His Big Reveal: An Interracial BWWM Billionaire Romance (BWWM Alpha Males) (13 page)

BOOK: His Big Reveal: An Interracial BWWM Billionaire Romance (BWWM Alpha Males)
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Chapter Two

Nina sat on the back deck of the house that used to belong to her sister and watched the sun slowly creep higher and higher in the sky. Kyle’s tennis court was below and she sipped her coffee thinking about how she was so much like that when she was his age. Nothing but tennis mattered in her life and she was happy to spend every free moment working on her serve, footwork and ball strikes. Then she met Evan and thought she’d found a kindred spirit.
She’d never been so wrong before or since.

“Penny for your thoughts?”

She looked up to find Evan leaning against the bannister and looking sexier than any man had a right to at ten in the morning. His blonde waves were blowing in the ocean breeze with that lazy smile beaming at her. “My thoughts are worth much more than that these days, Ev.”

He smiled at her use of his nickname. “I figured you’ve already taken Kyle to school so we have time to talk.” He lumbered up the last few steps and took a seat in the teak chair beside her.

Nina sipped her coffee slowly, letting the hot bitter taste wash over her. “You know Evan there was a time when I would’ve wanted to hear the words from you, but that time has passed.”

“Dammit Nina I’m sorry, okay? So fucking sorry for how I left things. I should have talked to you about it but I was dumb kid and I didn’t know how. Leaving seemed like the best thing to do for both of us at the time.”

“It certainly worked for you Evan.” She hadn’t meant to give him a snarky response but it just slipped out. Before he could reply she held up her hand. “I believe you’re sorry Evan but it doesn’t matter anymore. Your apology doesn’t undo the heartbreak and pain I felt back then, it just forces me to relive it and that’s not what I’m on, okay?” She had her own reasons for not wanting to get too deep into the past with him, reasons she never planned on revealing because they would only serve to hurt him and she was on that either. So she would let him say what he needed to say and give him the forgiveness it was clear he needed.

He winced at her words. “You’re right it doesn’t erase any of that. It can’t.” A frustrated hand tunneled through his hair and a heavy guilt laden sigh escaped. “Nothing I say could erase what you went through Nina, not ever. But I need you to know that I
I fucked up and regret it. Totally.”

She nodded thoughtfully, surprised that his words had made her feel just a bit better. “Thank you for that Evan. I appreciate it, really.” She stood, coffee cup in hand and taking in his gorgeous features as the sun’s beams shone down on him. “I’m glad you got that off your chest and I appreciate it, but I can’t offer you anything Evan. I’m not looking for a boyfriend, a fuck buddy or whatever else you’re thinking. So,” she trailed off and walked inside.

Evan stood and stomped in behind her. “After everything we were to each other we can’t even be friends Nina? Not even fucking friends?” He followed her into the kitchen, his lean cut arms bracketed her waist against the sink. “Why is it that you can’t seem to get away from me fast enough? I just want to reconnect with the one woman who ever mattered to me. Is that so wrong?”

Nina gasped and felt her head spin at his nearness. His sunny earthy scent enveloped her, made her dizzy with wanting him.
An arm brushed against the side of her breast and she closed her eyes, savoring his touch. He was so close his heat warmed her body until she had to duck out of his arms or fall into them. “Evan,” she whispered and put the counter between them. “I can’t be friends with you. There’s too much between us and I don’t want to be dragged back to the past every time I see you. It…it hurts too much.”

He stared at her so long she began to feel uncomfortable and turned away. He nodded, seeing the pain etched on her face. “I’ll leave now Nina but I‘ve fucking missed you and I’m not going anywhere. I’ll be back. Soon. And you
be mine.”

She watched him go, her heart thundering from the encounter. His lazy confident walk was still the sexiest she’d ever seen and—
—she’d almost succumbed to his touch. She couldn’t do that, couldn’t let it happen again. Last time had nearly destroyed her and now she had Kyle to think about. Adorable, precocious Kyle who always made her smile.

Yes, she’d think about Kyle and how she couldn’t afford to make a huge mistake like that again. Kyle, not Evan. Not Evan with those sparkling blue eyes that turned silver when he was amused or turned on. Not Evan with that tanned skin and reined in power.
Kyle. Think about Kyle.

The more she tried
to think about Evan the more she did. Particularly that days leading up to the day he left her without saying goodbye.

She’d gone to Health Services on campus because she’d been feeling really weak and she was worried she might have mono or something worse. Turns out it wasn’t mono or something worse, it was a bug that would last nine months. The shock is what struck first, lasting about two days before reality sank in. They were young, too young, to be parents but she couldn’t even think about giving up the baby or getting rid of it. So she’d decided she would tell Evan on Friday so they would both have the weekend to deal with it. They had a date planned so they could talk then.

But when she woke up in his room Friday morning, Evan was gone along with all of his clothes and tennis gear. A simple two line note lie where his head should have been.

A few weeks later her world came crashing down once again and her broken heart broke all over again at the sister wouldn’t get to see her son grow up and for the young baby who would never really know his parents. She’d mostly forgotten about the baby growing inside her until it became impossible to forget.

“Stop it!” She couldn’t think about that anymore. Just as she’d told Evan, she didn’t plan to keep looking back and especially not to that painful time. Nope, her life was all about the present and the future. Her graphic design business was growing better than she ever thought it would which meant good money coming in on top of the sizeable inheritance left behind by her sister and brother-in-law. Her job allowed her to be available for Kyle and together they had a good life.





After leaving Nina’s house Evan went straight to the Tennis Club to accept the coaching job for the year. He wasn’t quite sure what he wanted to do for his second act but with Nina being here, he’d take every opportunity to spend more time with her and Kyle. The coaching job would keep tennis in his life beyond basic workouts and pickup matches. Plus it would give him a chance to adjust to life off the circuit. The day to day would be different—very different—because there were no forced workouts or special diets and training sessions. He could hit the gym for an hour every day and avoid fatty foods and he’d be fine.

The issue was what would he do the rest of every day?

He would fill many of those days and nights with Nina. “If you don’t mind I’ll just surprise the team today at practice,” he told the middle aged tennis director with his most charming smile. He knew he would get a lot of leeway from her, coming off his Wimbledon victory and all the publicity surrounding his retirement. The director gave him a tight lipped smile and scurried away to her office.
Probably to draw up promotional materials featuring his face.

After all the paperwork for his new gig was signed, Evan changed into his tennis gear and hit the courts. He loved being out on the court, the sound of his shoes skipping across the court helped him clear his head. Each time he stepped on court he thought of Nina bent at the waist on the other side of the net, racquet gripped in her hand ready to go left or right depending on his serve.

Today he hit ball after ball thinking about his conversation with Nina earlier. She talked like there was something more he was missing but he knew he would find out. Soon. But he
find out. She wasn’t getting rid of him. Not this time.

“Evan! What are you doing here?” Kyle ran up to him, his curly hair springing out all over his head, a big smile splitting his face.

He reached out for his hand, giving him a solid shake and making him giggle. “I’m your new coach.”

“No way! For real? That is so cool!” Kyle jumped up and down and smacked Evan a high five. “We’re gonna be so good this year!”

Practice flew by. The kids were excited to have Evan as their coach and he was more than satisfied with the boys and girls on his roster. Most of them were better than average and they were eager to improve and become great tennis players. He was especially surprised by Kyle who was a very intuitive player and asked lots of technical questions. “Okay guys and girls, good practice. I’ll see you tomorrow same time, same place.”

He was heading out when he heard Noah tell Kyle his mom was in labor and they wouldn’t be able to give him a ride. “Can you call your aunt to come and get you?”

“I’ll take him home Noah. Go be there for your mom.” He nodded good luck to Noah’s father and directed Kyle to his car. “Hop in buddy.”

“Your car is so awesome! What is it?”

Evan smiled at the kid’s exuberance. “It’s a Tesla and it’s totally electric. I just got it, what do you think?”

Kyle was thoughtful in his perusal of the interior. “It’s pretty cool. You fill up the tank by plugging it in? That’s pretty awesome.”

“Yeah I thought so too.” He smiled at Kyle as he pulled into traffic. “Is Nina going to be home when I drop you off?”

He nodded. “Yeah. She works late when Noah’s mom drives us so we’ll get take out.”

Evan nodded. This would get him another night of dinner. “How about we get some Mexican food so we can all relax tonight?”

“Fish tacos with extra guacamole?”

“Sure, I love guacamole.” So they drove to a small Mexican restaurant and ordered half the menu. Loaded up with bags of food, they opened the door and Evan found himself staring at miles of smooth brown legs moving at warp speed around the room. “Should we tell her we’re here?”

Kyle laughed. “No, she twirls so she’ll see us soon.”

Evan barely heard Kyle’s words because he was so engrossed in Nina’s curves. Her legs were totally on display, just a small pair of white shorts covering the best bits while she spun and shook and gyrated to whatever music was in her ears. Her sexy voice was breathy as she hummed to the beat. He was hard as fuck behind these bags and he needed to get a grip. He laughed when Kyle put his bags on the table and wrapped his arms around her waist.

“Why are you so happy Aunt Nina?”

Just as Evan predicted, Nina screamed at the top of her lungs and spun with Kyle still attached to her. “You little bugger, you scared me half to death!” Clutching her chest Nina laughed until she doubled over on the floor, pulling Kyle down with her. Evan had to smile at the sight of them together. His body heated up the moment her eyes landed on him. “What happened to the Andersons?”

“Noah’s mom is in labor so they had to go to the hospital and Evan offered to bring me home.” He pointed to the bags, “We brought dinner.”

“Yeah,” Evan smiled, his gaze purposely lingering on the long expanse of legs on display, “we brought dinner.” He laughed when she blushed.

“So Aunt Nina why were you dancing? Tell me!” He looked up at Evan, “She has a dance party when she’s happy.”

Nina pulled him into her embrace and tickled him. “You tell all my secrets and I won’t tell you my good news!” She hopped up and extended her hand to help Kyle up and took his bags to the kitchen. “Go get washed up kiddo, we’ll wait for you.”

Kyle reluctantly went upstairs but not before telling Evan, “You better wash your hands too or Aunt Nina won’t let you eat.”

Once Kyle’s door closed, Evan turned to Nina. “Is that true Aunt Nina? Are you going to prevent me from eating because I’m dirty?” He stood behind her, hands on her shoulders and his lips brushing her ear as he spoke. “Because I’m so dirty and sweaty. Maybe I should take a shower and maybe you could join me.” He smiled at the shiver that went through her.

“You can take a shower if you want, but you’ll be doing it without me.”

He took a step back so she could move, but not without touching him. “Nina listen to me carefully. I want you and I will have you.” It wasn’t a matter of

Nina sighed and turned to him, ignoring the way her breath caught at his sweaty masculine scent. “Is that what this is about Evan, you want to fuck me again?” She leaned in to make sure Kyle’s curious ears didn’t overhear them. “If that’s the goal, then let’s set a date and do it. That was never the problem between us so let’s take care of it and get it done.” She patted him on the chest and took dishes to the table.

When she came back to grab glasses he grabbed her by the waist and pulled her against him until their bodies were smashed together. Evan let his hands roam down her back until they landed on her ass and gave a firm squeeze. With his face just centimeters from hers he spoke, “When I finally get you naked again Nina you won’t be ‘getting it over with’. You’ll be begging me to fuck you. To slide my cock deep inside you and let you come until you pass out.” He bit her ear and released her just as Kyle came barreling down the steps.

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