His Every Touch [The Complete Series] (9 page)

BOOK: His Every Touch [The Complete Series]
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“Giving over control like that.” Courtney kept
her eyes on the road in front of her. “It's beyond anything else I've ever
“Courtney,” Maggie began.
“There's one more night,” Courtney cut in. She
needed to share this last one, to finish what she'd started. She needed Maggie
to be completely informed. “Last night.”
“All right.” Maggie didn't sound like she
wanted to hear about it, but she didn't ask Courtney to stop.
“He'd had me on the edge for hours, teasing me
with his fingers and mouth. The things that man can do with his tongue.”
Courtney shook her head. She needed to get through this and the thought of
Vance's tongue thrusting inside her, reaching places deeper than any tongue had
the right to, was making it difficult. She forced herself to focus. “I was
lying face-down on the bed when his mouth moved from my pussy to somewhere
Courtney gasped as the flat of Vance's
tongue ran over her puckered hole. At the beginning of the week, he'd
instructed her to clean herself thoroughly and every morning, she'd done as
he'd ordered. Toys and fingers, she'd expected. Not this. When he worked the
tip of his tongue past the ring of muscle, she swore, fisting the soft cotton
sheets beneath her. A light slap on her ass reminded her of his earlier

Your tongue in my ass.” She felt the
familiar rush of embarrassment at the words and knew that this was the reason
he made her talk. “It feels weird but in a good way. Like nothing I've ever
felt before. I can feel it moving inside me.”
“He likes me to talk about what we're doing.”
Courtney flushed at the admission. “Partly because it turns him on, but I think
also because he knows it embarrasses me. It's a more gentle way to push my
limits. Anyway, after a good ten minutes, he started working his fingers into
my ass, stretching me. I knew what was coming. After all, I'd practically
begged for it in my email...”
She tensed the moment she felt his cock
nudge against her asshole. She wanted it, she knew she did, but uncertainty still
gripped her. Like most everything they'd done, this was new territory for her.
Vance's hand splayed across the small of her back and she slowly relaxed. She
trusted this man. He would never give her more than she could handle.

Ask me.” His voice was rough with desire.
She didn't need to look at him to know that
his cock would be heavy and swollen, his pupils blown so far to black and only
the thinnest sliver of blue would remain. And she knew that he wanted the same
thing she did.

Please, sir.” Her own voice was strained.
He hadn't let her come yet and her entire body felt ready to combust. “Fuck

Where do you want me to fuck you?” He
rubbed the tip of his dick over her hole.

My ass, sir.” The words brought a blush,
but she didn't care. She craved him, craved this. “Fuck my ass.”
His careful prep work had done its job and
he pushed forward, slow but steady. Sounds fell from Courtney's lips, noises
that she'd never imagined she make. Her body was stretching in ways she'd never
dreamed possible and her ass burned as he finally came to rest inside her. Her
muscles shook, the conflicting sensations almost too much for her. Her pussy
was still throbbing from his prior ministrations, every cell screaming for

I'm going to fuck you now.” His voice was
low in her ear. “I'm going to fuck you so hard that you won't be able to sit or
walk without feeling me in your ass.”
She whimpered. His fingers dug into her
hips and he began to move. She writhed beneath him, gasping for air as he drove
into her, long, sure strokes and seemed to pierce into her very soul. It was
pain and it was pleasure and like nothing she'd ever felt before. She wasn't
even aware that she was going to come, that she even could come from this,
until she exploded and her world went white.
She finished telling her story, ending with
the origin of the stripes on her ass. Silence filled the car as they turned
down Courtney's road. The story had taken nearly the entire trip to share and
Courtney was glad that she hadn't had to look at Maggie during the telling. For
the first time in her life, she wasn't sure what her friend was going to say.
“Let's put your stuff inside.” Courtney was
surprised at how normal her voice sounded to her own ears. She only hoped that
Maggie heard it the same way.
To Maggie's credit, she waited until Courtney
poured them both a glass of wine and they settled on the couch before she began
to speak.
“I've known you for a long time, Courtney
Bell, but I must admit that this is the first time you've ever surprised me.”
Maggie took a sip of her wine and Courtney waited patiently for the redhead to
continue. “I never figured you for the type of person to be into this type of
thing. I didn't think you'd be into the whole bdsm scene.”
“I never thought it either.”
“Is it this guy? Are you doing it because he
wants you to?”
“That's the thing.” She took a drink from her
own glass. “I don't know. That's why I needed you. It's this whole other world,
full of things that I'd never dreamed of and I don't know why I'm doing it
other than the fact that it's about more than sex.”
“What made you want to do it in the first
place? Maybe if you understood why you started, you'd be able to figure it
Courtney thought back to the moment she'd
first seen Vance. There'd been the initial attraction. Not surprising. He was
gorgeous. But why, once she'd realized that he was flirting with her, had she
stayed? Was it just his good looks? She liked to think she wasn't that shallow.
When had it turned into the beginning of whatever this was?
“When you were in his office and he told you
to stand up, and you asked why...” Maggie must have been going through the
story in her head as well. “That was the first time he showed this side of his
personality. Why did you start doing what he said then? Standing up, taking off
your jacket?”
Courtney considered the question. She needed
to be honest with herself. With Maggie. “You know how my family is. How I've
been making decisions on my own since I was a kid. I guess I liked the idea of
not having to do it, of giving control over to someone else. No responsibility
for my actions. Only held accountable to him. I did as he instructed and that
was all I had to think about.”
“Is that the only reason?” Maggie pressed.
Courtney shook her head. “There's something
about him. Something that seems almost sad. There are times when we're together
that I feel like he's trying to say something to me that I just can't quite
understand, that if I could just figure it out, everything would make sense. Why
he likes to be in control.”
Maggie started to speak then hesitated. After
a moment, she asked her question. “Is it what you're doing that you like or who
you're doing it with? Would you want someone else doing those things to you?”
Courtney stared, wide-eyed. She'd never
thought of it that way before. Was it having someone in control of her or the
fact that it was Vance in control that she liked? The way his voice would drop
until she swore it was liquid sex, hot molten lava that flowed over her skin until
she burned with desire. How his eyes would shine when she obeyed, glowing with
pride and lust. The way he could play her body like a fine instrument in the
hands of a master musician. He knew every inch of her in the most intimate ways
and knew exactly what to do to elicit his desired reaction.
And then there were the small things. How,
whenever they went into public, he'd place his hand on the small of her back in
a slightly possessive gesture that meant she was his. His hands caressing her
skin with a gentleness that seemed at odds with some of the things he did. The
way she'd sometimes catch him watching her with this strange look in his eyes,
as if whatever he felt for her was far deeper than he could show.
She couldn't imagine being with anyone else.
Not in this way. Not in anyway. She shook her head. “No. I don't want this with
anyone else. Only with him. I only want him.”
“Then.” Maggie drained her glass. “I guess
that means you're in love with him.”
“Fuck,” Courtney breathed. “I'm in love with Vance
“What?” Maggie bolted upright, the expression
on her face one of shock. “Did you just say Vance Forster?”
“I know.” Courtney hurried to cover her
mistake. She hadn't meant to tell Maggie his name, though she supposed it
would've come out sooner or later. “He's the CEO...”
“Fuck that.” Maggie cut in. “It's Vance
“Yeah?” Now Courtney was confused. Maggie was
saying the name like it meant something more.
Maggie furrowed her eyebrows. “You don't
remember him.”
“What are you talking about?” Courtney set
down her glass and leaned forward. “He's the head of the Asgard Corporation so
I've heard his name at work forever, but I hadn't met him until that day in the
“Oh shit.” Maggie stood up from the table.
“You've got to be fucking kidding me!”
Courtney stared at her friend. “Mags, back up.
What the hell is going on?”
“Do you have a high school yearbook? Freshman
Courtney's head spun with the change of
subject. She pointed towards a bookshelf in the corner. She'd brought them with
her when she'd moved, but she wasn't following Maggie's train of thought.
Something weird was going on.
Maggie pulled the slim volume from the shelf
and brought it over to the couch. She flipped through the pages until she
finally found what she was looking for. She turned the book as she put it on
the cushion between them, pointing to one of the class pictures.
Courtney looked down, following Maggie's
carefully manicured gold and crimson nail, and felt her mouth drop open. The
picture was almost fifteen years old, but the thick black hair and piercing
blue eyes were the same. His face was younger, lacking the confidence that he
had now, but there was no mistaking it or the name next to the face.
“He went to our school?” Courtney whispered.
Maggie nodded. “He was this shy, quiet guy.
Some artsy geek or something. How can you not remember him?”
“I think the better question is.” Courtney
felt her composure returning. “Why didn't he ever tell me?”


“Emma, I need to talk to you,” Vance Forster
called to his assistant.
Every day for the past two weeks, he'd been
debating talking to Emma about whatever this was going on with him and
Courtney. He didn't have many friends and certainly not many who knew about his
recreational activities. Emma not only knew in theory but in practice. They
hadn't been together long and certainly nothing serious. Their friendship had
been cemented by their common interests – Emma had decided to stick with just
girls after Vance – and a mutual respect. If anyone could help him figure this
thing out, it would be her.
“Yes?” Emma appeared in the doorway. One look
at Vance's face and she stepped inside the office, shutting the door behind
“Did you fuck things up with Courtney?” She
eyed her boss.
He gave a half-smile at her tone. She was the
only person who ever spoke to him that way. And certainly the only one he ever
listened to. “Not exactly.”
She took a seat across from him and crossed
her legs, demurely waiting. She didn't have to wait long.
“Courtney and I have been getting along well
since our little misunderstanding was resolved,” He tried not to let his true
emotions through, but his attempt at levity fell short. Emma knew him too well
to be fooled and it showed on her face. “We've been together every night this
week. The sex is amazing. She does as I say and the only time she ever used the
safe word is when I was testing her limits. She's the perfect combination of
innocent and adventurous.”
“So what's the problem?” Emma wasn't being
very sympathetic. “She's hinting around that she wants more?” Realization
dawned and she sat forward. “She hasn't said that she wants more. You're the
one who wants more.”
He closed his eyes and rubbed his temples with
his fingertips. “I don't know.”
“What do you mean, you don't know?”
He heard her get up and walk around the desk
but he didn't open his eyes. He didn't want to meet her gaze, afraid of what
she'd read in his eyes. Afraid that she would confirm what he'd been fearing
from the beginning.
“What's going on here, Vance? I've known you
for six years and I've never seen you behave like you have these past couple of
He opened his eyes to see her kneeling in
front of him. Her expression was serious, all traces of toughness replaced by
“Talk to me.”
“I knew her,” he confessed. “We went to school
together. I was a junior, she was a freshman and she was perfect.”
She shook her head. “Shit, you hired some girl
you had a crush on in high school? You know that this looks like you intended
to force her into a relationship by using your position as her boss.”
“Emma, you know me.” He was vaguely aware that
he sounded almost pleading. “I would never do that.”
“Why else would she agree... She doesn't
remember you, does she?”
“No. That's the problem. I thought she might
recognize me, but when she didn't, I didn't tell her, so now it’s become this
secret that I'm keeping from her.”
“Why don't you just tell her?” She sat back on
her heels. “I don't see what the big deal is. Unless...” Her eyes narrowed and
Vance felt a flush creeping up his cheeks. “You knew she worked here from the
beginning.” She stood and crossed her arms over her chest, glaring down at him.
“What aren't you telling me?”
“I had a crush on her.” His gaze dropped to
his hands. “She was pretty and popular and never spoke to me.”
“Did she blow you off? Was she a bitch?”
Vance shook his head. “I didn't talk to her.”
“Wait a minute,” Emma held up a hand. “You're
telling me that you've been blaming this girl for not talking to you when you never
even tried approaching her?”
“Not blaming,” he began.
She didn't give him the chance to finish his
excuse. “Did you want to fuck her now just because you couldn't fuck her then?
Is that what all of this was about?”
He had to come clean. It was the only way Emma
was going to be able to help him. “She's always been the unattainable, the one
thing I could never have and the only thing I ever wanted.”
“But you don't make love, Vance, you fuck.”
He winced at her blunt statement but had to
agree. The rest of his confession flooded out of him in a rush. “I didn't want
to make love to her. I wanted to fuck her, make her mine and then tell her that
I was the loser in school that she never would've looked at twice.”
“You wanted her to want you, to know what it
felt like.” She leaned back on Vance's desk.
He swallowed hard, shame flooding through him.
She was right. Whenever he'd fantasized about his time with Courtney, whether
they were having sex or he was doing the big reveal of what he'd done, he
always wanted to picture her response, make up what she might say. Humiliation
at having fucked a loser. Apologies for how she'd treated him. Never once had
he considered that he might want a different response.
Her voice softened. “Do you still want that?
Is this about revenge for a perceived wrong or are you feeling something else
for Courtney?” When he didn't respond, she straightened. “I think that's
something you need to figure out. You need to be fair to her and fair to
He barely noticed when she left, his mind
already going over what Emma had said. Had he really been unfair to Courtney
when they were in school? If he'd asked her out back then, would things have
been different? All of the time that he'd spent thinking that she'd never give
him the time of day. Had it all just been in his head?
And what if it had been? How did that change
things now? Did he even want it to change things? Or did it mean that he just
wanted to move forward with the way things were, but never tell her of their
history together? He was enjoying himself and they seemed to be very
compatible. Shouldn't he just enjoy what he had and not worry about trying to
explore other things?
But what if he wanted to explore other things?
And if he wanted to, would that even be a possibility? Could he start something
real with Courtney and not tell her the truth? But if he told her the truth,
would she still want to be with him?
Vance growled in frustration. This wasn't
getting him anywhere. He needed to simplify things. He guessed what it really
came down to was the truth. What was the truth about his feelings for Courtney
He couldn't get her out of his head, that much
was true. Thick ash blond waves framing a heart-shaped face. Dark gray eyes the
color of a summer storm cloud full to bursting with rain. Just the right amount
of curves. Creamy skin. Full breasts a little more than a handful. Rose-colored
nipples that hardened under his touch.
She'd gasped the first time he'd put clamps on
her wrinkled little nubs, just a puff of air between kiss-swollen lips, and
he'd had to wrestle with the urge to bury himself in her tight, wet heat. The
other women that he'd fucked, while he'd enjoyed their encounters and their
bodies, he'd never experienced the sensation he'd felt when he slid inside of
Courtney for the first time. It was like they'd been made for each other. A
perfect fit. Her pussy had gripped him as if it never wanted to let him go.
And after, he hadn't had the usual desire to
bolt. Even in his own house, he'd normally left the bed if the woman fell
asleep. He wasn't ungentlemanly enough to wake her up and kick her out, but he
wasn't about to cuddle. Until Courtney.
When his arms were around her, it just felt
right. He wanted her, but he also wanted to protect her. The feel of her body
pressed against his had comforted him as much as it had excited him. He'd
caught himself wondering what it would be like to wake up next to her, and not
just because they'd both passed out after a night of incredible sex. What it
would be like to watch her go through her evening routines. Brushed out her
hair. Pull on a pair of comfy pajamas. Would she wear one of his shirts to bed?
The thought that she would sleep wrapped in his scent tugged at something deep
and primal inside him.
There was a possessiveness there, a desire to
claim her. But even as he thought it, he realized that it wasn't the same as
before. This wasn't an owning, a sense of property. This was something far
different. This was Vance wanting Courtney to be his so that he never had to
worry about losing her. He wanted to make sure everyone knew that they belonged
together, that he belonged to her. They were lovers and there would be no
“Fuck,” Vance swore. “I'm in love with her. In
actual selfless want her to be happy no matter what it means for me love.”
He stood and grabbed his keys. He had to tell
her. She deserved the whole truth. The idea of losing her terrified him, but it
was the only way. Now that he knew he was in love with her, he couldn't lie to
He didn't stop to tell Emma where he was going
but she'd given him a knowing smile as he'd hurried past her desk on his way
out and that was enough.
He spent the entire drive to Courtney’s
apartment trying to think of the best way to do this. It wasn't like he could
just say 'by the way, we used to go to school together, isn't that neat.” It
was a bit more complex than that and he had no idea how to initiate the
The moment the door opened and Vance found
himself face-to-face with a surprised redhead, he knew that all of his planned
conversations were no good. In no version of this scenario had he expected
Maggie Black to be waiting. Courtney had mentioned a friend flying in from
Chicago and he'd assumed it was someone she'd met in college. He'd completely
forgotten that Maggie's family lived in the Windy City. He also hadn't realized
that the girls had remained friends. Courtney hadn't mentioned her. Then again,
they didn't really spend much time talking about things other than sex. If
Courtney had told Maggie his name, all bets were off. Maggie had ridden his bus
for two years and, judging by the scowl on her face, she remembered him, and
that meant Courtney most likely knew of their connection.
“Vance Forster.” Maggie crossed her arms.
“It's been a while.”
“Hi, Maggie.” He quickly decided that
acknowledging her was better than trying to pretend he didn't know her. “I'm
here for Courtney.”
“I'm sure you are.” Maggie stepped out of the
way. She glared up at him as he walked past her and into the apartment. “She's
in the bathroom.” She picked up her purse and glowered at him. “I'm heading out
for a while. Tell Courtney to text me if she needs me”
He nodded.
Maggie took a step towards him. “If you hurt
her, they'll never find your body. I have connections.”
He stared, open-mouthed, as Maggie strode past
him and out into the hallway.
“Mags, who was at the...” Courtney's voice
trailed off when she saw Vance standing just inside the still open door. “Hi.”
“Hi,” Vance echoed. Now that he was standing
in front of her, he wasn't sure what to say. The only thought his brain seemed
to be able to produce was 'don't fuck this up.' Wise words. If only he could
figure out a way to accomplish it.
Her expression hardened. “You knew.” She
stomped past him and slammed the door shut. “I wasn't sure that you did until I
saw you just now. Why didn't you ever mention it?” Her eyes narrowed in
suspicion. “Unless there was a reason you didn't want me to know.”
“It wasn't like that.” He started to protest,
then quickly amended. “I mean, it's more complicated than that.”
“Really? Seems pretty simple to me,” Courtney
turned on her heel and stalked into her living room.
He followed, his heart sinking as she
“Maggie said she remembered you, that you were
some sort of quiet geeky kid who spent most of his time staring at me. Not that
I knew you existed. We didn't have any of the same classes, have any of the
same friends. I'm not entirely sure how I was supposed to know about you since
you never said one word to me. But, I think, somehow in your twisted little
mind, you thought that I was purposefully ignoring you. How am I doing so far?”
She spun around, eyes flashing.
A bolt of fear and desire stabbed through him
and he stammered, “pretty good, actually.”
“Then how about I continue.” Courtney’s arms
crossed her chest. “You've waited and plotted for years, which is a little
creepy and pathetic to be honest, just waiting for your chance to fuck with me.
Or was it just waiting to fuck me?” Her eyes shone and he suddenly realized
that she was close to tears. “I'll bet you even hired me at Asgard so you'd be
in this position of authority...”
“I never used my position at the company,” he
interrupted. “I made it very clear that what we were doing had nothing to do
with work.”
“Oh you made a lot of things clear.” Her
bottom lip trembled.
“Don't. Just don't.” A tear rolled down her
cheek. “Just tell me one thing. Was there anything about this that was real?”
A hand squeezed his heart. “It's the most real
thing I've ever had.”
He took a step towards her and she flinched.
He stopped.
“You were right. I had a huge crush on you in
school and I thought that because you were popular and pretty, you'd never give
someone like me the time of day. I let it haunt me, drive me. When I saw that
you'd applied at Asgard, I didn't interfere, I waited to see if you'd get
hired. That would be my sign, I decided. The sign that I was supposed to do
what I'd been fantasizing about since I was seventeen.” He didn't want to
continue, didn't want to tell her the extent of what he'd wanted, but he knew
that he had to. “I wanted to make you mine.”

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