His Every Touch [The Complete Series] (4 page)

BOOK: His Every Touch [The Complete Series]
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The paper Courtney'd been holding – her careful plan
outlining everything from her resignation to putting in applications at other
agencies – slipped from her fingers as Vance spoke. “Hi,” her response was
“Can I come in?”
Courtney blinked. This uncertainty was nothing like
the man she'd met yesterday. The man who'd ordered her to take off her jacket,
the man whose touch had sent flames licking over her body at his every touch.
“Of course.” She took a step back and, as he walked past, his scent washed over
her. Rich spices that made her think of warmth and safety. Of home.
He turned towards her as she shut the door. Her heart
was in her throat, and she opened her mouth.
“This is a really bad idea.” They spoke together,
eyes locking on the last word.
Courtney could almost hear the spark that went
between them, almost see it. As a child, she'd imagined that, one day, a prince
would come who'd sweep her off her feet and take her to his kingdom. She'd live
in a castle and have servants, and her husband would take care of her forever.
She hadn't been very old when that fantasy had faded, but a part of it had
always remained. The part that said she'd know the moment she met him, that
they would have this instant connection. Now, as she stared into Vance's pale
eyes, she couldn't help but remember telling one of her many nannies that her
prince would be everything she'd ever wanted, and they'd recognize each other
the moment their eyes met.
The moment went on for an eternity, neither one
speaking or moving, just existing. Vance broke it first, crossing the distance
between them. Some of his confidence had returned, and it shone from his eyes
as he bent his head. His lips slanted over hers, forcing her mouth open as he
buried his fingers in her thick waves of hair. His tongue plundered her mouth,
possessing it, owning it, and Courtney's body responded. She pressed herself
against him, feeling him harden against her stomach. She locked her hands
around his neck, raising herself on her tiptoes to deepen the kiss.
Vance made a noise in the back of his throat and
pushed her back against the door, his body covering hers. Heat raced along her
nerves as his lips traveled along her jaw and down her neck. She didn't realize
he'd taken her wrists in his hand until he was pulling them above her head,
holding them against the door as his mouth nudged aside the collar of her
shirt. His free hand worked between them, deftly undoing each button.
Courtney's brain buzzed, thoughts and sensations
chasing each other in a cacophony of chaos until she wasn't sure what she was
thinking or feeling. She'd been prepared, ready to take charge. She would hand
in her resignation, look for another job. She had a list of prospective employers.
And then Vance was there, something in his pale eyes that didn't belong.
Whatever had started was over, she was sure. Or at least, she had been sure
until he'd kissed her, a man dying of thirst finding an oasis in a desert. His
mouth demanding and greedy on hers.
“If you don't want this, stop me,” Vance murmured
against her ear, voice low and husky with desire. “Otherwise...” he slipped his
fingers through the folds of her blouse, digits hot against her skin as they
skimmed over her ribcage and around to the small of her back. When she didn't
protest, his mouth returned to hers, teeth scraping lightly over her bottom
lip. The hand on her back moved higher, deftly unhooking her bra. When his
thumb brushed between the underside of her breast and the elastic of her bra,
Courtney squirmed. Vance smiled against her mouth. He broke their kiss but kept
their bodies pressed together.
“We're going to fuck, Courtney.” His voice was even,
sounding more like the CEO she'd spilled coffee on just the day before. “And I'm
going to make you scream.”
Courtney nodded. Not that there was anything else she
could do. The power of speech seemed to have deserted her. She let Vance pull
her over to the couch, the sense of relief that rushed through her made her
knees weak. He wasn't going to fire her. He was going to tell her what to do.
She didn't have to decide anything more than whether or not to say no.
“Clothes off.” Vance slipped his hand under her loose
bra, cupping one full breast. He ran his thumb over her nipple, and she
couldn't stop the whimper that escaped. “I want to see what your clothes have
been hiding.”
Courtney kept her gaze on Vance as she removed her
shirt and bra. When his eyes flicked down to her pants, she removed them as
well. She started to take off her plain cotton panties when Vance held up a
hand. He stepped closer and ran his fingertip along the skin just above the
elastic waistband, sending goosebumps across Courtney's flesh.
“Thought you promised to never wear these.”
The words were out of her mouth before she realized
she was going to say them. “I thought that was only at work.”
Vance grinned. “I think we may need to get some
clarification regarding your promises.” He hooked his fingers under the
elastic. “But first things first.” He waited until she stepped out of her
panties before looking at her. His gaze was hungry as it ran the length of her
Courtney's hands automatically moved to cover
herself, blushing at the intensity on Vance's face.
“No.” The word was soft, but Courtney could heard
something harder beneath, something that sent a rush of heat through her entire
body. Vance reached out and covered her hand with his own, shifting to make the
angle less awkward. He threaded his fingers through hers. “Why would you feel
the need to hide?” The steel in his voice had tempered. “You have a beautiful
Courtney gasped as Vance cupped her sex with their
joined hands. She parted her legs as he slipped their middle fingers between
her slick folds. “Vance,” she breathed his name as he moved their hands, unsure
if she was protesting or begging. The heel of her palm pressed against her clit
as Vance pushed her finger into her cunt.
“Shh,” Vance whispered. His finger joined hers and
Courtney cried out.
It was too much, too soon. She wasn't stretched
enough, but the pressure on her clit turned the pain into almost-pleasure. Her
nerves were taut, a day's worth of tension running through her and then she was
cumming, the rhythmic strokes of their fingers coaxing the pleasure from a
mini-wave to a full-blown orgasm. Her knees buckled, and Vance grabbed her
around the waist, easing her back onto the couch, hands never stilling though
Courtney's was limp, completely under Vance's control. Only after Courtney's
entire body had gone stiff a second time and her eyes rolled back into her head
did Vance let their fingers slide from between her legs.
Courtney's eyes fluttered open at the sound of
clothes falling to the floor. His torso was exactly how she remembered it, firm
muscles with a fine smattering of blue-black hair trailing from his bellybutton
down to courser curls. He was bigger than she'd imagined, thicker and curving
up towards his abs. A sudden giggle bubbled up.
Vance's lips twitched. “Not exactly the reaction a
man wants when a woman sees him naked for the first time.” He sounded like he
was trying to make the words harsh, but he couldn't quite erase his own
“Abs,” Courtney tried to explain. “'Fuck you and your
tight abs Vance Forster.'” Another fit of laughter took her. She barely felt
Vance's hands on her knees, and then her laugh turned into a half-scream as he
buried himself inside her with one thrust. Courtney's back arched, limbs went
rigid, as her body struggled to adapt to the intrusion. Before it could, he was
pulling back, leaving just the head in, and then pushing forward, making
Courtney keen.
“You're so tight,” Vance spoke through gritted teeth.
“Feels so good inside you. Been dreaming about this moment since I first saw
The words washed over her, but Courtney didn't let
them sink in. Her body had enough to process with Vance's bruising pace
wreaking havoc with her overstimulated nerves. As her body stretched to
accommodate him, her hips began to rise and fall of their own volition, meeting
Vance's every stroke, forcing him deeper than she'd thought possible.
“One more time, Court,” Vance grunted, face showing
the strain of holding himself back. His hips stuttered in their rhythm, and he
leaned forward to lock blue with gray, arctic with storm. “Come again for me.”
Courtney hovered on the edge, wanting that release
but unable to make her body comply. A wail of pure frustration spilled from her
“I said, come.” Vance slammed into her, the tip of
him hitting the end of her as his fingers closed around her nipple, pinching it
just hard enough to break through the last of her resistance, and she
When she came to, she was stretched out on her couch,
Vance lying behind her, an afghan covering them both, one muscled arm draped
over her waist.
“Looks like that was as good for you as it was for
me,” Vance quipped, and she could almost hear the smile in his voice.
“Still think it was a bad idea?” Courtney kept her
tone light even though her stomach knotted at the thought of this being the
“That depends,” Vance said warily.
Courtney rolled onto her back so she could see his
face. “On what?”
“On how many of those promises you intend to keep.”
Heat rose to Courtney's cheeks. “What do you mean?”
Vance propped himself up on his elbow. “What I said
in my office, I meant it, Courtney. I think you need discipline, that you want
it.” His eyes darkened. “And I want to be the one to do it.”
A thrill ran through her, quickly followed by
trepidation. What was he going to make her do? And what if she didn't want to
do something he asked? Just how far did this obedience thing go?
Almost as if he read her mind, Vance was speaking.
“It's a relationship of trust Courtney. I trust you to set the limits, to hold
me to them. And you trust me to know what you want, even if you won't ask for
it, and to stop when it's too much.” His fingers traced patterns on her skin.
“I won't lie and say that I don't want this. I do. I like the idea of
controlling you. Of being in charge of when you come. Of expanding your horizons.
Of making you do things you never would have thought you'd enjoy. But it only
works if you trust me.” He fell silent, waiting for her response, watching her
Was this what she wanted? To give control to this man
who made her body burn with every touch? Could she trust him enough to give him
that control? The rational part of her said no. Were a few orgasms – no matter
how amazing – worth having someone else make decisions for her? But how nice
had it been to just let go, to know that the only thing she had to do was
follow what he said?
“All right.” Her voice sounded small in her own ears.
“But nothing crazy.”
Vance's smile lit up his entire face. “We'll start


Courtney stood in front of her mirror, eyes searching
for some discernible difference from the woman she'd been yesterday. Vance had
stayed for hours. They'd covered all the buzz words – hard limits, soft limits,
safe words – and set what she felt were reasonable expectations. They'd fucked
two more times before he'd finally gone and, for the first time in her life,
she'd gone to bed completely sated.
Now, as she prepared to go back in to work, her body
tingled with anticipation. Everything was about to change.


It wasn't supposed to be like this. He wasn't supposed to
feel like this. Sex was about power and control and pleasure... right? And yet,
when he'd been inside her, ordering her to cum again, it hadn't felt like he
wanted it to display the power he had over her. It had felt like he'd just
wanted her to cum for her pleasure alone, as if her emotions were his primary
concern. That wasn't part of the plan.
When she asked if he still thought it was a bad idea,
what they'd done, he sensed that their relationship hung in the balance.
Whatever he did next would set the course of what was to come. This was the
opportunity he'd been waiting for.


Thirty-one year-old Vance Forster stood at his office
window, arctic blue eyes staring, unseeing, at the gray autumn morning. His
hands were in his pockets, his muscles tense. He'd barely slept the night
before, mind inundated with memories.
Her body stretched out next to him, the curve of
her ass pressed against his hip.
Her mouth was sweet, tasting of the peaches she'd
been eating, their taste rich on his tongue.
Her pussy gripped his cock, muscles spasming as
her orgasm enveloped her, and he could hold back no longer.
The fantasies had been just as hard to ignore.
She sat across from him, parting her legs to give
him a glimpse of the pale down between her thighs.
Ropes suspended her naked body, toes just skimming
the floor, the gag in her mouth muffling any cries she might have made.
He could feel her muscles flutter as he penetrated
her virgin ass, her whimpers of pain urging him on.
Vance ran a hand through his blue-black hair, trying
to banish the thoughts that were making his pants increasingly uncomfortable.
He didn't need to be thinking of some of the more extreme things he wanted to
do to his nearly twenty-eight year-old employee. Just the thought of those dark
gray eyes pleading, kiss-swollen lips begging, was enough to make him want to
excuse himself to his bathroom to relieve the tension. They were going to start
Which means the first part of his fantasy was about
to become a reality.
Rule #1. Unless given permission, the sub is not
to wear panties.
His intercom buzzed and his assistant's voice came
into the silent room. “Ms. Bell here to see you.”
“Send her in,” his voice betrayed none of the chaos
churning inside him. After all these years, it was finally beginning. Courtney
Bell was going to be completely and unequivocally his.
He didn't turn when the door opened or even when he
heard it close. His hands twitched in his pockets at the soft brush of her
shoes on the expensive carpet. After they stopped, he waited in silence,
letting it draw out until the energy between them was nearly palpable. Only
then did Vance turn. He let his gaze run over her, heated and lingering.
Her ash blond waves were down and loose, framing a
pale face. Her eyes were wide, a mixture of fear and desire in their stormy
depth. She'd chosen to wear a pale gray blouse under her black jacket, both of
which, along with her matching skirt, had been fitted to flatter her curves.
But unlike any of the other men who may have admired her today, Vance knew what
lay underneath the fabric. He knew that her sheer stockings stopped mid-thigh,
just two inches above the hem of her skirt. The bra he'd ordered her to wear
under a pale-colored shirt of her choice was black lace. The matching panties would
be, however, absent. His eyes dropped to her feet. She'd done as he instructed.
A new pair of black heels gave her an extra four inches and enhanced her
shapely legs. If he hadn't already been half-hard, seeing her would've done the
trick. As it was, he needed to adjust himself, a grin playing over his lips
when her eyes followed his hand to his crotch.
“Have you followed all of my instructions, Ms. Bell?”
Vance sat down, folding his hands in front of him.
“Yes, sir.” Courtney's voice was faint.
“If you ever lie to me.” Vance assumed the soft, even
tone he used when in this role, carefully devoid of real emotion. “The
punishment will be far more severe than if you merely disobeyed. So I'll ask
you again. Did you follow all of my instructions?”
“Yes, sir.” The words had a bit more bite and some of
the fear had faded from her face.
“Show me.” He leaned back.
Color rushed to Courtney's cheeks, and she hesitated.
“Now, Ms. Bell.” Vance raised an eyebrow. “Or do I
need to call Emma in to help you?”
Pale pink turned into lovely red as the threat
registered. He waited, half-expecting her to safeword. She'd never done this
before and there was never a way to know for sure how a submissive would behave
when put to the test. When Courtney's hands moved to unbutton her jacket, he
breathed a mental sigh of relief.
The jacket parted slowly the minute tremble in
Courtney's hands barely visible. As she discarded the garment, Vance's gaze ran
along the faint outline of the bra under the lighter silk. The undergarment
would only show in the right light and only if one knew to look. It was
perfect, the type of thing that could honestly be explained away by missing
laundry day or just grabbing the wrong garment while in a rush. But because
Courtney knew the real reason, she'd constantly be afraid that someone would
see and guess the reason behind it.
“Unbutton the shirt,” Vance worked at keeping his
tone lazy, as if every nerve in his body wasn't taut under his skin, as if he
didn't want to just say 'fuck it' and take her right there. “But don't untuck
it.” He added.
The glance over her shoulder told him what he needed
to know. He stood and crossed to his door. The lock clicked softly into place.
Emma had already been told not to disturb him with Ms. Bell, but Courtney
didn't need to know that. This would be a good time to set down another rule.
“Because this is our first... session,” he chose the
word carefully. “I'll lock the door to make you more comfortable. From here on
out, however, you will do what I say, where and when I say it. If I tell you to
strip, drop to your knees and suck me off in the middle of Times Square on New
Year's Eve,” he passed by close enough to brush her arm with his. “You'll say
'thank you, sir,' and do it.” He heard the hitch in her breath but when he
turned back, her face was impassive, her fingers already undoing her buttons.
Creamy flesh gradually came into view, the soft curve
of full breasts, and then the black lace, dark against her natural coloring.
The flat expanse of stomach was next, not quite one hundred percent flat, just
enough to prove her curves were natural. The last to undo was just under her
bellybutton. Keeping the shirt tucked into her skirt left a tantalizing strip
of body bare, just hinting at the lushness Vance knew lay beneath.
“Now, the rest.”
Courtney gave him a puzzled look, then gasped when
his eyes flicked down.
“Are you wearing panties, Ms. Bell?” When she shook
her head, he continued. “Then hike up your skirt and show me.”
Face blazing, Courtney gripped the hem of her skirt
and inched it up her legs. When she reached the top of her stockings, she
faltered for a second. Vance didn't speak, the silence nearly deafening as he
waited for her to make her choice. Slowly, she continued until fine, pale curls
appeared. Eventually, he planned to have her shave, but that would be a part of
a future lesson. For now, he didn't mind the sparse hair. Part of him wondered
how Courtney would react if he reached out and tugged on it.   
“Pull it down enough to cover your ass and have a
seat,” Vance pointed towards a stiff-backed wooden chair that he'd had added
this morning.
Courtney immediately complied, the relief clearly
written on her face as she covered herself, if only just barely. Vance tried
not to smirk, knowing her relief was about to be short-lived. He turned his
chair to watch her as she walked, to face her when she sat. He couldn't hide
his amusement, though, as she tried to find the most comfortable and least
revealing way to sit. To his delight, she unintentionally flashed him several
times before settling with her knees pressed firmly together. He let her stay
that way for a few minutes, letting the tension build again.
“Spread your legs,” Vance allowed himself a smile.
“Let me see you.”
Courtney swallowed hard but obeyed, moving her legs
apart until she was completely exposed. Vance reached for his zipper, not
taking his eyes from her pussy. He reached inside, slipping his hand beneath
his boxer-briefs to take himself in hand.
“Touch yourself.”
“What?” Courtney's squeak drew his attention up to
her face.
He kept his eyes there as he spoke, wanting to see
her expression, wanting to see if this would be the request that made her stop.
This was the part he always enjoyed the most, testing the limits, seeing just
how far he could push. This was a relatively tame request, but Courtney wasn't
like any other woman he'd dominated before. In this area, she was as close to a
virgin as one could get.
“I said, 'touch yourself.' Put your hand between your
legs and show me what you do to get off.”
“I gave you an order,” he cut her off. “And just for
that, you have two minutes to make yourself cum or I'll bend you across that
chair and spank your ass red.” He tightened his hand around the base of his
cock as that image nearly did him in. “And I can't promise that I won't
accidentally call Emma in here.”
“You bastard,” Courtney whispered, tears welling up
in her eyes.
“Tsk, tsk,” Vance shook his head. “You know that's
not how you're supposed to respond. When you're done masturbating, we'll deal
with this infraction. You might want to get started. Your two minutes starts
Courtney's hand made its way down her body, and she
glared at Vance, tears of anger spilling over. But, even as her fingers slid
between her glistening folds, she didn't say the word that would stop
everything. Her palm skimmed over her clit and her body twitched. When she
slipped a finger into her cunt, she couldn't hold back the moan, despite the
tears still running down her cheeks. Her eyes closed as she began to pump her
fingers in a steady rhythm, pressing the heel of her hand against her clit on
every other stroke.
Vance slid his hand over his rock-hard shaft as he
watched Courtney add a second finger. The sight of her glistening digits
disappearing between her pink folds, the sounds coming from her, were almost
too much, and he gripped the base of his cock. He glanced at his watch. “Thirty
Courtney whimpered, hand furiously working between
her lips.
“You want me to spank you, don't you?” Vance ignored
her shaking head. “I bet you want me to call Emma in too. Want her to watch
while I turn that ass cherry red. Want her to hear every time I leave a
handprint on your flesh. The crack, your cry.” His watch beeped and Courtney's
body went rigid, a strangled sound coming out of her mouth. Her hand stilled,
her muscles spasming as she rode out her orgasm.
He'd never seen anything so beautiful, he thought, as
Courtney's expression when she was coming. At least, not yet. He fully intended
to find out what other expressions he could coax from those fine features. Such
“Come here, Ms. Bell,” Vance broke the silence.
Courtney's eyes fluttered open. “I was within the two
“Yes, you were,” Vance admitted. “But I still have
one more punishment to mete out.”
She struggled to her feet, legs still shaky. When her
hands dropped to her skirt, as if to cover herself, he shook his head. Just a
slight motion, but she caught it and stopped. He felt a surge of pride. She was
“Kneel,” Vance pushed his underwear lower on his
hips, freeing his cock. It jutted up, swollen and throbbing. Courtney went to
her knees, eyes drawn to the thick dick in front of her. She licked her lips,
and Vance bit back a groan. He reached for her, sliding his fingers through her
thick mane. “I was going to give you the choice of a handjob or blowjob.” He
cupped the back of her head. “Your punishment is that I'm taking away that
choice.” His fingers curled into her hair. “And your control.”
As he pulled her hand towards his lap, he murmured,
“two taps on my leg, and I'll stop.” The tip of his cock nudged her lips. “Open
Her lips parted willingly, and he groaned as she took
him into her wet heat. He eased her down, letting her test his weight and size,
and she ran her tongue up the underside of his shaft. The grip on her head was
easy the first two passes, letting her feel in control, but as her tongue
swirled around his head again, Vance drew his fist even tighter, eliciting a
hiss of pain.
“You're going to want to relax,” he kept his voice
low. Vance took a second to savor the moment before shoving her head down. The
surprised sound she made sent a vibration through his cock, and Vance swore. He
pulled her up by her hair, careful to keep himself from going too far. Part of
him wanted to see if she could take him all, wanted to feel her struggle, gag,
before her throat relaxed around him. But he reminded himself that he was going
slow. Besides, trying to force someone to deepthroat before finding out if they
had a gag reflex was never a good idea.
“Fuck.” He swore again as Courtney hollowed out her
cheeks, increasing the suction as he bobbed her head. It was too much, and he
barely had time to grit out one more command before he emptied himself into her
mouth. “Swallow.”
When he finished, he pulled her head back off his
cock. She sat back on her heels as he tucked himself back into his underwear
and zipped up his pants. She made no move to cover herself. Progress.
“Recite the rules,” he was shocked at how even he
“Rule number one: unless given permission, the sub is
not to wear panties,” Courtney's voice was a bit breathless, a bit rough, but
she didn't wince. “Rule number two: the sub will sexually please the master in
whatever way the master sees fit. Rule number three: the sub will accept
punishment as deemed necessary by the master knowing that the master will never
bring her to harm. Rule number four: the sub will never disobey or question an
order given by the master. Rule number five: if a limit is reached, the sub has
only to say 'mercy' or make the agreed upon hand signal to stop the session.”

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