HISS (5 page)

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Authors: Kassanna

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for worry, his little girl would shift, he knew with the same certainty that he knew she was his.

“Hello, little bit.” He moved closer.

“Hi.” Karma’s voice could barely be heard above the jingle of her mother’s keys.

“I thought you had a meeting.” Marree hefted the child higher on her hip.

“You’re more important. Those animals can wait.” He didn’t take his gaze off Karma. He was giddy

with knowledge, excitement rallying through him.

The door squeaked as she shoved it open. “Go away, Jami.”

“Now, you know that’s not going to happen.” He reached out to run his index finger along the

child’s cheek.

A dulcet melody of soft jazz floated through the air. Jamison raised his head in time to see Eivan

pull into the driveway. Jamison looked back at Marree and saw the panic in her eyes. He squashed the

feelings of guilt and cleared his throat.

Marree held Karma closer. “What are you up to?”

He held is hands up, palms forward. “Nothing. I thought maybe Eivan could take Karma out for ice


Karma yelled. “Strawberry!”

“Of course, pumpkin.” He held Marree’s stare as he indulged his daughter.

Karma continued. “My name not pumpkin. It’s Karma. Aunty Sint says I’m a badas—”

“As I was saying,” Jamison interrupted her statement. “You and I need to work a few things out.”

“I don’t know him.” Marree glared at the vehicle.

“Yeah I figured you would say that so I asked Mais to tag along.” Jamison waved

A creamy brown arm appeared from the passenger side window.

Karma spoke up. “I want ice cream with Aunty Mais.”

“I hate you.” Marree mouthed the words over Karma’s head.

“I can live with that.” He tugged the child from her grasp and tossed her in the air.

Happy laughter erupted from her and she clapped her hands. “Do it again. Do it again!”

“Maybe later.” Jamison stalked across the yard and glanced in the backseat. He scowled at Eivan.

“She needs a car seat.”

“And I wasn’t expecting to babysit.”

“You got a problem, wolf?” Jamison straightened, hugging Karma against him.

“With the child, no. With the woman you had come along with me? A big one.” Eivan pursed his


“For fuck’s sake, Jamison, just take the seat out of Marree’s truck. As for you,
, it’s no picnic

for me either.” Mais smiled up at Karma. “And how is my big girl today?”

Marree stepped up next to Jamison, awkwardly holding the car seat. “Mais, no more than one scoop.

She always overeats when you take her out.”

“What? Is it my fault the kid has a healthy appetite. Apples don’t fall far from the tree I’m told.”

Mais pointedly stared at Jamison and smirked.

“Just remember, there will come a time when you and Sint will need my services.”

Jamison watched Marree press her lips together in a grim line, open the back door and deftly install

the child’s chair. She stepped back.

“And when you do, I will let you suffer.”

“And people ’round here say you don’t have a mean streak.” Mais shook her head. “You two have

.” Eivan backed into a turn and sped off.

Jamison looked over at Marree. “So are you going to invite me in or are we going to sit out here on

the grass and stare daggers at each other?”

“There is nothing to discuss.” She threw up her hand and stalked away.

“Marry me!” He yelled at her back before snapping his mouth shut.
Now where the hell did that

come from?

Chapter Five

Marree tripped over her feet walking up the porch steps and grabbed the railing to keep from

stumbling forward on her face. Jamison gripped her elbow to steady her and she lifted her chin to meet

his gaze. Splinters dug into her palm as she tightened her grip on the wooden banister to avoid cupping

his jaw. Dark threads of chocolate brown swirled in his honey colored eyes. Her mouth went dry and

she coughed as she tried to swallow. He moved in and his chest brushed her arm. His Adam’s apple

bobbed in quick succession.

“Shifters don’t marry—they mate.” She turned her head to evade his gaze.

Jamison nuzzled the spot below her ear. “You always smell amazing. I can’t be in your presence for

more than a few minutes…you have…because you… I have a hard time controlling myself.” He

trailed his fingers along her skin on her arm and wrapped them around her wrist pulling her hand down

to the bulge at the front of his slacks. “Since you don’t consider yourself a shifter I’m willing to

embrace a few human customs. The act of honeymooning sounds interesting.”

“We can’t. This mustn’t happen.” Her words were thick as her tongue stuck to the roof of her

mouth. She stayed still, taking in deep breaths. “What we had didn’t work the first time. It won’t work


He stepped up next to her, closing the gap between them, and trapped her hand against the solid

length of his cock. His breath flowed over her cheek as he spoke. “I promise you, nothing and no one

will ever come between us.” He licked his lips. “Or I will swallow them whole.”

She narrowed her eyes. “Only you could come up with a lame line like that.”

He reared back. “What? That was the truth. Most women would be impressed with the level of

commitment I am bringing into a relationship.”

Marree tried to pull them from the brink of passion building between them. “Mistake number one—

I’m not most women.” She yanked her hand free and held up two fingers. “I’m not falling for some

line when I have been there and done that. I’ve got a baby to prove it.” She leaned in until they were

nose to nose. “This time you’re going to have to work for my attention and no hastily thought of

declaration is going to cut it.”

“Really?” He smirked.

“Yes, so step back and recognize I am not the same person who left you in Texas.” She inched back

to escape his touch.

“Not so fast.” He slapped a hand down on the wooden rail to halt her progress. “It’s rather

convenient that you forgot to let me know I was a father. Pot, I’m kettle. It’s nice to meet you. Seems

we have both made mistakes. I’m willing to own up to mine. Are you?”

“I cannot believe what an asshole you have turned into.” She huffed, turning to the side to avoid his

stare. Once upon a time they had been so good together, in and out of bed. He’d been her rock,

consoling her every time her attempted shift failed. The way he spoke, his tone, and mannerisms

always made her feel better. Too bad they weren’t truly meant to be.

“You’ll get over it ’cause I don’t plan on going anywhere.”

“You are still the most arrogant—” He cut off her words by pressing his mouth on hers and slipping

his tongue through her lips.

She tried to twist her head but he grasped her face with both hands. His thumbs brushed her cheeks

and his tongue slid along her teeth. She grabbed his wrists, intending to yank herself free instead she

slid her palms over his tense biceps. He snaked his arm around her waist and jerked her up against

him. The thump of his heart echoed through her breasts and her own sped up to beat in sync with his.

She flexed her hips and his cock rubbed her lower belly. Her clit throbbed in anticipation as he darted

his tongue back and forth, engaging hers in a dueling play. Clutching his shoulders she went up on her

toes and angled her head for better access to his mouth.

Marree swallowed his groans and dug her nails into his back. She hiked up a leg and eased it around

his thigh. Jamison’s hand came down on her butt with a resounding
. The sting of his palm on

her ass made her cream coat the folds of her pussy. Rubbing his hand on her butt cheek only served to

heighten her senses. Sounds were sharper. Cicadas serenaded them from a nearby bush in an

unexpected melody. She pulled back and opened her eyes. Everything seemed brighter even in the

dusky gold and pink of a setting sun. He slid his mouth across her jaw and she gripped his neck as he

urged her backward. Her lower back bumped into the railing. She dropped her head and stared at the

clouds rolling across the darkening sky. He sucked on her neck and she pressed her legs against his

hips wedged between her thighs. That tiny bundle of nerves in her slit pulsated from the pressure and

she moaned. Her knees went weak and she started to slide down.

Jamison gripped her hips and lifted her up. He flexed his pelvis to grind his dick against the tender

tissue of her nether lips. He stared down at her. “You’ve been a bad girl, Marree. What shall I do with

you? Hmm?” Jamison pushed her lab coat apart and gently started to unbutton her blouse as he

whispered, “I can’t, no,
I won’t
wait. I’m taking what belongs to me.”

She heard him, knew he was talking, and yet his words were a jumble. She scraped her tongue over

dry lips as she tried to moisten them. It was a struggle to take a breath as she opened her mouth to

inhale. He broke the thin ribbon of material which held her bra together and the cups fell to her sides.

A soft breeze wafted across her distended nipples. Air was trapped in her lungs when Jamison dipped

his head to lap at her rigid bud and the heat and moisture from his mouth registered in her mind.

Jamison sucked on one breast while massaging the other. Pressure built in her chest. Marree

couldn’t think. All she could do was feel. The rasp of his tongue and the smooth skin of his palms

created tactile sensations that made her greedy for his touch. She inched forward, pressing more of her

tit into his hand.

He released her orb with a wet pop. “Breathe, baby.” His fangs had completely descended, creating

a faint lisp.

A rush of air escaped through her lips.

“I bet you still like the bite of pain with your pleasure.” He skated his teeth against the skin in the

valley between her breasts.

The way he swayed back and forth as if he couldn’t be sure where to touch her was enthralling.

Those old urges to please him came flooding back. She let go of his shoulders when he darted out his

tongue and traced a line up her torso. Curious, she watched as he reached beyond her. His hand

disappeared into a cloth bag of clothes pins she kept on the porch for the line she’d had to use once

when the dryer broke. He held a handful of clips up.

Excitement skidded down her spine and she flexed her pelvis, grinding her pussy on the leg he had

jammed between her thighs. He picked up one wooden clasp. The faint snap of him opening and

closing it sent more of her juices through the moist crevices of her cunt.

“Never forget, Ree, no man knows you like I do, and nobody will ever give you the pleasure I can

provide.” He clamped a clothespin on her erect nipple.

“Oooooo.” Marree bowed her body back and flung her arms behind her to grip the balustrade.

He affixed another clip to her other tit, moved his thigh, wrapped his hands around her waist and

flipped her around. The edge of the plank jabbed her ribcage as he gripped the back of her neck and

propelled her forward. She sucked her bottom lip between her teeth when his hands skimmed down her

back. He whipped her lab coat in the air and the ends settled across her shoulder. The screech of

ripping fabric rent the air as he tore at her pants. She reached over, gripping the decorative slats that

surrounded her porch.

Cool evening air drifted over her backside as he moved away from her. Metal unknitting competed

with the growing serenade of nocturnal creature coming awake in the darkness. Then he was back, his

shaft brushed the inside of her thigh.

His rough palm grazed her ass and his hand replaced the soft satin of her panties. She squirmed

under his touch. His finger slid over her labia and she shoved back against his palm. “You’re so wet. Is

this all for me, Ree?”

She glanced over her shoulder in time to see him suck her cream from his digit.

Jamison licked his lips. “Delicious, you’re essence always reminded me of sweet cane sugar.”

The urge to move rode Marree hard. Restless, she shuffled in place, anxious for his touch. Every

movement seemed to make the clips tighten, and she crushed her mouth into her arm to muffle her

keening cries. She would not beg.

The crisp hairs on his thighs brushed the back of hers as he stepped closer to her body. He skimmed

her butt, separating the cheeks. Air slithered through her cleft. He drove his shaft over sensitive tissue,

she dropped her head forward and trembled as ripples of delight washed through her. His cock filled

her passage and memories of the last time they were together flooded her mind.

He murmured words of endearment in her ear as he pulled back and thrust again. Her breaths

became pants as he plunged into her pussy time and time again. He glided his hand up her side and

around to her front. Jamison gently tugged on a clasp attached to one heavy orb. The tug on her nipple

sent currents zapping her core. Marree seized as her orgasm hurtled through her form. She thrashed

and grabbed his wrist to try and control his movements.

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