Hiring Cupid (24 page)

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Authors: Jane Beckenham

BOOK: Hiring Cupid
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. Rosaria thought to end her life, or at least to try would bring him back."

"And has it?"

"No,” he admitted with sadness. “She has gone back to Italy to heal her wounds. She won't bother us again."

"Good,” Carly affirmed.

"My love, you are the one for me. You are my heart, my life. I fought hard to resist. I struggled to understand love. I didn't want to believe it, tried to ignore my heart. I couldn't. It wouldn't let me."

"So you forced me back."

Guilt washed over Marco, but he knew the accusation was deserved. “I was determined to use anything to get you back. I know it was harsh, but I was a desperate man."

"And desperate people use desperate measures,” Carly added.

"It was the ‘
’ word."


"It was foreign to me, an emotion I had dodged with ruthless determination for years. But once you came into my life, lighting up my heart and soul, love grabbed me when I wasn't expecting it. The way I feel for you threw me. It was a new experience, something I wasn't sure how to handle. I was scared. Can you forgive me? I never meant to hurt you. I only want to love you."

Marco waited. How he loved this woman. He prayed to the gods for forgiveness, that she could love him enough.

"You want my forgiveness?"

He nodded. “Desperately."

"Well,” she hesitated, then her eyes lit up with a twinkle. “I love you, too, Marco Valente, though like you I fought hard against it. My father disappeared when I was a child and I grew up with a string of ‘uncles', while my sisters’ constant stream of men didn't impress me much either. It warned me off men. I thought they were unreliable and I determined I would ‘go it alone’ and be independent."

"And my trying to blackmail you didn't improve the image I bet."

Carly gave him a sheepish grin. “But how can a woman resist a knight in shining armor?"

"Your car?"

"Mm. The fates were with me that night. Oh, Marco, I love you. I always have, and will. I want you to be in our baby's life."

Tears glistened in Carly's eyes and his heart broke in two. “Shush, don't cry,” he pleaded, brushing away the sprinkle of teardrops. “To think I have done this to you."

"No, it's not you. Giving birth, seeing your joy at becoming a father is wonderful, but tinged too with sadness. I may not have liked my father's desertion, but it hasn't stopped me loving him. Not really, not deep down. And yet he left me with the belief that when a woman loves a man, that man eventually breaks her heart and leaves her."

Marco walked to the window and stared for the briefest moment down into the car park, watching patients and visitors alike, intent on their business. He turned back to Carly. She had to believe him. “You question what I want? Carly, you are my life. I want you in it forever. I was a fool. My mother has a penchant for husbands, giving me too many fathers that weren't particularly fond of having someone else's offspring hampering their lives.” Marco grimaced as he finally doused the mental pictures of his tormented childhood once and forever. Carly squeezed his hand slightly, encouraging him, giving him the confidence to carry on.

"Mother loved all her husbands. However, sending me off to distant relations in Italy wasn't conducive to giving me a good idea of family life, or a good impression of fathers. I vowed never to marry, never to have a child and risk putting an innocent life through that much heartbreak."

Carly's face froze. “Never marry?"

"Until I met someone who needed a gigolo."

"I never asked for a gigolo,” she laughed.

"Well, this woman needed a cupid, a mystery man to play Romeo and I decided I wanted a change of job for a while."

"Only for a while?"

Marco's expression softened. “Do not be afraid,

"I'm not."

"I see the hint of fear pass across your beautiful eyes,
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. But you see, my new job has rather good conditions with it. Ones I cannot resist. Believe me, my heart and my soul are with you and our daughter."

"Sounds perfect."

"Doesn't it?” he said smiling. “You love me?"

Carly looked up at him from beneath lashes that framed her teasing smile.

"Absolutely,” she affirmed.

Marco's overriding fear vanished into thin air, and his heart swelled with pride and love. “C
, my heart, I thought you hated me for forcing you into a marriage you didn't want. I'm so sorry. I had no idea you were protecting your heart, thinking I didn't care for you."

"Just as you were."

"Hmm,” he agreed. “Though I didn't know it. My brain refused to listen to my heart for far too long."

"And now?"

"Now, dear wife...” And he took her hands in his once more and idly rubbed his finger over her wedding band. It thrilled him to realize she was still wearing it. “You see, this employer holds a power over me which is unbreakable. She holds me in her loving heart, forever. Carly, I love my job as your husband, father to our daughter. I'd like to keep the job for the rest of my days, if you'll have me."

She didn't reply straight away and a sudden panic gripped his heart.
Please say yes. Please.
As the silence lingered, Marco realized he'd never prayed so hard in his life, but then, he'd never wanted someone so much, or loved so deeply as he loved his wife.

"When we parted at the heliport I never thought I'd ever see you again. Then you turn up demanding marriage because of the baby. Marriage wouldn't have happened if I'd not been pregnant,” she challenged.

"No!” Marco dragged a hand through his hair. He had to make her believe. “All those months after our time on the island, I was a wreck. I couldn't stop thinking about you, couldn't sleep because you filled my dreams, taunted me with your delicious body. I wanted you."

"For sex,” Carly countered.

"No! Well,” and he grinned, “not only sex, although your body,
cara mia,
lights a fire in me that simmers eternally. But it was more than that, though I tried to avoid admitting to myself exactly what I felt. I had no idea how to find you and when you turned up in my office, I decided to not let you get away, though I fought an internal battle. Remember, I went through the all Masons in the phone book to find you, and that was prior to knowing about our child. And although I was scared of marriage, I want us bound to each other eternally. Our daughter has made it extra precious to me. Something I would not change for anything."

He held his breath. It seemed as if the world had stopped. Everything hinged on Carly, on her accepting him, loving him.

"Do you mean it, Marco? Really mean it?"

He heard her hesitation, her fear. And it was all his fault. He needed to put it right—for both of them.

"You've taken a huge step in letting me into your life, Carly Valente,” he said.

But his desperation was insidious, gnawing at his gut, and at his heart. Words were easy, slipping off the tip of his tongue. He needed to show his wife how much he loved her.

Raising her hands in his he kissed them and then knelt down on one knee.

A traditional proposal for a man who had discovered joy and trust and hope—but above all true love. Marco smiled at the irony of it all, suddenly aware of an overwhelming tide of emotion. He rested his gaze on his beautiful wife. “Yes, I mean it,
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. With all my heart. Please, be my wife...” Suddenly all words died in his throat. He had tried. Now he prayed—for forgiveness, for acceptance, for her love.

Slowly, as if wiped away by his words and deeds, all the tension in her eyes and the tinge of icy reserve that she had clung to in her uncertainty vanished, replaced by a trace of a smile.

Finally, he could breathe.

All was well.

"Let's see,” she said as her smile increased, wiping all Marco's worries away. “You get to sleep with the boss and make babies with the boss. Pretty good job."

"It is,” he agreed.

"Then, as long as you can keep up those foot massages, you'll make the best husband in the world, Marco Valente. Now is definitely the perfect time for love."


Carly stared down in wonderment at the tiny morsel of human life cradled in her arms. Only a few hours old, her daughter Ruby Angelina Valente gurgled joyfully, a halo of dark auburn wispy hair surrounding her heart-shaped face. Carly touched her small cheek and Ruby's eyes shot open. Deepest sapphire blue stared back at her.

"She's adorable."

,” Marco whispered, so close his warm breath fanned her cheek. Carly felt the familiar heat fire in her veins and a soft burst of laughter escaped her lips.

"Your eyes, and my hair."

"A formidable concoction,” he agreed.

"Where is she?” Daphne burst into the room, a five foot two dynamic whirlwind that nothing could stall. Marco's grin spread even further.

"See, I told you so,” Daphne inferred.

"Mother,” he warned gently.

Daphne gave him a knowing look and when Carly looked at her husband, he merely shrugged, although she saw the flicker of crimson stain beneath his tan.

"I believe I have you to thank for such sage advice to your son,” Carly intervened, saving her husband further grief.

"Of course. Isn't that what mother-in-laws are for? Love comes in many forms, and sometimes it takes a while to recognize it,” she offered, giving Carly's hand a squeeze. “Now I must see my granddaughter.” Daphne leaned over Ruby. “May I?” She held out her arms, eagerly waiting to hold her first grandchild.

Carly handed over Ruby, feeling a wave of loss as she placed her daughter in her grandmother's arms.

"Now darling,” Daphne cooed. “You've got so much to look forward to. First, there's Grandfather Carlo. I can tell you so much about him, so many stories. Then there's Grandfather Fred, but I think Maurie wants to be called Poppa, so at least that won't lead to confusion."

Marco rolled his eyes and Carly struggled to hide her laughter.

There was a soft knock at the door just then and Marco went to open it. He turned back to Carly for a moment, his look searching, before whispering to whoever was outside. He shut the door and came back over to her.

"I have a surprise for you."

"Really? A baby and a surprise in one day,” she laughed. “I'm not sure I can handle all this fun."

Marco turned and re-opened the door to her room and an elderly man walked in.

"Hello copper top.” Smiling sheepishly, her father stepped toward her. “I hear you made me a grandfather today."

"Daddy!” Tears sprung instantly and Carly wiped at her eyes with the back of her hand. Her mouth trembled and the hurt of days long gone revisited in one painful rush.

Marco saw her hurt, and wrapped an arm around her shoulders. “Your father and I have talked. We have an understanding,” he said seriously. “He knows he cannot come in and out of your life at will. I will not let him do that to you again, or our child."

"I'm sorry sweetheart, I never meant to hurt you."

"I know. Oh, Daddy."

"I'd like to stay. Get to know you again. If you'll let me."

Carly looked up at her father. His face was aged with the lines of a hard life; the gentle eyes she remembered filled with joy were duller now.

Carly turned to her husband who gave her a reassuring nod. “We'd like you to stay."

Daphne batted her lashes towards her father. “Oooh, I do so love all that Irish red hair."

"Mother, not again,” Marco warned.

Agog, Carly giggled. “Your mother looks like she's reassessing her options."

Marco rolled his eyes and shrugged.

"You organized this?” Carly asked of her husband.

. You don't mind? I started to look for him the day we were married after seeing you walk down the aisle alone. I only hope I've done the right thing. Today, of all days a daughter must have her father at his side. I have my daughter. I prayed your father wanted to be reunited with his."

"Oh Marco,” Carly wept with joy. “Now was just the right time. A new life, time to heal wounds, a time for love,” she said wrapping her arms around her husband's neck and pulling him to her. Hungrily she sought his lips, tasting and savoring his kisses as if she never wanted it to end.

And she didn't.

The End.
About the Author:

Author Jane Beckenham lives in New Zealand and first found literature as a teenager during the many months she spent in hospital. In books she discovered dreams, hopes, and stories that inspired a love of travel. Years later, after a blind date, Jane found her own true love and married eleven months later.

Life has been a series of “dreams” for Jane. She believes she can “just do it". Dreaming about walking again, dreaming of raising a family and adopting her girls from Russia, dreaming of writing.

With her family growing up, her life—apart from scraping every moment she can at the computer—is a round of playing Mum's taxi service, all the while wondering what her hero and heroine are up to behind her back! Writing is Jane's addiction ... and it sure beats housework.

Visit Jane's website: www.janebeckenham.com

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