Hip Hop Heat (7 page)

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Authors: Tricia Tucker

Tags: #Romance, #Erotica, #Fiction

BOOK: Hip Hop Heat
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Chapter Fifteen

The fashion show was wrapping up when Lalana returned, sulking, to her seat near her friends.

"Where've you been?" Lisa asked. "You've missed all the good stuff."

She and Tina stood so Lalana could get to her chair. "Hey, wait, there's something on the back of your clothes," Tina said, attempting to swat the stain.

Lalana rushed to sit in her chair.

"Did you hear me? You've got some white stuff all over the back of your outfit, girl," Tina stressed.

"Yeah, um, I know, I tried to get it out, but um, I guess, it's..." finally she shrugged and put up a
don't say another word

"What's your problem?" Lisa wanted to know. "You vanish for 90 percent of the show, then you come back here in a salty mood. What gives?"? "Nothing," Lalana said, straining her neck to look toward the stage. She had no idea if MC ROC would still go on, or if he meant it when he refused to model the pink shirt.

"You wanna go to the after-party?"

"No Lisa, I don't want to go to the after-party. I'm actually ready to get up out of here now."

"What happened?" Tina insisted.


"You know, for once I'm with Lisa," Tina said. "When you left here your mood was fine. You were a little outdone with us for being late, but you were fine. Now it's like something pissed you off. What's wrong?"? "What's wrong is everyone asking me
what's wrong
," Lalana snapped. "I'm fine. Really."

As all of the models came out on stage for a grand finale bow, Lalana noticed MC ROC was not among them. Figuring he really had another commitment made her feel a little better.

"Oh, where's your rapper boyfriend?" Lisa mocked.

Lalana shrugged. "I saw him in the back, but he said he had to get to his next event."

"And why didn't you go with him?" Lisa asked. "I thought you said you didn't want to ride with us because you guys had plans afterward."

"Yeah well, plans change."

Lalana wasn't happy about MC ROC leaving her the way he did, but was determined to act understanding. Besides, she figured, she would see him soon at the CD signing; and she'd be sure to let him know she was free to roll.

why you're all pissy," Lisa said. "You know what?" She yanked Lalana by the arm and pulled her up from the chair. "OHMYGOD! Is that what I
it is all over your clothes?" she started laughing. "Tina, look," Lisa squealed and pointed.

People sitting nearby turned to look at the spectacle.

"Will you stop?!" Lalana cried.

"So you go run off with your boyfriend, he hits it, and you still not in a good mood?" Lisa laughed.

Lalana rolled her eyes. "I'm ready to go. I'll catch you guys later. I'm not in the mood to go to the after-party; especially with this mess all over my clothes."

"Why didn't you try to wash it off?" Tina asked.

"I did. There was no water in the faucet. I just need to go, seriously." Lalana stood and slid down the row.

"You leaving for real?" Lisa asked.

"Yeah. Why would I stay?"

"Umph." Lisa turned to Tina. "Well, I hope you're not ready to leave too, 'cause I wanna go to the after-party."

"That's cool," Tina said. "But I'm meeting David tonight, so when he calls I'm out!"

Lalana wondered if she would spot the Bentley if she went out back. But what would she say? What would she even do?

Since she couldn't come up with anything that sounded halfway decent, she decided she should go home and get ready for the CD signing. She told herself
would be the true indicator of where this thing with MC ROC was going.

She fought the urge to run to the back of the building when she left. Minutes before she pulled up at home, her phone rang.


"Hello yourself," Logan greeted. "How're you doing?"

"Oh, I'm good," Lalana said as she unlocked the door and walked into her house. "Just walking in."

"Well, I won't hold you up."

"Okay," Lalana said. "Well, I'm glad you called." If Logan could sense her insincerity, he didn't let on. The two hung up cordially.

Lalana took a long, hot shower, then got ready for bed. Curling up with her body pillow, Lalana began to toss and turn. She couldn't get MC ROC out of her head.

Chapter Sixteen

The day of MC ROC's CD signing, Lalana left work early. She'd finished her company's monthly in-house newsletter, signed off on a mass-mailing list, and slipped into a white silk safari-print mini-dress. She was determined to be early - if not first in line - at the event. Surprisingly, traffic on the Harbor freeway wasn't bad. Lalana zoomed down I-110, hopped on the Santa Monica Freeway, took the Fairfax exit, and headed toward the Grove. When she was finally cruising along the boulevard, Lalana allowed herself to feel excited.

She ripped open the door to the Apple store and looked around anxiously. The place was nearly empty. Lalana rushed up to the counter and nervously asked a salesperson: "Is this where MC ROC is signing copies of his new CD?"

"Ah, yes ma'am, he's here to announce the exclusive deal he's made with iPod and the downloads for the iPhone. But that's at seven this evening."

"Okay, thanks," Lalana said. She looked at her watch. Six hours to go.

She needed to do something that would allow her to keep an eye on the front of the store in case a line formed. Coach and Victoria's Secret were directly across the street. Lalana crossed the road and walked into Coach.

She'd barely gotten inside when her phone rang: Lisa.

"Hey girl, what's up?" Lalana greeted.

"Nothing, still at work, but I remember this is the day you're gonna see your man. When are you heading over there?"

"Heading over?" Lalana asked as she picked up a Leather carryall and balked at the price. "Damn."


"No, sorry girl, I'm in the Coach store and I was looking at the price on one of their new bags. You'd love it. It's purple."

"Wait, what are you doing in the Coach store in the middle of the afternoon?"

"I'm waiting on ROC," Lalana said.

"Hold up!" Lisa screamed. "Have you been holding out? Ya'all decided to get together before the signing? You didn't go to work today?"

"Dang, one question at a time," Lalana chuckled. "Yes, I went to work. I just left the office early. No, I haven't talked to ROC about our plans yet. I'm in the Coach store at the Grove, because you know he's signing his new CD at the Apple store."

"Wait a minute here," Lisa said. "Are you trying to tell me you are already out there, but it's barely three in the afternoon?"

"Yeah, I wanted to be here early. I didn't want to run the risk of showing up and having to wait in line."

"But don't you think that's a bit much? I mean, what if he's late? You know those things never start on time."

Lalana rolled her eyes. People never understood when it came to MC ROC. That's why she didn't bother telling Tina or Lisa her plans about being at the event early. She didn't need anyone to tell her it was a bit much. She already knew that.

"So lemme get this straight," Lisa said. Lalana imagined her, neck twisting as Lisa prepared to read Lalana up one side and down the other.

"You done left work early, and now you stakin' out this place hoping to catch a glimpse of this rapper?"

"Oh, you know what," Lalana said, "that's my other line. Lemme holla' at you later."

"Umph," was Lisa's only response.

Lalana strolled out of Coach and into Victoria's Secret. She imagined herself prancing around in the skimpiest lingerie for MC ROC.

In the middle of her daydream, her cell phone rang again. She didn't have to check her caller ID to know it was Tina. The way Lalana figured it, Lisa had likely called Tina immediately to relay her entire conversation.

"Y-e-es?" she greeted.

"Please tell me you are not at the Grove waiting on this man to show up," Tina begged.

"Well, since I know you already know that's exactly where I'm at and what I'm doing, why would I lie to you?"

Tina sighed.

"I don't know why you two are trippin'," Lalana said. "What's the worst that could happen? I've already screwed the man."

"Yeah, but do you wanna come off like some desperate groupie?"

"Come off to whom?" Lalana wanted to know. She was sick and tired of defending herself to her friends.

"I'm just sayin'," Tina quipped.

"Look, I need to run. I'll catch up with you later."

Nearly four hours later, Lalana was at the front of the line snaking up to a table in the back of the store. The decision to get there early had been a good move, she reassured herself. The place was packed. And instead of being late, MC ROC was early. The moment he walked into the showroom, he stopped cold in his tracks.

Their eyes met. ROC grinned and raised his eyebrows.

Lalana glowed. He looked perfect. Hair freshly lined, jewels sparkling even beneath the store's dimmed fluorescent light. A shiver of arousal swept through Lalana as she watched him.

ROC leaned over to whisper something in one of his bodyguards' ears. The bodyguard crossed the room to Lalana.

"MC ROC wants you to go wait in his car. Come wit' me."

Chapter Seventeen

The butterflies in Lalana's belly beat their wings with a vengeance. She was nervous and excited, and unable to control the storm of activity in her body and mind as she waited in the car for ROC.

Lalana had freshened up before going to the signing, but now wondered if that freshness had faded. Had her makeup worn off? Was her lipstick still like new, as the commercial had promised?

Lalana didn't know how long she had been sitting in the car. The driver (who, thank God, was not Logan) had kept the air on and was playing MC ROC's new CD. Suddenly, and much to her surprise, a group of people approached. The door opened. MC ROC slid in.

"Say, Shorty, what you know good?" he smiled.

"How are you?" She wanted to maul him.

"You know me." ROC chuckled, and leaned back into the seat. "Just chasing dat cheddar."

Lalana nodded, a nervous smile turning up the corners of her mouth.

"So where was you headed after here?" ROC asked.

"I came here to see you," she admitted.

"Yo, for real?" he asked. "Damn, that's deep."

Lalana didn't know whether he considered it a good or bad thing.

"You know, I've been thinkin' 'bout you a lot, Shorty," ROC confided.

"Why didn't you call back the other night?" she asked.

"Oh, I fell asleep."

Lalana smiled, wishing her girls could see her. For so many nights, she lay awake wondering what ROC was doing and whom he was with. Now, here he was confessing to her how much she'd been on his mind.

"So, you've been thinking about me," she giggled.

"Shorty, the way you give head, a brotha can't even help but to think 'bout you. I told you man, you got mad skills!"

Lalana's smile faded. Was he saying he only thought of her and how she had sucked him off? She tried to stop herself. There wasn't any reason to get emotional. Who cared
he thought of her? The fact was that he

"Say, since you wasn't planning on doing nothing after this, how's about you hook a brotha up real fast?"

Once again, Lalana's heart threatened to stop. Was ROC really being such a sleaze?

"Man, the way you sucked me off," he repeated, shaking his head.

Against her better judgment, Lalana reached across the seat and stroked ROC through his jeans. He quickly unzipped his pants, pulled his boxers down, and freed himself.

"You know, I cut my appearance short the minute I saw your fine ass," ROC said. "I already knew what was up!"

made Lalana feel good. ROC reached up and palmed her breasts. She was already hot for him. Lalana took him in her hand and felt his muscle pulsate. Her intense hand job instantly brought ROC's erection to life.

Lalana eased herself on to her knees. "Your dick is so damn pretty," she cooed.

MC ROC beamed. Lalana plastered his neck and shoulders with wet kisses as she continued to stroke him. When she finally leaned forward, Lalana stuck her tongue out to lick just the tip. Her eyes darted upward to ROC's to gauge his reaction. The look on his face was intense. Lalana felt herself get hot.

She took one hand and started rubbing his balls. Lalana wanted to take her time, work slow, and make it last. She wasn't in any hurry.

Lalana made a point to memorize the way he tasted, so she could pull up this memory and relive it over and over again while alone and missing him. She made note of the texture of ROC's skin; the way his muscle responded to her, growing with every stroke of her tongue.

"Work that shit, girl, work it," he whispered.

And she did. Lalana wrapped her lips around ROC, sucked hard, and licked him like he was a dripping-wet popsicle on a hot summer afternoon. With her tongue, Lalana used his pre-come to swoosh around the head. She felt him jerk a bit.

"Damn, girl!" he cried.

Lalana focused on the tip of ROC's cock. He wiggled his hips and began thrusting. As she sucked, her hands continued to rub his balls. She had him right where she wanted him.

When Lalana finally plunged her head down all the way and swallowed as much of him as she could, she felt ROC's leg. She tugged on his sack, hoping to prevent him from getting too excited. She bobbed up and down on his large shaft while pacing herself.

The plan was to build him up, then ease up just before he exploded. She enjoyed bringing this larger-than-life entertainer to his knees.

"Oh, shit, girl," he grunted.

Lalana sucked harder and harder, faster and faster, tongue swirling. She wanted him to come hard.

"Oh shit, girl, get it."

When he grabbed the back of Lalana's head and guided her up and down, she became even more excited. Her head spun dizzily. ROC tugged at the sides of her head. His body tensed.

"Ooooh shiiiiit!"

When he deposited the last gush of juices onto her lips, she felt truly satisfied.

"Damn, that shit was live!" he declared. "You did the damn thang!" MC ROC breathed hard.

Lalana eased back up and marveled at her own work. The car was riding along the highway. She didn't know where they were headed, but didn'care. She was focused on riding ROC through the night.

His phone rang. "Yeah, dawg, of course I'm ready to roll," he said, leaning forward and tapping on the car's divider.

The driver rolled down the partition. "You ready, big boss?"

"Yup," ROC answered. "Lemme see where we droppin' her." He adjusted his pants. "Look," he said to Lalana, "I got a plane to catch in less than an hour. Where we droppin' you, Shorty?"

She could only imagined the disappointment on her face. It wasn't until MC ROC asked the question a second time that Lalana found her voice. "Um, oh, my car is parked right here at the Grove."

"Oh, shit! That's whassup!" he yelled. He leaned forward again, and spoke to the driver. The car quickly pulled a U-turn.

Lalana felt like a fool. She just gave this man the best head of his life and he was all but kicking her out of his car?

"I'm glad you came out, I'll holla' at you next time," he said.

As Lalana climbed out of the car, she was too stunned and hurt to ask when next time might be. The walk back to her car was the longest and loneliest she'd ever taken.

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