His Unforgettable Fiancée

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Authors: Teresa Carpenter

BOOK: His Unforgettable Fiancée
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Her million-dollar mystery man...

Sheriff Grace Delaney’s last case is a handsome stranger suffering from amnesia. She agrees to help him uncover his memory, but when his identity is revealed as multimillionaire playboy Jackson Hawke, Grace must swap the safety of her small town for the bright lights of Las Vegas and pretend she’s his latest conquest!

Grace soon finds herself falling, not for the millionaire, but the man she’s come to know. But when Jackson’s memory returns, will he forget her...or make her dreams a reality?

Grace hadn’t signed up for this. She’d agreed to a professional relationship.

Kissing did not belong in a professional relationship.

She’d committed to helping him. And she had. He now knew his name. Jackson Hawke, billionaire. The truth was he didn’t need her anymore. His people could give him the support he needed. In fact, they’d be better qualified than her by far.

But she took pride in keeping her promises.

She liked helping him. Being honest, she admitted he’d helped her, too. In the beginning, the challenge of his situation gave her something to focus on at a time when she was at a loss.

The problem was he kept breaking the rules.

The kiss changed things. Her response changed everything.

Dear Reader,

I’m here to tell you to never say never. I never thought I’d write an amnesia story. I’m more of a babies and marriage-of-convenience gal. And I figured it would be difficult to pull off. I mean, how do you deal with internal conflict when your character doesn’t remember his life? Right?

But this story came to me nearly fully developed. A man down and out in jail with no memory of who he is or where he’s from paired with an ex-sheriff on the brink of change in her life. Together they face the unknown and begin a journey filled with questions for both of them.

He never expected to find out he’s a billionaire. How cool to go from a jail cell to flying on private planes and staying in penthouse suites? All with a beautiful woman by his side. But in a world where a stranger has become his best ally and friends are suddenly strangers, he strives to find a balance between the old and the new.

Turns out the internal conflict was built in from the beginning. So I’ll say again, never say never. And I wish you joy in my story.



Teresa Carpenter

Teresa Carpenter
believes that with love and family anything is possible. She writes in a Southern California coastal city surrounded by her large family. Teresa loves writing about babies and grandmas. Her books have rated Top Picks by
RT Book Reviews
and have been nominated Best Romance of the Year on some review sites. If she’s not at a family event, she’s reading or writing her next grand romance.

Books by Teresa Carpenter


The Sheriff’s Doorstep Baby
The Making of a Princess
Stolen Kiss From a Prince
Her Boss by Arrangement
A Pregnancy, a Party & a Proposal

Visit the Author Profile page at
for more titles

This book is dedicated to Patty, Maria and the gang at the Grab & Go on 6th Street in downtown San Diego. Much of my books are written during lunch. Thank you for your service and your patience. And for not throwing me out when I’m the last one there.


“G. D
look beautiful tonight.” Chet Crowder slurred the compliment.

Sheriff Grace Delaney glanced down at her khaki uniform, thought of her black cap of hair slicked back for convenience and her lack of makeup beyond a swipe of mascara and a touch of lip gloss, and figured if she needed any further evidence of Chet’s intoxication she had proof of it in that comment.

“Is it midnight yet?” the eighty-year-old demanded. “I get a kiss at midnight.” The words barely left his mouth when he bent over and puked all over the slick concrete floor.

“It’s against procedures to kiss the prisoners.” Grace cited policy as she nimbly avoided the deluge, stepping around the mess to escort him to the middle cell.

“But it’s New Year’s Eve,” Chet protested with a burp. “You can make an ex-exception for New Year’s Eve.”

He didn’t have to tell her it was New Year’s Eve. Not even eleven o’clock and they already had three D and Ds—drunk and disorderly. Business as usual for the holiday. But not much longer for her. In a little over an hour she’d be handing over her gun and shield, her interim assignment as sheriff at an end.

“Rules are made for a reason,” she stated. Her father’s mantra, and thus the words she’d lived her life by. He’d been on her mind a lot tonight. “No exceptions.”

“You’re a beautiful woman, G. Delaney.” Chet lumbered across the cell to the cot chained to the wall. “But no fun. That’s why I didn’t vote for you. Too serious, girl. Need to have a drink and lighten up some.”

Grace’s shoulders went up and back in instinctive defense against the criticism. It wasn’t the first time she’d heard she needed to lighten up. She didn’t understand it any more now than she had before. Being sheriff was serious business. Laws were meant to be upheld.

“Go to sleep, Chet. I’ll release you in the morning.” Well, someone would. She’d be on her way to San Francisco. With her term over and her dad gone she had nothing to stay here for—certainly not the pity job offered by her successor.

Moving to the mop bucket she’d had maintenance leave at the ready, she rolled it over and cleaned up Chet’s mess. New Year’s was one of two big festive events that got the residents drinking in Woodpark, California, entry to the Redwoods. The other was the annual fair and rodeo at the Fourth of July. She’d been told last year had been tame because of a heavy snowfall, but they’d still had eight citizens sharing cell space.

This year a crisp, clear night promised lots of revelry. Her successor set down the rules for the night. Depending on whether property damage was involved, D and Ds were allowed to sleep it off and be released in the morning. No need to book their guests.

Relaxing her standards made the muscles between her shoulder blades ache. She glanced at the clock. Only one more hour to endure.

She’d just tucked the rolling bucket back into the corner when patrol strolled in with a large man in blue jeans and a bloodstained white T-shirt.

The man’s head hung forward, so his chestnut-brown hair covered his features. He seemed tall, as even with his head and shoulders slumped he topped Mark’s five-ten.

“What do we have here?” she asked.

“D and D. I found him walking on the road into town. He reeks of beer and has no identification on him. I brought him in to sleep it off. No hits on his prints. I ran them because he refused to give up his name. I figure we’ll get his story in the morning.”

“And the blood?”

“It was there when I picked him up. Must have been a brawl when he lost his wallet.”

“Did you have medical look at him?”

“Yeah, he has a bump on the head, a small scratch. Nothing serious.”

“Why is he in cuffs?”

“Didn’t like my questions. Did a little resisting.”

She nodded. With the man’s size she wasn’t surprised Mark had taken the precaution. She pushed the door open on the first cell so the patrol officer could walk the prisoner inside. “Right this way, sir.”

“I shouldn’t be here.” The man’s shoulders went back, his head lifted and he slowly turned to pin her with hard eyes. A dark scowl turned even features into a harsh mask. “I haven’t done anything wrong.”

“We frown on public intoxication in Woodpark.” Now that she saw his face he looked vaguely familiar. She’d probably met him around town somewhere.

“I didn’t have a drink.” His expression shifted from displeasure to confusion and he repeated, “I didn’t have a drink.”

“What’s your name, sir?”

Instead of answering he went to the cot and sat, letting his head fall forward once again.

“What’s his blood alcohol level?” Grace asked Mark, leading the way into the open office space.

“I didn’t run it. He was staggering and smelled of beer. It’s already busy out there with the holiday and we’re just letting the D and Ds sleep it off. I didn’t think there was a need.” He clipped his cuffs back in place. “Do you need me for anything else? I should get back in the field.”

“No.” Her shoulders tensed at the lack of procedure but it wasn’t her department anymore. “You go ahead.”

“Hey, if I don’t see you again, good luck in San Francisco. You’ll do better in the city. We’re too low-tech here.”

“Thank you.” She appreciated the good wishes—she did—but she couldn’t help noticing there were few expressions of regret that she was leaving. “Before you go, where are our mystery man’s effects?”

“Property locker.” He canted his head. “But there’s not much—a jacket, chaps, a watch and a belt. If you’re hoping to find a clue to his identity, you’ll be disappointed.”

“Probably.” She’d check it out anyway. Not much to do besides monitor patrols and babysit the inmates. The town had less than five thousand citizens. At double duty there were six men on patrol. As a petty officer in the navy she’d been responsible for directing and training three times that many.

She missed the navy—the discipline, the control. She’d given it up to assist her father when he was diagnosed with prostate cancer. No regrets. Even though she’d lost him after seven months. She’d thought she was honoring him when she accepted the town’s request to fulfill his remaining term as sheriff. Losing the recent election proved she’d failed to fill his shoes.

She’d lived with her father’s exacting demands for thirty years. She didn’t need to have him here to know he’d be disappointed.

Hopefully San Francisco would prove a better proposition for her. Or possibly Los Angeles or maybe San Diego. She knew she wanted someplace cosmopolitan. Thanks to the life insurance her father left her, she had half a million dollars to help her make her next life decision.

After hearing from her patrols and checking on her prisoners, she decided to look into the mystery man’s property to see what she could find. She located the large plastic bag marked John Doe, the official designation for an unidentified individual, and brought it to her desk.

The strong scent of leather wafted into the room when she opened the bag. She pulled out a jacket, extra large, and chaps, extra long. Both were of fine quality, hand-stitched. In a smaller bag was a watch. Grace went through the pockets in the jacket, found nothing.

She pulled the chaps over, held them up in front of her and thought of the man in her cell, trying to picture him in this gear. Not difficult at all. Gave her a little thrill actually—a truth she’d keep between her and the mop bucket.

Something didn’t measure up with John Doe. Broad-shouldered with a lean, muscular frame, his downtrodden mien didn’t fit with his physique. Or his protests of innocence, such as they were.

She ran her hands over the chaps, looking for hidden pockets, trying not to think of the leather framing JD’s package. Of course she’d looked. She was trained to observe, after all. She found a matchbook from a tavern on the edge of town.

The watch was the real surprise. The heft and materials were quality all the way; the display of mechanics and the movement of gears gave the timepiece a sophisticated appearance. She looked closer—did that say Cartier? It did. And yes, she found similar watches on their website. Her eyes popped wide at the price: seventy thousand and up. Gah. Her next search was of robbery reports.

Nothing hit.

One thing was clear. JD had resources. Whether legitimate or not was another question. No hits on his prints only proved he’d never been caught. Yeah, call her a cynic. But why else wouldn’t he want to give them his name? This guy wasn’t adding up. He appeared familiar yet Mark hadn’t known him.

The leatherwear shouted motorcycle, but where was the vehicle, his gloves and his helmet? Why was he walking along the side of the road?

The 101 ran right through the middle of town. Maybe someone ran him off the road and then robbed him? It fit the evidence. But why not tell them of the crime? Submissiveness didn’t suit him, but he could be disoriented. He had a bump on the head. People often forgot events leading up to an accident. Maybe he was hurt more than the EMT was able to determine.

Time for a conversation with JD.

* * *

Thump. Thump.
Pain pounded relentlessly through his head. Keeping his eyes closed helped marginally. Plus when he opened them there were only gray walls and cell bars to look at.

Man, he’d messed up big, to be laid out in a jail cell with a throbbing head.

Thump. Thump.

Problem was he couldn’t remember what he’d done. The squat cop claimed he’d been drinking, but he had it wrong. He wouldn’t feel as if he’d tangled with a semi if he had any alcohol in his system. His right shoulder and leg throbbed in time with his head.

At least he had the cell to himself.

Thump. Thump.

He wasn’t even sure what map pin he inhabited. If only his head would clear, he was sure it would all come back. Then he’d get out of here and be on his way. Yep, as soon as his head got with the program, he’d explain things to the squat cop and then he’d be gone.

Thump. Thump.

The cell door clanked. He squeezed an eye open, spied the lady cop. He remembered her. The attitude. The uniform. The pretty blue eyes.

“How are you feeling?” she asked in a much friendlier voice than when he arrived.

“Like I was hit by a truck.”

“Is that what happened?”

Thump! Thump!
Suddenly his head hurt worse. Have mercy, he didn’t think it possible. Couldn’t people just leave him alone?

“I thought I was here because I was intoxicated.”

“You denied drinking.”

He had no answer for that. He’d jump on it if he thought she’d let him go, except he wasn’t ready to move.

“You were walking when the officer came across you.”

“It’s not against the law to walk.”

“No. But it’s uncommon for tourists to arrive by foot.”

He didn’t respond. It hadn’t been a question, after all. The low, husky timbre of her voice might be soothing if not for the interrogation.

“What do you drive?”

Drive? His brows drew together. Hadn’t she just said he was walking?

“You were wearing a leather jacket and chaps. Where’s your motorcycle?”

Thump! Thump!

He lifted his arm to lay it across his forehead. He gnashed his teeth at the show of weakness, but he had the desperate need to hold his head on, like if he didn’t brace it in place it might explode.

“Are you okay?” Her voice hovered right above him and he smelled the freshness of peaches. She’d obviously moved closer.

“Can we do this another time? My head hurts.”

“I’m going to check your wound,” she warned him, the warm breath of her words blowing over his forearm. “It’s possible you’re hurt worse than we originally thought. This may hurt.”

Her body heat warmed him as she loomed close. He shivered. With the pain racking him, he hadn’t noticed how chilled he’d grown.

Thump! Thump!
Sharp pain shot across his head.

“Ouch.” He flinched away from her probing, all thoughts of the cold chased away.

“I’m sorry.” She softly ran her fingers through his hair.

Yes. That felt good. He leaned toward the soothing touch.

“I need you to move your arm. I’m going to check your pupils.” She suited action to words and he suffered the agony of a flashlight scorching his retinas.

“Irregular pupils. You have a concussion. I think we need to get you to the hospital,” she declared.

“I’d be fine if you’d leave me alone.” He dismissed her claim, waved off her hand. “I just need to rest here for a while.”

“It’s not up for discussion,” she stated simply. “I’m obligated to see to your care. It’s up to you whether we go in my cruiser or I call for an ambulance.”

“I’m not riding in any cryptmobile.”

“Then we need to get you on your feet.”

“I think I’ll just lay here for a while.” Just for a bit, until he could breathe without pain and the room stopped spinning.

“I can’t allow that. You have a concussion. You’re disoriented. You need to be seen by a doctor. It’s department policy.”

“Well then.” She wanted to disrupt him, ratchet up the pain, all to meet department policy? Right. He had fifty pounds on her. He wasn’t going anywhere.

“How did you get hurt?”


“Where’s your motorcycle? Your wallet?”

Thump, thump.

“What’s your name?”

Thump! Thump! Thump!

“Will you stop? Your talking hurts my head.” So a few details were missing. It would come back once the pounding stopped.

“That doesn’t really reassure me. Tell you what, if you stand up, look me in the eyes and tell me your first name, I’ll consider leaving you alone.”

“I don’t want to stand up.” Why wouldn’t she just go away?

“Don’t want to? Or can’t?”

The taunt brought renewed pain as he frowned. He put his arm back on his head. Nice as her touch was, her insistence undid any good her soothing brought. Her goal, no doubt. It would take more than pride to drag him to his feet tonight. Possibly a crane would do it.

“Look, I’m not interested, okay? You’re a beautiful woman, but I’m injured here.”

“I’m not hitting on you.” Outrage sent her voice up an octave. “I’m concerned.”

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