Hitler Moves East, 1941-1943

BOOK: Hitler Moves East, 1941-1943
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with maps
Little, Brown edition published February 1965 2nd printing , . . . July 1965
Bantam edition published February 1966 All rights reserved.
German edition
© 1963
Verlag Ullstein GMBH., Frankfurt/M.Berlin. English translation Copyright
1964 George G. Harrap & Co. Ltd.


Part One: Moscow


1. Taken by Surprise


The forest of Pratulin

The white

Across the Bug, the San, and the Memel-

Raseiniai and Liepaja

Surprise attack against Daugavpils

Manstein is made to halt

Rundstedt encounters difficulties

The citadel of Brest


Stalin Looks for a Saviour


The first battles of encirclement

Why were the Soviets taken by surprise?

Stalin knew the date of the attack

The "Red Chapel" and Dr Sorge

Precursors of the U-2

Stalin and Hitler at poker

General Potaturchev is taken prisoner and is interrogated


  1. Objective Smolensk
    The forest of Bialowieza

    The bridges over the Berezina

    Soviet counter-attacks

    The T-34, the great surprise

    Fierce fighting at Rogachev and Vitebsk

    Molotov cocktails—Across the Dnieper

    Hoth's tanks cut the highway to Moscow

    A Thuringian infantry regiment storms Smolensk

    Postdam Grenadiers against Mogilev
  2. Moscow or Kiev?




Inferno in the Yelnya bend

A visit from the Mauerwald

Hitler does not want to make for Moscow

Guderian flies to see Hitler

Dramatic wrangling at Hitler's Headquarters

"My generals do not understand wartime economics"


  1. Stalin's Great Mistake
    Battles of annihilation at Roslavl and Klintsy

    Stalin trusts his secret service

    Armoured thrust to the south

    Yeremenko expects an attack on Moscow
  2. The Battle of Kiev :
    Rundstedt involved in heavy fighting on the southern wing

    Kleist's tank victory at Uman

    Marshal Budennyy tries to slip through the noose

    Stalin's orders: Not a step back!

    Guderian and Kleist close the trap: 665,000 prisoners
  3. Code Name "Typhoon" :





Caviare for Churchill

The mysterious town of Bryansk

Moscow's first line of defence over-run

Looting in Sadovaya Street

Stopped by the mud

Fighting for Tula and Kalinin

The diary of a Russian lieutenant

Secret conference at Orsha

Marshal Zhukov reveals a Soviet bluff


  1. Final Spurt towards Moscow
    "The days of waiting are over"

    Cavalry charge at Musino

    On the Volga Canal

    Within five miles of Moscow

    Panic in the Kremlin

    Stalin telephones the front

    40 degrees below zero Centigrade

    Battle for the motor highway

    Men, horses, and tanks in ice and snow

    Everything stop
  2. Why Couldn't Moscow Be Taken? :




Cold weather and Siberian troops

The miracle of Moscow was no miracle

A chapter from the history of German- Soviet collaboration after the First World War

The unknown army

Tukhachevskiy's alliance with the Reichswehr

Himmler's grand intrigue

Stalin beheaded the Red Army


Part Two: Leningrad


1. Chase through the Baltic Countries


Ostrov and Pskov

Artillery against KV-1 and KV-2 monsters

Hoepner is held back by the High Command

The swamp of Chudovo

Manstein's Corps cut off

The road to Leningrad is clear

Unsuccessful bathing party at Lake Samro


Break-through on the Luga Front


Critical situation at Staraya Russa

The battle of Novgorod

A Karelian supplies Russian maps

German 21st Infantry Division against Soviet 21st Armoured Division

Through the forests near Luga

On the Oredezh

The Luga pocket

On top of the Duderhof Hills

Radio signal from Second Lieutenant Darius: I can see St Petersburg and the sea


3. In the Suburbs of Leningrad


"All change

end of the line!"

In the gardens of Slutsk

Harry Hoppe takes Schlüsselburg

Order from the Fuehrer's Headquarters: Leningrad must not be taken

Hitler's great mistake


Part Three: Rostov


  1. Through the Nogay Steppe
    New objectives for the Southern Front

    The bridge of Beri-slav

    Sappers tackle the lower Dnieper

    Mölders's fighter aircraft intervene

    The road to the Crimea is barred

    Battle at the Tartar Ditch

    Roundabout in the Nogay Steppe

    Between Berdyansk and Mariupol
  2. The Battle of the Crimea
    Ghost fleet between Odessa and Sevastopol

    Eight-day battle for the isthmus

    the Askaniya Nova collective fruit farm

    Pursuit across the Crimea

    "Eight girls without baskets"

    First assault on Sevastopol

    In the communication trenches of Fort Stalin

    Russian landing at Feodosiya

    Disobedience of a general

    Manstein suspends the attack on Sevastopol

    The Sponeck affair
  3. In the Industrial Region of the Soviet Union






Kleist's Panzer Army takes Stalino

Sixth Army captures Kharkov

First round in the battle for Rostov

Obersturmführer Olboeter and thirty men

Rundstedt is dismissed

Ringing of the alarm bells
Part Four: Winter Battle


1. The Siberians Are Coming


5th December 1941

No winter clothing

Fighting for Klin

3rd Panzer Group fights its way back

Second Panzer Army has to give ground

Drama on the ice of the Ruza

Brauchitsch leaves

Historic conversation at the Fuehrer's Headquarters

Hold on at all costs

Break-through at Ninth Army

The tragedy of XXIII Corps

Time-table for "Giessen"

Guderian is dismissed


South of Lake Ilmen


The fishing village of Vzvad

Charge across the frozen lake

Four Soviet Armies over-run one German Division

Staraya Russa

The Valday Hills

Yeremenko has a conversation with Stalin in the Kremlin shelter

The Guards are starving

Toropets and Andreapol

The tragedy of 189th Infantry Regiment


  1. Model Takes Over
    The supply-dumps of Sychevka

    "What have you brought with you, Herr General?"

    A regiment holds the Volga bend
    —"I a
    m the only one left from my company"

    Stalin's offensive gets stuck

    Sukhinichi, or the mouse in the elephant's trunk

    A padre and a cavalry sergeant

    Spotlight on the other side: two Russian diaries and a farewell letter
  2. Assault on the Valday Hills




The Soviet 57th Striking Brigade charges across the Volkhov

Rendezvous: Clearing Erika

Two Soviet Armies in the bag

Demyansk: 100,000 Germans surrounded

An unusual Order of the Day by Count Brockdorff-Ahlefeldt

A pocket is supplied from the air

Operation "Bridge-building"

Kholm, a fortress without guns


General Vlasov


A crack Soviet Army in the swamp

The wooden road across the clearing Erika

A merciless battle

Engineers Battalion 158

-Break-out from hell

The disaster to the Soviet Second Striking Army

"Don't shoot; I am General Vlasov"

Maps buried under a river


Part Five: The Ports on the Arctic Ocean


1. "Operation Platinum Fox"


The Murmansk railway

Offensive on the edge of the world

General Dietl reaches out for Murmansk

Across the Titovka and Litsa

No roads in the tundra

An error costs the Finns their victory

Mountain Jägers in the Litsa bridgehead


Battle in the Arctic Night


From Athens to Lapland

1400 horses must die

The Pet-samojoki river

Supply crisis

Nightmare trek along the Arctic Ocean road

The Soviet 10th Rifle Division celebrates the October Revolution

An anniversary attack

Fighting at Hand-grenade Rock

Convoy PQ 17

The Soviet 155th Rifle Division freezes to death

The front in the Far North becomes icebound


Part Six: The Caucasus and the Oilfields


1. Prelude to Stalingrad

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