His Sassy Girl (Desiring the Forbidden Book 2) (22 page)

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Authors: Megan Michaels

Tags: #Erotic romance

BOOK: His Sassy Girl (Desiring the Forbidden Book 2)
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Everyone went silent when Ivan walked into the room, dragging a reluctant Melody by the elbow. He made her stand next to Libby while he turned to face the crowd.

“As many of you have heard, these three women — and my complicit Melody — were caught in the act of drinking alcohol that Miss Sassy had been keeping in her locker. And this is how my Melody is in trouble too — she’s supposed to watch for things like that, along with any other contraband. So, she will be punished along with them.”

Daddy Ivan turned, facing the women at the back of the room. “Face the mirror; take your corsets off, elbows on the pool table.” It was just their luck that the wall was fully mirrored. Each of them did as instructed, and bent over.

“I’ll be punishing each woman completely, before moving on to the next.” He went to Libby first, who had a pencil skirt that went to her knees with a split up the back. Ivan pulled her skirt up over her hips, exposing the garters, black stockings and a thong. He pulled the panties down, Sassy sure the gesture was one purely of increasing the woman’s humiliation.

Master Ivan’s voice became soft, laced with regret. “I’m sorry, Libby, that I’m having to cane your ass. I’ll congratulate you when we’re done.”

Libby’s breasts dangled below her. She wasn’t huge, but she certainly didn’t have small breasts either. Her areolas were large, the nipples hard pebbled points. Ivan plucked the cane off the wall, swishing the rattan through the air. Sassy gasped hearing the whistle. She hated the damn cane, and Dylan loved it. Libby’s body broke out into goosebumps, even her areolas drawing tight, the woman shivering at the sound.

Daddy Ivan lined up the rod against Libby’s white flesh. Her buttocks were outlined by the black skirt, the garters framing the globes perfectly. He tapped the cane lightly against her, swinging his arm out then snapping the implement harshly against her bottom. Libby jumped, crying out with the pain. He didn’t respond or react to her shout, instead continuing to stripe her flesh repeatedly, red tracks and welts rising with each stroke. By the time he had reached six cracks of the cane, Libby was dancing on her toes, her breasts swinging and swaying.

Sassy didn’t care to have sex with women, but watching Libby’s ripe globes swaying had
mouth watering, wishing she could suckle on the tight nipple. A red flush had spread from Libby’s neck to the tops of her breasts, contrasting dramatically with the paleness of her skin.

“Three more to your thighs, bad girl. These will be hard, and you’ll wear bruises and tracks for the rest of the week. You won’t drink, or bring contraband alcohol into my bar again.”

His arm swung out wide, the crack of the bamboo across Libby’s thighs making Sassy’s stomach clench in sympathy. Libby screamed, tears running down her cheeks. At that point, Libby was unable to stand still or control her movements. And thankfully, Daddy Ivan was quick, placing the tramlines perfectly upon her thighs and sit spots.

“You’re done, Miss Libby. Stay bent over the pool table. I want everyone to see what happens to women who break the rules.”

He moved on to Melody, his wife. She had on a pair of jean shorts and cowboy boots.

“Jeans and panties off, Melody.”

He crossed his arms over his chest, the cane pointing toward the ceiling. Sassy stood next to Melody, the proximity to Master Ivan almost too much for her to handle. Sassy placed her forehead on the pool table, hoping to block the whole process out of her mind. That is until she received a tap to the middle of her back.

“Head up, girl. I want you watching the whole thing. Besides, everyone needs to see your breasts dangling over this table.” Ivan slapped her backside hard. She knew the sting would keep her focused on watching.

Melody was naked, her shaved pussy showing above the table, an aquamarine belly button ring accenting her flat belly. She looked adorable standing with only her cowboy boots on, waiting for her Daddy to cane her.

“What is your job on Sunday mornings, Melody?” Ivan still had his arms crossed as he looked at Melody through the mirror.

“I-I’m supposed to check all the lockers, and every room in The Playpen for contraband of any sort.”

He nodded. “That’s right. And what are you supposed to do when you find it, bad girl?”

“I’m supposed to tell my Daddy.” She chewed on her lip.

“You didn’t do that, did you? Instead, you agreed with Miss Sassy over here to have it be your secret. Isn’t that right?”

Melody looked over at Sassy before answering. “Yes, Daddy.”

Ivan pivoted, looking at Dylan. “I expect that you’ll punish your girl for this severely. And she’ll be receiving extras today from me for that bit of manipulation.”

“No worries. She’ll be very sorry by the end of today. Trust me on that, Sir.” Dylan narrowed his eyes at Sassy.

“Bend over the table, Melody. You will not move your feet, or there will be extras. Is that clear?”

“Yes, Daddy.”

Sassy felt bad for her. Thankfully, he didn’t require such blatant exposure from all of them. He didn’t from Libby, and she hoped he’d be kind to her in that regard too. She would not be able to stand still if she were as naked as Melody was at that moment.

Daddy Ivan snapped the cane so fast and hard that Sassy’s breath caught in her chest. By the time he had finished — not taking anywhere near as long as he had for Libby — Melody’s nails had made permanent scratches into the green cloth of the pool table. Her throat had to be raw from the low, continuous rasp that erupted from her chest.

Sassy’s toes had curled as she watched. But she had to give the girl credit — she didn’t move one toe from the floor while she was caned. Those boots stayed in the same spot, as if they were Crazy Glued to the floor.

“Good girl. You did an excellent job.” Ivan walked up to his wife, cupping her pussy, slipping a finger into her core. “And as expected, ladies and gentlemen, my sweet Melody is dripping for her Daddy.” The hand that was still holding the cane reached around and pinched Melody’s nipple so hard that she gasped. He leaned in and whispered something into her ear, and despite her tear-filled eyes, she smiled at him through the mirror.

Sassy liked the woman, and felt bad that she’d been the cause of the woman being caned so harshly. But Sassy also had no doubt in her mind that she’d be caned and punished harshly when her turn came.

Ivan sidled up to Sassy at that very moment. “So, you’re the bad girl who started all of this. You brought the contraband in, made my girl agree to hide it with you, and then convinced all these girls to drink with you today. You’re a difficult woman, aren’t you? I’m thinking you keep your Daddy pretty busy, don’t you?”

“Yes, Sir.”

“I bet. Well, you’ll be sorry, girl.” He tucked her skirt into her waistband, pulling her panties down to her knees. “It seems that this naughty bottom was spanked already. You’re still red.”

Dylan scowled at her. “Yeah, she couldn’t behave long enough to get out of the house today.”

“God, man. It’s a good thing you love her so much. She’s made just for you, son.”

Sassy looked over at Dylan, relieved to see his lazy grin, one she loved very much indeed. Then he winked at her. She could handle this, take the punishment and pain knowing that he still loved her and wasn’t going to leave her. It was a daily niggling concern in the back of her mind, but the longer they were together, the more she trusted that he really did love her.

Master Ivan ordered. “Hands stay on the table. You’ll be receiving four extra cane strokes.”

Master Ivan, like most of the Doms in the place, knew each girl well enough to know what they could handle and he kept a hand on her back to help her stay in place. That simple gesture comforted her somehow, although she had no doubt that the pain he was about to inflict would be more than she expected.

He swung the cane and she stiffened, bracing for it. But nothing could ever have prepared her for the first stroke. She danced up onto her tiptoes, unable to contain her body’s reaction to the searing pain. It burned and stung, radiating through the area and into her muscles. Before she could register the pain, another stroke landed, just below the first. He continued lying track upon track upon track, marching the cane down her bottom and onto her thighs until she screamed, reaching a hand back to cover herself. She knew it was against the rules, yet she was completely unable to resist, the pain overwhelming.

When she thought she couldn’t handle one more stroke, the cane stilled, and she dropped her head to the table, sobbing pitifully. He rubbed her scorched flesh softly, “Poor girl. You’ll remember this lesson, I’m thinking.”

“Y-yes, Sir.”

He turned to Dylan. “We’ll talk later about how to care for those tracks. We also should go over the restrictions that she’ll be subject to in the club. I don’t take actions like this lightly. She’s a good girl, I know that, but she needs to learn restraint.”

“Yes, we’ll talk,” Dylan said.

Master Ivan moved over to Sunni. Poor Sunni who was nothing more than a guest. She was someone who had come as a guest of Sassy’s and Libby’s — and now she was getting publicly caned in front of all of those people. Sassy started to sob, feeling terrible for what she’d caused her friends to endure.

“It’s nice to meet you, Sunni,” Ivan said. “I’m sorry our first meeting has to be this way, but I assure you I’m a nice man. I’ll be fair and just with you. I know you probably weren’t expecting that you’d be caned today — let alone by the Master of the club — but rules are rules, and a serious one was broken. Lift your skirt.”

Once the material was piled onto her back, he tucked it into her waistband, pulling her red cheeky panties down to her knees. “You have a red bottom too. What happened to you this evening?”

She looked over at her Daddy. Cade raised his eyebrows, a silent command to answer the question.

“I didn’t want to drink from a sippy cup in the nursery, and I threw a fit with Mommy Corinne.”

“Wow, that couldn’t have fared well for you. Mommy Corinne is pretty strict with those things. Is that how you ended up with a sore bottom?”

“No, Sir. My Daddy spanked me with his hand.”

Ivan turned to Cade. “Nice handiwork here. I may have a role for you here, after you take a few classes.” Rubbing her red flesh, Ivan said, “I won’t cane you anywhere near as harshly as the others here. But you will receive six strokes.”

He tapped the wood against her bottom, pulling back and snapping the cane down in quick strokes, getting the punishment over with all at once. Even after he was done, Sunni still danced on her toes, clawing at the pool table, tears wetting the green felt.

Ivan lumbered back to the cabinet, replacing the cane. “All of you turn and face the crowd.”

Sassy blushed. This was harder than she’d imagined, being exposed to complete strangers. It had been bad enough to know that her pussy had been viewed from behind, but to face them made the shame that much worse.

“These well-disciplined women will be on restriction. They will be cleaning bathrooms, and serving drinks while wearing tails. Along with any other ideas we come up with. They will be reminded for many weeks of their misbehavior. Let it be a lesson to all of you.”

Ivan paused, as if letting his message sink in, before continuing. “In case you haven’t all heard, Libby and Daddy Maddox are going to be married. They’re talking about a fall wedding! Give them your congratulations, and have some cake and champagne on the house. The girls here will be serving everyone in the state of undress they’re already in. Feel free to give them all a swat to the bottom, or a squeeze of a breast, but be respectful of their Daddies and leave their genitalia alone.”

Ivan grinned, nodding toward the contrite females. “Ladies, please serve our guests and mind your manners. And congratulations Libby and Maddox, I can’t wait for your wedding! Everyone celebrate!”












Professor Maddox and Libby


addox addressed his girl from across the room. “Elizabeth, Brandon has left the house. It’s time, girl. Put your garters and stockings on with your sheer, short black top. Get ready for bed. You won’t be leaving the bedroom after we’re done. Wait for me in the corner.”

She rose from her chair, not saying a word as she silently trekked up the stairs. He watched her ass in the yoga pants shimmy with each step. He loved her ass. Some men might swear that there was no way that a woman fifteen years his senior —she was in her mid-forties — could be attractive to someone his age, but nothing could be further from the truth. Dr. Maddox Parks had been attracted to older women for most of his life.

The wisdom, elegance, and mystique that surrounded an older woman were hard to match, in his opinion. He’d dated younger women for years. At thirty years old, and a professor at UCLA, he had no shortage of cute, svelte, young girls throwing themselves at him. Many were looking for an easy A for the class, but just as many had Daddy issues or wanted to fulfill a life-long fantasy of being spanked by a professor. Little did they know that this had been a fantasy of his most of his life, something that had driven his career aspirations. But in reality, by the time he’d obtained his degree, the thrill of taking a perky, bubble butt girl over his desk had worn thin. Instead, he hoped for an older woman, and more often than not he found himself attracted to a student’s mother, rather than the young female seeking his attention. At twenty six, he had met Libby — and fallen completely head over heels in love.

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