HISS (13 page)

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Authors: Kassanna

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saliva filed her mouth. Temporarily blinded by her clothing, she thrashed her body, sprinting out of

the first opening she could find. She opened her mouth and a low pitched holler escaped through her


“I’ll be damn! Marree, a lizard. A mighty big one at that.” Loubel snorted.

“That’s no ordinary lizard…
is a Komodo dragon.” Jamison inched toward her. “Marree, honey,

I know this is all new to you, but you have to get control of your animal.”

To hell with that
. She whipped her tail and focused on the stunned woman still holding her little

girl. With a deep grunt she took off running. Her lizard wanted retribution for the lost years she could

have spent with Jamison, for the attack on her baby, and for the first time she understood the need to

sink her teeth into someone and tear them apart until there was nothing left.

Her talons clicked on the wood as she climbed the stairs and her tail lashed back and forth with each

step. She eased over the landing and licked the air with her tongue. Cheryl backed up, flinging Karma

around to face her as she tried to use her child as a shield. Sint slowly backed away and quietly opened

her door to slip behind the thin barrier.

“Help me!” Cheryl screeched at Sint.

Marree twisted her head in Sint’s direction.

Sint shook her head. “You have lost you fucking mind. Marree finally shifted and I don’t know who

has control. Nope, dumb ass, your best bet is to put Karma down and dive over the railing.”

Karma giggled. “Mommy, you pretty.”

Cheryl glanced over her shoulder. “That’s a twenty foot drop. Your sister raised her. Do


“Uh-huh, wait until I call Loretta and tell her what Marree is. Whoo, that child is a big one.”

Excitement threaded Sint’s voice.

Marree prowled over the deck. Footsteps coming up from behind her had her spinning around.

Jamison stood on the top step staring at her. He moved up to the landing and her creature scraped at

her mind. His fresh water scent washed over her and her lizard calmed.

“Son, thank Goddess you’re here. You must do something,” Cheryl cried.

“Hi daddy!” Karma waved a little palm.

Marree scuttled back and Jamison was silent for a few seconds.

“I had to explain to little Ms. Karma who you were and why you were spending so much time with

her momma,” Sint called out from behind the screen.

Marree opened her mouth to tell Sint to mind her own damn business and a shriek came out instead.

Everybody backed up.

“Mother, put Karma down. You’re only irritating Marree by holding her.”

“I’ll put the child down when you call off your bitch.”

Jamison sighed and stalked closer, standing next to Marree’s tail. “Why are you even here?”

“I wanted to be here for you in your time of need. There was a vicious rumor spreading that that

thing…” She cleared her throat. “Marree was dead. I made flight arrangements right after we spoke on

the phone.”

Marree scurried forward.

Cheryl swung Karma over the railing. Her little legs dangled in the air.

“As you can see, Marree is quite alive. Your concerns were unfounded.” Jamison moved past


“I have to admit I may have been wrong about the girl. The child favors you.” Cheryl sniffed.

“Yes, Karma does. So why would you want to threaten your granddaughter?” Jamison continued to

get closer to his mother.

Marree watched and waited. She would let Jamison take the lead. She willed him to get their baby

to safety.

“Honestly, who comes up with these names? Jamison, you need to take custody of your child. I have

the perfect name for her.”

“Yes ma’am, and what would that be?”

“Chastity. Had you been a girl I would have named you that.” She pulled Karma back onto the


“My name is Karma and I’m a badas—” Karma reiterated.

Jamison interrupted her. “Of course you are, Karma. Mother, please give me my daughter.” He

sidled up to Cheryl.

The older woman stared at Jamison and thrust the child in his direction.

Once he had his arms around their child, Marree dashed forward and, using her tail to propel her,

clamped down on Cheryl’s forearm. Blood filled her mouth as bone shattered under the pressure of her

bite. Cheryl stumbled back, flailing her arm. She flung her limb against the railing and Marree went

over the bannister. Her weight dragged Cheryl over with her and they both fell.

* * * *

Jamison leaned a shoulder against the door jamb and stared at his sleeping daughter. Marree slipped

an arm around his waist and eased in beside him to lay her head on his bicep. Karma clutched the

stuffed snake Jamison had given her close to her, with her head burrowed between the fake animal and

her pillow.

“You know you’re spoiling her. She doesn’t need every toy you see in the store,” Marree murmured.

He placed a kiss on the top of Marree’s head. “I have a lot of time to make up for.”

“Karma only needs to know you love her.”

“She has that, too.” He pushed off the molding and swiveled to catch Marree against his body. He

skimmed his hand across the cool fabric of her nightie. “Are you packed?”

“Yeah. But remember my associate can only cover my office for two weeks.” She reared back

against his hold to stare up at him.

“I understand. In a few weeks I may not be the Alpha of the Constrictor Clutch. The elders want to

talk with me but haven’t said anything beyond the summons, and if I’m no longer the leader to my

people then my position on the Council is also null and void.”

“Monroe won’t dismiss you.” She rubbed her forehead over his chest. “Blame me. Hell, I’m the one

that tried to kill Cheryl.”

“But you didn’t. I was rather impressed that you actually treated her concussion, arm wound and

broken leg. That was big of you.”

“Oh how I wish I hadn’t though. I mean, I was seriously conflicted. Fix her or put her down. I was

kinda hoping she would die from my bite. Banishment is too good for your mom.”

“It’s a punishment that will eat at her every day.” Jamison combed his fingers through her short

hair. “And something I’m tired of talking about. Whatever happens tomorrow I’m okay with. I have

you and Karma. Sint even smiled at me today.”

Marree barked out laughter and covered her mouth with her hand. She took his hand and backed

away tugging him with her. The sound of her melodic laughter made him grin as he followed her along

the hallway.

“So tell me what is going on in that head of yours?” He stopped at their bedroom door.

“I’m thinking you have way too much on your mind and need to de-stress in the worst way.”


“Yep.” She unbuttoned his jeans and lowered the zipper then sauntered into the room. “You might

want to take those off.” Marree tossed the words over her shoulder.

He reached behind him and firmly shut their bedroom door. Jamison slipped the denim material

over his hips and hopped to remove the pants from his legs.

She sat down on the bed in front of him and slowly swung her legs back and forth. He caught

glimpses of her neatly trimmed pussy and his cock hardened in response. She crooked a finger and he

grabbed the hem of his T-shirt and wrenched over his head, throwing it behind him. Marree scooted

farther up the mattress as he strode closer to her. Marree came up on her hands and knees, crawling

toward him. She trailed her palms up his chest and around his neck. His cock jerked in anticipation.

He reveled in the sensations created when she pressed flush against him and dropped minute kisses

against his throat.

“Want to play with me?”

“Always.” His tone came out in a husky tenor.

Marree backed away and lifted her nightgown up over her arms. “I was thinking…”

“Uh-huh.” He set a knee on the bed.

“Seriously, how do you feel about a little sixty-nine?” She arched a brow.

His heart stopped for a moment. “Goddess, but I love that you are a freak. Lay down.”

She shook her head. “Nope, not this time baby. Tonight I get to be on top.” Marree scooted to the

side and patted the mattress.

He lay back and folded his arms under his head to rest against them. “Okay now what?”

She angled her body and swung around, placing her knees on each side of his head. Her breath

flowed over his erection and she slid her hands up his inner thighs. With every lunge forward her

nether-lips came closer to his mouth. He gripped her hips and positioned her so that her body was in

line with his. Jamison traced his index finger along her labia and she wiggled her hips. Her scent

wrapped him in cocoon of carnality. Right then they were the only two people in the world.

Her head and torso dipped, and the warmth and moisture of her mouth enveloping his shaft made

him grit his teeth. He splayed her ass cheeks in his hands and hauled her down to lick the length of her

pussy from her clit to her pucker. His balls drew up when his cock hit the back of her throat and she


The sound reverberated through him. Jamison lifted his head and pointed his tongue, pushing it

against the tight ring of muscle of her rosebud. She whimpered. He skimmed his palm along her waist

and around to the inside of her thigh. Shoving her legs wider he flicked her clit with his digit. Marree

rocked on her knees, thrusting back against his tongue as he rubbed her nubbin. Her juices coated his

lips and chin. Tension built in his balls as smooth palms enfolded the base of his dick.He grunted. And

his tongue slid past her anus. Her body jerked and he tightened his hold on her hips. She scraped her

nails against his balls then the gentle lap of her tongue had him bowing off the bed. Jamison moaned

and trailed his fingers along the inside of her slit. He tenderly separated her folds before driving his

fingers into her passage.

Her legs shook. Tendrils of feeling climbed his spine, picking up speed with each stroke of her

tongue. She ground her pelvis down against his hand. He darted his tongue faster. His hips moved of

their own volition, lunging up, pushing his penis farther into her mouth before withdrawing and

thrusting forward again. Vibrations flooded his body and coursed through him like a freight train as he

came. He slid his hand forward and pinched her tiny bundle of nerves. She bucked against his face,

yelling as she gave into her release. She shuddered again. And he held her pelvis up, lapping at her


She pulled away and swung her leg over his head, twisting her body so they were face to face. A

satisfied smile spread across her face as she wiped at the corners of her mouth. Marree straddled his


He rose up on his arms and met her gaze. “You do know we’re not done?”

She arched a thin brow. “I hope not. You have several years to make up for.” She leaned down and

covered his mouth with hers, dueling with his tongue.

Jamison wrapped his arms around her in a tight bear hug. He flipped them over and deepened the

kiss. The flavor of their co-mingled essences burst across his taste buds.

Rising up on one arm, he broke the kiss and cupped her cheek. He positioned himself between her

thighs and slowly slid into her channel. She lifted her legs and locked her ankles at the small of his

back. Her undulating passage caressed his cock. He eased back and plunged into her opening again.

She met him thrust for thrust, latching onto his shoulders and lifting her form up to his. He covered

her mouth with his, absorbing her screams into his body as the first waves of her second orgasm

crashed into through her. Her body quaked.

He held her tight, continuing to plunge into her body. Jamison tossed his head back, his hiss filled

the room, and his body shuddered from the depth of his orgasm. Still he kept stroking, his dick deep

within her channel until he was sure he touched her womb and emptied himself into her body. Jamison

fell to the side, pulling her with him.


“Yeah?” He rubbed his chin against her hair.

“When we were in the Bayou I saw something.”

“Umm-hmm, what did you see?”

“You may not believe me.”

“Try me.”

“I believe I saw Kiele.” Marree rose up on his side to stare at him.

“Are you sure?” He scooted up in the bed.

“I know her like I know me. It was Kiele.” She pressed her lips together in a determined line.

“Let me look into it. I’ll make a few calls. Let’s keep this to ourselves for the time being.” He

hoped his smile was reassuring. “So, do you think Karma will be a snake or a lizard?


Kiele hung back in the shadows, watching as Heinrich entered his home. Stealing a page from the

human assassin, she’d doused her clothing in deer piss to mask her scent. Heinrich walked into the

room and wrinkled his nose. He spun around as if looking for something and she followed him,

staying to his back.

She moved forward and quickly stepped back when a ring tone chimed. He snatched the phone from

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