His to Protect (2 page)

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Authors: Elena Aitken

BOOK: His to Protect
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“What?” Harper let herself be dragged into the bedroom. She had neither the strength nor the desire to stop it. Especially if it meant a lavish holiday. “Where are we going?”

Nina turned and grinned. “Montana, baby.”

omething was in the air

Axel hadn’t been able to sleep and it wasn’t just the anticipation of their first guests. It was something else. Something in his blood that had kept him up. His bear was restless. He had too much to do, and the helicopter was due to land in less than an hour with the journalist. He couldn’t afford to run off into the woods to satiate the animal inside him. There wasn’t time.

Still…he couldn’t afford not to.

Naked, Axel stepped outside into the dewy summer morning. Even on what would be a hot day, the mornings in the mountains were still cool.
He left behind the steps of his cabin and shifted seamlessly into his bear as he took off for the woods in long, lumbering strides.

He wouldn’t be gone long. Just long enough to calm his bear.

As soon as he hit the trees, he increased his pace, pushing himself farther, harder, faster. His muscles strained with the effort and the exertion was just what he needed to quiet his brain and soothe his spirit.

A scent on the air caught his attention. Luke was somewhere in the distance but he wasn’t surprised. Luke spent as much time as possible in his bear form and with the impending arrival of guests on the ridge, the opportunity to shift wouldn’t be as forthcoming. Not that Axel was worried about it. They’d all lived among humans in the valley. It had never been a problem. Well, not really.

Where Luke was concerned, there was always a problem or two. All he needed to do was minimize them, at least while guests were around.

Axel growled and snuffed the air as he continued to lumber through the woods. He slowed his pace and pulled up as he arrived at the edge of the forest where the sky opened up to the valley below. The view never failed to calm him. Whenever he was worked up about something, he somehow always found his way to the edge of the mountain to find perspective. He sat heavy on his haunches and inhaled the fresh morning air. In his bear, all his senses were heightened, a little more alive. It generally made it easier to relax, but the stillness he’d hoped for didn’t come right away. He took another breath. An eagle shrieked as it soared through the valley.

Still, his bear couldn’t be calmed. Not the way he needed it to be.

And he knew why.

At thirty and the oldest of the brothers, Axel was due to take a mate first. In fact, he should have found one years ago. It was the only way for shifters to keep their animal side satiated. But even before banishment, he hadn’t found a female who was right for him. Of course, his grandfather, the alpha of the clan, had tried to impose upon him a deadline to find his own mate, or he’d be mated to a female from a neighboring clan. The bloodline had to be preserved. Not that it mattered. Since the banishment, it hadn’t been an issue.

Except it was.

Not that either of them seemed to think it was a problem. None of them except Axel. No matter. They were all going to have to find a way to distract themselves for the time being. At least until a solution presented itself.

Just then, Axel’s ears tuned in to the sound of a helicopter.
Perfect. Their first guests would be just the distraction he needed.

It started as a grumble deep inside, but quickly built in strength and intensity until Axel opened his impressive jaws and let out the roar inside until it echoed against the valley walls as the helicopter dipped and flew directly overhead.

id you see that

Harper had been staring out the window from the moment they’d taken off. She’d never been in a helicopter before and the view was incredible. She whacked Nina on the arm in an effort to get her attention, but she was still intently focused on her phone and frantically tapped a message on the tiny keyboard.

“Nina.” Harper shook her sleeve. “Seriously. There are bears out there. Look!”

She pointed again to the ridge and the giant grizzly she’d seen a moment earlier up on his hind legs. Obviously, she couldn’t hear anything, but Harper knew the grizzly was roaring. It sent a shiver through her entire body and straight to her core.

Wow, it had been awhile since she’d been laid.
The fact that she could find a wild animal—a bear—even slightly arousing was definitely a sign that she needed to scratch an itch. In a very bad way. And that’s just what she’d do…as soon as she was done on the mountain with Nina.

Who was
on her phone!

“Nina! Seriously. Look at that bear.” She pointed out the window where the bear in question had turned and ran back through the woods. As the helicopter flew overhead, the animal almost seemed to keep pace. Harper knew she was having a once-in-a-lifetime experience. To be able to see a grizzly so close up was amazing. And oddly exhilarating. “He’s gorgeous!”

“Gorgeous?” That got her friend’s attention. “Only you would talk about an animal that way. You’re such a horn dog. You seriously need to have sex. With a man,” she added and Harper rolled her eyes. Nina leaned across Harper and looked out the window. “You’re totally right though. That is a magnificent specimen.”

Harper laughed. “Now who’s a horn dog?”

“I’m just saying.” She shrugged. “Maybe we’ll get to see one in person. It is called Grizzly Ridge, after all.”

“I hope we don’t,” Harper said even though she did secretly hope they’d see a bear up close. “They’re dangerous and that’s not exactly the type of holiday I was hoping to have.” In fact, she hadn’t been hoping to have the kind of holiday where she was stranded at the top of a mountain in a lodge in the middle of nowhere Montana, either. But beggars couldn’t be choosers. And even if it wasn’t one of Nina’s posh spa assignments, she’d take it. Anything to get away from her life for a bit.

Harper turned to look back at the bear, but she couldn’t spot him again. He must have been swallowed up in the forest as the helicopter moved toward the landing pad. It was a good thing anyway. Bears were dangerous. It was probably for the best if he kept his distance.

Chapter Two

here’ve you been
?” Kade sniffed the air in Axel’s direction as he jogged down to the main lodge to join his brothers.

“I’m not late.”

“That’s not what I asked.”

Axel shrugged off the question. They had more important things to do this morning than discuss the practicality of shifting when they were expecting their first guests. But there’d been no help for it. “Let’s go,” he said instead. “They’re going to land any second.”

They jumped into the Jeep with Luke already behind the wheel. They’d decided it was probably best for all of them to be there to meet the reporters. Luke and Kade would walk back to the lodge while Axel got their guests settled.

It was only a short drive and sure enough, when they pulled up, the helicopter had just touched down. The blades sputtered their final spin as it powered down.

“Here goes nothing.” Luke turned off the ignition and opened the door.

“No.” Axel stopped him. “Here goes everything. This is going to work. Grizzly Ridge is going to become the premier eco-tourism destination in Montana. Even more so than that damned dude ranch, or whatever it is, down the valley.” He shook off the small matter of their competition. “And we’re going to be happy.” He added the last bit more for himself than his brothers. Keeping themselves busy with the running of the Ridge would be the perfect distraction to keep their bears settled.


All three Jackson brothers, doing their best to look presentable, strode toward the helicopter. The pilot opened the back door and a thin blonde woman with a messenger bag slung over her shoulder hopped out.

“Hi,” the woman said. “I’m Nina.” She stuck out her hand and Axel took it first. “Nina Renton. I’m happy to be here to check out your new business. Thanks for the invitation.”

She was spunky and full of energy.
. With any luck, she’d be excited about everything Grizzly Ridge had to offer and write a glowing article about them.

“It’s nice to meet you. I’m Axel Jackson.” He flashed her a grin. “This is my brother Luke—he’s our hiking and backcountry specialist—and our youngest brother, Kade. He handles most of the guest comforts. Anything you need, please don’t hesitate to—”

He couldn’t finish his thought because, just over Nina’s shoulder, another woman appeared. And not just any woman, but one with a scent like no other. A combination of spice with a touch of sweet apple that flooded his senses. Every muscle in Axel’s body tensed, the blood in his veins ran hotter, and his bear threatened to roar a claim on the curvy blonde goddess who’d just appeared before him.

His mate.

Harper wasn’t sure what to expect at Grizzly Ridge, but it sure as hell hadn’t been three freakin’ hot men waiting for them when they got out of the helicopter. Clearly they built them big, strong, and sexy as fuck in the mountains. Maybe the Montana trip would be just as good as a posh spa trip after all.

“This is my friend, Harper Bentley,” Nina introduced her. “She needed a holiday so she decided to come with me to check things out.” She waved her hand at the trio of men. “Luke, Kade, and Axel.”

The first two men shook her hand, but when she turned to face the third, a shiver went through her and she instinctively took a step back. His imposing body stood over her, a solid mass of muscle; two dark eyes bored into her. His mouth was pressed into a firm line and the muscles in his jaw twitched with the obvious tension he held.
Was it her? Had she not been expected?
Well, she was here now. Like it or not, she wasn’t going anywhere. So he’d just have to make the best of it. As would she. Harper jutted out her hand. “Axel, was it? Nice to meet you.”

His gaze ran over her as if he was drinking in every bit of her. But instead of it making her feel uneasy, his appraisal warmed her. Harper straightened her shoulders, which had the effect of thrusting her ample breasts out. She could have sworn she heard a low growl from somewhere, but it was forgotten the instant Axel took her hand and squeezed. It was ridiculous, but an electric heat shot through her at his touch, directly down to the cleft between her legs.

He held on a beat too long, but as far as Harper was concerned he could have held her hand all day if it meant sparking that type of response in her.

One of the other brothers, whose name she couldn’t recall at the moment, cleared his throat and physically pulled Axel back. “We should get you ladies settled into the Den.”

“The Den? That sounds cozy.” Nina laughed. Harper noticed absently that she had her notebook out and was already taking notes.

“It’s really the main lodge,” the man—Luke, Harper remembered—said. “We like to call it the Den as part of the whole Grizzly experience.” He winked at Nina and glanced at Harper with a question on his face.

She was still slightly stunned at the effect Axel had on her, but she tripped her way along the dirt path after them as Luke led them to a truck. She slid inside when he held the door open for them and Nina scrambled in after her. The second the door was closed, her friend spun and stared at her.

“What was that all about?”

“What are you talking about?”

“Don’t even try it,” Nina said. “You know damn well what I’m talking about. What was that between you and Axel? He was staring at you as if he could just eat you up. Damn, girl.”

Harper shook her head. Not her. Men didn’t look at her like that. They looked at Nina like that, certainly. But not her. She always had just a few extra pounds on her, and enough strong will to intimidate most men. “I probably reminded him of someone is all.”

“Well, it must have been someone important because it seems to be causing a bit of a fuss.” Nina pointed out the Jeep window and Harper turned just in time to see Kade grab Axel’s arm only moments before Axel tried to swing a punch in Luke’s direction. “They’re fighting about you.”

That made Harper laugh. She tried to stifle her snort. “Men don’t fight over or about me. It must be some brother thing.”

“Whatever it is, they sure are a bit on the wild side up here in the mountains,” Nina said. “And hot. Oh, so deliciously hot. And that one is clearly into you. Sounds just about right for a fling, if you ask me.”

Harper didn’t have time to counter her friend’s comment because just then the driver’s side door opened and Kade hopped in behind the wheel. “I hope you ladies don’t mind me driving you up to the Den and getting you settled in. Axel was hoping to be the one to do that, but it turns out he has a bit of business to take care of.”

“No problem,” Nina purred and Harper tried not to roll her eyes.

There was definitely a twinge of regret or disappointment or something in her gut at the thought that it wasn’t Axel with them, but no doubt she’d see him again. She twisted in her seat to look out the back window. Just in time to see Axel storm off toward the tree line.

What kind of business could he possibly have in the forest?

She certainly didn’t have much experience with mountain men—none, really. But from what she could see, they were definitely more interesting than any men she’d come across lately. And Nina was right: oh so deliciously hot.


He ignored the call of his brother and kept moving into the cover of the trees. He couldn’t shift but dammit, he wanted to. No, he

That female. Her scent. Her touch. Her
He hadn’t been prepared for that. Hell, nothing could have prepared him for that. She was his mate. But she was a human.
Wasn’t she? Maybe not…there was something about her scent… No. It wasn’t possible.

Axel roared and spun as his brother’s hand clamped down on his shoulder.

“Easy, big guy,” Luke said, but he wasn’t joking. The look in his younger brother’s eyes was all business. “You need to settle down.”

With another roar, he wound up and punched the trunk of a nearby pine. The tree rocked and split from the force; Axel’s knuckles burned with the crush of bone. No matter—it would be healed in minutes.

“Feel better?” Luke leaned up against a nearby tree, his arms crossed.

Axel nodded begrudgingly. “A little.” It was far from ideal, but if he couldn’t shift—and he couldn’t, not with humans so close by—getting physical was the next best option.

“Good,” Luke said. “Now, do you want to talk about what just happened back there?”

Axel shook his head and growled.
Talk about it?

Hell no.

That was the last thing he wanted to do. He couldn’t talk about something that he didn’t understand. And he didn’t understand what had just happened. Not even a little bit. He’d never reacted to a female that way.


Especially a human female.

“Fine by me,” Luke said. “But you’re going to need to pull your shit together and quickly because you can’t go acting all…animal around our guests.” He waited a beat; Axel took a breath and paced back to where his brother stood. “You good?”

Axel nodded.

“Good. Let’s go. I don’t want to leave Kade in charge of entertaining those two for too long. Who knows what will happen.”

It was a good point. Kade had a bit of a reputation of being a…well, to call a spade a spade, when he wasn’t being all brooding and grouchy, Kade was a man whore. And unashamed about it, too. At least he had been before Kira took off. Luke and Axel were both fully aware that Kade made regular visits down the mountain to the local pub where he
women; he just didn’t talk about it anymore. Things had changed with Kade. He was far more secretive and withdrawn now. His sexual conquests were more of a penance than a release and Axel knew exactly why that was. His little brother hadn’t let his bear out since Kira left. It had been almost a year. Way too long for a bear shifter to go without recognizing his true self. It would be torture for Kade. A torture he seemed to think he deserved.

Either way, Axel didn’t want his sexually charged brother anywhere near his female. “Let’s go,” he grunted and led the way back through the trees. It only took him a minute to realize he’d already referred to the curvy blonde as

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