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Authors: Kassanna

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her and made a life with the other who always came through for her.

She giggled. The look on Jamison’s face was priceless when she threatened to kill him. Two weeks

max, all she had to do was stay away from Jamison for fourteen days and then he would be gone. That

shouldn’t be too hard. He was there on council business. If she could stay out of his sight she would

easily drop off his radar. He finally had everything he’d ever dreamed off, Alpha of his clutch and a

position on the shifter board. She sighed. If only she had been able to keep Sint out of her business.

Once again the woman sunk her teeth into a project and was bent on making Jamison pay for any

perceived wrongs. She and that old woman were going to have to have a long talk. Maybe she could

get Percel or Mais to talk some sense into the woman, too.

Marree turned onto the two lane highway that would take her into Cailou. The vehicle ate up the

miles, putting a much needed distance between her and Jamison. Damn if that shifter hadn’t filled out

since she last saw him. When they met they were children and developed a friendship. As they grew

older and moved on to college, their relationship deepened. Adulthood was new to them both and

Jamison had been the only man she’d ever been with. Was still the only man she wanted. His woodsy

scent tickled her nose from the moment they’d met. As the years passed she came to understand what

that meant. Had she been smart she should have run from him the day his smell elicited more than

feeling of happiness.

Back then he was slim as a reed with a head full of dirty blond hair highlighted with lime green

strands. People thought he colored his hair. They had no clue it grew out that way. How many times

had she mercilessly teased him about his lack of muscles? Goddess, but she couldn’t say that now. She

could just make out the definition in his form the way his dress shirt hung from his broad shoulders.

His sleeves were pushed up his forearms to expose thick, sinewy muscles. She bit her lip, jealousy

coursing through her as she wondered who it was he chosen to get fit for. When had he shaved his


After catching a glimpse of him at Etienne’s mating party she had to do a double take and stuff her

hands in her jeans pockets before she made a fool of herself by trying to slide her palms across the

crown of his head. Did he still have the tattoo of a flying snake on his back? She’d designed that for

him for his birthday one year. Maybe she could get another vet to cover her office hours in Betaille?

When it came to Jamison she simply couldn’t trust herself.

“Mama.” Karma sweet voice pulled her from her musings.

“Yes, baby girl?” Marree divided her attention between her daughter and the road.

“You forget to feed me.”

“I did not. We’re ate chicken nuggets on our way to see Uncle Percel.”

Karma giggled.

“When we get home, you’re gonna get a nice warm bath and we are going to read your favorite

story then it will be bed time. I bet you have the sweetest dreams.”

“’Kay, Mommy?” She pulled a toy from the side pocket of her car seat.


“Who was the big man with no hair?”

Marree exhaled. “An old friend.” The wheels on her SUV spun in the gravel, kicking rocks up into

the undercarriage of her truck when she turned onto the access road that led to her home. Goddess but

she hoped she could maintain the lie until he left.

Chapter Two

The petite stripper swung around the pole with the finesse of acrobat. She sank low, brushing her

ass on the surface of the stage, and ended her set in a split at the base of the metal rod. Some of

Kiele’s men rose from their seat whistling and waving dollar bills. Kiele ignored the buzz in her jeans

pocket and sucked in a lungful of smoke from her clove cigarette. The tip flared red and the faint

sizzle filled the tiny gap between stanzas. The glossy wood paneled walls changed from red to yellow

to purple as the strobe lights flashed and the music shifted from sultry rhythm and blues to techno-

pop. Another dancer pushed through the heavy red velvet curtain, sending the flaps fluttering, and

strutted across the stage to the beat of a synthetic keyboard.

The performer stopped in front of their cluster of tables at the edge of the platform and dropped

low, giving everyone a good look at her cleavage as she popped each hook and eye in her top. Roar,

the newest member of her squad, leaned forward pumping a fist full of money at the dancer as she

ripped off her corset. The chick blew him a kiss, spun on her heels and made her ass shake as she

backed up. Kiele snorted. Roar was giving that woman most of his paycheck if she wasn’t mistaken. If

he knew what she did, he’d keep his funds in his pocket. Some pussy just wasn’t worth it. But he was

young and she was jaded. After a few months on her squad, he would be too. Goddess, to be his age

again, young, dumb and full of come. She sighed, picked up her glass and tossed back the amber

liquor. Tomorrow was another day and with the sunrise would come new assignments.

If she was ever given a chance to go home, she would snap it up. But the shady bastards who

controlled her and her group had her by the short hairs. No matter the cost, she would not put her

family in jeopardy. She raised her glass at the waitress and dropped it on the table when the server

acknowledged her. But her boy was growing and he was already showing signs he had that rare quality

to lead.

While on a mission that put her close to Betaille she’d watched him from afar. She knew she’d done

the right thing by walking away. Her secrets stayed with her and everyone involved stayed safe. The

server slid a drink in front of her, giving her a slow wink when she raised her head to meet the

woman’s stare.

Kiele threw a couple hundred dollar bills on her tray. “Keep them coming and make sure my guys

don’t go dry.”

With a wide grin the attendant picked up the money and stuffed it down her bra. “Let me know if

you there’s anything else I can do for you.” She leaned in, her breath floated over the shell of Kiele’s

ear. “And I will do whatever you can come up with.”

Kiele leaned back in her seat and looked the server up and down slowly. In the dim light she

realized their waitress wasn’t a woman, just a girl playing at one. She had on the clothes and the

makeup but she lacked the hardness of a seasoned ho. Given the chance, the beasts she kept a tight

leash on would eat the teen alive. “Sorry babe, you’re not my type. A word of advice though, be

careful who you proposition. Some of us can be real animals.” Kiele waved her hand to shoo the

waitress away.

Her second in command, Deuce, grabbed the girl by the wrist. “Wait.” He gave her a once over

before meeting Kiele’s gaze. “She’s doable. I mean it may take a little training but on the black

market I could get a decent price for her. Dye her hair blonde and we could make a sweet profit. Those

third world country fuckers love yellow hair.”

The server’s eyes widened and she swiveled, trying to escape his embrace.

“Cut her loose, Deuce, before you earn us unwanted attention.” Kiele placed her elbows on the

scarred imitation-wood table and stared unblinkingly at the lion.

“No need to get annoyed. I mean seriously, that would be some seriously nice cash.” He snapped his

jaws at the server before tossing more money on her tray. “Just so there is no misunderstanding…like

the lady said, keep ’em coming. And don’t speak or even try to garner the attention of my men.”

With a shaky nod, the girl whirled around, sending her short skirt flying up to reveal her thong, and

trotted off.

Kiele rolled her eyes and pulled her cig from her mouth. “Really Deuce, slave trading and a threat?”

“Oh yeah, Le. Intimidation is my middle name. And what I did was a public service. I probably

saved that girl’s life. Hell, I deserve a medal.”

“Seriously?” Kiele shook her head. “I wonder about you sometimes.”

“All jokes aside, you know we’d be good together, Le.” Gone was the jovial camaraderie. Deuce’s

voice dropped to a seductive growl and his demeanor was quickly replaced by the take no prisoners

attitude he took into every job. He reached out to stroke her bangs. His eyes shifted and for a brief

moment she thought she saw his beast ripple through his body.

She crushed the cigarette in the ashtray and smiled. “You’re a big cat and I’m a Boar, babe. In

nature you would try and eat me. Not in the good way, I might add.” Her pocket vibrated again.

by the cell
. She yanked the phone free and held it up. “Business calls.” Kiele rose from the table.

“Make sure the fellas behave themselves.” She sauntered toward the exit, sliding her finger across the

screen as she stepped into the cool night air. “Babin.”

“We have a job for you.” The raspy voice of her handler slinked through the line. Hate wasn’t a

strong enough word to describe her feeling toward the bastards that tried to take everything from her.

Her beast rooted through her mind and she clamped down on her emotions.

“What else is new?” She kept her tone dry.

“Your contact is Heinrich Himmel. He has you’re target information and can be reached at Shifter

Council Headquarters.” She didn’t miss the sneer in his tone. “You’re expected now.”

“I’ll get my crew ready.”

“No squad. This is a solo mission. When the job is complete, you report to Heinrich and wait to be

contacted with further instructions.”

“Fine.” She squashed the uneasiness slinking down her spine. It felt like a set-up and Goddess knew

she’d done enough of them in her time as team leader. Kiele glanced behind her at the squat building

with the little neon sign. Surrounded by desert, the tiny bar was a haven for criminals, mercenaries and

anyone else who didn’t quite fit in with conventional society. She knew better than to question what

her squad would do. Deuce would get the next call with the team’s assignments. She dropped her head

back and stared at the sky. Her way of life could drain a person, always looking over your shoulder

waiting for the proverbial knife to get buried between your shoulder blades.

Out in the middle of nowhere the stars were always bright. Knowing it was the same heavens that

her family sometimes gazed at gave her comfort. She swiped a hand down her face. Perhaps her time

had finally come. It’s not like she always followed orders anyway. By now, someone must be getting

tired of watching her. She walked over to her sports car and eased behind the wheel. Regardless of her

feelings, it was time to take care of her business and find out who her target was. Maybe after this job

she might get a little blessed peace or at least a vacation. She pressed the start button and the engine

purred to life. Easing up on the clutch as she pressed down on the gas, her car soundlessly slid


Someone fucked up and it was time to pay the piper. She’d be the one to collect their dues.

* * * *

Jamison drifted outside and stared at the reflection of the full moon on the inlet. With tempers

flaring, he’d called the meeting to an end and told everyone to come back the following evening. He

should head to the temporary home Percel set up but he was too restless to sleep. Instead he’d sat on

the side deck contemplating what a bitch karma could be, and he wasn’t referring to the little girl who

might be his child, either. No matter what, the committee would come to an agreement tomorrow or

no one was going home. Then he could concentrate on Marree and get to the bottom of what was really

going on with her and the kid.

He’d have to think of a way to muzzle Heinrich’s henchman. Rolo was making everyone miserable

with his snide comments and thinly veiled accusations that Volkshire was paying Betaille for their

alliance. He pursed his lips. It was a lucrative deal but he also knew it was all Tee’s doing. He should

probably tell Eivan to post a detail on Rolo. Cajuns didn’t take kindly to being accused of anything.

Jamison rolled his shoulders and dropped down into a patio chair. He wouldn’t be surprised if they

went to pick the asshole up in the morning and found him headless, if they found him at all. Naw, with

that bastard dead everything would go much smoother, he’d just sit back and let shit happen. Besides

he had bigger issues to resolve. He dug his cell from his pants pocket and scrolled through his phone

book, stabbing the number with his index finger.

“Hello.” Tee’s sleep-laden voice filled the line.

“Is she mine?” His beast raised its head weaving back and forth in his mind. Anger clawed from the

depths of his soul. The people closest to him knew he had a child and no one bothered to mention it.

“Is who what?” Confusion replaced her drowsy tone.

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