Hitler and the Forgotten Nazis (49 page)

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Authors: Bruce F. Pauley

Tags: #Europe, #Presidents & Heads of State, #Hitler; Adolf; 1889-1945, #General, #United States, #Austria, #Austria & Hungary, #Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiter-Partei in Österreich, #Biography & Autobiography, #History

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78.    Habicht’s Election Plan, “The Task,” Slg. Sch., 305 folder 1, p. 1.

79.    Letter to Josefine Schwanke, 28 Apr. 1932, NA, T-120, R. 63.

80.    Bukey, “Nazi ftuty in Linz,” pp. 5-6.

81.    Herbert Tingsten,
Political Behavior,
p. 71.

82.    Botz,
Wien vom "Anschluss” zum Krieg,
pp. 218, 220.

83.    Letter of John Haag to the author, 16 Nov. 1978. For comparisons with Nazi Germany see Stephenson,
Women in Nazi Society,
p. 193.

Chapter VII

Steirische Gaunachrichten der NSDAP,
30 May 1933, p. 1.

2.    Hans Volz,
Daten der Geschichte der NSDAP,
p. 112.

Beitrage zur Vorgeschichte und Geschichte der Julirevolte,
p. 5.

4.    Gerhard Botz,
Gewalt in derPolitik,
pp. 190-91, 1%, 201-202.

5.    Gerhard Jagschitz, “Zur Stmktur der NSDAP vor dem Juliputsch 1934,” p. 13;

Rieth to the AA, 18 June 1933, NA, T-120, R. 3394/E606622-23; “Minister Rieth to State Secretary Biilow,” 12 June 1934,
C 2:900-901.

6.    Mary Bail,
Post-War German-Austrian Relations,
p. 200; Clyde Kendrick, “Austria under the Chancellorship of Engelbert Dollfuss,” pp. 99-100.

7.    Oswald Dutch,
Thus Died Austria,
p. 53.

8.    Note by Huffer, 6 June 1934, NA, T-120, R. 2838/E453400; Political report by Huffer, 21 June 1934, ibid./E453474.

9.    “The Minister in Austria [Messersmith] to the Secretary of State,” 12 June 1934,
1934, pp. 26-27.

10.    Gerhard Jagschitz,
Der Putsch,
p. 42.

11.    Max Dachauer,
Das Ende Osterreich,
p. 202.

12.    Rudolf Brandstotter, “Dr. Walter Riehl und die nationalsozialistische Be-wegung in
p. 270.

21 June 1933 (p.m.), p. 2; the German Consul in Klagenfurt (Nahm) to the AA, 21 Aug. 1933, NA, T-120, R. 4633/K283290.

14.    Ostenburg report on the domestic political situation in Austria, 1 Oct. 1933, NA, T-120, R. 2836/E452562.

15.    The German Consul in Klagenfurt (Nahm) to the AA, 2 June 1934, ibid., R. 3394/E606692; “report on my discussions with Reich German National Socialists imprisoned on 13 June 1933” (written by Broick), ibid./E606638.

16.    Jagschitz, “Strukturder NSDAP,” p. 8.

pp. 137-38.

18.    Wladimir von Hartlieb,
Parole: Das Reich!,
p. 211.

19.    Memorandum by Huffer concerning the Austrian question, 5 Apr. 1934, NA, T-120, R. 2836/E452766. But many Nazis were treated leniently by judges who feared reprisals in the event of a Nazi takeover. See Kendrick, “Austria under Dollfuss,” p. 271.

20.    Styrian Provincial School Board, 14 May 1935, HI, NS-HA, R. 33, folder 642; the German Consul in Klagenfurt (Nahm) to the AA, 21 Aug, 1933, NA, T-120, R. 4633/K283287; Wolfgang Neugebauer, “Folitische Justiz in Osterreich, 1934—1945,” p. 177.

21.    Felix Kreissler,
Von der Revolution zur Annexion,
p. 210.

22.    Interrogation of August Eigruber, 3 Nov. 1945, NA, NI, pp. 3, 5.

23.    Gerhard Jagschitz, “Die Anhaltelager in Osterreich (1933-1938),” p. 147.

24.    Everhard Holtmann, “Zwischen ‘Blutschuld’ und ‘Befriedung,’ ”
14. This view is disputed, however, by Arnold Toynbee, ed., in
Survey of International Affairs,
1934, p. 484.

25.    Jagschitz, “Anhaltelager” pp. 130, 141, 147.

Fallen Bastions,
p. 156.

27.    Jagschitz, “Anhaltelager”p. 139.

28.    Interview in Vienna.

29.    “Extracts from the Minutes of the Conference of Ministers,” 26 May 1933,
C 1:488—90; Gustav Otruba, “Hitlers ‘Tausand-Mark-Sperre’ und Osterreichs Fremdenverkehr 1933,” p. 153.

30.    Otruba, “‘Tausand-Mark-Sperre,’” p. 115.

Statistisches Handbuch
1933, pp. 42, 45.

32.    The German Consul in Klagenfurt (Nahm) to the AA, 22 June 1933, NA, T-120, R. 4494/K231635.

33.    “Memorandum by an Official of Department II [Huffer],” 19 Apr. 1934,

34.    “Memorandum by an Official of the Economic Department (Ulrich),” 4 Apr.

1934, ibid., p. 789.

35.    Friedrich Hertz,
The Economic Problems of the Danubian States,^.
147. For a more complete comparison see Hertz’s table cited above, p. 64. Significantly, 1936 was also the last year of the German economic blockade.

36.    Norbert Schausberger,
Der Griff nach Osterreich
, p. 473 and “Okonomisch-politische Interdependenzen im Sommer 1936,” p. 292; Peter Katzenstein,
Disjoined Partners, p.

37.    See, for example, the illegal
for Mar. 1937, p. 4, and 29 Aug. 1937, pp. 7-8.

38.    Memorandum by Eduard Baar-Baarenfels, “Information on the present condition of the National Socialist Movement in Austria,” 4 Apr. 1936,
pp. 469-71. Hereafter referred to as Baar-Baarenfels’s memorandum.

39.    [Abw.] Austria, Political Situation (no name given), 22 Apr. 1934, NA, T-77, R. 900/5652948.

40.    See above, p. 112.

Beitr'age zur Julirevolte,
p. 27; AA, Answer to the note delivered by the Austrian envoy on the 17th of this month, 31 Jan. 1934, NA, T-120, R. 3394/ E606495.

Beitrage zur Julirevolte,
pp. 28-30.

43.    Unpublished reports of the gendarmerie to the provincial gendarmerie command in Salzburg assembled for the
Rot- Weiss-Rot Buch,
28 May 1946, DOW, #8349.

44.    Copy of an SA order sent by von Papen to the AA, 22 June 1935, NA, T-120, R. 2837/E453081.

45.    Note (by Heeren), 31 July 1933, ibid., R. 2838/E453737-47.

46.    Draft of a letter by the state secretary to the Reichsminister, 31 July 1933, ibid. / E453749- 52.

47.    Memorandum by Neurath of his conversation with Hitler, 14 Aug. 1933, ibid./E453847.

48.    Political report by the German ambassador to Italy, Hassel, 22 Feb. 1934, ibid./E453998.

49.    Kopke to Rieth, 15 Mar. 1934, NA, T-120, R. 2832/E450915.

50.    “Memorandum by the Director of Department II,” 16 Mar. 1934,
C 2:616.

51.    Baar-Baarenfels’s memorandum,
p. 472.

52.    Memorandum by Theo Habicht on his meeting of 14-15 Apr. in Zurich with Vice-Chancellor A. D. Winkler, NA, T-120, R. 2836/E452784.

53.    Rieth to the AA, 9 Sept. 1933, NA, T-120, R. 5415/K287235.

54.    Rieth to the A A, 12 Dec. 1933, ibid./K287243; Papen to the AA, 8 May 1935, ibid./K287372; Bade to the German Legation in Vienna, 24 June 1936, ibid./ K287497.

55.    Jagschitz, “Struktur der NSDAP,” pp. 10-11; report of Graf Revertera concerning Nazi activities, 1933—38, n.d., DOW, #2162, p. 9.

56.    News Service, n.d., AVA, NS-Parteistellen, K. 12; Dachauer,
Das Ende Osterreich,
pp. 217-18.

57.    Dachauer,
Das Ende Osterreich,
p. 218; Hans Schopper,
Presse im Kampf
, p. 299;
28 July 1936.

58.    Gerd Ruhle,
Das Grossdeutsche Reich,
p. 218.

59.    Jagschitz, “Struktur der NSDAP,” p. 11; Jagschitz,
Der Putsch,
pp. 40-41; unpublished documents assembled for the
Rot- Weiss-Rot Buch,
gendarmerie report from Oberwart, Burgenland, 30 May 1946, DOW, #8339, p. 2.

60.    Schopper,
Presse im Kampf,
p. 300.

61.    Gustav Spann, “Die Illegale Flugschriftpropaganda der osterreichischen NSDAP von Juliputsch 1934 bis zum Juliabkommen 1936,” pp. 188-89.

62.    Karl-Rudolf Hiibener, “Illegale osterreichische Presse von 1933 bis 1938,”
Der Rote Adler
, 19 June 1934;
Der Kampfruf,
June 1935;
19 June 1937,

63.    Boleek to the RL (Propagandaleitung), Munich, 1 Dec. 1930, Slg. Sch., 305 folder I.

Der Kampf
Apr. 1933, p. 1.

Forster to Neurath (late July 1935), NA, T-120, R. 2837/E453191.

.    Baar-Baarenfels’s memorandum,

67.    MLB, May 1935, pp. 7-8.

.    Isabella Ackerl, “Das Kampfbiindnis der Nationalsozialistischen Deutschen Arbeiterpartei mit der Gnossdeutschen Volkspartei vom 15. Mai 1933,” p. 13; Ralf Koemer, So
haben sie es damals gemacht,
pp. 135-37, 141, 192; Action Program of the Austrian Nazi party, Aug. 1935, NA, T-120, R. 2837/E453198.

69.    On the subject of Austrian Nazi humor
sec Humor der lllegalen,
especially pp. 48, 9, and 47 for the anecdotes related.

70.    Mitzi Hartmann [pseud.],
Austria Still Lives,
p. 222; Carl Friedrich and Zbigniew Brzezinski,
Totalitarian Dictatorship and Autocracy
, p. 135.

71.    MLB, Mar. 1935, p. 1, and Oct. 1935, p. 2; Baar-Baarenfels’s memorandum, p. 470.

Forster to Neurath (late July 1935), NA, T-120, R. 2837/E45189-90.

73.    Friedrich and Brzezinski,
Totalitarian Dictatorship,
p. 131.

74.    MLB, Mar. 1935, p. 1.

Chapter VIII

1.    Jens Petersen,
p. 284; note (by Kurt Rieth) on a conversation with the Reichskanzler, 10 Feb. 1934, NA, T-120, R. 2836/E452473.

2.    The German Consul in Linz (Langen) to Habicht, 11 Oct. 1933, NA, T-120, R. 3394/E606705.

3.    “Memorandum by an Official of Department II,” 30 Oct. 1933,
C 2:55.

Beitr'age zur Vorgeschichte und Geschichte der Julirevolte,
p. 47.

5.    The German Consul in Linz (Langen), 26 Sept. 1933, NA, T-120, R. 2833/ E451532.

6.    “Memorandum by an Official of Department II,” 30 Dec. 1933,
C 2:290-91.

7.    Emst Starhemberg,
pp. 155-56.

8.    Memorandum by von Renthe-Fink, 2 Jan. 1934, NA, T-120, R. 2889/E454159.

9.    Habicht to Huffer, 18 June 1934, NA, T-120, R. 2836/E452883.

10.    “The Director of Department II to the Minister in Austria,” 15 Mar. 1934,
C 2:615.

11.    “Memorandum by the State Secretary,” 9 Apr. 1934, ibid., p. 730.

12.    “Memorandum by the Director of Department II,” 16 Mar. 1934, ibid., p. 616.

13.    Huffer to Neurath, 21 Oct. 1933, NA, T-120, R. 2889/E45095.

14.    “The Minister in Austria to the Secretary of State,” 12 June 1934,
1934, 2:26-27.

15.    Gerhard Jagschitz,
p. 153.

16.    “The Charge d’Affaires in Austria to the Foreign Ministry,” 21 Jan. 1934,

17.    Jagschitz,
Der Putsch,
p. 69; Norbert Schausberger,
Der Griff nach Osterreich,
p. 286.

18.    “Memorandum by the Deputy Director of Department II,” 29 May'1934,
C 2:852.

19.    Report by Kopke to Neurath, 31 May 1934, NA, T-120, R. 283&/E453423-24.

20.    “Tlie Charge d’Affaires in Austria to the Foreign Ministry [Muff],” 30 Aug.

1934, DGFP,
C 2:372-73.

21.    Austria, Political Situation (no name), 2 June 1934, NA, T-120, R. 900/ 5652947; Dieter Ross,
Hitler und Dollfuss,
p. 235.

22.    The leader of Sturmbahn 1/21, Vienna. Quarterly report, Apr.-June 1932, 30 June 1932, AVA, SA, K. 19; Hellmuth Auerbach, “Eine nationalsozialistische Stimme zum Wiener Putsch,” p. 202; report of Reichsamtleiter, Vienna, 3 Aug. 1938, Slg. Sch., 302 2:5-6.

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