His Old Kentucky Home (2 page)

Read His Old Kentucky Home Online

Authors: Brynn Paulin

Tags: #Gay Erotic Romance, BDSM

BOOK: His Old Kentucky Home
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Some would consider this part of their relationship dark, he realized that, but no one knew about this. Knowledge of these practices was only for him and Cord. He
to Cord.

“Such a good boy,” Cord moaned, thrusting upward and reminding Sully that Sully wasn’t the one in control here. It wasn’t about him. It was about Cord and Cord’s pleasure. And Cord liked to be lodged deep in Sully—whether it was in his throat or in his ass.

Cord tightened his grip on Sully’s hair and pulled him away. “On the floor. On your knees. I want to properly fuck this mouth.”

Oh God. Yes…yes…

Sully scrambled off the mattress and knelt on the wood floor beside the bed. His hands locked behind him and his mouth opened, waiting. To his surprise, when Cord stood, he skirted around Sully and headed for the dresser. Sully didn’t look to see what he was doing. That wasn’t his worry. He just needed to stay here like this.

When Cord returned, he surprised Sully by looping a silk scarf over his eyes, blinding him.

“Where did this come from?” Sully asked.

Cord clicked his tongue, reminding him that it wasn’t for him to question. Apparently, his man had picked it up when he’d driven into Gillette yesterday. Sully wondered if he’d gotten anything else.

With his eyesight gone, Sully listened closely for clues about what Cord was doing. Drool was forming in his open mouth, and he needed to close his lips and swallow, but he knew he was expected to wait like this.

He groaned as he felt Cord stepping closer to him. He grabbed both sides of Sully’s head and pushed his cock between Sully’s lips. Sully immediately sucked him in, groaning at the welcome intrusion. He tilted his head slightly to urge Cord to push in farther. He wanted his man in his throat and now.

“Damn, you feel so fucking good,” Cord groaned. “How the hell will I do without you?”

Sully moaned in response, unable to answer that he wouldn’t be gone that long. His fingers flexed as he longed to reach for Cord, to feel his lover’s thickly muscled thighs beneath his hands, to let the curling body hair brush his palms, to absorb the sensations of Cord as Sully swallowed the man’s long cock.

“Yeah, baby,” Cord grated. “Just like that. You are so into this tonight.”

Sully nodded slightly, an unintelligible affirmation humming from his throat. On his knees, giving this man a blowjob? Of course, he was into it. Even so, he knew if it was anyone else, it would never happen. He’d never submit to anyone but Cord. This was a special thing between them.

Closing off his thoughts, he focused on the feel and texture of the man he sucked and centered his attention on making Cord come. Before long, Cord started to shake and his fingers tightened in Sully’s hair. His breathing shuddered as he pulled back.

Sully lashed out his tongue and caught the end of Cord’s cock as it grazed his lips. Cord caught him under the arms, helping him to his feet and urging him toward their bed.

“On the mattress.”

“Ass in the air…Sir?” Sully quipped now that he could speak. He bent, feeling for the edge of the bed, and Cord smacked his ass.

“What do you think?” Cord answered.

Sully didn’t reply this time, merely crawling across the sheets to what he hoped was the middle. He knelt with his ass in the air and face resting on his crossed forearms.

“No, not like that,” Cord chuckled, pulling first one than the other of Sully’s arms behind his back so it was his shoulders to the bed. Cool metal clicked around his wrists. Apparently, Cord had picked up several items in Gillette.

“Oh, fuck, yeah,” Sully muttered into the sheets. His cock bobbed against his belly and he knew, if he could look, he’d see a generous portion of pre-cum dripping from the end.

Cord’s lips pressed to Sully’s back, moving down along his tailbone. Suddenly, his teeth sank into one of Sully’s cheeks and Sully jerked as dark pleasure blasted through him. Cord was marking him, reminding him who he belonged to even while he was away.

“Mine,” Cord growled as if to confirm the thought.

“Yes,” Sully hissed. “Yes!” He sighed out a moan as Cord parted his ass and cool fingers touched his hole. Sully jerked at the sensation against his burning flesh. He needed more! He needed Cord inside. Branding him. Claiming him.

Cord pulled away for a moment. Sully’s protest was short-lived as slick fingers returned to work the opening.

“Want me inside you, baby?”

“Yes. Yes. Now,” Cord begged. “Please.”

Cord hummed a pleased sound, taking his damn sweet time stroking Sully’s puckered flesh. Slowly, round and round, with the barest pressure, he traced the hole until Sully was ready to scream in sexual frustration. When Sully was just about to curse aloud, Cord ever so incrementally breached him, pushing one digit inside.

Behind his blindfold, Sully squeezed his eyes shut. He bit his lip to keep from demanding Cord hurry the fuck up. He needed cock. Inside him. Now.

“Just feel that ass squeezing me,” Cord murmured, the smile evident in his voice. “So needy, aren’t you?”


“You need to be fucked, don’t you?”

“Yes. Don’t make me wait. Please. I don’t care if it burns. I don’t care of it hurts. Please…”

He almost collapsed against the sheets when he felt Cord’s cock line up with his hole. They always went bareback lately since they’d been monogamous for years, and he throbbed with the need to feel Cord’s cum exploding deep inside him tonight.

A gasp ripped from him as Cord pushed inside, and Sully couldn’t stop the hiss that followed. Cord froze.

“Don’t stop. Fuck me,” Sully said through gritted teeth. “I want to feel you next week. Please!”

“Don’t hate me for it in the morning,” Cord warned.


Sully’s head tilted back, his mouth open on a silent scream as Cord pushed forward. This time, he didn’t stop. He buried himself deep then started a smooth pistoning movement, in and out, in and out, pegging Sully’s prostate with each perfect drive.

“Don’t come; not yet,” Cord ordered, but Sully wasn’t sure he could comply with the command. Every nerve ending seemed to be on fire, readying for that surge of power through him.

Cord stunned him from the edge, yanking the chain between Sully’s cuffs and dragging him up off the bed. He felt suspended in midair as Cord rode his ass, their flesh slapping together with Cord’s deep drives. A new fire burned through him as his muscles strained in the new position, yet he felt himself falling into a place of bliss. Floating. Used. Owned. Filled with sublime pleasure at being under his lover’s command.

“Come,” Cord demanded, his free hand grabbing Sully’s cock and jerking him off in time to the fucking. “Give it to me. Now, Sully. Now.”

As if he could stop it. He was at Cord’s mercy, doing whatever he wanted.

“Come,” Cord repeated. Sully shook as pure energy exploded along his backbone then splintered down his cock. He felt his cum covering his lover’s hand as the man tremored above him and heat filled Sully’s ass. They collapsed together, Cord still clasping the chain and Sully’s cock. Their bodies heaved as they each tried to regain themselves.

Cord’s lips pressed to Sully’s ear. “Now, come back to me. You come back to me.”


Chapter Two




He’d vowed to never come back here, but here he was, going home.

he thought in disgust.

He turned up the radio, wondering if Bon Jovi’s
Who Says You Can’t Go Home
was a harbinger of things to come as it blasted over the airwaves. Would things be better than he thought?

Somehow, he doubted attitudes in Blue Grove, Kentucky had changed that much in the ten years he’d been gone. Dread and a fear he’d never admit to feeling clawed at his gut as he navigated his rental car down the freshly graded, gravel road leading toward
the plantation home where he’d been raised. Small stones pinged against the sides of the silver Toyota as he went, probably causing enough dings that he should have taken the insurance when he’d rented the vehicle. He was less concerned about that than what awaited him at the big, white-pillared house looming in the distance.

The last time he’d been here, people he’d trusted had nearly beaten him to death in the stable because of his sexual preferences. It had been leave or face more of the same.

He took a deep breath. He’d put this place behind him. He’d put that time behind him. Sort of. He still experienced nightmares, and he had a hard time trusting people. Well…not at home in Daly. Most of the men there were like him—gay or involved in ménage relationships or both. No one had room to judge and no one wanted to anyway. He never would have left if his family hadn’t called, begging him to come back and help them.

He’d almost told them to go piss up a rope. His cousins had been involved in his assault, and his fucking brother, the one who now needed his help, had witnessed it and walked away without stopping the attack. If it wouldn’t have made Sully just as bad as them, he really would have told them to go to hell because he wouldn’t throw them a line if they were drowning.

needed him. His family home had been his childhood solace, and he had more good memories here than bad. And his gran… Grandma Daisy had pretty much raised him and Brian after their mother had died, their dad having taken off when Brian was four. If the plantation and the horse operation went down, his gran would be homeless, and she was innocent in all this. Knowing she needed him had helped him make his decision.

Though his family had asked him to come back here, no one knew he was arriving this afternoon. When his cousin had called, Sully hadn’t committed. He’d gone back and forth for days. Yes. No. Yes. Maybe…

At one point, he’d actually decided not to come back here, but then he’d decided it would make him an asshole if he didn’t at least show up in his brother’s time of need, assess the situation then help as he could. Though there were bound to be changes, he knew every inch of
and the operation here. He’d improved his knowledge of horse stock over the years…and this place was part his. Thirty percent. He’d never asked for a penny, but when it came down to the bottom line, he could if he wanted to.

He didn’t, not really. He’d considered that over the past few days, too. Maybe, he should offer to let his brother buy him out. Then when Brian took over again, it would be all his—and Sully knew his brother
rise to the challenge. Przkop men wouldn’t let something like paralysis keep them from running the horse business that had been in their family since before the War of Northern Aggression—or the Civil War as others called it. He smiled as he remembered his grandmother and the expressions that had peppered his childhood. He’d missed that woman more than anything.

Minutes later, he saw her standing on the wide porch that ran the length of the house. Of course, someone would be waiting. A sensor in the ornate gate he’d passed through at the end of the drive would have notified the household that someone was on their way. The security camera nearby would have shown a car headed down the drive. They just wouldn’t know who.

Slowing, he pulled the rental to the top of the U-shaped drive then stopped at the foot of the steps leading to the porch while his gran stared down at him with the piercing blue eyes that had never let him get away with anything. She looked almost the same as she had at sixty. Her silver hair was fashioned into a short pixie cut that fit her tiny frame, which was clothed in a pair of stretchy jeans, a twinset and a strand of faux pearls.

Smiling broadly and anticipating the feel of his grandmother’s arms around him, he stepped from the car, pulled off his aviator-style sunglasses then tossed them on the driver’s seat.

“Sully!” she exclaimed as he bounded toward her. Squatting, he embraced the woman who stood a good foot and a half shorter than his six-three. His gran had barely made four foot ten at her tallest. Now, she seemed even smaller. Frailer. Her strong hug belied his impression. She had some power left in those arms, and he didn’t doubt she’d still cuff him if he got out of line. Stepping back, he drank in her lined countenance and light blue eyes. Gold-framed glasses perched on her nose. Gran had lost a little weight since he’d last seen her, but she appeared healthy.

“Hi, Gran,” he said as she cupped his face, studying him. “Miss me?”

Her eyes narrowed, and she smacked his cheek. “Ten years, Sullivan Przkop! Ten. Years! I am an old woman. You can’t just run off and disappear for
ten years


She curled her fingers around the cane that she must have left against the railing as she’d watched him drive in. She cracked the end against the porch. “Don’t you ‘Gran’ me, young man. There’s no excuse—”

“I see you’ve been here two minutes and already got Gran riled up,” a deep, amused voice said from the doorway of the house. Sully turned toward Brian’s voice, dreading the sight of him in the wheelchair where he’d be confined for life. Sully’s eyes went wide with shock, and a different sort of dread speared through him.

He’d been lied to and nothing good could come of it.

An older version of Sully, Brian stood strong and tall in the doorway to the house, no sign of infirmity anywhere near him. Brian’s arms were crossed over his chest, and a small smile played over his lips. His eyes were troubled, but Sully could tell he was attempting to appear at ease. What was going on here?

Sully took a step backward and stumbled down the top step from the porch, grabbing the railing to keep from falling. Heat flooded into his face. Here two minutes and he was already bumbling. No way. He was not reverting to the hapless teen who couldn’t even accept his self-identity. Steeling himself, he straightened his spine and squared his shoulders. Erasing any shock from his expression, he glared at his brother.

“Gran, are you okay?” Brian asked, his glance skittering sideways to Sully then back to her. Well, what the fuck? Did his brother think he’d hurt their grandmother? Sully had never been a violent person, though right at the moment, the idea of flattening his brother was palatable.

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