Read His Sassy Girl (Desiring the Forbidden Book 2) Online

Authors: Megan Michaels

Tags: #Erotic romance

His Sassy Girl (Desiring the Forbidden Book 2) (21 page)

BOOK: His Sassy Girl (Desiring the Forbidden Book 2)
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Chapter 19


addox looked around the table at the new friends Libby and he had made. They were good people. He’d known Libby for four years, and time had flown since they’d met. Although she still struggled with their fifteen year age difference, he tried his best to convince her that it didn’t matter one iota when it came to their love, their relationship. He couldn’t imagine life without her.

It didn’t seem that long ago when they had found the Playpen and made new friends. It was a good setting to be introduced to like-minded people. He couldn’t imagine finding people who meant more to him than those he’d encountered at the club.

He’d been nervous all day about what he had to do, needing to take a deep breath before he proceeded. He waved across the room to Ivan, the owner of the Playpen, and to the other men standing nearby, waiting for Maddox’s signal. They all stepped forward, surrounding the table in support.

“I’m glad you’re all here. I have something I need to say to this beautiful woman in front of me.” He rose from his chair, dropping to one knee in front of Libby. “Elizabeth Langdon, I’ve loved you since the day I laid eyes upon you. I can’t imagine not having you in my life, and I want to be with you forever. Will you please marry me? Be my sub, my little girl, my partner, and my wife?”

Libby looked stunned, her eyes filling with tears, her mouth agape. His heart stopped for just a brief moment at the possibility she might say no. But then a smile played at the corners of her mouth. It bloomed into a full grin as she threw her arms around his neck, shouting, “Yes! Yes! Of course, I’ll marry you!”

The place erupted into cheers, and someone threw confetti, covering all of them in tiny, brightly colored dots. He kissed her long and languidly, then scooped her out the chair, holding her tight, swinging her around happily.

“God, you scared me for a minute there when you paused.” He looked her in the eye, slapping her bottom lightly.

“I still think you’re nuts wanting an old woman like me, but I can’t imagine not having you.” She kissed him lightly on the lips, raking her fingers through his hair.

His cock twitched. Jesus, this woman kept him hard all the time. “You are
an old woman. We keep discussing this. You’re
woman. Period!” With another playful smack to her plump butt, he put her down, turning to Cade and Sunni. “I hope you both will come back for the wedding. I’ve waited four years to ask this woman. I’m not waiting much longer to make her completely and totally mine. I’m hoping we’ll have a wedding in September.”

“September? That’s only two months away, Daddy,” Libby said.

Libby didn’t look pleased, eyes wide, her mouth slightly agape.

“You can do it. I’m not waiting.” Maddox took a chance on pushing her, hoping she’d comply rather than plead for a change of date.

Before she could react negatively, Sunni and Sassy jumped in. Sassy said, “We’ll help you do this. People get married quicker than this!”

Atta girls! Nothing like a gaggle of women to get the job done.

Grabbing their purses, the women stood up and Libby announced, “Daddy, we girls are going to the bathroom and locker area. We need to talk and plan. Okay?”

Maddox raised an eyebrow. “That sounds suspiciously like an order rather than asking for permission.”

She paused, giving him a small smile. “Daddy,
we go to the bathroom to talk?”

“Good girl. Yes, you may.”

The men watched them leave, each smiling and shaking their heads at the antics of their women, their little girls.

* * *



ibby looked at the two girls next to her at the sinks, each of them touching up their makeup. Twenty five years their senior, she was old enough to be their mother. What in the world made her think saying yes was the right thing to do? At age thirty, what did Maddox really know about getting older? In another twenty years, he’d be fifty — and she’d be sixty five. This would never work. Ever.

“Hey, why are you looking that way?” Sassy scowled at Libby. “Don’t you even start! I know that look on your face. You two are perfect. He loves you! And Cade is almost twenty years older than Sunni. You’re thinking too much. Love knows no boundaries, right?”

“I know. It’s just... how will I keep him happy?” Libby couldn’t help but be concerned. Since she’d become an adult, life hadn’t been easy. She’d struggled on many fronts, and she didn’t want to make yet another mistake in her life.

“Hey, you’re too serious.” Sassy looked around before dragging the women to sit on the metal benches in the adjacent locker room. The red metal lockers were stacked six feet high, and there were three rows of benches between them. Sassy investigated whether they were indeed alone, coming back and opening her locker. Giving them an evil grin, she laughed. “I have a bottle of Jack in here. Let’s do some shots in celebration and loosen you up a little. You’re supposed to be celebrating, not moping around.”

Libby gasped. “Oh, God. I can’t. Maddox — Daddy — would kill me. Shit, he’s so into rules and order.”

It’s a celebration, I’m telling you. No rules apply when you’re celebrating. Right, Sunni?” Sassy pulled out the bottle, unscrewing the cap and taking a large swig from it before passing it to Sunni. Libby kept watching the door, fearing that Maddox would come walking in any minute. She wanted to be as far away from that bottle as possible.

“Well, normally I’d agree,” Libby said. “But I think Cade would take a layer of skin off my ass if I got drunk in this locker room.” She looked around, as if her Daddy would magically appear in the locker room at the mere mention of contraband alcohol. “Maybe I shouldn’t.”

Brittney laughing, elbowing Sunni. “It never stopped us when we were kids. Like he hasn’t taken a layer off weekly since you met him. At least this way you get to have some anesthetic to dull the pain. C’mon, we’re supposed to be lightening the mood around here!”

Sunni sighed loudly. “Okay, fine! But if Daddy finds out and decides to kick some asses, I’m blaming you.”

“He won’t find out. He’s not magical, Sunni.” Sassy rolled her eyes. “Come on, Libby, it’s your turn. Your stick-in-the-mud Daddy won’t find out. Trust me.”

“God... he better not.” Maddox didn’t like Libby to break the rules, and he was pretty strict when it came to misbehaving in public. His reputation and standing in the club was important to him. He’d not handle her disobedience well. At all.

“Besides, we’re only having a few celebratory shots.” Taking a huge swig, Sassy passed the bottle around again. “What color dresses are you picking out? Do you know what kind of flowers?”

Libby shrugged, wiping her mouth with the back of her hand, passing the bottle along. “I already had a wedding, so I’m not really into colors and flowers. I’d just as soon have it be very casual — jeans and corsets with a barbeque following the ceremony. You know? I just don’t want something big. But it’s up to Maddox. He’s never been married. He may have some ideas.”

Libby wasn’t sure how long they had been in the locker, but apparently it was extended enough that Belle was sent in to check on them.

“Uhm, you guys?” Belle snuck up on them! That’s how it felt, and that’s what Libby would say was the story. “Your Daddies are looking for you, and I... oh, my god. You guys are drinking, aren’t you?”

Sassy had quickly shoved the whiskey inside the locker at Belle’s sudden appearance, but Libby suspected it’d been seen before being put it away. Sassy slammed the locker door, and they all jumped at the deafening sound.

Apparently, Maddox was right outside the door and heard her, for he came charging into the room with the other two Daddies in tow.

“Give me the alcohol. Now.” Maddox’s voice was deep, lethal. Libby stood up, crying immediately, while Sassy opened her locker with shaky hands and handed the Jack over to him.

Maddox pointed at Libby, the muscle in his jaw ticking. “You, little girl, are in a huge heap of trouble. You know the rules.”


He held his hand up. “There’s no excuse for this, not for you. You’ve been here for four years. You know better.” His dress shoes clomped on the floor as he walked up to the sink, dumping the bottle’s contents into it.

Cade marched up to Sunni. “What were you thinking? You were told the rules, what? Two hours ago? Is your bottom not sore enough from the spanking you received in the nursery? You wanted more?”

“N-no. We were celebrating.”

Cade’s voice rose. “What’s wrong with cake? You couldn’t celebrate with cake?”

Dylan sauntered over to Sassy. “So, bad girl Sassy, how did you smuggle the Jack in?”

“I didn’t do it today.”

His eyebrows shot up. “Oh, great. Glad to hear it. So, when the fuck
you smuggle it in then?”

“One of the nights that I brought my big purse. It fit nicely in the bottom of it.”

“Mmm, interesting. Well, you won’t be allowed to bring a purse again. Trust me. And you know what else fits nicely on a bottom? My hand.”

Dylan looked over to Maddox. “I’m sorry, Prof. She’ll be taken care of at home. Have no doubts about that.”

Maddox pinched Libby’s ass so hard that she jumped. “Ouch!”

He leaned forward, whispering into her ear. “It’s just a preview.” Then he addressed Dylan. “I wish it was that easy. I’m sure we’ll all be punishing our girls tonight, in the privacy of our homes. But because a rule — a pretty important one — at the Playpen has been broken, they’ll have to be punished by Daddy Ivan before we can leave. In addition, there are usually added restrictions placed on them for the disobedience.”

“I’m not surprised,” Dylan said with a nod. He looked over at Cade who gave him a wink.

It was then that Master Ivan walked into the locker room. “Belle just informed me what happened in here today.”

Libby was petrified of the man. It wasn’t that he’d ever given her reason to worry, but his mere presence exuded pure dominance and alpha male. He stood easily six foot four inches, over two hundred pounds of pure muscle. That day, as he did most of the time, he wore a short-sleeved muscle shirt, which showed off his biceps and the tattoos up and down his arms. They were well-veined and muscled, leading down to very large, thick hands. She had no doubt those hands could deliver a harsh spanking indeed. His dark, curly hair was pulled back into a pony tail, with just a hint of gray at the temples. He wore black jeans with a huge oval silver belt buckle and cowboy boots peeked out from his pant legs.

Master Ivan spoke softly and clearly, but never needed a microphone, the timbre of his deep voice ensuring he was heard loud and clear.

“You naughty, naughty girls. I wish I could just send you home, but when rules are broken in the Playpen, everyone needs to see how they are dealt with. Since the bar area is the biggest area we have, you will all go there for your punishment. People have already gathered, but security is announcing it in all the rooms.”

He stood with his hands on his hips, staring at each women in turn, shaking his head in disappointment. “Libby, we were so happy for you. You’ve been here too long to misbehave this badly. Now, you’ll be spanked instead of congratulated. Too bad.”

Libby felt the familiar sting behind her nose and eyes, her vision becoming blurry with her tears. “I’m sorry, Daddy Ivan.” And she meant every word of it. She
know better, and shouldn’t have caved — especially since she was the oldest of the crew.

“Men, take your little girls to the bar area, and stand them in front of the pool table. I’ll be there in a moment. I need to talk to my naughty girl, Melody first.”

Libby looked over at Melody, who at that moment was chewing on her lip. Melody was Ivan’s little girl and held a ton of jobs at the Playpen, one of which was to check lockers for contraband. Libby suspected that Melody must have made an agreement with Sassy to keep it in the locker — which would cost her dearly with the big black bear standing before them. That’s just what he reminded her of with the black curly hair and attire — a bear. He might appear cute and cuddly most of the time, but you didn’t want to poke him, that was for sure.

Maddox grabbed her arm roughly. “Don’t you worry about Melody. Your little ass is in plenty of trouble too. Let her feel sorry for herself.”

Each of the Daddies were whispering into their girls’ ear, no doubt issuing their own warnings as well.









Chapter 20


ibby felt as if she might have a panic attack as the room filled with people, everyone waiting to see the public punishment.

Sassy looked over at a still thin-lipped Dylan. She’d be a sorry girl tonight, she had no doubt. She didn’t even want to think about what that would mean. Then she saw the tears running down Sunni’s cheeks, which only amplified her own fear. Sassy knew what havoc Cade would wreak with this misbehavior. She may have felt sorrier for Sunni than she did herself. Her father could be brutal when it came to drinking and breaking rules. As a state trooper, rules and law-breaking were huge in his book. And then there was Libby. Libby, who should have been celebrating her engagement to Maddox, instead kept her eyes downcast, an irate Maddox continually whispering in her ear.

BOOK: His Sassy Girl (Desiring the Forbidden Book 2)
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