His Big Reveal: An Interracial BWWM Billionaire Romance (BWWM Alpha Males) (11 page)

BOOK: His Big Reveal: An Interracial BWWM Billionaire Romance (BWWM Alpha Males)
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Jessa didn't know much about Aileen. Only that Jace really cared for her. They'd been engaged the last time that she'd heard.


She didn't know what to say. Jessa felt bad for even bringing it up now. She pushed her chair back before she walked over to him. Wrapping her arms around his waist, she held him tightly. Jace sighed. He patted her hand before he cleared his throat.


“Are you hungry? I can make you some breakfast too.”


“Breakfast sounds good,” she said happy to be changing the subject.


Jace nodded. Wanting to give him some space, she wandered into the living room with her coffee mug. She flipped on the tv, sighing as she settled on the couch comfortably. A few minutes later, Jace emerged from the kitchen looking accomplished.


“Here you go,” he said as he handed her a plate.


“Thank you,” Jessa said with a smile.


The woman couldn't remember the last time that she'd had someone else cook breakfast for her. Generally for her, breakfast consisted of a bagel, coffee and a piece of fruit. Jace had made eggs, toast, bacon and half a grapefruit for her.


Jessa laughed. “I can't believe you remember what I like.”


Jace shrugged. “I've always noticed things about you.”


Jessa felt herself blush. She focused her attention on her food instead. Both of them cleared their plates in record time. Jessa pushed her plate onto the coffee table, running a hand over her belly.


“I'm stuffed,” she groaned.


“Me too,” Jace said with a nod. He turned to her. “Now what do we do?”


“Well,” she said with a sigh. “We're stuck here. We could watch movies?”


Jace nodded. “I could deal with that.


“First, I need a shower,” she said as she pushed herself up from the couch. “I'll be back.”


Jessa headed into the bathroom. She shed her clothes before stepping into the shower. The water washed over her skin, making her sigh as the heat of the water contrasted with the chill of the room. When she stepped out, she wrapped a thick towel around her body before she drifted to her bedroom.


“What are you doing in here?” She asked, irritation creeping into her voice.


“The cable went out. I was just grabbing this,” he said holding up her laptop.


“Oh,” she said, relaxing. “I have to get dressed.”


Jace held up a hand. “I'm leaving.”


As he brushed past her, his fingers ran over her arm. An involuntary shiver ran through her. She spun around to see him grinning as he walked down the hall.


Jessa scoffed. She tried to forget the way her skin tingled at his touch. It had been over a year since she'd last been with someone. Not through lack of them trying, but she wasn't interested. Her studies came first.


That and they were all terribly boring.


The men on campus seemed to come from two schools of behavior. One group only cared about chugging beers, sports and partying. The other group was all about sounding superior and being full of themselves. Neither group suited her, so she generally kept to herself.


Now, she felt an odd feeling emerging that had been dormant for some time. She'd had a crush on Jace for years as a teenager, always admiring the things he talked about, the way he moved, his voice when he sang. Jessa shook her head. It couldn't happen. He was her brother's best friend. Things could only end badly.


“Look what I found!” Jace said excitedly as she walked into the living room. He was holding up a bottle of red wine that she'd tucked away. “Want a glass?”


“Oh, I forgot about that. I've been saving it for a day off. Sounds perfect.”


“Pick a movie,” Jace called as he retrieved two wine glasses.


Jessa picked a romantic comedy, Love Hurts. It was cheesy, but funny. She'd probably watched it a million times, but it was her favorite movie. She thought that Jace would reject it for sure or make fun of her. Instead, he sat down, poured both of them a glass and handed one to her.


Jace laughed through several of the scenes as they watched. Jessa couldn't help the grin that had crept onto her lips. He was kind of sweet and innocent looking when he wasn't causing trouble. The wine bottle was polished off well before the movie ended. Jessa was feeling warm, buzzy. She slipped the sweatshirt she'd been wearing from over her head.


Out of the corner of her eye, she caught Jace eyeing her. Immediately, she felt self conscious. Jessa crossed her arms in front of the tank top that she wore. Laughing, Jace leaned over to her.


“I've seen them before,” he whispered.


“Don't remind me,” she groaned.


The night she'd tried drinking two years ago was still fresh in her mind, most of it anyway. The next morning she'd been stumbling out of the shower when she'd run into Jace. Jessa had instantly freaked out as he stared at her in surprise and then promptly burst into a fit of laughter.


“Why? You look good,” he said as his eyes roamed over her.


Jessa wasn't sure what came over her. She was leaning forward, her mouth moving against his. Jessa was almost sure that Jace would pull away, stop her. He didn't. He placed his hands on her cheeks, his tongue slipping into the warmth of her mouth.


The next thing she knew, Jace's hands were roaming freely over her body. She craved his touch, wanted more of it as he pulled her shirt over her head. The loose bun that had sat on top of her head came down, her hair spilling over her shoulders as Jace's fingers removed her bra.


He took his time admiring her body. Jace's lips left kisses over her breasts until he ran his tongue over her nipples. Jessa shivered, her back arching as if to enjoy every moment of the sensation. Jace moved back only long enough to pull his shirt off, his pants and boxers quickly following.


Jessa moaned as she watched him undress. Every inch of his tanned skin was strong, muscled. She reached out a hand, ran her palm over his firm abs. Her fingernails raked over his flesh making him bite his lip as he gazed down at her.


Jace moved forward, pulling the shorts and panties from Jessa's slender frame. He settled between her thighs, his hands pushing her legs apart. The first stroke of Jace's tongue over her flesh made a moan erupt from her throat. He teased her, kept her on the edge only to back off once more. Jessa's fingers tangled into his black hair.


When he came up for air, he leaned over her body. She felt his cock hard between her thighs. Jessa held her breath as he pressed his length inside of her. She let out a long breath, moaning as he filled her up inch by inch. His length twitched, throbbed inside of her making her crave him.


Jace started out slowly, the rocking of his hips almost hypnotic. The sound of Jessa's moans filled the living room. He leaned down, his lips finding hers as he picked up speed. His thrusts became deeper, more powerful. She cried out, her legs wrapping around his waist.


Moaning, he ran his fingers over her breasts, rolling her nipples between them. He grabbed her, slipping his cock out of her for a moment. She groaned in frustration. Jessa didn't want the feeling to end. Jace moved Jessa to her knees, his hands gripping her hips as he thrust into her.


She cried out, moaning as his thrusting picked up speed. Jessa gripped the couch tightly, her toes curling as he stroked her spot again and again. Her orgasm had built up, waiting to be released since his teasing had began. Now, she was consumed by it, the pleasure flooding her body, her senses.


Jace moaned as his cock throbbed within her. His hands tightened on her hips. When he thrust into her one last time, she felt his body tighten against hers as he filled her up. She moaned. The sensation made her cum again, her legs shaking.


Slowly, Jace slipped out of her. Jessa's breathing was slowly returning to normal as he helped her up. Laughing, he helped her to the bathroom, turning on the shower when they stepped inside.


“What's so funny?” She panted.


“Oh, nothing,” he said with a grin. “Just your trembling legs.”


Jessa slapped his arm making him laugh again. He helped her into the shower. Together, they got cleaned up before spilling out of the tub again, fresh and a little more sober. Jace wrapped a towel around her.


“Food?” He asked.






The weeks seemed to fly by. All the while, they fell into a routine. Jace had found a job working as a mechanic. When she came home in the evenings, he left her to her studies. When she was done it was work, then back home again. There they'd watch movies, cook and usually end up in her bedroom. They didn't even try to keep up appearances anymore, Jace had moved all of his things into her room.


There was one thing that they hadn't done. Both of them agreed that it was best not to tell anyone about the relationship. They were both afraid that Jacob would freak out if he knew what was going on. Jessa was positive that her parents would. Jace, for as long as he'd been around, would never be someone they'd want Jessa with. Her mom had told her as much when she tried to get her to date doctors, lawyers, accountants.


Whenever Jacob came over, they reverted to old habits. Jessa rolled her eyes, Jace made smart comments. As soon as he left however, they were back in each other's arms. They decided that if the relationship went past a few months, then they'd tell other people.


The chill of November turned into full blown winter as the months progressed. By February, they were used to the cold and mounds of snow that fell. There was only one problem.


“What does it say?” Jace asked nervously as he paced outside of the bathroom door.


“Still another minute to go,” Jessa replied, staring at the white test lying on the counter in front of her.


Jessa had placed the paper from the pregnancy test box on top of the test. She was too afraid to look. Her heart beat out of her chest as she slowly lifted the paper. As if she'd been bitten, she dropped it back down.


“I can't wait anymore,” Jace said stepping into the bathroom.


He moved over to the counter, ripping up the paper. Jace froze. Jessa scanned his face, watching his reaction. The man took a step away from the test, his hands running over his face.


“What do we do now?” Jessa asked softly.


“What do you want to do?” Jace asked.


She shrugged. “I don't know.”


Jace took her hands in his. He took a deep breath before a smile slipped onto his face. “Whatever you decide, we'll be okay. You know that right?”


Jessa leaned forward, falling into his kiss. He wrapped his arms around her, comforting her. Jessa sighed. She was afraid. What would she do now? There was still years of school left, she still had to work. Her parents would lose it.


Jace didn't prod her as Jessa weighed her options. Instead, he was silently around. He would rub her feet after a long day, cook her food or bring her snacks at school. Two weeks later, she sat beside him on the couch. She took a deep breath.


“Let's have the baby.”


Jace's eyes went round. “Really?”


“Do you want to?”


“Of course,” he said, kissing her. “I love you.”


Jessa blushed. “I love you too.”


“We'll set up an appointment this week. But,” he said taking her hands in his, “we're going to have to tell everyone soon. You won't be able to hide it forever,” he said nodding to her small, protruding belly.


“I know,” she groaned. “What if they hate me?”


“I doubt they'll hate you. Besides, you'll always have me.”

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