Tina was at the wheel, struggling to follow the directions they'd been given to get to the bar.
"Okay," Lisa read from a piece of paper, "it's supposed to be right here on Cahuenga between Selma and Hollywood."
Tina turned onto the main street "Oh, look," she said. "Maybe that's the building."
"It says here it's behind a blue building with an orange awning," Lisa said, confirming Tina's hunch. "We're supposed to go around back and look for the doorman."
Tina pulled into a parking spot. She, Lisa and Lalana piled out of the car and headed inside. "Oh yes, it's ladies night, and the feeling's right," Lisa howled as they strutted into The Room, one of Hollywood's hottest bars.
"Once in a while you've just gotta leave the boys at home, grab your girls and some gloss, and get ready to raise a glass," Tina said to Lalana.
The Room was known for some of L.A.'s best music. The long, dark bar boasted some up-and-coming DJ's playing to an all-everything crowd, which included up-and-coming actors and models.
"I just wish it wasn't so hard to find this place," Lalana said, adjusting herself on a seat at the bar between Lisa and Tina.
"Yeah," Lisa sang, "but we're here now. Let's cut the talking and get to drinking." She wiggled in her chair as the DJ spun one of Beyonce and Jay-Z's songs.
After nearly two hours of enjoying each other's company the way they used to, Lalana stepped outside to take a phone call. She knew she wouldn't be able to hear a thing if she hadn't.
"Hey, honey," she drawled.
"Where are you?" Logan asked.
"Um, girls' night out," Lalana shouted. She knew she had had one too many.
"Oh, why didn't you tell me you guys were going out? I would've sent a car. I sure hope you didn't drive."
"No way! Tina's the designee," she slurred.
"Where are you guys?"
"Um, at The Room. We've been here for a few hours now. I'm going to have Tina drop me off at home in a little while. You meeting me at my place?"
"I can, but I don't know if that's such a good idea. You sound pretty blasted to me." Logan chuckled.
"But I wanna see you!" Lalana insisted.
"Don't let those cocktails get you into trouble," he teased.
"Oh, I'm a big girl, I can handle myself."
"If you say so," Logan said.
They had made weathered the storm together. Lalana wanted Logan, and she was glad to have finally found the gem in what she had.
She laughed, remembering how she met him four months earlier. He was just some guy who couldn't let go of their high-school days.
"You gonna come?" she asked again.
"Yeah, but a part of me is wondering if I should come and pick you up from the bar. I'm not sure I'm comfortable with you hanging out and sounding like that."
"I'm fine, really, I'm fine, you just meet me at my place. Remember Tina's driving and she did have one drink when we first got here, two hours ago, but since then she's been on a water diet. Trust me, she's good. Nobody's trying to get a DUI."
"Just promise me one thing," he said.
"What's that?"
"The next time you all agree on a girls' night out, call me first. I'll send a car that way you'll have a driver and this won't be an issue, okay?"
"Ooookay," she said. "Hey Logan," she called out to him.
"Yeah?" "You're so good to me. I'm lucky to have you." She meant it from the bottom of her heart.
"No, I'm lucky to have you," he stressed. "Now get your drunk butt back in there and be home in two hours max!"
"Okay, sweetie," she sang.
Lalana felt good as she walked back into the bar. Finally, she had a man to call her own. Her path to real happiness had not been easy; but she had finally found her place.
"Hey, you ready to go?" Lisa slurred as Lalana stumbled up to the bar. "I'm try'n'ta make a booty call tonight."
"You sluts," Tina teased. "I thought we were gonna go someplace else. I can't believe you're both rushing home to hook up with some men. This is supposed to be Girls' Night Out, remember?"
"Um, yeah, and you heifers have had three hours of my time, four if you count travel time," Lalana joked. "Now I wanna go home and get a man to handle what no girl could do for me."
"'Nuff, said," Tina laughed. The three made their way outside and piled into the car.
"This was fun," Lisa sang, drunk. "We should do it more often. I mean, I know we get together and have breakfast, or go eat, but to hang like we did tonight, I think that was the best!"
"You know what?" Lalana screamed. "Logan said next time we hang, he'll send a car for us."
"What?!" cried Tina. "Why didn't you call him from the jump? You mean I could've been flying high instead of trying to find the freeway for you two drunks?"
"I didn't know," Lalana laughed.
"Well, damn," Tina said.
"Yeah, I know for next time. Benefits of having a boyfriend with a fleet of cars." Lalana leaned back in the seat, marveling at how far she had come.
There was something else Lalana was feeling: nervousness about what would happen when Tina finally dropped her off at home. There was no doubt in Lalana's mind that Logan would be waiting for her. She hoped it wasn't just liquid courage making her so horny for him.
Logan was undoubtedly sexy. And although he didn't have the ripped body of MC ROC, Logan was far from a slouch. Yet Lalana found herself suddenly wondering if he could satisfy her in the bedroom. Logan seemed to have it all: a thriving business, great attitude, and nice body. Lalana feared something had to be wrong.
"Hey drunkie," Tina yelled, startling Lalana from sleep. "Wake up back there. This is your stop."
Lalana looked around. They were at her place. She felt frozen to the seat.
"What's wrong?" Tina asked. "You scared to go home or something?"
Lalana laughed. Then, out of darkness Logan appeared and opened the car door. "Hi, ladies," he said. "How are you all this evening?"
Lalana looked into his eyes and smiled at the burning passion she found there. Her nervousness instantly vanished.
"Emph," Lisa mumbled.
"Don't do anything I wouldn't do," Tina chided as Lalana scooted across the seat and stepped out of the car and into Logan's waiting arms.
The pain was mind numbing. Lalana opened her eyes to the sensation of sumo wrestlers tap-dancing on her brain.
, she thought, and eased herself into an upright position on the bed while shielding her eyes from sunlight.
"What the fuck?" Lalana felt around and realized she had on a pair of silk pajamas. She couldn't remember putting them on. Her thoughts were disrupted by the sensation her skull was about to explode. Lalana grabbed her head and gingerly swung her legs onto the floor.
Lalana stood. Her thin legs wobbled. She went straight for the bathroom. It was a struggle to walk. She realized she was still very, very drunk.
Holding on to anything tacked to the floor, Lalana made her way to the bathroom while trying to piece together the previous night's events. She remembered Logan telling her on the phone that she should have called him. After that, everything seemed blurry.
"I need to crawl back to bed," she mumbled while squinting at herself in the mirror. She'd slept with her makeup on: eyes were ringed in black; and lipstick had smudged all around her mouth. Had Logan seen her like this? The more she tried, the less Lalana could remember.
She rinsed her mouth out with Listerine, nearly gagging when the liquid teased at her taste buds. Slowly making her way back to bed, Lalana decided to wait a few days before calling Logan. If, in fact, she had seen him last night. She couldn't be sure what happened.
Lalana finally made it back to bed. Once comfortable, she realized the light coming through the blinds was contributing to her massive headache. Lalana groaned. She pulled herself up and tried to focus on an item on the wall, hoping it would help with the spinning. She held on tightly to the nightstand, leaned over, and pulled the wooden blinds shut.
That done, Lalana pulled on a sleep mask before curling into the fetal position, and begging sleep to save her from her misery.
She heard a noise just then, and felt herself instinctively grow more alert. She snatched off her mask and looked toward the door, pulse racing.
Was someone inside her apartment? With her head thumping, Lalana's eyes darted around the room for something to use as a weapon.
"Who's there?" she yelled. "I'm calling the cops!"
Horror overcame her as her bedroom door swung open.
"Oh, Jesus!" Lalana cried, seeing Logan standing there. "You scared me!"
"I'm sorry," he smiled, "I heard you screaming. I just wanted to make sure everything was okay."
"How long have you been here?" she asked.
"Since last night, after you and your girlfriends closed down The Room," he reported coyly.
"Closed it down?" she asked.
"Didn't leave a drop of liquor." Logan chuckled.
"I can tell," she said, rubbing her forehead. "I feel like my head is about to explode."
"Well, I'm glad you're okay. The way you were last night, I wasn't sure you'd remember much."
Lalana wondered for a moment what happened between them. "Did I do anything I might regret once I sober up completely?" she asked.
Logan shook his head. "You wanted me, that's for sure." His smile turned serious. "But I begged you to wait."
"Are you for real?"
"Yup, you told me how good you are in bed, described some of your signature moves and even told me once I get a taste of your
good stuff
, you knew I'd be hooked."
"Please tell me you are joking. How embarrassing," she squealed.
"No joke." Logan raised his right hand. "Scout's honor."
"Please don't make me laugh," she cried. "I can't stand the pain." Lalana grabbed the sides of her head.
"You want me to help you with that?" Logan asked.
"Help me with what? This hangover?"
"Yup," he nodded.
"If you can make this go away, I might just make good on my promises from last night," she laughed.
"You wait here."
Logan left the room then returned with a glass. When he got close to her, she frowned. "Is that what I think it is?"
"Only if you think it's gin and juice," he chuckled.
Lalana shook her head. She didn't want to see another drink for the rest of her natural life.
"Just trust me," Logan said sincerely.
Lalana looked at him through uncertain eyes.
"After you drink this, I want you to lie back down and get some more sleep. You'll feel a whole lot better once you wake up again I promise."
Lalana got most of the drink down and eased herself back to bed. Logan lay down beside her.
"How long will it take for this to work?"
"Not long, but you need more sleep."
"So, I was coming on to you last night, huh?"
"Throwing it at me. I was dodging left and right; and trust me, it was not easy. 'Cause let you tell it, you know how to handle yours in the bed, on the floor, in the shower, you told me all of that."
"Wwwhat?" Lalana groaned, feeling her cheeks go hot. "Are you serious?"
"As a heart attack," he insisted.
"I'm so sorry." They both giggled.
"No worries." Logan put his arm around her. Lalana was amazed at how comfortable she felt with him.
"Get some sleep," he urged.
"Okay, but tell me one thing," she said.
"Yeah?" "Why didn't you? I mean, why didn't you allow me to rock your world?"
"Because I want you sober and in your right mind. I don't want you under the influence, or at least not under any drug-induced influence," he said.
"That makes sense," she said, cuddling up against him. Lalana fell asleep almost instantly, feeling completely safe and secure.
Nearly seven hours later, Lalana was sober, wide awake, and in the middle of a hot shower as Logan stood on the other side of the glass shower door. She felt nervous with he was watching her - being on display made her self-conscious. Lalana wondered what he would do next, and when he would do it. The hot water prickled her skin like fine needles, targeting just the right tight spots. She could feel the stress seeping from her pores. Lalana dipped her head back under the water and opened her mouth. When it filled, she spit the water out and glanced at Logan. Her mind raced with sexual thoughts.
Logan slid the shower door open and watched Lalana a bit longer. His eyes rolled up her legs, waist and chest. He pulled off his shirt. Lalana took a deep breath as his chest became exposed. He was a well-chiseled piece of perfection. Lalana immediately imagined lathering his muscled ridges with her tongue. But she didn't want to make the first move.
"I wanna make this
for you," he whispered.
He was mocking her, but she didn't mind. He was so gentle. Next, Logan unbuckled his pants and let them fall to the floor. The steam had completely fogged up the bathroom mirror and the air between them; but Lalana still had a clear view of Logan's boxer shorts as they slid down his legs. Logan stepped out of the pile of clothes on the floor.
"You want me to make it right?" he asked, stepping into the shower. He was so close, she could feel the heat from his skin. They stood next to each other, beneath the shower head's spray.
feel right?" Logan scooped Lalana up into his arms and kissed her hard. Lalana surrendered instantly under the power of his touch. With her feet dangling off the floor, she felt her heart race. Logan's wet hands slithered over her breasts and teased her nipples, flickering and pinching them as they stiffened. He squeezed them firmly. Lalana was sure she'd lose her mind.
He was wet, she was wetter.
"What about
?" he asked, her nipple held between his teeth.
"Yes," she cooed.
He sucked harder.
Lalana held on tight. She clawed at his back, digging her nails into his flesh.
"What about
?" Logan added more pressure, his tongue beating against her nipple.
Lalana trembled with excitement as his hands traveled down her stomach, passing her belly button and settling between her thighs.
She eased her legs open automatically and Logan's fingers swiped her slit. He used two fingers to dip into her. "
feel right to you?" He moved those fingers around, exploring her deeply.
"Um-hm," she managed through clinched teeth.
"You want me?"
Lalana nodded and let out a moan.
Logan quickly turned Lalana around and used his knee to force hers to bend. Then he pulled her up so her ass fit perfectly into the curve of his midsection. Lalana felt his hardness mix with water on the back of her thigh.
"I wanna know if
feels right to you," Logan pressed. She moaned again.
"You feel this dick?" he asked.
Lalana nodded again, water swooshing about her hair as she moved her head.
Logan propped her legs open, slipped on a condom, and slid into her from behind with ease.
"This pussy is mine," he said. "It was mine from way back in the day." He grabbed her ass, kneading and massaging it. "You just didn't know it then. But you better believe it now."
The wet clapping sounds their bodies made carried a rhythm all its own.
Lalana squeezed her eyes tighter, moaning as she accepted each of Logan's thrusts.
feel right to you?" he asked in a husky whisper, bending down to deliver a few more strokes. Then Logan spun Lalana around, hiked her up in his arms and pulled her into him, hard.
"Oh, God!" she cried.
feel right to you yet?"
She screamed, then looked Logan square in the eyes. "Oh, God, yes! Yes!"
Logan opened the shower door and stepped out with their bodies still intertwined. Lalana held on tightly as he took a few steps past the sink and carried her into the hallway, then her bedroom. With ease, Logan walked Lalana to her bed and sat down. He grabbed her thighs and pulled her onto his shaft, moved her away, then pulled her back toward him.
Lalana was on the edge. He was hitting her spot with such precision could cry.
"I want you to ride this dick," he said. "Fuck me."
Logan lay on his back and Lalana worked herself until she was completely upright. She leaned forward, licked his chest, allowed her tongue to tease his nipples, then eased up to slap her breasts around Logan's face and head. Then, slowly, Lalana wriggled her hips down over his cock.
"Oh, God!" she cried.
"I take it
feels right to you, huh?" he questioned between heavy breaths.
Lalana rode Logan hard and fast, allowing him to plow deeper into her.
"It's so wet and warm in there," he whispered, his voice was strained as though he too struggled to stay afloat.
The pleasure threatened to overtake her.
"Fuck me girl, don't be cute, fuck me hard!"
Lalana did as she was told. She worked up a sweat. Her clit bulged.
"That's right, just like that," Logan moaned.
Lalana's toes curled. She feel a tingling sensation nip at the balls of her feet.
Think different thoughts
, she told herself.
It's too soon. Think different thoughts.
Lalana struggled as she continued to move and ride him harder. She humped him. She wiggled her hips. Then she humped him some more.
"You got some good pussy," Logan grunted. "Give it to me!"
Hovering over his chest, Lalana laced her hands behind his neck and pulled him up to her breasts. He caught one in his mouth and sucked hard.
"Oh, yes! Right there!" Lalana cried. "Right there!"
The more she rode, the harder he sucked. Soon, sounds of flesh slapping and clapping together filled the room.
"This dick," she began.
"Take it girl, it's all yours! I swear, it's all yours!"
Lalana spoke incoherently, excitement coursing through her veins. Her body was drenched. She couldn't tell where the shower water ended and sweat began.
Logan licked and bit at her nipples.
She came so hard, her throat was sore from the gut- wrenching scream she released. He followed by mere seconds, climaxing with such intensity his eyes watered.
They were both overcome with an astonishing sense of joy. It was a feeling neither had experienced before. Lalana wanted to revel in it. She had found
the one
. Her heart was finally home.
Words were no longer necessary. They cuddled in the warm afterglow, and fell asleep wrapped tightly in each other's arms.