His to Cherish (13 page)

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Authors: Stacey Lynn

BOOK: His to Cherish
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It took hours to have the house halfway presentable. I did the most I could before my body felt like it was going to collapse from exhaustion.

I kept busy, vacuuming up the glass shards all over the place and stacking the thrown photos into a neat pile on the kitchen table. In the office, I took the broken lamp to the garage to throw it away, vacuumed, and picked up the scattered papers and broken laptop.

The kitchen was the worst, but by the time I was done scrubbing and cleaning the floors and countertops, it was mostly picked up. I loaded the dishwasher and left the remaining dishes to soak in the sink overnight.

It was midnight when I finally dragged my weary and aching body up the stairs, and the random thought of Beth's text message blinked into my mind.

Quickly, I changed course and moved to the entryway where I had dropped my purse and dug out my phone.

“Thank goodness,” I said to myself when I saw there were no texts other than one from Suzanne. I ignored it, feeling my eyelids droop heavily with exhaustion.

Upstairs, I found Aidan's room at the left side of the staircase and entered quietly so as not to disturb him. Based on the soft snoring coming from his bed, a train could have come rumbling through his backyard and he wouldn't have flinched.

I realized I was still in “going out” clothes, a teal satin top and skinny jeans.

I looked around, trying to see if there was anything I could wear to bed that'd been thrown on his floor, but it was surprisingly clean. Considering the downstairs was such a disaster, I was shocked that Aidan's bedroom was so tidy. There wasn't a random pair of boxers or socks strewn anywhere.

After debating for another second, I quietly dug through Aidan's dresser drawers until I found a stack of perfectly folded white T-shirts.

After grabbing one, I used the restroom, stripped off my clothes, threw on his shirt, and headed to his bed.

It was massive, much larger than my queen, and I slid into the free side, staying close to the edge of the bed.

If Aidan woke up, there was a chance he wouldn't even know I was there.

Exhaustion overtook me and my heavy eyelids closed before I could give any further thought to the fact that I was sleeping in Aidan's bed for the first time.

Chapter 13

The taste of mint licking across my lips woke me up in the morning.

A mewl of surprise escaped me as I registered the wall of heat close to me and covering my chest.

Opening my eyes, I was startled to find Aidan lying next to me, his mouth hovering just above mine.

In a second, I took in his wet hair, the slightly damp feel of his hot skin over mine, and the way he was completely caging me in—on his bed.

My eyes widened and I swallowed thickly.

A quick twitch of his lips appeared and vanished.

“Good morning,” he said, and pulled back slightly.

My hand wrapped around his wrist, preventing further movement.

That one small touch of my skin on his, holding him against me, sent a reaction straight through me. Based on the way his pupils widened, I think he felt the same thing. I swallowed again, trying to find my voice and the will to leave. Somehow, like his anger from last night, that had also skipped town.

“How are you?” I asked, my voice just a whisper.

“Shit.” He frowned. “I suspect I'll feel like shit for a long time.”

I longed to reach out, smooth the tension from the deep line between his sad eyes, but I tightened my hold on his wrist instead.

“I meant your hangover,” I lied, forcing a small smile. I didn't want to deal with anything heavy this morning; we'd had enough of it last night—unless that heaviness came in the form of Aidan's body pressing against mine. Or moving over me.

He shifted his weight, settling one thigh between mine, and pressed against me.

I inhaled quickly and my body warmed in a completely pleasurable way.

“Don't have one,” he said, and leaned closer. “Never get them, although I suspect the coffee and pain meds you gave me last night helped. I also saw you cleaned my house.”

I barely heard him. My brain went foggy as Aidan began trailing his lips down the side of my face, breathing lightly against the column of my throat.

My fingers dug into his skin.

“I didn't want you to wake up and have to deal with it.”

“Thank you,” he murmured, dragging his lips across my collarbone. His thigh pushed against my inner thighs, separating them, and I moaned. “You didn't have to. I would have done it today, or soon. I hate that you saw me like that.”

Oh God. His lips and the pressure at the apex of my thighs felt divine. I tried to resist the urge to press into him while he grazed my skin.

“Aidan,” I said. “What's going on?”

A small chuckle vibrated against the center of my throat and he pulled back, eyes inches from mine. Our noses brushed as he grinned. “If you have to ask, I must be doing a shitty job of trying to seduce you.”

My entire body shivered.

I lifted my hand from his wrist and lightly scraped my palm against his unshaven cheek, pushed my fingers through his quickly drying hair.

My breath stuttered in my chest, catching in my throat.

“Why?” I asked, and watched him frown. “Why now?”

He licked his lips, his tongue almost touching my lips as he did so, and I gasped.

“Because I woke up with you in my bed, wearing my shirt, and as much as I've been trying to get that image out of my head for the last hour, I can't.” He dropped his head, resting his forehead against my shoulder. My fingers continued playing in his hair until he raised his head—

And proceeded to rock my world.

“It's been a long time for me. I don't date often and I don't do this. Last date I had was over six months ago,” he explained. I went to speak and found it difficult. The pressure he was applying with his thigh against me felt so good and perfect. “It's probably going to suck for you, if you want this, but I don't think I can leave a bed with you in it again without knowing what you feel like.” His eyes dropped to my lips, his hand moved to my hip, slowly shifting the hem of his T-shirt until his fingers were against my sensitive skin. “Or taste like.”

I moaned. He had nothing to be concerned about. I could probably find my release based on his words and slight touch alone.

“We should talk about last night.”

“We can, later. It was fucked up and I've already told you I'm a mess, but I'm trying here, Chelsea. Trying to figure out my place in the world without my sidekick. It's not always going to be pretty. But I'm fucking thankful you and David were here last night, even though I know I was hard on you yesterday morning.”

And I gave in. My fingers tightened in his hair and I pulled him closer, his eyes flashing in aroused surprise as his lips pressed against mine and his tongue began seeking entrance into my mouth.

Because I'd wanted him for years. Because I'd felt the attraction between us and he'd admitted it was there.

I caved because I was a woman who wanted to be desired, and at that moment, Aidan desired me. Like he'd said the other night, we couldn't make promises. We could only try. I knew I'd have to be patient. There'd be steps forward and leaps backward. I already knew that, given the kind of man Aidan was, it would be worth the roller coaster.

“Aidan,” I whispered as he pulled back from a kiss that sent fire straight to my aroused and needy sex. “I want you.”

His lips moved to my throat, my collarbone, and I shifted beneath him. His hand on my hips tightened as his fingers languidly moved against my quickly heated skin.

God, he was so wrong. In no way was this going to suck for me.

“Me, too, Chelsea,” he murmured. “I want you, too.”

My eyes rolled back and I arched my hips, needing more than the pressure of his thighs and the teasing touch of his hands on me. I was so turned on, and it'd been so long since I'd had a man take the time to truly turn me on.

He was driving me crazy.

Slowly he shifted until he was on top of me, his hands braced next to my shoulders and his boxer-covered hips pressed and rolled into me.

“Oh my…”
but I couldn't finish. His erection was thick and heavy as he rolled his hips, his eyes on me the entire time. He was impressive, I could tell, but what was more exciting, sexier than anything I'd ever witnessed, was the way his lust-filled eyes couldn't stop focusing on me.

“Sit up,” he murmured. He helped me up until I was sitting in front of him, my legs draped over his.

His hands trembled and he bit his bottom lip, still looking at me with desire mixed with a pain in his eyes I feared would never fully disappear.

He was nervous. It was the most endearing thing I had ever seen.

I leaned forward, pressed my lips against his, and kissed him. My tongue slid against his lips and my hands framed his cheeks.

“I've always thought you were the most attractive man I've ever met,” I whispered against his ear when I broke the kiss.

“You're beautiful,” he replied, and moved his hands to my T-shirt. His nerves dissipated in front of me as he ripped his shirt off of my body and over my head before he flung it to the side. Then his hand was back at my neck, pressing me powerfully back down to the mattress.

The force of the move, the suddenness of it, made me feel his need for me practically rolling off his body.

“God,” he groaned, “you're so…perfect.”

His lips pressed against mine and I opened for him. I inhaled the taste of him, his scent, as my fingers dug into his hair.

His kiss was powerful. Seductive. Entrancing. I found myself getting lost in the promised pleasure of all that was him and his sure movements as I writhed against the thick bulge in his boxers.

I slid my hands down his back to the fabric at his waist and began pushing them down his hips, revealing my desperation for him. I needed more. More contact. More of him.

He continued torturing me, dragging out every movement with slow and wet kisses along my chest, his tongue licking and his mouth laving my nipples until they hardened, and every swipe of his tongue against me sent a fiery need to my core.

“I want to make this good for you,” he whispered against my stomach as he continued moving lower.

“You already are.” God, he was. He

His head raised and his eyes caught mine. I saw a glimmer of hope, of sparkling light, flash in them before his hand moved to the waistband of my own underwear.

Lifting an eyebrow in question, I nodded my assent.


Take them off.

Take me.

Own me.

I wanted to shout all of it as I squirmed beneath his tender touches while he stood for a moment, kicking off his boxers before joining me on the bed again.

His erection jutted out thick and strong and powerful, just like the tortured man in front of me.

I licked my lips, imagining how good it would feel when he was finally inside of me.

“Keep staring at me like that and this will be over before it begins.”

I smiled, all nerves gone. He couldn't seem to pull his gaze off me and I didn't want him to. Every look he gave me, every touch of his hands as they began to press against my most sensitive flesh, pushed me closer to finding my own release.

“I could say the same to you,” I said, gasping as his thumb brushed over my clit.

He laughed. It was quick and husky and over before it began, but damn it if it wasn't the most beautiful sound I'd heard in months.

“Aidan,” I whispered, my hands sliding across him to grip his waist. “I want you.”

He swallowed, his eyes roaming over my chest and body as if he couldn't decide where to focus, and his cheeks flushed with desire. So damn sexy.

“You, too.”

I lost his gaze as his hands gripped my hips, pressing me firmly into the bed, and my hands flew to his hair, gripping it tightly in my fingertips when his tongue swiped against my needy center.

I gasped while he teased and tasted me, seeming to feast on me, bringing me quickly to the brink of pleasure.

My fingertips dug into his scalp, tugging his hair, pulling him closer, pushing him away, the overwhelming sensations too much for me as I continued writhing beneath him.

I repeated his name, calling to him over and over again as everything inside me began to coil tight with impending release. Just as I was about to shatter beneath him into a million beautiful pieces, he pulled his mouth away and pressed his fingers inside me.

He shifted up farther and his mouth fell against mine as he reached into the bedside table next to me, slowing the movement of his fingers as he pulled out a strip of condoms.

I ripped them out of his hand, tore off a packet, and opened it.

He shot me a grin at my frantic movement, making my swollen flesh clench around his fingers.

“In a hurry?”

My cheeks flushed. “I don't want you to stop what you're doing.” He pushed in and twisted. I forgot what I was doing as my body shook. “Oh God, Aidan.”

“I love that sound,” he whispered, his voice rough and filled with the same need inside me. “Love the way you say my name like that. So damn sexy, Chelsea.”

I mewled in frustration when he pulled his fingers from my body and took the condom out of my fingers.

“You sure?”

I wanted to scream, but was only able to nod.

My gaze drifted down and I watched every precious moment of him rolling the condom slowly down his erection. I reached out, helping him, needing to feel him before he took my hand away and began to enter me.

A low groan rumbled from my throat and my head pressed into the pillows beneath me.

I'd never felt so full. Not in my entire life, and it wasn't only because of the way he felt inside of me as he began to move. It was because of the way he looked at me—like I was a newfound treasure and he never wanted to let me go.

His hips rolled and shifted, finding the perfect place to send my body shaking and finding its release almost immediately.

I planted my feet on the bed next to his hips, opening my legs wider, taking him deeper, and let loose an animalistic groan.

My chest arched into him and he dropped to his elbows next to me, his thrusts becoming fiercer and more frantic.

“Aidan! Oh!” My hands dug into his shoulders right as fire coursed through my body.

My hips shook and my orgasm hit me in a sudden rush, my body bucking wildly beneath him.

“Oh my God.”

“Fuck,” he groaned as his hand clamped around my breast. He stared at me, holding my gaze as his own orgasm hit—hips pumping into mine, hitting the end of me before he stilled, releasing inside of me.

My body gave a final quiver as I watched him.

“Hell,” he finally said, dropping his sweat-lined forehead to my shoulder.

My hands wrapped around his lower back. His breath came as quick and irregularly as mine and I surrendered to the moment, enjoying the feel of the weight of his firm body surrounding me.

There were no words to describe what I had just experienced, but as I was beginning to calm down enough to speak, nerves began creeping in.

He seemed speechless, too, and neither of us spoke until he finally slid out of me and lifted me onto his lap, brushing my hair off my cheeks.

Then he leaned down and tenderly dragged his lips against mine.

There was a lightness in his features that hadn't been there previously and I smiled against his lips. I had done that to him.

I'd helped ease whatever pain he was feeling, and my heart fluttered happily when he returned my smile.

“You're incredible,” he whispered.

“I think you get all the credit for that one.”

He smiled this time, pressing his lips against mine again in a lingering kiss. When he finally pulled back, he pressed me to his side.

“Let me get cleaned up. I'll be right back.”

I watched him head to the bathroom, a soft smile stretching my lips, unashamedly staring at the man who was absolutely beautiful…in or out of clothes.

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