His Sassy Girl (Desiring the Forbidden Book 2) (14 page)

Read His Sassy Girl (Desiring the Forbidden Book 2) Online

Authors: Megan Michaels

Tags: #Erotic romance

BOOK: His Sassy Girl (Desiring the Forbidden Book 2)
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Dylan laughed. “I think you’re right, Doc. The Playpen is going to be a frequent stop for us.”

Brittney felt so confused. She wasn’t sure if she was excited or upset about the prospect. Having a scheduled punishment there would definitely be a deterrent to misbehaving. It was one thing to cry and stand in a corner at home — that was upsetting enough. But to be exposed with a stripped ass in front of fifty or more strangers was truly daunting.

“Everyone take note of this beautiful, white ass. It won’t look like this for long.” Maddox lightly slapped the belt upon her bottom. “Do you call people names? Names like ‘douchebag’?”

“No, Sir.”

The belt struck against her bottom, rocking her hips forward, her shout of surprise erupting from her throat. The first lash was always the hardest — at least, it always was when Dylan administered it — and she hoped that Maddox was the same. She didn’t even want to think about the possibility that all the strokes would be that harsh. The sting and burn settled in, and she waggled her ass, trying to shake off the pain. Then, remembering that all the people were watching, she stilled, waiting for the rest.

“When you call people names, what is that called, Sassy?” He slapped the belt against her three times, all to her sit spots.

Sassy gritted her teeth, groaning loudly. “Disrespect, Sir.”

“Good girl.”

Maddox struck her bottom with lash after lash then, with no break in between, the fire consuming her with each successive stroke. The wide, thick leather belt marched up and down both cheeks, leaving a swath of fire in its wake. She forgot about the people or anything else in the room, the pain blotting out awareness of anything else, permeating her thought processes. Her only concern was staying still, wiggling her hips enough to alleviate some of the overwhelming stinging, and fighting the need to leap off the table and run.

The heavy leather slapping against her flesh filled her ears, her entire consciousness, her voice rising higher and higher as the punishment wore on. What started with quiet ‘ow’s’ and ‘ouches’ quickly became one continuous wail, interspersed with her frantic begging for mercy. It was why she hated the belt so much; she deteriorated from a strong, independent, sassy woman, into a sniveling, dependent, quiet girl who wanted nothing more than to please her Daddy — or, in this case, her professor. In the end though, maybe that was
the reason she sought that sort of relationship. She needed and desired the pain, discipline, and punishment — but also wanted the love and affection of a Daddy. She lacked the steadiness that the discipline provided, the assurance that someone was watching out for her, that they cared enough to force her to comply with rules, the dictates of society.

“Do you think you will call anyone names at the Playpen again, bad girl?” The belt stilled a moment as he waited for her answer.

It took a couple of seconds to get her voice to work such that she could form words, to focus her thoughts on something besides the pain in her backside. “N-no. I won’t c-call anyone names.”

“I believe that. I think you’ve learned a lesson and this sore little bottom will be a reminder for a couple of days, I’m thinking. Let’s reinforce this while you’re so repentant.”

“Nooooo. Oh, nooo!” She whined pathetically, way past the point of caring about her humiliation.

“Sorry, Sassy. The answer is ‘yes, sir.’ Try again.”

She pulled in a shivery breath, “Yes, S-sir.”

“Good girl.” The next few licks of that terrible leather were all to her upper thighs, and she couldn’t prevent herself from lifting each knee in turn, rocking her hips from one side to another as she screeched in pain.

“That’s a girl. It’s all over. Such a good girl. Your Daddy is here now.”

Dylan — Daddy.

She knew instantly when he touched her. She loved and sought his touch. Needed him probably more than he’d ever know. His calm and rational side kept her buoyed. She needed him to guide her, keeping her from exploding — verbally or emotionally. She loved his gentle side, the nurturing and caring Daddy. But she knew, though she’d be hard pressed to admit it, that she needed his stern and harsh side just as much — if not more — most days. That hard, implacable hand of his would never let her deviate too far from the boundaries he had established for her early on in their relationship. Not many would understand their dynamic, but they didn’t have to. It worked for them.

However, it was at times like this that Brittney — Daddy’s Sassy Girl — worried that he’d soon grow weary of her antics, would feel encumbered with her sassy mouth and disobedient ways. He always assured her that wasn’t so, but it niggled at the back of her mind, wearing down her confidence in the strength of their bond. Could their love endure her damn Irish temperament?

All of these thoughts crowded her mind, her tears and remorse becoming open weeping. She couldn’t lose him. She’d never find anyone else to meet her needs the way Dylan did.

“Baby? Sassy? What’s wrong?” Her Daddy kissed her temple, pushing her hair behind her ear.

“I’m so sorry. Are you mad? Are you going to leave me?” She whispered it so faintly that Dylan had to lean in to hear her.

“No. Of course not. What you did was very naughty, but I’m not going anywhere. I love you, baby.” He kissed her face gently, wiping the tears off her cheeks. “No more of that. How’s your sorry little butt?”

She furrowed her eyebrows. “It hurts. A lot.”

“Well, you deserved every bit of it. Stand up. It’s time to apologize to Daddy Maddox.”

He helped her to rise onto her hands and knees, guiding her off the desk. Steadying her, his cool hand upon her scorched bottom gave her a gentle push. “Go on and do as you’re told.”

She shuffled toward Daddy Maddox, his gaze dropping to her pussy as she drew near, enhancing the humiliation of walking half-naked toward him. “I’m sorry, Daddy Maddox, for calling you names. I won’t do it again.”

“I’m sure you won’t. Your backside is going to be pretty sore, and I have no doubt that you’ll be a very good girl again.”

“Yes, Sir.”

“Go back to your Daddy. And behave for the rest of your visit here. Okay?” Maddox winked at her, giving her a very warm smile.

“Yes, Sir. I will. I promise.”

Dylan clasped her by the hand. “Time for us to finish your punishment in the Nursery.” Dylan addressed Professor Maddox. “Thank you for letting us use your classroom.”

“No problem, Dylan. I’ll see you next door, once I get my room settled over here again.”

“Wait! What? I thought we were done? I want to be done. I don’t want to go to the Nursery.”









Chapter 11


rittney tried letting go of his hand.

Like he’d let that happen.

She even attempted to stop walking, leaning her body back toward to the dreaded classroom. Dylan continued to drag her along though, as if she weighed no more than a child.

“You don’t tell Daddy what we are, and are not, doing. I said we are going to the Nursery, and the Nursery it is. And no, we are not done. We still have to deal with the fact that you left the area. I didn’t know where you were.”

“B-but... I thought it... I’ve already been spanked, Daddy.”

“No arguing, Sassy.”

They entered the Nursery then, and Dylan addressed Mommy Corinne. The tall, austere woman, with her lips pursed, trying to assess the situation, looked Sassy up and down, obviously taking note of her reddened eyes, tears tracking down her cheeks. “I have a naughty girl here. My little girl, Sassy. She’s been spanked for calling Daddy Maddox names, and now I’d like to administer some discipline to her here if that is okay.”

“Hi, we haven’t officially met. I’m Corinne — Mommy here to the littles.” She shook Dylan’s hand, then focused her attention once again on his naughty girl. “We know just what to do with naughty girls here in the Nursery. Turn around and let me see how hard Daddy Maddox spanked you.”

Brittney turned those green eyes up to him, pleading silently with an adorable pout.

“Sassy,” he said. “Do we need to have
discussions in the Nursery?”

“No, Daddy.” She reluctantly turned her very red butt toward the Mommy.

Corinne whistled, making eye contact with him. “Wow. You actually made him angry. We won’t be using anything wooden on you today, girl.” She turned Brittney to face them again. “You use whatever you would like in the Nursery today. If have any questions, or need my assistance, I’ll be right here.”

“Thank you, Corinne.”

“If I may make a suggestion... it might put her in the mindset quicker if you have her wear little girl jammies or clothes. The closet and dressers have many to choose from.” Corinne pointed to the wall across the room.

“Daddy, no! Oh, God!” Brittney turned to look at the people gathering in the room to watch.

“Little girl, you are already in a heap of trouble.” Dylan scowled at her. “Do you really want to add to it?”

“N-no. Not really. But—”

“No buts.” Dylan opened a dresser and found just what he wanted. Picking it up, he looked at it before replacing it with one that fit his Sassy’s personality better. “This will do.”

He held up the baby doll pajama top in front of her. It was pink with little gray kittens on the front, with a ruffled hem that would end just above her bottom. Perfect. It would accentuate her red ass, in addition to giving him unrestricted access. And wearing the immature top would feed her desire for humiliation.

Before she could protest, he whisked her shirt off, leaving her exposed in only a bra, which he wasted no time unclasping and tossing onto a chair with the shirt. She stood, naked and sexy, her eyes red-rimmed — and now filling with fresh tears — her lips turned up in a pretty little pout. He couldn’t resist kissing her gently. “Be a good girl for Daddy.”

She stared at him, and he knew the moment she’d decided to submit completely to his requirements. A little smile played at the corner of her mouth, and she swiped at her tears, nodding as she quietly responded, “Yes, Daddy. Just for you.”

His sweet Sassy.

She slid her arms through the openings of the baby doll top and stood with the adorable pink ruffled hem, her shaved pussy peeking out from under the ruffle. He pulled her into his embrace, tucking her head against his chest. “Let’s get you that spanking you’ve been asking for tonight.”

She pulled away, her eyebrows furrowed. “I didn’t ask for a spanking. Look at my ass. I definitely don’t want another punishment.”

A gasp from across the room made both of them turn their heads.


“Young lady, you will
swear in this nursery again. I have a bar of Ivory soap that is perfect for washing bad words right out of a nasty mouth. Does Sassy need Mommy to wash her mouth out?” Mommy’s chin dipped as she glared at Brittney. Opening the cupboard, she showed both of them the brand new bar of soap.

“N-no, Ma’am,” Brittney said. “I’m sorry. I won’t swear again.”

Corinne closed the cupboard loudly. “Mmmm. I’d like to believe that, but somehow I think with a name like Sassy you’ll be blowing bubbles at some point in this Nursery. If not today, then another day.”

Sassy shook her head, her eyes large, and Dylan had no doubt that Sassy honestly believed she’d avoid that punishment. But he agreed with Corinne. It wasn’t a case of if it would happen, but when.

“Sounds like a warning you may want to heed, baby girl.” Dylan walked with her toward a straight-backed chair, taking a seat and standing her between his knees.

“Yes, Sir.” She kept making quick, furtive glances toward Corinne. “I’ll be good.”

Dylan chuckled quietly. This had been an evening of rude awakenings for his Sassy. They had just touched on the surface of age play, enjoying Daddy Dom more than most other dynamics, but his girl definitely enjoyed some of these elements too. He’d be adding them to their daily routines — or weekly punishments.

“Tell Daddy why he told you to stay where he left you.”

Brittney closed her eyes, turning them toward the ceiling. He knew she hated this part of punishment, but her attention span was so limited if he didn’t make her state the reasons beforehand, she literally wouldn’t remember an hour later why she had been spanked.

“Because you didn’t want to worry about me. You wanted me safe.” She paused for a moment, then the cadence of her speech grew increasingly frantic. “But I was safe. I really was. I was with all those people, in a corner of the room. I didn’t go and play in traffic or lick a knife. I was sitting in a building
brought me to.”

Dylan nodded his head in agreement, her face brightening with hope. “Is this how a grown woman takes responsibility for her misbehavior or disobedience?”


His Sassy — with her usual lack of impulse control — stomped her foot on the floor, her breasts and ass jiggling with the force of it. Without hesitation, he reached around and swatted her bottom. She lurched forward, rising to her tiptoes from the impact.

“Ow! Oh, s—. That hurt!” She quickly scanned the room to see if Corinne was nearby.

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