His Primary Desire (New Adult Billionaire BBW Romance) (2 page)

BOOK: His Primary Desire (New Adult Billionaire BBW Romance)
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He growled low
and released my hair
, “
I need you to do something for me

I nodded, unable to speak.

I need you to be my girlfriend.
Well, pretend to be my girlfriend to be precise.”

I looked at him like he had lost his gorgeous mind, and snorted at the idea. He cocked his head and raised an eyebrow, “I’m serious.”

“You stir
my senses
I can see now the chemistry between us will look believable to
the public.

He moved back a step and gazed at my full-figure for a second more.

I was uncomfortable under so much scrutiny in so little a time. No man had ever looked at me the way Will was looking at me now.

I fumbled in my uneasiness, “
How on Earth did you know there would be
chemistry when you brought
me in here?”

“Let’s just say
I had a hunch.
” He winked. The self-assured charm was back.

“Ok, but what makes you think the public will believe that you’d really choose me, despite the apparent chemistry? You can have your pick of any beautiful woman in this city.”

“True, and I just picked
beautiful woman standing right in front of me.” He smiled. Genuinely this time, and my insides flip-flopped with the sweet gesture. This whole thing was surreal… him, me, what had just happened inside this office. I couldn’t believe it.

He was everything that my sense of self wanted.
I knew it the first time I laid eyes on him at a Town Meeting in my home state of Iowa.
His platform had inspired me
his seductive charm had enthralled m
e. Taking this job was the highlight of my career and I couldn't leave it. I had no choice but to accept his offer.

“So, what do you say?”  He asked
. An expectant tone was evident in his voice.

I timidly
nodded my consent

He stepped forward, now just a few inches away. My breath caught as he cradled my face in one hand, “Good.” He replied, and kissed my lush full lips softly. My lips were my best asset, and I was more than happy to confidently return his kiss.

lips with his tongue
before making his way lower down my soft neck. His flutter of kisses made my flesh burn with anticipation a
s he dipped
er to taste the ample swell of my breasts subtly
through the top unbuttoned slit of my blouse.
I couldn’t
but want this man who had invaded my senses
. He was offering
solution to not only the campaign, but also a solution to satiate the insane crush I had on him, too
I could only hope my heart would wisely stay out of it.

“I was hoping you’d
This isn’t the first time I’ve noticed what you can offer.”
He said before
hiking my skirt up my full thighs
His admission surprised me, but I couldn’t help but feel a little like a toy he was playing with for his amusement at the statement.
He brought my l
eg up and stroked
my thigh as
he kissed the plump swell of my breast
. His touch was intoxicating and I let myself go
despite my fears
. I wanted nothing more than to please him.

Abruptly he stopped
his assault on my lush willing body and raised his head to look me in the eye, “Y
ou're sure
?”  H
e asked. I could see a glimme
r of hope and passion on his handsome face.
I didn't know if
that glimmer was because
wanted me
, or if that passion and hope was just a side effect of
his race to the White House. The combination of emotions that
shone in his eyes was
confusing to me. But we had a job to do
, and I wanted to do my part. I could totally keep my heart out of it. Or at least, I hoped I could.

I'm sure this
is what needs to be done.” I said with as much stoic responsibility in my voice as I could muster. This was my job. I had to keep my wits about me.

“Excellent. I’ll have my private
secretary draw up the contract.

A brisk knock sounded at
the door a
nd he abruptly released me.
I smoothed out m
y skirt and righted myself to respectability before nodding to Will that I was ready

“Just one more thing…
This will be our secret until tonight
The only other person that will ever know about this is Dave for campaign purposes.
The arrangement will be
on a trial basis.
I’d like you to come with me to t
e fundraiser
as sort of… like… an audition. I want see how the public will respond to you first before setting it in stone.”

He seemed nervous with the request as he fumbled to right his tie. He knew it was a little insulting to be asked to be paraded before the public to be judged, and all for his benef
it. His
was understandable
, even if it was a bit degrading
I was more than aware that
I wasn’t what the public or the media would expect as his choice of a companion.

“I understand. I’ll be sure to keep quiet. I wouldn’t want you to be embarrassed on my account.” I answered quietly.

He looked pained, like he didn’t know what to say, or how to handle the obvious hurt in my voice.

“Amy, you’re a rare gem. Thank you.”

He opened the door.

Why was your door locked
Bianca asked as she waltzed into Will’s office

I'm allo
wed to have my door locked, Bianca.”  Will
with a touch of annoyance.

she doing in here
?” Bianca had finally noticed me standing there.

e were having a meeting

“Whatever.” She said dismissively obviously not threatened by my presence in his
office, or the fact that we had been
previously isolated in there by a locked door.

I took that as my cue to leave
hurried out of Will’s

I was still ear shot away when
I heard him say
we need to talk,

before closing the door to his office.


Chapter 2


I sat at
my desk completely stunned with what h
ad just taken place in the Will’s
e. I couldn't believe it had even
happened. My phone
ed and saw the light glow next to Dave’s extension. He must have talked to Will already

“Hi, Dave

What’s up?” I said as normally as I could.

I need
you to come into my office. We need to talk. I’m sure you know what about.”

I’ll be right there.” I stood up, smoothed out
my skirt and made my way
down the hall into David's office. This was going to be a very
interesting conversation, no doubt.

When Dave saw me approach, he waved me inside, “We should probably shut the door for this conversation,
” Dave directed.

I s
hut the door quickly
behind me
and t
urned around to face my boss

“What exactly happened in there?
Will just
called me and told me that you’re going to be
his new girlfriend?
” He looked completely bewildered.

yeah I guess that's what just happened. Apparently
I'm supposed to be going with him to the fundraiser tonight as a trial basis.

basis? I don’t get it

“It’s all just apart of his plan for the campaign, and the solution to the Bianca problem. It’s not real.”

Are you going to do it
Dave asked.

Yes. I really don't have a choice.

Dave shrugged his shoulders, “Ok,
well then I guess I don't nee
d to tell you that the media or anyone
outside of th
is office can ever find out about this
If they do this entire campaign is toast.” David admonished. “I hope you know what you’re getting into.”

I nodded,

do k
, and W
also made it completely clear himself that it was all pretty iffy. Who knows? I may just end up botching it tonight anyway, and then this insane idea will never see the light of day. But I do hope I can pull it off. I can definitely see the benefits to the campaign if I can.”

I just hope this works.
We need a miracle after the damage Bianca has done to Will’s popularity.” Dave said.

“Speaking of Bianca,” I began, “She
walked in
right after my meeting with Will,
so I'm supposing he's
already told her he’s breaking up with her.”

Dave did an ‘eek’ face, “
I hope there are
n’t any major
repercussions to this.

Then continued, “
Amy I know you do your job well
and if this is wh
at you think is best then I’ll trust you
I only ask that you
be aware
whole thing
is just a business arrangement
. I don't want you getting your
heart involved.
It’ll only be broken in the end. No good can come from that.”

I nodded.

There was a knock at the
, and Dave called, “Come in!” W
walked into the office with his hand extended holding his Amex black card.

You need to get something
to wear
for the fundraiser
. Go buy yourself a dress and a pair of
and whatever else you need
. M
ake a stop at Tiffany's
yourself something nice to go with it.” Wi
ll explained

I stared at him slightly shocked, “Ok,
that's very generous of you
. Thank you.” I said as he placed the card in my hand.

“So, how did it
with Bianca, if you don’t mind my asking?”

“Not well,” Will replied,

I don't know exactly what she's going to do at this point
, but for right now I think she’ll kee
p it close to the cuff
She doesn’t think the break-up will stick, so she’ll keep quiet for the time being.
when she realizes I have no intention of getting back together with her, who knows what she will do. S
he can be pretty vindictive.

Will shook his head and sighed

I should have
never gotten involved with her in
the first place. She's done nothing
but ruin the future that I had planned for myself. H
fully, I can climb out of
hole she threw me into

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