His Big Reveal: An Interracial BWWM Billionaire Romance (BWWM Alpha Males) (25 page)

BOOK: His Big Reveal: An Interracial BWWM Billionaire Romance (BWWM Alpha Males)
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“Don’t forget incredibly potent,” he joked.

“And incredibly potent,” she giggled and said her goodbye to Cari. “Hi,” she said, her voice breathy and soft.

“Hi back.” He leaned in and kissed her lips softly. “How are you?”

“Better now,” she smiled. Her lips still tingled from that connection.

He smiled again. “Are you ready to light some pumpkins?”

“Sure. Do you want to stay for dinner? The chili is almost done.”

They lit the jack-o-lanterns and placed them on her front steps and headed back inside for dinner. “It smells so good in here. You’re sexy and you cook, marry me Shelly!”

She shrugged as she brought cornbread out to the table. “What do I get out of it if I do?”

He tossed his head back and laughed. “You get all this, baby,” he gestured to his body with a smug smile.

Shelly gave him a long look, taking in his big long body. “Hmmm, what else?”

He dug into the chili. “You’re a cold, cold woman Shelly.”

“I know. That’s why I’m feeding you chili, so you won’t notice.” Every moment spent with Jase was breaking down her resolve. He was so different than her past dates. He was funny, he listened when she spoke, laughed at her silly science jokes and looked at her like he wanted her as his next meal. She knew now she couldn’t go out with Drew again. It wouldn’t be fair to him or to Jase.

She smiled as he told her about his night clubs. She wasn’t surprised a guy like him was super successful or wealthy. He had a presence that commanded obedience without being cruel. “I knew I had you pegged about the fancy thing,” she chuckled.

“I didn’t grow up wealthy. My mom and I were always one paycheck away from being on the streets. When she died I worked my ass off so that would never be an issue. It no longer is.”

“Wow that’s really amazing Jase. I don’t mean to sound condescending but I’m really proud of you and I’m sure your mom would be too.”

His chest squeezed. Could this woman be any more perfect? “Thanks Shelly, that means a lot.”

She went into the kitchen and returned with dessert. “Pistachio mousse,” she set down two dishes and they dug in. “Oh yeah, that is delicious.”

Jase groaned. “Shelly you’re killing me over here.”

Her eyes popped open in surprise. “You don’t like it?”

“No it's fantastic. You however are causing my pants to become quite uncomfortable.” At her confused look he began to imitate her moaning and licking the spoon.


He smiled at her and stood, pulling her up and wrapping his hands around her waist. “You still don’t get it do you? You are so damn beautiful. You’re sexy and I could listen to that soft sultry voice reading horoscopes all day and night.”

“My goodness,” she said on a moan and twisted her hands into his shirt and pulled him down for a kiss. When her lips touched his it set off a fire inside her, pushing her body deeper into his and making her heart hammer a path out of her chest. His mouth was sweet like the mousse he’d hardly touched and just a hint of something she just knew was quintessentially Jase. Her hands snaked around his neck pulling him down for a deeper, hotter kiss. “Jase,” she moaned when his hands slid from her waist to her bottom.

Jase’s grip tightened on her and pulled her in until her wet heat cradled his erection through his pants. Her small hands snaked underneath his shirt, caressing his muscles and scraping her nails over his nipples, his abs. He hissed out her name, moving from her mouth to her neck. “You taste so good.” He knew she would be sweet all over and he couldn’t wait to prove it.

Shelly pulled back. “Jase I want you. So bad but...”

He cut her off. “Don’t worry Shelly I won’t rush you to do anything you don’t want to do.”

She smiled gratefully. “No it’s not that. It’s just, I don’t have a lot of experience…with men and I don’t want you to be disappointed. But god Jase, I want you.”

His shoulders sagged in relief. “I can guarantee to you I won’t be disappointed.” He grabbed her hand and placed it on the stiff rod hiding in his pants. “Does this look disappointed?”

She shook her head. “No but it never goes well after this part.”

“Then let me be the one to change things.” He turned her towards the stairs. “Lead the way.”


Chapter Three


Shelly was nervous as she entered her bedroom but she ripped off her shirt as soon as she crossed the threshold. It was time to change her fate in the bedroom and Jase was exactly the man to do it.

“Damn you are so beautiful,” he practically growled at her. Jase closed the gap between them in a few long strides, his hands ghosting over her body, taking in every detail. “So soft and lovely.” His finger traced the cup of her bra before circling around to unhook it and throw it across the room. He leaned in and sucked one chocolate nipple into his mouth, his hand squeezing and kneading the other until she writhed beneath him.

She cried out when his mouth switched to the other nipple, her fingers working to undo the buttons on his shirt. Out of patience she ripped it open and buttons flew everywhere. “I knew you’d be magnificent without clothes,” she panted as he kissed down her torso. “Jase,” she moaned.

He made quick work of her jeans and panties, his fingers dipped inside to test her readiness. “I’ll take it slow next time Shelly, I swear. But right now I need to be inside you too bad to go slow.”

“Go fast Jase. Hard and fast. I want it too.” She smiled at the expression of pure lust that crossed his face as he lined up his stiff rod and slid deep inside her until she cried out. “Yes!”

Her pants and moans, and those sexy little cries had Jase hard as he’d ever been as he thrust in and out of her tight heat. “Shelly you’re so damn tight.”

“Jase I’m so close,” she warned and lifted her legs higher on his waist to deepen the angle. “Oh Jase, yes. Yes!” His thrusts were long and hard, giving her exactly what she needed to fall off that cliff. “Jase!” Her walls clenched around him tight and her body shook violently as he continued to thrust into her seeking his own pleasure. Quick short thrusts punctuated her orgasm and pulled him down with her.

“Fuck, Shelly,” he spoke those words harshly over and over again until he was completely empty. “Shelly,” he whispered reverently, those brown eyes staring deep into hers.

“Wow Jase!” She leaned in and kissed his neck, nipping it with her teeth.

He chuckled. “Yeah, exactly what you said.” He collapsed on top of her. He growled when her muscles began squeezing him. “Shelly,” he warned and licked her neck. She did it again and he began to harden inside her again. “Hang on, we need to…shit!”

Shelly stiffened. “What’s wrong?”

Jase turned an angry glare at her. “You’re on something, right?” He slowly pulled out of her and hopped off the bed. “Right?”

She sat up and covered herself with a sheet. “Why would I be on anything when I haven’t had sex in three years…oh.” She looked up at him with wide eyes. “Oh shit! Oh no! No,” she fell back onto the bed.
I can’t even have good sex right!

“Dammit Shelly!” Jase began to pace in front of the bed. He’d never had sex without protection but she had him so out of his mind with lust he hadn’t given it one thought.

She scooted off the bed and wrapped the sheet tightly around her. “I’m sorry Jase, really but it wasn’t all on me okay? Don’t worry, I’ll take care of it. Goodbye,” she said in a broken voice and locked herself in the bathroom.

Jase could kick himself for being such a dick. He could hear Shelly in the bathroom crying. Not even trying to hide her breakdown from him. He knocked on the door and the crying halted but there was no movement and she said nothing. “Shelly I’m sorry.” Still she said nothing. “Shelly, please.” After several minutes it was obvious she wouldn’t answer so he dressed and left.




Shelly was devastated about the way things had turned out with Jase. She was furious with herself too because she knew he’d break her heart, she just hadn’t imagined he’d do it while his essence was still inside her. It had been a week since that day and she hadn’t done anything other than go to work and come home. She cooked dinner and enough for leftovers, occasionally she spoke with Cari and graded labs and tests.

She cancelled her date with Drew and told him she wasn’t interested and she steadfastly ignored the calls and texts that come in from Jase. She hoped to be over him before she went to see her physician. It would make everything easier if she could just forget she ever met—and was stupid enough to have unprotected sex with—Jase Nilson.

She was done. Shelly had decided somewhere between her fiftieth crying jag and finishing off half a peanut butter pie that she was done with men, love and relationships. She hoped she was pregnant because at least then she could have the baby she always wanted without any of the other complications. Jase didn’t need to know, he obviously didn’t want the baby and he definitely didn’t want her. So she could have the family she always wanted without stupid, heartbreaking men.

Someone was knocking on her door. She reluctantly answered. “What is it Drew?”

“I’d like to talk to you.”

His eyes were wild and she wasn’t in the mood so she kept the door closed tight against her. “So talk.”

“I think you should give me another shot.”


“Why not?”

She sighed, her frustration growing. “Because I’m not interested in you. I’m in love with someone else.”

“Dammit Sheryl, don’t say that!”

“Do you hear yourself? I. Am. Not. Sheryl.” She shook her head in disgust. Apparently she couldn’t judge men for shit. “You need help Drew. Please don’t come back.” She closed the door and went back to her new favorite place; the sofa.

She sent Cari a text.
You were right. Drew just called me Sheryl. Men suck.

She grabbed a bottle of cream soda, shut off the lights and climbed into bed. Sleep was her favorite things these days. In sleep she was still with Jase and things were perfect. In sleep she wasn’t a failure, she wasn’t chubby.

She wasn’t alone.

Chapter Four

Two months later

Jase hadn’t heard from Shelly in more than two months and he was beyond frustrated and angry. In the days after he’d messed up with her he had called and texted but she wouldn’t answer. He stopped by a few times but she hadn’t been home. At least he was pretty sure she hadn’t been home and not just ignoring him.

Beating himself up over and over about the way he’d reacted was getting him nowhere. He knew he made a huge mistake by freaking out on her and her watching her fight those tears had gutted him. But dammit he couldn’t apologize if she wouldn’t talk to him. They hadn’t been together long enough for him to know any of her friends so he was completely on his own.

He knew the feeling well, of being alone. He’d been a zombie for much of the past two months, simply going through the motions every day and night at the club. He put on his most charming smile and said the right things but he never heard what they said or remembered what he said. It was a walking misery that was hard to deal with most days but enough was enough. Either she would talk to him today or he would forget about her sweet face and that damn sexy body.

Ryan entered the office. “Hey man there’s some chick here to see you. Her name’s Cari.”

“I don’t know any Cari.” And he wasn’t in the mood to deal with any of the club girls today.

Ryan sat down with a knowing smile on his face. “Well she claims to know you.” He wiggled his eyebrows. “She’s exotic, curvy and hot as fuck! If you don’t want her, I’ll take her.”

“You might be worth a ride or two lover boy, but that’s not why I’m here.” She faced Jase. “You are a rotten son of a bitch and I hope the only thing that comes out of your dick is dust.”

Ryan laughed and Jase glared at him, then at the woman. “Who the hell are you and why are you pissed at me?”

“I’m Cari.” She saw recognition dawn. “Yep I’m her best friend and you are the bastard who broke her heart, damn you.” She shook her head and paced in front of his desk. “I’m the idiot who told her to give you a chance that you wouldn’t break her heart. Imagine my surprise.”

“I tried to call, to text. Hell I even stopped by but nothing.”

“Can you blame her when you pretty much accused her of trying to get knocked up? Jesus man, you were practically still inside her!”

“That’s cold, bro,” Ryan added with a disappointed shake of the head.

“Dammit I know!” He did know. If he could do that moment over he would have reacted differently. “I know, okay? You didn’t need to come all the way down here to tell me that.”

She chuckled at him. “Oh I didn’t. I came to tell you that Shelly is pregnant and plans to do it on her own. Silly me, I thought you might give a damn.” Cari turned on her heels and strode out as quickly as she had come in.

“Shit,” he slammed his hands on his desk. He needed to go to her, talk to her.

“What the fuck are you still doing here dude?”

“Good question,” he smiled at his friend. “Wish me luck,” he said as he breezed out the door.




Shelly was so tired these days she could barely make it through the day without a nap during her planning period. She was happy Christmas break was approaching soon. She would spend most of it resting up and changing her diet for the baby. She was about nine weeks pregnant. The first time she’d had sex in years and she’d ended up pregnant and alone.
Go figure.

“Hey Shelly,” she heard the footsteps behind her.

“Not today Mr. Jeffers.” She kept walking until she was sitting in her car driving home. Today she had put stew in her slow cooker so she could crash for a few hours before dinner. She’d dusted it off a few weeks ago when it became apparent she wouldn’t have energy to cook healthy meals every evening. So far the slow cooker was a mom-to -be’s best friend. She’d already purchased a few books to guide her along since she was doing this on her own, she wanted to be extra prepared.

She would wait until her second trimester to start turning one of the guest rooms into a nursery. Eventually she would get around to telling Jase. Maybe. He didn’t really need to know but she couldn’t fathom having a child out there she knew nothing about.

Shelly groaned when she pulled into her driveway and spotted a familiar silver sports car and an equally familiar figure sitting on her porch swing. “I guess now is the perfect time to tell him,” she muttered sarcastically to herself. She stood from the car and stretched her stiff muscles, reaching inside once more to get her bags. “What do you want Jase?” She brushed past him and entered her house without waiting for his answer.

“Were you ever going to tell me?” He shouted the words down the hall seconds after the door slammed.


“Dammit Shelly, that’s not good enough.” They stood face to face, the dining room table the only physical barrier between them.

She shrugged. “Well
I’ve had other things on my mind. You weren’t a priority.”

“It’s my baby too!” he walked around the table, desperate to touch her but she circled to where he had been standing.

“I’ve asked nothing of you Jase and I don’t plan to. If you want to be involved, that begins once the baby is here. Not a moment before.” She would not deal with him showing up at appointments making it harder to get over him. It was hard enough as it is, especially with him standing in her house looking good enough to eat.

I want to be involved?”

“Yeah if I recall it wasn’t high on your list of life goals. Don’t worry Jase I don’t want you or your precious money. Forget about us and go back to your life.” She pulled out a chair and took a seat.

“I don’t want that Shelly.” He wanted her so damn much and it killed him to see those dark circles under her eyes and the sadness in them. “I want you. Us.”

She shook her head. “No you don’t. You found out I’m pregnant and you think you’re doing me some favor by showing up. You’re not. I’ve been on my own for a long time and I’m fine.
be fine.”

“That’s not why I’m here! I tried to reach out to you on more than one occasion but it was you Shelly,
, who ignored me.”

“Gee I can’t imagine why when you left such a good impression the last time I saw you.” She shook her head as that day replayed in her head. “I was stupid to let you in my life, to think falling for you wouldn’t end badly.”

She had fallen for him.
That information took him up to the heavens and surreptitiously dropped him back to the earth with a thud. In one poorly timed moment he had ruined the exact thing he was looking for. “Shelly I’m so damn sorry. I know I reacted poorly that day but you were such a breath of fresh air to me. You didn’t want me for my money or my connections and I love that about you. But I reacted like you were someone else that night and I’m sorrier than you’ll never know.” He reached across the table to grasp her hand. “I want you to know that before I fucked everything up, I was starting to fall for you too.”

She nodded, catching a tear rolling down her cheek. “I know Jase but you hurt me and I wasn’t ready to hear an apology. Now I’ve heard it and I accept it. Thank you.”

“Is there a chance for us Shelly? Please tell me there is.” He had to know he hadn’t totally lost her. He didn’t know how he would cope with seeing her all the time and not being with her. “You were everything I didn’t know I was looking for until I found it.” He laughed bitterly. “You know the day we met? I had just decided I was done with casual and easy. I wanted something real, with substance you know? And then I spotted you in the crowded diner looking sexy as hell in your nerdy science tank top.”

My god I could really love this man.
“I know Jase and I believe you. But it isn’t so easy. We have to start over.”

A sexy heart stopping grin spread across his face. “I can start over. Except you know, we have a baby together.”

Her smile was nervous. “Of course. But that’s us as parents, not us as lovers or a couple or…whatever.” She looked at him and the affection and love she saw shining in his eyes melted her heart. “I could love you Jase and that means you can break me, so I’m willing to try again but we go slow.”

“I can do slow.”

She shook her head because she knew there was no taking it slow with him. “I know you’ll try and that’s all I can ask.”

He rounded the table and sank to his knees, wrapping his arms around her waist. “I’m so glad to hear that Shelly. I’m sorry, I really am and I’ll spend forever trying to make it to you.” He kissed one cheek and then the other, planting a soft yet sensual kiss on her mouth. “I’m going to love falling in love with you Shelly.”

“I’m gonna love falling in love with you too, Jase.”


The End


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