His Leading Lady (14 page)

Read His Leading Lady Online

Authors: Jean Joachim

Tags: #contemporary romance, #series romance, #sports romance, #spicy romance, #football romance, #series starter

BOOK: His Leading Lady
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After the tryout, Mark rushed through his
shower, anxious to get away from Darvin. He and Harley met Megan

“You were outstanding, Lug,” she said,
kissing his cheek.

Darvin caught up with them. “He was pretty
good. Who’s this? Another ho’? Two-timing the chippie?”

Mark stepped toward Sweetwater with his fist
raised. “She’s my sister.”

Harley stepped between them. “Guys, guys.
Come on. If Coach sees this, you’ll get another fine.”

Both players backed off. After shooting a
threatening look at his nemesis, Mark grabbed Meg’s arm and pulled
her toward the SUV.

“Fine? What fine?”

“It’s nothing,” Mark said as he got behind
the wheel.

“Five big ones. Not nothing to me,” Harley
chimed in. Mark shot him a dirty look. “You didn’t tell her?”

“No, you big ape! Now, I have to. Geez, can’t
a guy have a couple of secrets?”

“Not from his twin sister. You were fined
five hundred bucks?”

“Five thousand, Meg,” Harley offered.

Mark peeled out as Meg shouted, “What the

“It’s a done deal, Meg.”

“Give. All the details.”

He explained what happened.

“Brilliant. Fighting. Over stupid pictures.
Men.” The note of disgust in her voice was unmistakable.

“It won’t affect you.”

“When you’re in the hole, it affects us all.
Hey, if you’d have spent that taking an around-the-world cruise,
I’d be thrilled. But to lose it fighting? What a waste.”

Meg spent the evening with Harley, but came
back to Mark’s place to sleep. They had the next day off. He took
her sightseeing and out to dinner.

“Do you talk to Penny often?” Meg asked,
taking a bite of vanilla coconut cake.

“We email almost every day. Her schedule is
worse than mine. She has to do all the scenes they shot with the
actress who got sick. Four, five. Something like that.”

“Are you serious about her?”

“Are you prying?” He took a forkful of
strawberry cheesecake.

“Of course.”

“Are you serious with Harley?”

Meg burst out laughing. “Who could be serious
about anything with Harley?”

“He’s dedicated to football,” Mark said.

“That’s as far as it goes. Harley’s a
playboy. He’s fun, but that’s all.”

“You need fun. You’re too serious, Meg.” The
waitress refreshed their coffee.

“Hey, grad school is no joke. I have some
fun. Especially here with you. I like Penny, a lot. She’s good for
you. I know you’re just a kid, but I hope you’re serious about

“Look who’s talking. Have you forgotten we’re
twins? The same age?”

“Men mature so much slower.”

“Don’t be so superior, Squirt.”

“Lug,” she shot back.

Mark was sorry to see his sister return to
Boston. It was time to get to work. Harley got word that the scout
was coming in a couple of weeks.
This is my chance. I’ve gotta
get out of here.

Mark worked hard every day. He showed up
early and stayed late. Afterward, he stopped at the corner candy
store to pick up a copy of
Celebs ’R Us.
Each week, he went
over every inch of the new issue, looking for Penny’s pictures or
mention of them. He let out a breath when he didn’t see her naked
body strewn all over its pages.

The time difference made communication slow,
killing spontaneity. Every evening, he looked forward to the “ding”
that told him he had a new email. She wrote to him early in the
morning, and he received it eight hours the night before.


Hi, Honey,

How was your tryout? Any word? Wouldn’t it
be great to have Darvin kicked off the team? I know, never happen.
Spain is beautiful. Makes me miss you more. I want to share all the
beautiful places and food with you, but you’re too far away. I’m
working hard. Memorizing my lines, trying to focus, when all I can
think about is you. Hope you’re well and working hard.




He read and re-read every word a dozen times.
Her messages put a smile on his face before he climbed into his
empty bed alone.




Mark believed
Celebs ’R Us
ignoring Darvin’s package of Penny’s pictures. By the second week
after Darvin had said he had sent the pictures, with nothing
appearing in the magazine, Mark relaxed. But he still bought it,
planning to read it while he ate dinner alone, waiting for an email
from Penny.

He picked up a Philly cheese steak sub from
the joint down the block and hit the button on the elevator. He’d
been working hard and was tired and hungry. He opened his sandwich
and spread the newsprint publication out on the table. After
popping a beer, he sat down and took a bite as he read.

The gossip about movie stars seemed endless.
The information bored him.
Who cares who’s doing what in their
private lives? Who cares who wants to have sex with men or women or
both? Not me.
Then, his eyes stopped at a headline. A chill
zinged through his body.


Guess Who Posed for Nudie Pics?

We can’t say her name, but she used to be on
Las Vegas Beat. Did she get fired for posing nude? Or did she leave
to do porno flicks? Wish we could print her hot pics, but alas, we
don’t have the rights. This steamy, blonde tootsie looks even
better topless.


Shit! Almost as bad as if the pictures
were reprinted. It’s obvious they’re talking about Penny. Fuck!
Then, he heard the
on his computer.
she already know, or would he have to tell her?
Damn. I wish
this would go away. Enough is enough.
He read her short message
then crafted his reply.


Hey, Baby,

Glad you’re doing okay. Any word on when you
can come home?

I miss you like crazy. I’ve been working
hard. I’m too tired to go out with Harley, though someone needs to
keep him on a leash. Did you see
Celebs ’R Us
today? No
pictures, but there’s a piece about them. Look under “Hot Flashes.”
I’m sorry, honey. Hope there’s no fallout from this. Love you and
miss you every day.



There was another
right after he
sent his response.


Shit! I didn’t think he sent them. Damn.
This is going to bite me in the ass. You can’t do regular films and
be porno, too. Pray it dies down.

Love you and miss you, too,



Mark got into bed and tried to sleep. He was
exhausted, but his mind wouldn’t shut off. In the morning, he had
to drag himself out of bed. He wanted to kill Darvin Sweetwater,
but took his anger out on the track and the barbells.
scout’s coming. I need to build some muscle.

Harley cornered him in the parking lot. Mark
turned hostile eyes to his friend.

“Buddy, don’t look at me like that. I didn’t
send those pictures.” Harley held up his hands.

“What do you want? I’m not exactly in the
mood to go out drinking tonight.”

“That’s okay. Just wanted to tell you not to
worry. You’ll have your chance. When the scout is here, you’ll be
playing, not Sweetwater. So, be prepared.”

“What makes you so sure?”

“Trust me. Stop asking questions. The less
you know, the better. Go home. Get a good night’s sleep, and get in
shape. This is your big chance, buddy. Take it.” Harley clapped him
on the back then got in his SUV and drove away.

Mark watched his car leave the lot and
What the fuck? He’s up to something. Just don’t get
arrested, Harley.




Penny closed her computer and let the bad
news sink in.
Crap. Maybe no one will know it’s me.
to that hope, she threw on sweats and made her way to makeup. She
swore she was getting funny looks from some of the crew.
be paranoid. They can’t know yet. Maybe online?
Celebs ’R Us
does have an online subscription.
Penny’s stomach knotted.
Continue as if no one knows. Assume the best. Move on.

Penny forced thoughts about the nude pictures
out of her mind, focusing on the scene she was shooting. They did
thirty takes, and she was exhausted by the end. Plopping down in a
director’s chair near the buffet on the craft table, she noticed a
few of the men looking at her askance.

They read the article, and now they’re
staring at my chest, imagining God knows what.
She squirmed
under the leering looks thrown her way. The assistant director
approached her.

“Nice work today, Penny. We’re almost caught

“Thanks, Alex.”

“Hey, I read an article about you.”

Crap. Here it comes.
fidgeted with a tissue.

“About some topless pictures?”

“What about it?”
Please don’t make a pass
at me, Alex. I like you.

“Is it true?” He took his glasses off and
polished them on his shirtsleeve.

“Why do you want to know?”

“Well, just that…uh…that kind of publicity.
Well, this is a family picture.”

“I understand. It’s true. They were taken a
long time ago. It was a special situation. I didn’t do it
voluntarily, or to vamp my career or anything. I did it under

“Oh, okay. I didn’t want to ask, but the
producer made me.”

She rested her hand on his forearm. “It’s all
right. I get it

“I’ll tell him it’s a mistake.”

“Don’t lie for me. Tell him to ask me
himself. I’ll tell him the truth. I’m sure this will blow over in a
couple of days. Long before this film comes out.”

“Probably right. Okay. I’ll tell him. Thanks
for being honest. Sorry you have to live through this.”

“Yeah? You and me both.” She smiled.
least he was nice.

She packed up her stuff and made her way back
to the hotel. The next day, she reported to the set early and a
member of the crew pulled her aside.

“Did you really pose nude?”

“That’s none of your business.”

“Aw, come on. You can tell me.” He grabbed
her arm.

She jerked away. “Get out of my way,

“We’re friends, right?”

“I said, none of your business. Now, let me

“Okay, okay, don’t get so touchy. Show me.
Come on.” He was staring at her breasts.

Penny lashed out, shoving him in the
shoulder. “I said, get outta my way!”

She caught him off guard, and he went reeling
back, into a flat. He bounced off and came at her. Seizing her
forearm, he twisted it until she cried out.

“Don’t ever do that again, you little whore!”
She smelled whiskey on his breath.

“Don’t speak to me like that. You’re drunk!
Let go! You’re hurting me.”

“I’ll do more than that if you open your
mouth. Or shove me again. Bet your tits aren’t so great, after
all.” He spat on the floor and moved away.

Penny was shaking. “Wait until I tell

Earl turned on his heel and was pushing his
nose into her face within two seconds. “Keep your big yap shut, ya
hear? Or, I’ll mess you up. Mess you up good.” He raised a fist,
his eyes wild with drink.

“What’s going on here?” Alex said, strolling
over to Penny.

Earl backed away immediately. Penny’s eyes
were wide, and she was trembling.

“Nothing, nothing. Ms. Thatcher dropped her
pen. I was picking it up, is all.”

“He’s drunk, Alex. And he was threatening

Alex motioned to the crewmember. “Earl, come
here, will you? Let’s talk.” Earl shot her an evil look and walked
off in Alex’s custody.

As soon as Earl was far away, Penny broke
This wouldn’t happen if you were here, Mark. I need you so

Things on the set died down within a day or
two. Penny was happy to become old news. Apparently, the same
wasn’t true in Los Angeles. When she had time to check her cell,
Penny had ten messages from Keith Peters.

There was no free time to talk to Keith while
she was on the set, so she had to wait until she returned to the
hotel room. Her hand shook as the phone dialed his number.

“Penny? It’s about time! Where have you

“On the set. I’m doing a movie. Remember?”
She didn’t like his tone.

“Oh, yeah. Right. Have you seen
Celebs ’R

“I saw it online. I’m in Spain. Don’t think
they sell it here.” She stretched out on the bed.

“So, you saw the bit about you and those damn

“What’s your point?”

“I’ve been getting calls from porn
filmmakers, asking about you.”

“Oh, God, no!” Her hand covered her

“Oh, yeah.”

“Those were taken five years ago. What are
you telling them?”

“What do you want me to tell them? Are you
game for doing porn flicks?”

“How can you even ask that, Keith? I’m a
serious actress. I’d never do porn!”

“Most serious actresses would never have nude
photos taken.”

“It was under duress. I did it to keep my dad
out of jail.” Penny paced.

“Water under the bridge. No one cares why you
did it. You did it. And they’re out there, forever in

A wave of nausea hit Penny. “Just tell them
‘no,’ Keith,” she said in a low tone, struggling to keep her

“Okay. But don’t count on getting too many
legit offers, now. I wish you had told me about this before.”

“What would you have done?”

“Probably dropped you as a client.”

Penny’s stomach knotted. “And now?”

“I’m stuck with you. At least until our
contract runs out.”

“Your loyalty is touching,” she said, tears
biting at the back of her eyes.

“This is business, Penny. Nothing personal. I
like you. But it’s about money.”

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