be very particular about.”

“That doesn’t make it any better,” she retorted.

He grasped her elbow and started down the hallway. “Of course it makes it better. Our parents can’t fault a man for finding his future bride irresistible.”

“They would never believe that, and even if they did, it is unseemly.”

It certainly was and he wanted to do it again, so answered honestly, “What else would anyone expect from me?”

“I told you, I will not live that sort of life, my lord.”

He wasn’t sure what she meant by ‘that sort of life.’ Miss Eve Crenshaw was clearly a passionate woman, and she was going to have a devil of a time hiding that fact from him after the way she’d reacted to his touch.

“You are overwrought, Miss Crenshaw, and not thinking clearly. There is a vast difference between unseemly and completely dissolute. I promised to be a decent husband, but that doesn’t mean I have any intention of becoming a saint.”

“You, sir,” she said as he opened the door, “are anything but a saint.”

Her words rang through the room and all eyes turned on her. Silence reigned for a long moment before his mother said, “Come in, Erroll. Miss Crenshaw, come sit with me.” She patted the place beside her on the sofa. Miss Crenshaw didn’t move and Erroll gave her a gentle push. She kept going and reached the couch, then sat beside his mother.

“I assume everything is settled,” his father said.

“It is,” Erroll replied.

“Good, then Miss Crenshaw need only sign the contract and the Registrar will complete the forms.”

Shock rolled over Erroll.

“Registrar?” Eve shot to her feet. “You—” her eyes cut to the stranger, then she whirled toward their fathers “—him? He is a Registrar? But that-that means we are to be married
?” She faced Erroll. “
.” Her words dripped with accusation.

“No,” he stated flatly. “I am as surprised as you.”

“You expect me to believe that you sat here and didn’t ask who the gentleman was?” she demanded.

“You did the same. My father ordered me to sit and be quiet.” Erroll saw the hurt in her eyes, and his mind snapped from limbo. He quickly added, “I understood that we were to attend church tomorrow to hear the reading of the first of the banns.”

Her brow furrowed and he could see that she, too, knew they were to attend church tomorrow. Eve still stared, but her expression had gone blank. Was she deciding whether or not he had manipulated her? He had, but not as badly as she might think. He’d seen the way Somerset looked at her sister—not to mention Grace Crenshaw’s reaction to him—and realized the viscount had fallen in love with her. Erroll suspected Eve had observed the same and wouldn’t marry a man who preferred her sister, which meant Eve had no choice but to marry him.

“You have both missed the mark,” the marquess said.

Apprehension coiled in Erroll’s gut. “Would you mind explaining, sir?”

“Technically, you are already married,” Tolland answered. “The promise of marriage along with an intimate relationship constitutes a legal marriage.”

Good God. So his lie that he had taken Eve’s virginity is what had done him in?

“Already married?” Eve echoed.

“There was even a notice in the paper,” Tolland said.

“I never agreed to any of this,” she said in a whisper.

“Are you telling me Rushton forced himself on you?” Tolland demanded. “If you tell me that, Eve, I will shoot him here and now.”

Her cheeks reddened. “No, no, of course not. It is just…”

She looked at Erroll and he knew she was thinking of the pleasure he’d given her moments ago. By God, he’d made a mess of that, hadn’t he? He thought he had three weeks to allow her to come to terms with marrying him so he had…had what? Bloody hell, he had no idea anymore. 

“Apparently, all of Gretna Green knows you dueled Halifax because he kidnapped your
,” the marquess said. “That public announcement was simply the confirmation of marriage.”

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