His Big Reveal: An Interracial BWWM Billionaire Romance (BWWM Alpha Males) (17 page)

BOOK: His Big Reveal: An Interracial BWWM Billionaire Romance (BWWM Alpha Males)
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Chapter 3


Warm vanilla assailed Hector’s nose as soon as he opened the door of the suite. He didn’t have to be told that the scent was Rae because he just knew. The woman looked like she should smell like gunpowder but he’d detected the faint hint of vanilla on the long drive to Evansville. There was some bluesy number playing inside the suite and he breathed a sigh of relief that her shower was over. The sound of water sluicing over her body would only call forth images of her naked body covered in soapy bubbles and the things he’d like to do to that body.

He hung up his jacket in the hall and slowly made his way into the suite. The sight he came upon was straight out of his fantasies. Rae stood looking like a vision from his dirtiest dreams, wrapped in a white towel that was
too small and her dark hair tumbling down her back. Her skin looked like smooth chocolate against the stark white of the towels. “Shit, Rae,” he managed to rasp out.

She turned slowly and smug smile on her face. “Yes?”

“Don’t you have some clothes to put on?” Why Hector said those words, he couldn’t say. But he had to say something or he would have to

“Is there a problem with what I’m wearing?” She grabbed the top of the towel and watched his eyes zero in the small opening her hands created. “I can always take it off.”

The growl came unbidden. Hector couldn’t help it no more than he could help the raging erection threatening to split his pants open. “Rae,” he warned.

“Hector,” she shot back.

“If you don’t want me to fuck you for the rest of the night, go put on some clothes.”

She walked around him, making sure her breasts pushed against him as she did. “Party pooper,” she fake pouted and disappeared into the room.

Hector watched the door to be sure she stayed there at least long enough for him to gather his thoughts and take a shower. Just as he made a move to walk away a white towel went sailing through the air, crashing against the wall and sliding down to the floor. “Rae,” he groaned again. “You’ll be the death of me.”

Refreshed from the shower and dressed in a plain white t-shirt a blue cotton pants, Hector entered the main room of the suite in search of a menu. He was starving and if he thought about food, maybe he wouldn’t think about ravishing Rae. He chuckled at his thoughts,
ravishing Rae
, was the perfect way to describe her. He still couldn’t shake the images of her in that white towel, legs on display and the swells of her breasts calling out for his taste, his touch.

He wanted her badly, so badly he wasn’t sure he’d survive the night being so close to her and not being able to bury himself deep inside her.
Dammit, not again
. He called out to her, “Rae I’m going to order room service, do you want anything?” There was a muffled noise coming from inside of her room. He opened the door and released a string of profanity that had Rae laughing.

“Is there a problem Mr. Valdez?”

“You were warned, Rae.” His voice was gruff as he stalked to her naked form lying on the bed. His gaze raked over her body and what he saw made him instantly hard. Her nipples were hard like drops of chocolate and his mouth watered to taste them, her stomach was flat and toned, thighs long and muscular cradling the erotic delights found buried between them. He held back, denying himself her soft touch until she gave him the go ahead.

“I thought about your warning Hector, and I decided to make you prove it.”

He swallowed hard as his mouth went dry as her words registered. “Prove it?”

“Yeah,” she nodded, “you know,
all night

Hector’s groan echoed in the spacious bedroom and moments later his clothes were scattered on the floor and his big body covered hers, hands roaming all over her soft supple body unsure which treasure to unlock first. “God you’re so soft,

His harshly spoken words washed over her like a warm bath. His hard body a sharp sexy contrast to hers, hands moved on their own up and down the hard muscles that bunched with every movement he made to worship her body. Her soft gasps bounced off the walls when his hot mouth curled around one beaded tip while his hand kneaded the other. He switched sides and she writhed beneath him as the sensations overtook her. “Hector,” she moaned when he peppered soft kisses all around her belly and down to the strip of hair that stopped just before the moisture began.

“You smell so good baby,” he moaned and buried his nose deep between her legs. “I can smell how much you want me.”

“So bad,” she panted in anticipation of his mouth landing on her sweet spot. She opened her legs wider, an invitation for further exploration.

Hector’s fingers made one long swipe between her lips and he held them up in the air. “See how wet you are for me, sweetheart?” He placed both fingers in his mouth and sucked them clean. “So good, but I need more,” he smiled and then used his tongue to bring her to orgasm. Twice.

Rae’s breath was coming in short spurts, the back to back orgasms having clearly knocked her breath out of her. “Hector, that was…yes. More. I need you…inside me. Now.”

He kissed his way up her body, tongue laving and sucking her neck until she was squirming again. Begging for more. “Baby there’s no place I’d rather be right now.” And there really wasn’t anywhere he could imagine being other than right here, preparing to slide his cock deep inside the tight wet heat of her.

“Do. It.” She cried out when he thrust deep into her body in one smooth motion. “Yes,” she urged when he stopped to give her time to adjust to his size. She appreciated it since it had been awhile, but enough was enough. “Hector,” she grunted and used her feet to make him move. Then,
sweet heaven
, he starting moving. At first his thrusts were long and deep, touching something deep inside her that made her squeal with delight each time he touched it. Then he rearranged her hips and hammered in short, quick thrusts that shook her to her core. She felt herself growing wetter and wetter as his short thrusts hit that spot like it had a target painted on it. “Hector,” she moaned and felt chills rush over her body as it tightened and prepared for orgasm.

“Oh god,” she moaned over and over and over as Hector lost himself in her body, sliding out and slamming inside her, sliding out and slamming in until she was screaming her passion. His grunts were deeper and louder and she felt the moment he lost it. “Rae, Rae, Rae,” he shouted with every thrust until he emptied himself inside her. “Hector,” she warned when her body began to tighten around him into one giant bondage knot and then she cried his name like a prayer over and over as she convulsed and shook beneath him. His name
a prayer, one that she sent up to the heavens for allowing him to help guide her back to earth after that orgasm.

“Wow. Hector that was…I needed that.”

“Me too, babe,” he whispered before nodding off.




When Rae awoke the next morning she felt different. Completely satisfied, yes, but also strangely fulfilled. She wasn’t foolish enough to believe that sex, albeit spectacular sex, had changed anything between her and Hector but still she felt changed. Transformed. The moment to explore those feelings was short lived however, when she reached out and felt ice cold sheets. Immediately she sat up and scanned the room, none of his clothes were on the floor. She closed her eyes and listened for sounds but heard nothing. Slowly she scooted to the edge of the bed and stood, not bothering with clothes because she knew what she’d find in the rest of the suite.

Hector was gone. His briefcase, his coat and his suitcase were all gone.

Just. Fucking. Great.

One time,
one time
she took something for herself and she got both literally and figuratively screwed.
He used you
, she told herself over and over until the words sank in. Hector Valdez had used her to help find his brother and like the idiot she was, she led him right to Enrique. Was she really so hard up for male attention, for sex that she would sacrifice her career and her brother’s future for one night of great sex?

The answer, obviously, was yes.

“Damn, damn, dammit!” She was such an idiot but she wouldn’t be anymore. Ten minutes later she was showered and dressed and on her way to see Victoria Valdez, the ex-wife of Enrique. She figured it was a pointless trip now that Hector had presumably gone back to Chicago, where Enrique probably was. But she was already here and Rae always covered her bases.

She pulled up to the modest family home and noted it was well cared for with hints that a family lived there. She would have to tread carefully in case Mrs. Valdez had moved on, even though her notes didn’t indicate there was another husband in the picture.

“Can I help you?” A pretty blonde in her 40’s came from around the side of the house, wiping dirt on a towel draped over her shoulder.

Rae put on her
I’m harmless
smile and introduced herself. “I don’t know if you’re aware of what’s been going on with Enrique Valdez but I’m looking for him.” She saw the woman’s eyes widen and her body tense at the mention of his name.

“Well he’s not here. I haven’t seen in since we signed the papers on our divorce. Why would you think he was here?”

“He keeps a mistress in South Bend so it wasn’t a stretch to think he might have come to you for help.”

Victoria nodded. “I see. Well you can rest easy because I haven’t seen Enrique in years and if he tried to come here I’d call the cops before he could flash that charming damn smile of his.” Her smile was that of a woman who was well aware of Enrique’s flaws.

“Thanks for talking to me Victoria. But if he does call or stop by, can you call me instead of the cops?”

“Are you an ex-girlfriend or does he owe you money?”

Rae laughed. “Neither. I’m sorry, here’s my card. I’m a fugitive recovery agent so I don’t mean him any harm.”

“You’re a bounty hunter? But you’re so small, so beautiful.”

“I’m tougher than I look.”

“I’ll just bet you are Rae. You have a good day, and good luck finding Enrique.”

Rae smiled her thanks and bid Victoria goodbye without asking about the toys in the yard. It wasn’t her business and it wasn’t relevant to the case. The engine turned over smoothly and she was quickly on the road back to Chicago.

Two days later and about a dozen unanswered phone calls from Hector, and Rae was barreling down Interstate 57 in search of Enrique. She’d received several tips that he’d been spotted in Decatur, a small town just northeast of Springfield. So she was on her way to collect her bounty. She wouldn’t get the additional million from Hector but she was getting plenty to take care of her brother’s education.

“I’m coming for you Enrique Valdez,” she sang with the beat of some pop song playing on the car stereo.



Chapter 4


Hector sat in the silence of his downtown penthouse apartment and watched the sun set over Lake Michigan. He was miserable and it was all thanks to a dark skinned pixie who was pricklier than a cactus in the desert. Two weeks ago he’d watched the news with his chief counsel and wanted to shove his fist through the screen. It was live footage of Rae escorting his brother—in handcuffs—to the downtown precinct where he had been booked and arraigned the following day. He had been so furious he couldn’t hear what his lawyer was telling him, his vision blurred in anger and he’d stormed out of the conference room and straight to Rae’s house.

“How could you do that to me,” he’d yelled at her stony face. “You promised me,” he screamed while she just looked up at him as though she couldn’t care less that she’d ruined his life. Her refusal to show even an iota of emotion only made him angrier and he couldn’t understand it. Was she so cold, so unfeeling? “I trusted you, dammit.”

It was those words that had made her flinch, caused a flicker of emotion to flash in her eyes. Yet still she said nothing, which was interesting in itself. In the time he’d known Rae she never backed down from a fight, never
gave as good as she got. But this time she kept a stony stare, arms crossed over her chest and let him yell and scream until he was tired.

He left as unsatisfied as he was when he’d knocked on her door.

He still couldn’t understand why she’d done it. One phone call and she would be one million dollars richer today and he knew she needed the money, he’d seen her dossier and knew about her brother. So why would she ignore his wishes and pass up that kind of money?
Probably because you slept with her and then vanished in the middle of the night
, his conscience mocked him. Could that be it? Rae didn’t seem like that kind of woman but then again it was a shitty move on his part. He’d woken up with an overwhelming
to have her again and again and it had scared the shit out of him. He didn’t get close to women and he didn’t let them get close. That meant no overnight visits and never needing anyone.

“Shit,” he screamed into the empty cave that was his apartment. He threw the glass into the fireplace. He couldn’t protect his business without talking to his brother and Rae had robbed him of that chance, damn her. He would never forgive her for this.

Hector stood to answer the phone near the door. “Yeah? Okay send it up.” A few minutes later his doorman arrived with a document box and he signed for it. “Thank you,” he quietly dismissed the older man.

Back on the couch, which seemed to be his favorite place these days, he opened the box and found a stack of papers and a small tape with his brother’s name written on it. “Who,” he wondered and found his answer on the first sheet of paper. It was from Rae but she hadn’t left a note or an explanation, just a paper signed
. It was everything he needed to know to protect his customers and his business. A bitter smile crossed his face. Rae had come through for him. And he’d been an absolute ass to her.

He had to go to her. Now.

This time when he knocked on the door it wasn’t Rae who answered, but a young man who bore a striking resemblance to Rae. The same cocoa colored skin and the same pouty lips identified him right away. “You must be Marcus.”

The boy crossed his arms and stared hard. “And you must be Richie Rich,” he said with an amused glint in his eye.

“Close. I’m Hector Valdez. Is your sister home?”

Marcus shook his head, arms crossed over his chest as he leaned in the doorway. “Nope. I doubt she’d want to see you if she was.”

He raked a hand through his hair. “I guess I deserve that.”

“You deserve more than that, actually. I heard you yelling at her a few weeks back. The only reason I didn’t come kick your ass is ‘cause Rae said you were rich and I’d ruin my future.”

Hector had to smile at the gumption of this kid. “Well I’m lucky she saved my ass then, aren’t I?”

“Yeah but she’s not here now.”

Message received, kid
. “Look Marcus, I really need to talk to her. Can you tell me where she is?”

“Sorry dude, can’t do it. I don’t know what happened between you two,” he held up his hands to stop Hector’s protest, “but I know something did because she was acting weird when she got home. Then after your little tirade she was quiet, sullen. I know my sister and I know you broke her heart. So why don’t you just forget you met my sister and stick to those skinny socialite bitches who only want you for your money.” Marcus shook his head in disgust and closed the door in Hector’s face.

Feeling worse than he had in the past few weeks, Hector turned and left.
I’m not giving up Rae. Not at all.




In the weeks since she brought Enrique Valdez in, Rae had apprehended a half dozen other bail jumpers. She was tired but she now had enough money saved so Marcus wouldn’t have to worry about what his scholarship wouldn’t cover or living expenses. She had been working like crazy but it helped her forget about the sexy Mexican billionaire she refused to think about.

Unfortunately for her Hector hadn’t forgotten about her. Every day for the past week he’d sent ridiculous floral arrangements to her home and her office. He’d sent prepared gourmet meals to the house for her and Marcus and he’d even sent her several boxes of the craft beer she loved. Those were all thoughtful gestures, especially the beer since they’d only shared it that one time on the drive to Evansville, but it didn’t change anything. He’d disappeared after he’d rocked her world and then showed up a week later to yell at her. Nope, that’s not how she got down. Hector was a fun night she’d remember with a smile. No more. No less.

“Rae get in here,” her boss’ loud bellow interrupted her thoughts, which this time she was grateful for.

“What is it, Hal?”

Hal leaned back in his swivel chair and patted his belly with a smile. “You’ve been working yourself like crazy this past week Rae. I gotta tell you, I love it!” He coughed a bit, leaving spittle on his lip before he went on, “You did such a good job with that Valdez case that I’m giving you another one. This is from a private agency but your cut of the bounty is a cool mil.”

She looked at the smug smile in disbelief. “A million dollars?”

“Yep,” she tossed the folder down in front of her. “He’s elusive and we have no photos, just a vague description. I have it on good authority he has a cabin on a private road up in Lake Geneva.”

She couldn’t pass up the bounty so she pasted a smile on her face and tried to sound enthusiastic about the job. “I guess I’m going to Lake Geneva.”

“Atta girl,” Hal’s smile showed off his tobacco stained teeth.

Rae walked out of the office in a daze. She was so exhausted she knew she wouldn’t make it if she didn’t stop for a shower and a large cup of coffee with a double shot of espresso.




After a stop at home to talk to Marcus and a stop for a bucket of coffee, Rae had made good time getting to Lake Geneva. Now she was driving incredibly slowly as the sun began its descent, trying to find the private road that would take her to Mr. Santiago’s cabin. According to the map she was just about there but this time of year meant there were a lot of downed trees and overgrown brush concealing the road.

It was a smart place to hide out, she thought more than a little impressed, but she would find it. Even if she had to walk.
That’s it!
She pulled her Mustang onto the grass and parked on the opposite side of the road. On foot it was easy to find the road and she walked it with purpose, taking note of her surroundings in case Santiago tried to run on the way back to her car.

Steaks were grilling and she hoped he didn’t have company. The situation could quickly become dangerous if someone tried to intervene. Rae bypassed the door and walked around to the back where she could hear the sizzle of meat being grilled and soft music playing.
Looks like someone is planning to have a party.
Inside the backyard Rae felt the hairs on the back of her neck stand up and she knew—
—something was off.

The man at the grill was familiar with his black hair and bronzed skin shining in the setting sunlight. He turned and gifted her with a cheerful smile. “Rae! I’m so glad you’re here.”

She was going to kill Hal but first she would kill Hector and drown him in the lake. “Of course I couldn’t resist, Mr.

He had the good grace to look sheepish at her words. “Would you have come if I just invited you?”

“You know I wouldn’t have.”
And you know why, you rotten bastard.

“Then I did what I had to do.”

“Which is what, exactly? Manipulate people and prey on their needs to get them to do your bidding?”

“I guess I deserved that.” He fell down on the nearest chair and motioned for her to have a seat. “I’m sorry. I just, I don’t know.”

“It’s fine Hector. Apology accepted.” She stood. “I really need to get going so, yeah.” She walked down the stairs angry he had manipulated the situation to get her here and disappointed she wouldn’t get to see that million dollars. Again.

“Wait Rae. Please.”

She stopped at the bottom step but she refused to turn around. She would not let his handsome face and his charming words sway her. You only got one chance to screw over Rae Fenton and Hector had his shot. “What?”

“I am truly sorry about how I treated you Rae.”

“Which part Hector? Are you sorry about fucking me and disappearing into the night or about accusing
of somehow deceiving you?”

His sigh was weary. She was right. He was a bastard and he didn’t deserve her, but dammit he wanted her. Hell, he needed her. “All of it. I have no explanation for why I left other than that I was scared.” She didn’t respond but her eyes spoke volumes. She didn’t believe him. “What happened between us was so much more than fucking and we both know it. It was powerful, magnetic and addicting. I woke up and all I could think of was sinking into you again and again and again.” He smiled but it didn’t reach his eyes. “It,
scared the hell out of me so I ran. I went back to my office and hid behind my work, feeling safe I’d dodged those pesky emotions. In the process I hurt and disrespected you and for that I really am sorry.”

“Okay.” She didn’t know what else to say.

“And for my behavior at your apartment, well I’m sorry. I could blame the stress and the pressure of my business but it would all be excuses. So no excuses Rae, just my sincere apology.”

Her smile was small. “Apology accepted. Goodbye.”

“That’s it?” His voice was angry. “You can just walk away from me, from us, without a look back?”

“You’re not the only one who can walk away Hector. The only difference is I’m not walking away because I’m scared. It’s because I’m smart, too smart to let you hurt me again. So it may not be easy but it’s what has to be done.”

He caught up to her before she took two steps away from the house. “Oh no you don’t Rae, dammit.” He spun her around and cupped her face in his hands. “We’re good together and I think we could really be something special if you stop being so damn stubborn.” He took her mouth in a soft sensual kiss that old her everything he was feeling but couldn’t quite put into words. “I am falling for you, dammit. And I know you feel something for me.”

A tear streamed down her eye at his heartfelt words. She did feel something for him too but voicing it would mean making herself vulnerable to him. It would give him too much power to hurt her and she couldn’t afford to fall apart, not while Marcus still needed her. “I may have feelings for you too Hector, but I’m not sure
are a good idea. Your life is so different than mine and I can’t change for you.”

“I’m not asking you to. I’m just asking that you give us a chance to see how amazing we would be together. Just give us a chance Rae, I swear you won’t regret it.”

She laughed. “You’re so bossy.”

“Only when it comes to something I really want. And Rae I really,
want you.” He kissed both cheeks and then took her lips in a gentle kiss. “I think you could be my special forever woman.”

“You do?” He nodded and smiled. “In that case let’s see if you could be my special forever man.”

As the sun set Rae and Hector kissed and poured their growing love for one another into that kiss. They let their bodies say all the things they could not voice.

The End

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