His Betrayal Her Lies (18 page)

Read His Betrayal Her Lies Online

Authors: Angel de'Amor

Tags: #pregnant, #chicago, #affair, #mistress, #adultery, #deception, #african american woman, #unfaithfulness, #books we love, #african american lovers, #his child by another woman

BOOK: His Betrayal Her Lies
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When he opened the door, Kalon reached out
and took the overnight bag off her shoulders, hugging her tightly.
He became lost in the familiar smell of peaches that he remembered
from the first time he met her. But he was lingering too long in
the embrace. He pulled back.

“Hello, Taylor. You look nice.”

“Thanks, Kalon. You look good too, as

He ushered her inside, helped her out of her
coat. Taylor decided to wear something more causal—a pair of fitted
blue jeans a white Kardashian T- shirt and a pair of black riding
boots. He walked her straight to the kitchen. Taylor joked about
there being so many boxes of food on the table. “Who else is coming
to dinner, Kalon? That’s enough for me, you, and two other

With a boyish smile, he played along. “Barak
and Michelle Obama are in the back washing up for dinner and Jay-Z
and Beyoncé should be here any minute.”

“Oh, I guess I should have dressed for
occasion,” Taylor said with a chuckle.

After Taylor said grace, she helped him open
up the boxes of food. “Sweet and sour chicken, Kung Pao shrimp,
vegetable chop suey, pepper steak. Dang, Kalon, when you asked me
what my favorite Chinese dishes were, I didn’t know you were going
to bring all of them home. I don’t know where to start.”

“How about a little dab of everything for
starters?” Kalon picked up her plate and began loading it with a
small helping of everything. He laid the plate down in front of her
and handed her a pair of chopsticks. Filling his plate up, he
steered clear of the spicier dishes.

She fingered a shrimp with her chopstick and
popped it in her mouth. “Ummm, now that’s good and spicy.” She
reached for her glass to wash away the heat.

“I don’t know how you can eat that. I mean, I
like hot stuff,” he winked, “just not in my food.” Taylor chose to
let that sly comment slide.

They ate until they couldn’t take another
bite. Kalon got up and stretched out on the floor, lying on his
back. He beckoned for Taylor. She took her boots off and lay down
on the floor beside him.

They laid there in silence listening to the
soft music for a few minutes before Kalon spoke. “I really enjoy
spending time with you, Taylor.”

She rolled over in his direction and propped
her head up with her hand. “I enjoy spending time with you,

Kalon moved closer and pulled her to him.
They laid staring into each other’s eyes and breathing heavily.
Kalon’s mind was telling him to take it slow but his body was
telling him to make a move. Passion was in her eyes. He had her
just where he wanted her.

Her hair fell in her face. With a light
touch, he moved it behind her ears. As he began tracing her full
lips with his index finger, her lips parted slightly and he stuck
his finger inside her mouth. Taylor sucked on the tip of his finger
lightly. His lips were mere inches from hers. If he didn’t take her
now, it felt like he would die. He smashed his lips to hers and
they licked, sucked, and kissed until breathing became

Sitting up, Kalon looked at her longingly. He
slowly undressed her, never breaking eye contact. Taylor lay fully
exposed and ready. Kalon stood and undressed quickly, taking a
condom out his wallet and setting it next to them. He wanted to
take his time and explore her body. After all, this was going to be
the last time he saw it.

“Damn, you’re so beautiful,” Kalon whispered
into her ear. He showered her face and neck with little small
kisses. When he reached her breast, he took a mouthful.

Taylor arched her back off the floor. She
started to tremble and Kalon looked up.

“Are you okay? You know we don’t have to do
this if you’re not ready.”

“No, I do. I want to do this.” She reached up
and brought his face to hers. They started to kiss again. Kalon
inserted one of his fingers into her vagina to see if she was
ready; she was. She raised her hips off the floor.

Removing his fingers, he shielded himself
with the condom. Careful not to put all his weight on her, he got
on top and eased slowly inside.

She started moaning louder and clawing at his
back. He went deeper, until he was fully inside. He stopped moving
to let her adjust to his size and kissed her closed eyelids until
they fluttered open.

“I don’t want you to miss any of this,” he
whispered. He started to move slowly inside of her. “Are you okay,
baby?” He kept moving in and out of her tiny frame.

“Yes,” she said breathlessly. Kalon started
to tongue kiss her and his pumps grew faster and more urgent. He
flipped over onto his back and Taylor positioned herself on top and
started to ride him. Head back, she bounced up and down. In one
fluid motion, she flipped her body around and now her back was
facing him and she was riding him backwards.

Kalon’s mouth fell open and he almost came
right then and there. He never experienced that sexual move from
any one of his women.

He turned her on her stomach and entered her
from behind, playing with her clit while he pumped inside of her.
They both were covered in sweat and the only sound was from their
bodies hitting one another. Kalon felt a warm feeling brewing in
the pit of his stomach and he knew he was about to release. Taylor
reached in between her legs and rubbed his dick as it came in and
out of her. He lost it. In unison, Taylor let out a loud cry and
Kalon roared like a lion.

Trying to catch his breath, Kalon fell on
Taylor’s back. In his wildest dreams, he didn’t expect Taylor, as
prim and proper as she appeared, would be this great in bed. The
girl had skills. He rolled off of her and onto his back, pulling
her onto his chest. Not even sixty seconds went by before he heard
a light snore from her. Taylor was fast asleep. He looked down at
her, his breath making her hair blow across her face. Turning to
look out into the Chicago night sky, he felt a sharp pain in his
chest. He had that same sensation the night he kissed her at the
club. He rubbed his chest in that area.

He inched over until Taylor’s head rested on
a pillow he had taken off the couch. Without a doubt, he was going
to have to put some distance between them. Come morning, she would
be gone from his life.

Kalon awoke the next morning to find himself
spooning Taylor from behind. “I must have been sleepwalking,” he
thought as he wracked his brain trying to remember getting up to
get the fleece blanket that covered them. Snuggled up against her
ass, he felt himself becoming hard again. She must have felt his
dick getting harder, too, because she started to awake slowly.

“I see someone wants some more,” she said in
a groggy voice.

This was a major violation of his one-time
rule, but Kalon just had to be inside her one more time. He dropped
a few kisses on her shoulder blade and entered her from behind.
Being so close to her, he couldn’t think straight. All he wanted to
do was take her over and over again. He rocked his hips back and
forth. Taylor caught on to his rhythm.


* * *


Kalon felt Taylor moving his arm off her
chest. For the fourth time that day, they stirred from sleep,
sprawled out on the floor naked after sinfully good sex.
probably has to pee.
He cracked his eyes open just enough to
see her stand and put on the white T-shirt he had thrown across the
chaise in the corner. She walked softly across his steel floors in
the direction of the bathroom. Kalon remained frozen in place,
pretending to be asleep.

When Taylor returned to the living room and
started picking her clothes off the floor, Kalon opened his eyes
fully and saw her bent over trying to put on her shoes. With no
panties on, her ass was in full view beneath his T-shirt.

“Come here, baby.”

Taylor jumped at the sound of his voice, no
doubt thinking that he was still dozing. She moved slowly in his
direction. He pulled her down to the floor.

“You were going to leave without saying

Touching his jaw then swirling a finger in
his curly chest hair, she answered, “No, I was going to wake you
before I left.”

Kalon reached up and kissed her lips. She let
out soft moans of pleasure. He moved to her earlobe and kissed her
there, then planted a few kisses on her nose and her forehead.

“I have to go, Kalon.”

“Noooo, baby, please stay.” Kalon whined.
Small kisses up and down her neck drew a sigh from Taylor. She
tried to pull back.

“I thought you have to go to New York

Lips never leaving her neck, his husky voice
replied, “That’s this evening.” He pulled Taylor on top of him.

“Okay, I’ll stay until it’s time for you to

Kalon pulled the T-shirt over her head. When
she started to ride him again, he closed his eyes. He didn’t know
what was so different about Taylor that he couldn’t get her out of
his system. He wasn’t sure he was ready to see what it was

The trip to New York couldn’t come at a
better time. It would give him a chance to get his thoughts and
body back under control from this spell Taylor had cast on him.




Chapter 14


Back-to-back meetings were lined up for
Taylor on this typical Monday morning. Mrs. Tab was still out of
the office on family medical leave with her husband, and the new
assistant from the temp agency was a complete dingbat.

The woman, who looked to be in her early
twenties, was never at her desk. Here it was after three o’clock,
and when Taylor walked by Mrs. Tab’s desk, the day’s mail was still
there, unopened. The replacement had been away from her desk most
of the day, with the phone ringing off the hook. Taylor was tired
of the nonsense. She made a mental note to call the agency this
evening and get a new worker. Taylor grabbed the pile of mail off
the desk and took it to her office, intending to sift through it
first chance she got.

Sitting down and laying her head against her
plush black leather chair Taylor closed her eyes and relived her
rendezvous with Kalon. Entering that bathroom she had sat on the
toilet and placed her head in her hands. A few tears flowed from
her eyes at the idea of her giving herself to another man besides
her husband. She had flushed the toilet to make it seem that she
had used it and stared in the mirror behind the bathroom door. She
had admired herself turning from side to side to see if she looked
any differently because she surely felt different. Her heart was
heavy and she wondered if this how cheaters felt once they had
crossed that line of adultery.

The afternoon sun was beaming through the
window in Taylor’s office. She got up and adjusted the blinds
before sitting back down at her desk.

When she checked her messages, it was no
surprise that the first ten were from Ari. As was her habit, she
hit delete on every single one. She was tired of listening to his
predictable excuses. It would start off with him apologizing and
asking her if he could come back home. Then came the ones with a
more challenging tone, where he told her he was tired of begging
and if she wanted a divorce, he would grant her that. Inevitably,
that kind of message would be followed by another call saying he
didn’t mean it and he would give her the space that she needed. In
this batch of voicemails, he had also thrown in one saying that he
was going out of town for a few weeks and wanted to have dinner
when he returned.

Do what you have to do, Ari. Maybe when you
get back, I’ll know what I have to do.

Taylor’s mother had called a few times, too.
Taylor wasn’t ready to talk to her yet either. She flipped open the
male models portfolio Pam had given her. They were looking for a
handsome man to grace the cover of Dynasty Magazine’s December
issue. The first page she turned to was a picture of Idris Elba
“bingo”. If they put Kalon on it, they wouldn’t be able to keep
magazines on the shelves. They would sell out in a heartbeat,
thanks to all the women who worship the great Kalon Knight.

“You’d better watch your step so you don’t
become one of them,” Taylor cautioned herself. Kalon wasn’t looking
to be tied down, and neither was she. Even if she did want
something serious with him, she couldn’t do anything about it until
she dealt with her marriage. Not telling him the truth about her
marital status was killing her but she figured once she told him,
the chase would be over—and she wasn’t quite sure she was ready to
give up Kalon Knight just yet

Eight-by-ten glossies in the portfolio she
was skimming through showed her one handsome face after another.
She flipped the pages slowly, then picked up the phone and called
her publicist. She couldn’t have her boy-toy grace the front of her
magazine cover; she might as well try to get the substitute.


* * *


Kalon stood on the curb of JFK Airport trying
to flag down a taxi. He never liked coming to New York because it
was so busy and congested. The cab drivers drove like maniacs and
people rushed through the streets, bumping each other and
pick-pocketing. Chicago wasn’t too far from being the same but at
least they still had morals.

A taxi finally pulled up in front of him, but
when he reached for the door, a tall slim brown-complexioned woman
grabbed the handle first. Her hair was short and spiked liked Halle
Berry’s. Just the right sized boobs and butt gave her the look of a
Just my type

“I’m sorry, were you going to take this cab?”
she asked with a wide smile.

“Uh, naw, you can have it,” Kalon said.

“Are you sure, sir?”

“Yeah, it’s fine. Let me help you with your
bags.” The driver popped the hood and Kalon placed her two rolling
suitcases in the trunk. As he walked back to the curb and held his
hand up to flag down another cab, the woman rolled down her

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