His Primary Desire (New Adult Billionaire BBW Romance) (4 page)

BOOK: His Primary Desire (New Adult Billionaire BBW Romance)
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The CEO made his way back to commandeer his wife to introduce her to a business
of his.

I think we need to find someplace secluded.
” Will softly
whispered in
my ear
when they were gone.

I asked

ecause you're positively enchanting and I don't think I can wait any longer.
” Will replied and
he hurried me out of the room. The possessivene
ss of his grasp on the curve of my waist was definitely telling of how urgent his
for me. It also
blatantly told others that I with his
. As he moved
us swiftly
through the room people were eyeing us
and it was obvious
that they could tell how much Will
wanted me.

We walked out of the room through a side door,
into a dark hallway
and down to where it was a littl
e more secluded. He pulled me into an alcove off to the left.

He pus
hed my back up against the wall and it surprised me how aggressive he had become
in h
is desire for me. He held onto the soft curve of my hips with both hands possessively. His fingers dug into the soft flesh.

What if someone sees us
? S
we really be doing this here?” My voice had a slightly frantic tone to it.

t's fine
. J
ust go with it
.” H
e replied.

Are you sure
I asked
. H
e growled and silence
d my questions with a rough kiss.

The kiss left me breathless, and my full lips feeling much more pouty than before, not to mention a little bruised. His lips descended down my neck, and the ache of my core was once more awakened with the touch. My head arched back as his mouth devoured my flesh and the heat within me grew with every demanding caress of his lips.

He slowly moved down the plunging neck line of my gown that had seductively teased
him throughout the night. My assets were great. I had no doubt that he would be pleased with what he found there. It was everything else that I was beginning to worry about. I tried to push the thoughts of inadequacy to the back of my mind. I wanted to enjoy this. I wanted nothing more than to savor the feeling of being truly wanted despite my unpopular full-figure.

His lips grazed my enviable cleavage. Other women paid large amounts of money for what I had come by naturally. I needed to remember that. I was just as desirable as any of them. Will obviously thought so, anyway.

His hands were all over my perfectly plump, lush body. Like, he couldn’t get enough of me between his hands and his mouth.
He groaned as he felt me up. His hands had found my full mounds of my breasts. He massaged the mounds roughly while his mouth seared the fleshy swell rising above the neck line.

Slipping a hand down my waist and around to my backside, he grabbed my firmly. He pushed his hips into the apex of my shapely legs, and I could feel just how much he wanted me.

He groaned, “I need to touch you, Amy.” The sound was muffled by the swell of my breast as he buried his face into the inviting pillow.

His obvious erection was pushing into me
. I wanted to feel him. My hand shook just a little with what I was about to do, it had been years since I had touched a man intimately, but my want was greater than my fear and I unzipped his pants. I slipped my hand inside to feel him. His shaft was silken and hard. And to my surprise (and delight) much larger than I had anticipated. He would be able to fill me nicely. His breath caught with my touch
, and I stroked him softly.

“Will!” The light sound
down the hall
with the call. I quickly removed myself from Will. It was Dave’s voice that was calling for him. Will swiftly
pped up his pants. I righted my gown over my semi-exposed breasts,
and made sure my hair was in place.

He brushed his hand through his hair trying to calm himself. He looked at me and shook his head.

“What?” I asked trying not to smile.

“You surprise me, that’s all.” He chuckled a little bewildered.

“Good surprise, or bad surprise?” I asked.

“Good. Most definitely good.” He shook his head again, “Man, oh man…” He said it under his breath, but I had caught it anyway. I smiled with the thought that I could affect the man that much.

“What’s the smile for?”

“A lady never tells her secrets.” I winked.

He laughed.

“We should probably put Dave out of his misery, and go find him. He’s more than likely freaking out that I’m nowhere to be found for my speech.” He grabbed my hand, “Remember, n
ot a word about this to anyone.

I nodded not knowing what to say
. As excited as I was about this, I had to remember that our relationship wasn’t real. It was pretend. I was his
girlfriend. The making-out was happening just so the chemistry between us was believable to the public. That was the only rational explanation for it. He couldn’t possibly actually like me. I just wasn’t his type. Thin as a whip model-esqe Bianca was his type. The surprising chemistry between us was fogging my senses. I had to get a grip.

a frantic
Dave halfway down the hall and he walked with u
s back into the fundraiser. I hated that I was
still c
onfused by the intoxicating


Chapter 3


We walked back into the ballroom just as everyone was being seated for dinner and Will’s accompanying speech. He led me to a table at the fro
nt of the room and pulled out a
chair for me. Of course, his manners were impeccable and I shouldn’t have been surprised by the gesture. His hand grazed my back and lingered there a moment as I sat in the chair he had
pulled out.

Will placed his other hand on the shoulder of the older gentleman sitting next to me, “Amy, I’d like you to meet my good friend, Ed Simpson
and his wife, Beth.”

“Hello, it’s nice to meet you,” I replied with
a genuine smile. They seemed like such a
happy couple sitting there while
Ed sweet
ly held
his wife’s hand comfortably on the table.

Beth beamed back at me with a bright smile of her own, “
Hello, D
” She leaned across her husband and waved
me to lean in closer
, “
You seem to be a little more down to earth than the other one Will had hanging on his arm before. I hope you’re in for the long haul… we’d rather not see her back with him.”
She loudly whispered with a playful scowl.

I sat there for a second completely speechless, and Will burst out laughing, “Oh Beth, what would I do without you keeping me in line?”
e said bending down and kissing her cheek, “We’ll just have to wait and see if Amy can put up with me,
eh?” He winked at me
not so secretly, a little over exaggerated for the benefit of the Simpsons
The Will Channing charm was in full force

I joined in the laughter sensing the happy ease that this couple brought out in him
, but I couldn’t help
but feel like his feelings for me were a little bit of an act.
help but be charmed by the
I mean, charm is what he did for a l
iving, he was just so good at it, and obviously I wasn’t immune to it.
He made my insides complete mush
with his smile and t
hat damned wink that made me forget I had legs to hold me up
But, on the other hand,
my senses screamed at me to keep the wall I had safely built around my heart to remain intact.
I would do just that, even if I had to pretend he didn’t affect me the way he did. I had to keep myself safe. And Will Channing had to win the election.

Will sat next to me and happily conv
ersed with those at our table while
we ate
our meal
. Watching him I could see he truly cared for the people seated with us and I wondered what the co
nnection was that allowed him to be
so at ease with them. He was charming, yes, but it wasn’t the contrived or practiced cha
rm he displayed for those he wanted to sway, it was different. It was real.

As we finished up dessert, the Mayor introduced Will for his speech. Will
k my hand under the table and gave it a squeeze before standing up and walking up to the front of the room to deliver his speech. I couldn’t believe it. That gorgeous, overly-confident, charming man was nervous, and the sweetness of the gesture pulled at my heartstrings.

I wasn’t surprised Will had hit his speech out of the park. He was a natural speaker, and he delivered every line with confidence and finesse. He was enigmatic and
he believed in his platform and what he could do for the country he loved and hoped to serve.

The Simpsons kept me company while I waited for Will to make the rounds after his powerful speech. I wondered how they knew him so well. The Simpsons seemed to be a little more grounded than
the typical
elite of the Upper East Side. They actually reminded me more of my Midwestern parents.

Pardon my curiosity, but I don’t think Will mentioned how he knows you two so well. How did you meet?” I asked Ed and Beth.

“Oh, we’ve known Will for years,”
answered, “He’s very dear to us.”
His eyes grew soft as he
explained, “Our two year old grandson was left to us after our son and daughter-in-law were taken from us in a car accident years ago. Tommy, our grandson, was all we had left, and then at ten years old
he was diagnosed with leukemia.”

Beth gave her husband’s hand a soft pat and continued for him.

“Ed was employed at Channing Capital at the time, and
Will got wind of it somehow. He
showed up at the hospital one night to ask if he could help out in any way. Tommy needed an expensive experimental treatment that our insurance wouldn’t cover and we just couldn’t afford it. But we just couldn’t ask for the money, it was so much. We thanked Will, but refused the financial help he was offering for the treatment.
But the next day we got a phone call saying that the treatment had been covered. Will had set up a trust for Tommy’s medical expenses.”

We were shocked and very grateful, but it was also a sort of miracle. You see, we only knew of Will Channing as the CEO of the company Ed worked for, we’d never met him in our lives, and here he was helping our Tommy.” Beth smiled with the memory, “But what impressed us most was that Will showed up at the hospital every Sunday, without fail, for the next year to visit Tommy.
The two of them ended up being the best of friends. Tommy adored Will, and those Sunday visits were the highlight of his week. Will made Tommy’s last year on Earth
a very happy one, despite the pain.
still visits Tommy’s grave with us on Sundays, and he’s been so kind to us throughout the years. We love him very much.”

Touched by the story, I hugged them both tightly. I couldn’t help but express the rush of emotion that I felt for them
and for Will. The light pressure of a hand on the small of my back signaled Will’s presence behind me.

s with the love fest
?” Will asked.

“Oh, it’s nothing, Honey.” Beth answered dismissively, “
ust having a sweet moment with your darling girl.”
Will thanked them for entertaining me
. Taking our leave, he
guided me through the mass of supporters.

“So do I get some love too, or is that reserved just for your inner circle you have going on here?” Will joked.

“Maybe… if you win the election,” I answered with a wink of my own.

Will raised an eyebrow, “You know, the odds are in my favor.”

The cocky confidence of the man would be annoying, if he wasn’t so irresistible.

Taking his arm
, I pressed my lips to h
is ear
, “Of course they’re in your favor. You have me.”

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