His to Protect (7 page)

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Authors: Elena Aitken

BOOK: His to Protect
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Chapter Nine

t took
Harper a moment to register where she was when her eyes opened. A moment later, she was frantically trying to scramble out of Axel’s bed. Until the pain from her ankle shot through her.


“Harper? Are you awake?”

She propped herself up on her elbow and looked around Axel’s small cabin. “Nina?”

“I’m in the bathroom. Hold on.” A second later, a flush was followed by the sound of the sink and then, finally, mercifully, Nina.

Her friend was at her side, hand in hers, and Harper had never been so happy to see her friend in her life. “Thank goodness it’s you.”

“Of course it’s me. I’m here.” Nina patted her hand. “Axel said you had quite the fall in the woods. How do you feel?”

“Axel?” Harper looked around again. She couldn’t see him. “Is he here?”

Nina shook her head and scooted up on the bed.

Conflicted feelings rolled through her. She wanted him there by her side, but at the same time, she wanted him far away from her. And she couldn’t figure out why. Her hand went to her head and she rubbed the side of it. It wasn’t sore. Nina said she’d fallen.
Did she hit her head?

“Is your head okay? Do you need something?”

“No.” Harper shook her head once and blinked hard. “It’s fine. But I have the strangest feeling that I’m forgetting something. Something about Axel… Something that happened.”

“You must have hit your head.” Nina poured her a glass of water from the jug on the bedside table and handed it to her.

“No.” Harper took a sip. “That’s not it.” Her memory was right on the tip of her consciousness; she just couldn’t quite reach it. She’d been in the woods with Axel. She’d chased him in there and gotten lost. But he’d found her. He’d declared his love for her, kissed her—oh, she remembered that kiss—he’d told her they were meant to be together, that they were—

“Axel will be back soon, I suspect,” Nina said, breaking Harper’s line of thinking. “He didn’t want to leave you, but Luke told him it was important and made him go. It was crazy,” she continued. “He was like a protective animal over—”

“Animal?” The hair on the back of Harper’s neck stood up.
That was it.
He’d said they were mates.
It was ridiculous. It was animalistic. And then there’d been a bear. “A bear.” She whispered the words, but Nina heard.

“Well, I don’t know if I’d say it was like a bear, so much as a—”

“A bear.” Harper sat up as her mind went a million miles an hour.
Axel had been a bear. He was gone and then...the bear and…

“Okay.” Nina jumped up off the bed. “If you say so. Speaking of Axel, I should probably tell him you’re awake. Like I said, he was pretty worried. Hey.” Nina stopped and came back to the bed. “Are you okay? You don’t look good. You look like you saw a—”

“A bear.”

“I was going to say a ghost, but if you insist on this bear thing.” She shook her head. “Hey, I was thinking that maybe I’d stay up here with you for a few more days. I don’t feel right leaving you with all the legal bullshit that Trent’s putting you through. It’s a good time for you to have a friend nearby.”

Harper was only half listening. “Of course,” she said.

“You want me to stay?”

“Why wouldn’t I? But don’t you have an article to write?”

Nina tossed her hair over her shoulder proudly. “Already done. And submitted, too. I was inspired by this place. It’s amazing. I got it done early. Way ahead of deadline. And I even talked my editor into letting me post a teaser on the website. It was up late last night. Soon, the whole world will know about Grizzly Ridge. In fact, it seems that word is already getting out. The New Yorkers showed up early along with a few new guests who didn’t have any reservations while you guys were in the woods. I think that’s what Axel is dealing with right now.”

Harper nodded absentmindedly. “Nina? Do you believe in love at first sight?”


“I mean…” She searched her brain for the right words. “Do you believe in people being fated for each other? Like a destiny?”

Nina dropped heavily onto the bed, no longer interested in finding Axel to tell him Harper was awake. “Are you talking about you and Axel? Because he’s super yummy and all and you know I wanted you to have a little fun and get it out of your system. I mean, Lord knows you deserve to sow some wild oats or any oats really after being married for so long to Trent, but love at first sight? Harper…that’s crazy. You’ve only known each other a few days. You can’t seriously be thinking of—”

“I don’t know what I’m thinking.” She shook her head and forced a smile. “But you’re right. It’s all a little crazy.”

“It’s the sex, right?” Nina nodded knowingly. “If you’ve gone too long without good sex, it can be emotional when you finally do have it. Maybe you’re just feeling something more than you should be because you finally had an orgasm. I’m assuming you had an orgasm…”

Harper nodded and her smile widened.

“I knew it!” Nina bounced on the bed. “Tell me everything. I want all the details. Don’t leave anything out.”

“I thought you were going to go get Axel.”

Nina waved a hand, dismissing her. “He can wait. I can’t. Now spill.”

xel still didn’t have
a good feeling about the two new arrivals, but Luke was probably right. The likelihood of there being an actual problem with the men was slim. Especially if they stayed only for the day. No doubt it was just his instincts that were all out of whack because of Harper.


He hadn’t been able to stop thinking of her. It took everything in him to keep from running back to his cabin and claiming her for his own. But despite the fact that she’d just suffered an injury, even a slight one, it was too soon for that type of behavior. Way too soon. She needed time to process what he’d shown her. Axel knew that. Even if he didn’t want to admit it. He wasn’t going to jeopardize his future with her just because he was impatient.

No, he’d give her time with her friend. Time to think things over. But then he’d go to her and make her understand. They were fated for each other.

“Axel, stop daydreaming and get over here,” Kade yelled, pulling Axel out of his thoughts. When Luke told him about Harper, Kade had been pissed. No, pissed was a massive understatement. Kade was furious. Anything to do with the idea of mating angered him. Especially when one of his siblings was involved. Maybe Axel could have understood his little brother’s feelings, but that was before. Before he knew what it was like to have such a strong pull toward someone else. Now, everything was different.

“I’m here.” Axel made his way to where his brother was hauling supplies into the kitchen. “What’s all this for anyway?”

“Do you think a kitchen just runs itself?” Kade snapped. “How do you think all that fresh bread gets made? Magic? No. I’ve been working my ass off, mixing and kneading and pretending to be a bloody baker, slaving over a hot oven while you’ve been out there hooking up with females, running through the woods, and God knows what else.”

Axel stood, his arms crossed over his chest, and waited Kade out. Finally, he asked, “You done?”

Kade grunted.

“Good.” Axel bent to heave a bag of flour up over his shoulder. “Feel better?”

“I’d feel better if you’d send her home.”

“Not going to happen.”

Kade picked up a bag of sugar and pushed past Axel as they headed into the kitchen. “Does she even want to stay? I mean, does she know the truth?”

“She knows.” Axel avoided the first part of the question. He couldn’t bear to think of any answer that wasn’t yes. Harper had to stay with him. He already knew from the bottom of his soul that he’d be shattered if she chose to leave.

“Mates are nothing but trouble.”

“Don’t knock it till you’ve tried it. You never know, Kade. A mate might be just what you need.” He tossed the bag of flour on the counter and turned to grab another one, but Kade stopped him with a shove to the shoulder. “What the—”

“Are you serious?” Kade glared at him. Rage came off his little brother in waves that shocked Axel. “A mate is what tore this family apart. Twice. Remember?”

“It’s not like I could forget.”

“First Mom and then Kira. They destroyed everything by choosing a mate. Is that what you’re going to do, too? Ruin everything we’ve been working for?”

Axel squared up with him. “I’m not going to ruin a damn thing,” he said. “I’m going to make things better.”

“For who?”


Something Axel didn’t recognize flashed in Kade’s eyes and he backed down. “I hope it’s worth it,” he muttered as he shoved past him to get more supplies.

worth it,” Axel corrected him. He watched Kade walk right past the pile of supplies and go outside.
He needed some air. Maybe he’d even let himself shift and go for a run. If anyone needed to get in touch with their bear, it was Kade. Too bad he resisted it so much. “Stubborn ass,” he muttered under his breath.

“Who’s a stubborn ass? Besides you, I mean.”

Axel turned to see Luke come through the kitchen door. He’d been making sure their guests were situated and had their choice of activities to participate in.

“I was referring to our little brother.” He pointed in the direction Kade had disappeared.

“Ah.” Luke nodded and tried not to smile. “He’s not very happy with you.”

“How do you know?”

“It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure that one out. You’re his big brother—you’re supposed to keep everything running smoothly and not rock the boat.”

“You think I’m rocking the boat?”

Luke laughed and raised his eyebrow in response.

“I’m not,” Axel said. “I can’t help what I feel. It’s unlike anything I’ve ever experienced. It’s all-consuming. It’s—”

“Mating.” Luke shook his head. “Look, I don’t know how I feel about the whole thing, but I do know that mating isn’t something you can pick and choose.”

“So you believe in it?” He didn’t even try to hide his surprise. Of both his brothers, Axel didn’t expect Luke to believe in mates. Let alone fated mates. He knew Kade believed—that’s why he got so worked up about it—but Luke?

“Of course I do. But I also believe it’s a lot more complicated than you’re making it out to be. Especially when that mate doesn’t know about her bear.”

Luke’s words caught him off guard. “What do you mean, know about her bear? You sensed it too?”

HIs brother shook his head. “Seriously? Do you really think you’re the only one around here with any instincts at all? Of course I sensed it. Probably before you did since you were so clouded by pheromones and feelings and shit. Harper definitely has some bear in her. But she has no idea. And she probably can’t shift or anything, but it would explain why you’re so strongly mated to her.”

Axel nodded. His little brother never failed to surprise him, and this was definitely no exception.

“Speaking of Harper…” Axel’s body responded instantly to the mention of her name. “She’s looking for you. Nina came back to the Den a minute ago and told me she was awake and wanting to talk to you.”

Axel didn’t stick around to hear anything else. If Harper wanted him, he’d be there.

s Harper sat back
into the bed and told Nina all about her time with Axel, leaving out some of the juicier details—especially the ones that included him being a bear—something strange happened. The more she talked, the more a sense of peace came over her. Where she’d been frantic and uneasy not long before, now as she spoke about Axel, everything just felt

It was ridiculous that she could have feelings for a man so quickly, but that’s exactly what was happening. She definitely had feelings. Even Nina had noticed.

“You like him,” she teased and nudged Harper in the ribs. “You
like him.”

“I do.” She didn’t even try to hide the smile that crossed her face. “I know it’s crazy, but—”

“Why is it crazy?”

“Because it’s all happening so fast. I’m not supposed to fall in love so quickly and with a…it doesn’t make any sense.”

“It doesn’t have to make sense.” Nina flopped on the bed and propped her head up with her hand. “And who says you aren’t supposed to fall in love so quickly? Where is that rule written?”

Harper shook her head. She knew what Nina was saying, but still…it was ludicrous to fall for someone so quickly. Especially when there was no way a relationship could work. They were from two different worlds. “Weren’t you just saying a minute ago that it was probably just good sex that was clouding my brain?”

Nina shrugged. “That was before I heard you talk about him,” she said with a smile on her face. “It’s written all over you. You love him. Even I can see that.”

“It’s just that, logically, this can’t work out.”

“Logically?” Nina snorted. “Who said there was anything logical about love?”

“I don’t know why you keep saying that. It’s not like it’s

“Then what is it?”

She couldn’t answer that because whatever she said would be a lie. It
love. It was definitely love and it didn’t matter if it made sense or not.

She loved him.

Instead of answering, Harper buried her face in a pillow and let out a little scream while Nina laughed. When Nina took the pillow away, Harper was laughing as well. “It’s all so crazy.”

“Yes, it is,” her best friend agreed. “And so fantastic. You’re way overdue for some crazy.”

Harper couldn’t disagree with that. But despite all the happy feelings, she was still confused about a few details and she needed to find Axel and talk to him. There were a few things that still bothered her. And one really big, furry, animalistic thing.

“Hey.” Harper scooted back on the bed. “Do you think you can do something for me? Can you head down to the Den and tell Axel I want to talk to him? I just want to freshen up before I do.”

“How’s your foot?”

Dammit. She’d forgotten about her foot.
She wiggled it a bit. “It’s actually feeling better. It’ll be okay.” It was only a small lie. It
feeling better. A lot better. She probably shouldn’t be walking on it, but she needed to see Axel. It was a need, deep inside her. Just like the feelings of love she was having, she couldn’t explain the driving desire to be in his presence either. So many unexplainable feelings.

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