His Old Kentucky Home (6 page)

Read His Old Kentucky Home Online

Authors: Brynn Paulin

Tags: #Gay Erotic Romance, BDSM

BOOK: His Old Kentucky Home
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“I think you scared him,” Sully murmured. Cord glanced over to see Sully looking up the few inches that separated their gazes.

“Maybe…” But Cord’s thoughts weren’t on Griffin or
or Sully’s family or any problems they might have. His attention, his need, was solely on Sully. Sully seemed to realize it as Cord stared into his eyes.

“Let’s go upstairs.”

Cord nodded. He scooped up his beer can then led Sully inside. Not bothering to take the can to the kitchen—he could do that in the morning—he headed straight up the wide staircase toward Sully’s room.

“How thick are the walls?” he asked once he’d closed the door behind them and pulled Sully into his arms once more.

“Thick enough and I’m the only one on this wing of the plantation. Gran’s room is downstairs now and Brian is in the master bedroom on the other side of the house.”

“Too much talking,” Cord said against Sully’s lips.

“Yes, Sir!” Sully laughed then he groaned as a hand pushed past his waistband and grasped his rigid cock.

Cord stroked his thumb along the ridged length. “Get undressed.”

Sully nodded. “Yes, Sir,” he repeated. He kicked off his shoes then toed off his socks, the move seeming foreign to Cord, as he realized he rarely saw Sully in any footwear other than boots.

Sully’s button-down shirt had been left open at the neck. He shoved it and the T-shirt he wore beneath it over his head. The garments dropped to the floor as Sully reached for his pants and unfastened them. In moments, he was naked and ready, his rigid cock bobbing slightly as he stood before Cord. His wrists were crossed behind his back.

Cord eyed him, making sure his countenance reflected his devilish intent. The last week had been hell, but things were about to get much better.

“No coming,” he said. “And no touching.”

“Oh God…”

He lifted a brow and smirked in response. He drew his fingertips along Sully’s chest, caressing with a feather-light touch that made Sully shiver. Goose bumps lifted on Sully’s arms as he drew his bottom lip between his teeth and tried to smother a moan. Cord reached up and gently eased the abused flesh free with his thumb.

“None of that,” he commanded matter-of-factly. “I want to hear you.”

“Bastard,” Sully muttered and Cord chuckled.

“Perhaps, but I’m the bastard who’s in charge in the bedroom.” It was the way it had been almost from the get-go of their relationship, and as the top, Cord knew several things about Sully, things he intended to use to his advantage. First, nothing aroused his man more than to have his control taken away—at least, when he consented to give it over. He’d never let anyone take advantage of him out in the real world. Cord had witnessed him standing up for himself many times. He admired Sully’s strength. But in the bedroom, he and Cord had an unwritten contract between them, one that said Sully’s loving master had total control over his body.

The second thing Cord knew of and planned to exploit was Sully’s aural arousal. Sounds alone, with no touching, could get him off. Tonight, Cord planned to take Sully to the edge with Sully’s own cries and moans. And a fair bit of touching and tasting—it
been a week since they’d been together.

Craving his taste and knowing the visual would get Sully off too, Cord dropped to his knees before his lover—a position he didn’t often take. He liked Sully on his knees. Cord ran his hands up Sully’s powerfully muscled thighs, veering in toward his groin the cutting away to stroke over his hips without touching Sully’s needy cock. As he cupped Sully’s firm ass, Cord watched a pearly droplet of pre-cum emerge from the slit at the top of Sully’s cock. He ran his tongue over his bottom lip, but did nothing to capture the essence in his mouth. Not yet.

His fingernails raked over the taut muscles of the rounded cheeks beneath his hands, and Sully moaned from deep in his throat, the guttural sound signaling his approval of the rough touch. Cord repeated his action, sensitizing the area as surely as a few good swats.

Looking up, he caught Sully’s wild, lust-filled gaze. He was fast-approaching the edge where release threatened him with every move from Cord. That’s where Cord wanted him and where he planned to keep him until his own will gave out and he had to fuck them both into oblivion.

“No coming,” he reminded.

Sully shook his head, almost absently as he muttered, “No coming, Sir. Okay. Yeah… No fucking coming.”

“Watch my mouth.”


Before Sully could say more, Cord slid his hands up, crossing his wrists just as Sully’s were, and laced his fingers through Sully’s. Holding him fast, Cord leaned forward and flattened his tongue over the crown of Sully’s cock. The sharp, salty-sweet flavor of the gathering pre-cum exploded across his senses. He swirled his tongue along the glans before adjusting his position and engulfing the tip with his mouth.

His eyes rolled upward to watch Sully’s face, but it was no look of submission. He knew Sully would see the intent and control in his gaze. He meant to shove Sully against the wall of his restraint then test the barrier to the breaking point.

Sully’s fingers clenched on Cord’s as Cord increased his suction yet lingered there at the tip, teasing with flicks of the tongue. He’d like nothing more than to play with the man’s balls, but knew Sully enjoyed the sense of bondage and needed Cord holding him immobile. Letting up slightly on the pressure from his mouth, Cord pushed farther down the shaft and watched Sully’s mouth drop open. His fingers squeezed tighter as Cord rocked up and down the cock and explored every bit of the ridged length with languorous licks. Sully shook as Cord paid particular attention to the bundle of nerves just below the head, an abundance of slick fluid sliding over his taste buds.

Cord hummed his approval before continuing as he’d begun, taking care to vary his rhythm so his lover never quite knew what was coming next. Though his erection was rock-hard and pressing against his fly in a demand for freedom, he forced himself to take his time. With practiced control, he played Sully’s body and enjoyed every overwrought shudder, barely muffled moan and plaintive plea for permission to come or for Cord to fuck him.

Far too close to the edge of his own control, Cord took Sully to the back of the throat, fighting to keep his movements slow and even and deep. With a bit of the devil, he bared his teeth on the last withdrawal and scraped them along Sully’s dick to give him a bit of the pain he so often enjoyed.

“Please…Cord…I’m gonna—”

“No, you’re not. You will not,” he rasped, “or I won’t fuck you.”

“Damn it…I…” Sully huffed in hard, short breaths as Cord sat back on his heels then rolled to his feet. His fingers went to his belt buckle. He unhooked it then slowly pulled it through the loops. He raised a brow, waiting for Sully to say more, but he suspected his man was just sputtering feelings rather than needing to express his thoughts.

“Get on the bed—on your back, not ass-up,” he commanded when Sully said nothing more. Eagerly, Sully scrambled onto the mattress, situating himself in the middle and watching Cord’s every move. As soon as he was in place, Cord approached.

“Hands over your head,” he ordered then used his belt to restrain them, looping the leather through one spindle of the headboard to hold him in place. He stood and admired his work and the man on the bed. The muscles in Sully’s tanned arms strained slightly from his up-drawn position and his hard pecs and six-pack seemed even more defined. His torso arched as if giving an offering to his master. Cord’s fingers curled as his gaze lingered over the chiseled ridges at Sully’s hips—hips Cord intended to grasp as he plowed into the man in a few minutes while those thick-corded legs spread for him. He looked up into Sully’s green eyes, partially obscured by a wave of thick brown hair drooping over them. Still, nothing could obscure the need shining in that gaze.

“Breathtaking,” Cord murmured. This was an image he’d like to keep forever: Sully, hot and throbbing and his to take. He’d take a picture with his phone to preserve the memory, but he didn’t trust technology enough to believe this personal moment couldn’t be hacked.

Speaking of phones…

He licked his bottom lip then started unbuttoning his shirt. “I missed you.”

“I missed you, too. Please, Cord. Show me how much…”

Cord slipped off the blue cotton, letting it drift down his arms and to the floor. His T-shirt followed then he released the top fastener of his low-slung jeans.

“Do you know how worried I’ve been?” he asked, conversationally, as he sat on the edge of the bed and pulled off his black boots—he’d worn his nice pair for the trip, not wanting to look like a hick in front of Sully’s family.

“I…I could never reach you.”

Cord nodded as he dispatched his socks and stuffed them in his boots. He straddled Sully and leaned over him. “Try harder next time. You know when I’m home at night. It’s been your schedule for the last eight years, too.”

His mouth brushed over Sully’s and Sully groaned. “I kept thinking I’d have my phone fixed the next day, then the next day would slip by…” Sully stretched his neck to get closer to Cord’s lips. He opened and Cord sank inside.

“Tomorrow, you are getting a new one,” Cord said when they came up for air.

“Stop talking about the phone,” Sully gasped before Cord’s mouth momentarily interrupted him again.

“I’m angry,” he replied, in a voice that sounded anything but angry. He kissed a path down Sully’s neck to his chest then captured a nipple with his teeth, drawing a sharp cry from his lover. “I thought something happened to you. You’ve told me the stories about this place.”

He swirled his tongue across Sully’s pecs to nip the other nipple as he had the first. Sully arched, his breath catching in a harsh gasp. From the corner of his eye, Cord saw Sully’s fingers curl. Sully’s eyes closed, his face a mask of pleasure as Cord tormented his flesh.

“Are you just going to torture me or…” He gulped in a lungful of air. “Or do you plan to fuck me?”

Cord trailed his fingers down Sully’s abdomen to his cock. He gave three firm tugs before he curled his hand down to cup the man’s balls. He pulled just enough to give a bit more of the pleasure-pain Sully craved then snaked his questing digits down to Sully’s hole.

“Fucking you. Definitely fucking you.” He circled the clenching opening. He wouldn’t do much more than that until he was lubed up. Cord was into giving pain, but only the good kind that would bring his partner pleasure. He scraped his nail across Sully’s perineum and watched him tremble, his cock bobbing in reaction. Leaning forward, he captured the length in his mouth again and swiped his tongue across the tip. Sully tasted so good, and Cord liked knowing the man was all his. But…he only planned that momentary sip.

Rather than lingering, he rose and finally unfastened his pants. His cock sprang free as he pushed off the jeans and underwear.

“I love you,” he said simply as he climbed back on the bed and straddled Sully once more. He reached into the open shaving kit he’d left on the side table before he’d gone down to dinner earlier and withdrew a small tube of lube. He hoped Sully had some here, because this wouldn’t last them long.

He squirted a dollop on two of his fingers then pressed them to Sully’s ass. This time, he was more aggressive with his probing, circling and pressing until Sully was moaning again while pushing into Cord’s touch. Little by little, the two digits breached the tiny hole to massage the well-trained ring of muscles. Sully’s body knew to let him in, knew the pleasure to come and loosened easily as Sully relaxed into the touch.

Though his cock was wider than the pair of fingers, Cord stopped there. Sully professed to enjoy the bite as Cord pushed inside his tight passage and Cord relished the squeeze that was now mere moments away.

He lubed his erection then lined up to Sully’s ass. With one smooth, deliberate drive, he pushed inside, meeting some resistance but nothing to cause worry or slow him.

“Yes,” Sully hissed, ratcheting up his hips to meet Cord’s. His need-darkened eyes met Cord’s gaze. “Love you,” he breathed.

The words flooded through Cord, filling him with a peace he hadn’t known he’d been missing. Bending forward, he sealed his lips over Sully’s and pumped in harder and faster. Sully’s grunted cries filled him and pulled him toward the edge they’d soon plunge over together.

Sully squeezed around Cord, and Cord adjusted his position again to peg Sully’s prostate. He kissed along Sully’s jaw to his ear, enjoying his lover’s guttural sounds as he fought for control against the pleasure. “That’s right, baby,” Cord encouraged. “Yell for me.”

“Sir…” Sully moaned.

Cord wrapped his fingers around Sully’s cock and, using the plethora of pre-cum to ease the way, stroked in time with his drives. Sully’s fingers clenched and released in his restraints and his head rocked back and forth as his eyes squeezed shut.

“I can’t… I can’t…” he muttered.

“You can, baby. Hang on for me, okay?”

Sully panted a few breaths before he seemed to find words again. “Okay…Sir…ah…I…” He broke off on a gasp, visibly struggling. Even the cock in Cord’s hand seemed to shake with the battle.

“You’re doing so well,” Cord praised him. With his free hand, he reached up and pinched one of Sully’s nipples, and Sully let out a scream Cord thought might be heard all the way across the house.

“Cord…please,” Sully begged, and the entreaty triggered an eruption in Cord. Heat pulsed down his spine, the promise of an ultimate bliss he never wanted to deny.

“Yes. Now,” he ordered. Cum shot across Sully’s undulating belly, accompanied by a long, deep groan as the man finally let go and allowed his release. Cord kept driving inside Sully despite the muscles closing down around him, the squeeze a sweet agony that yanked him into oblivion with the man he loved. As he permitted his own orgasm to overtake him, he felt as if his soul was pouring from him into his man, connecting them further than ever before.

Moments later, he dropped beside Sully and pulled him tight into his embrace. Gently, they kissed, running their hands over each other, lingering and adoring, as they both recovered.

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