Holding On To Love (3 page)

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Authors: A.E. Neal

BOOK: Holding On To Love
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"Ah-well, we work together- Well, not in the same department or anything— I work in I.T. and he's in customer service."

I just nodded and said, "Well, I hear it's a really great place to work."


When Kennedy and Bryan started sleeping together, she filled me in on the details of his job. He worked at a place called Rhino Cube, most well-known for their smart phone cases. She showed me a YouTube video of a guy dropping his phone from a two story building and somehow it miraculously survived because of the case.

"It is," he confirmed. "We should go find our balls."

I laughed at his unintended pun and followed him to the rack that housed the various sized bowling balls. 

When we returned to our designated alley, Bryan had finally released Kennedy from his tattooed grip. Kennedy met Bryan at her shop a few weeks ago while he was getting the intricate dragon tat on his left arm finished by Gage when Kennedy noticed him and flirted her way into his heart. The two stood hand in hand in front of the scoring kiosk while Bryan entered our names on the tiny screen.

I took the moment of opportunity, strutted over to the couple and took Kennedy's hand. "Come on. We need shoes, " I said sternly, squeezing a little harder than necessary.

"Ouch! What the hell, Al?" She winced as I pulled her toward the shoe rental counter.

"Don't you dare— 'What the hell' me." I protested. "What the fuck do you think you're doing? And don't even try to play dumb, 'cause I'm not falling for it." I fumed.

"I don't know what you're implying. Bryan said Seth was free tonight, so he invited him along. I didn't have anything to do with it. I promise." She said batting her long black eyelashes at me. 

"Uh huh. Continue." I stated matter-of-factly.

"Well, he's single, " she whispered just loud enough for me to hear, "and he's kind of cute. Don't you think?"

Our gaze wandered to the two men who were now high fiving each other and laughing.

"Sure. In a nerdy basketball player kind of way, I guess." I said rolling my eyes. "But, this better not be one of your attempts to set me up," I warned. "I'm just not ready for a relationship yet. And you know that."

"God. Ally, you don't have to marry the guy. I just thought you'd like some company. He's more one-night-stand material anyway."
"Uh-uh...not gonna happen. I am not sleeping with him." I countered, shaking my head.

Kennedy giggled, turned and slapped her palms on the counter clearly avoiding my death glare.

The two guys behind the counter jumped, but continued their conversation as if we were invisible.

"Ahem," she said, clearing her throat.

I laughed at her subtle attempt.

The sandy, blonde haired guy turned to face us. He looked fairly irritated until he caught a glimpse of Kennedy's extremely low cut top. The "twins" as she called them, were practically spilling out of the tight navy blue v-neck as she leaned into the counter.

"Well, hello ladies. What can I do for you?"

Did he just wink at her?

"Yes. As a matter of fact," She said leaning further onto the counter, tapping the guy's name tag with her finger. "Ah, Doug— We need two pairs of your cleanest bowling shoes."

This caused the guy to snort. "Ah-sure. What sizes?" he asked keeping his gaze trained on Kennedy's chest.
"An eight for me and a nine for her," she replied, waving her hand at me.

"Sure thing. Be right back with those," he said before retreating to the wall of hideous shoes behind him.

Did he really just wink again? Boys. Geez.

"While you girls are flirting here—" Bryan scoffed behind us, smacking Kennedy on the ass. "I'm going to get us some adult beverages." He continued and stalked off toward the bar.

"I think Bryan's right. Dougie over there, has a major crush on you," I giggled, cocking my head toward the guy in question.

She turned toward me, tilting her head, "You think he's single or not. I'm going with very much single and he's definitely fuckable."

"Oh my God, do you ever stop?" I asked. Seriously wondering if all she ever thought about was sex and/or the opposite sex 24-7.

"Hurry up and answer, single or not?"

"Not," I whispered.

Care to wager on it? Loser buys the next round?"

"Alright, deal," she agreed offering her pinky.

I crossed my pinky with hers, "Deal."

Doug returned, dropping the shoes onto the counter. "Size eight and those are the nine's. Anything else I can do you for, ladies?" he asked as his gaze drifted down Kennedy's chest once again.

"Tell me something—" she said tapping her finger to her pursed lips. "My friend and I made a bet and if I win, she's buying the next round of drinks."

"Uh-huh. What if she wins?" He asked, winking at me.

"Doesn't matter, 'cause I've got this in the bag." She said in a sing-song voice.

"Sounds fair. So, what's the bet?" He asked.

"We were just curious if you'd be interested in joining us later for drinks?" She asked sweetly.

Doug's cheeks went red and he laughed. "Oh man, you just made my day. I'm really flattered— especially because you're the two most beautiful girls in this place—But I'm sorry, I'm actually married," he said holding his hand up and pointing at the band on his ring finger.

I couldn't help but laugh and poor, defeated Kennedy looked like she'd lost her entire life savings at a blackjack table.

"Well, shit! I guess we both lost that round, considering you're married, that voids the entire bet," she snapped, picked up her shoes and turned on her heels, leaving me behind.

"Sorry we bothered you. Thanks Doug," I added, waving over my shoulder as I struggled to catch up with Kennedy.

"No problem. You ladies enjoy yourselves tonight." Doug called after us.

Kennedy was already half-way across the alley before I shouted, "Hey, Hooker! Wait up!"

I noticed a sizeable frown had replaced her flirtatious grin, "I would have fucked him forty shades from Sunday. He doesn't know what he's missing," she smirked.

"I'll bet he'll have some pretty sweet dreams, thanks to you," I scoffed.

"Not funny, Al." She said in a clipped tone.

"I thought it was. He was gawking at you that entire time. How did you not see his ring? I saw it the moment we walked up, but it was totally worth letting you go through with it, just to see the look on your face." I laughed.

"You're a bitch. I can't believe you let me embarrass myself like that."

"Oh-no. You did that all on your own, sweetie. And it was freaking hilarious."

"Shut up," she snapped.

"I love you, friend." I said.

"Yeah, we'll see how much you love me after I kick your ass bowling tonight," she laughed.

We made our way back to our bowling partners and I saw four glasses perched on the tabletop filled with golden liquid. Each glass had an accompanying shot glass that was filled to the brim with dark amber liquor.

Oh, dear. This is gonna be a long night.

"We got our shoes. Now we're ready to get this bitch going," Kennedy shouted, strolling up to the high-top table and wrapping her fingers around the overfilled shot glass.

I smiled and followed, resting my elbows on the cool surface in front of my liquid courage.

"We drink to Turkey's! May we bowl our best games ever," Bryan said, raising his shot glass in the air.
"To Turkey's!" We all shouted in unison, clinking our glasses together.

The liquor filled my throat with fire that spread down to my belly causing my eyes to water. I grabbed the beer in front of me and took a gulp hoping to extinguish the flames.

"Ugh— What the hell was that?" I asked.

"Jack. Good right?" Bryan asked, grinning wildly.

"Ah- No." I replied, rubbing my throat and taking another manly swig of my beer. 

"She doesn't do shots," Kennedy intervened and I nodded.

An amused look crossed Bryan's face, "This won't be your first or last shot tonight, young lady. I'll just get you something girly next time" He teased.

"Nah. I'm good. I just don't think Jack and I are going to be friends anytime soon." I said finishing my beer. Seth and Bryan traded glances and chuckled.

"Let's get this game started, shall we, Ladies?" Bryan asked, smacking Seth on the back in excitement.

"You're first," Seth said tapping my shoulder.


Our little bowling night turned out to be a huge success. I scored a 180 my first game, beating the guys. My second game was not as note worthy, only scoring a 100. I blame it on the "girly" shots Bryan continued to order. During the last game, Seth scored a turkey, meaning he got three strikes in a row. We cheered while Bryan did a victory dance which closely resembled a hurt chicken more than a turkey. As our third game came to an end, I felt my head buzzing from the alcohol. I knew I needed to call it a night, but of course Kennedy had other plans in store for us.

"Wanna go to Shaker's after this?" She asked.

I shrugged my shoulders, "Ew. No. I hate that place." 

Shaker's was a quintessential hole-in-the-wall dive bar in downtown. Friday and Saturday nights Shaker's offered $2 you-call-its and karaoke.

Kennedy frowned, "Well, what would you suggest then?"

I half smirked or maybe I smiled at her and replied, "Maybe I should call a cab."

"It's only ten thirty, Ally. Let's go out." She pleaded.

I felt the alcohol take over my inhibitions and replied, "OK. But we should still call a cab 'cause I'm way too buzzed to drive."

"I'm okay to drive," Seth said.

"Sorry Seth, but I don't think that's a good idea seeing as how you've had just as much as the rest of us." I said.

"Well, that solves that." Kennedy said, nudging Bryan's arm with her own.

"We better take a cab, Seth." Bryan said in agreement. "I'll bring you by in the morning to get your truck, okay man?" Seth nodded.

I pulled my phone out from my back pocket and scrolled through my contact list.

'Cabby Craig' appeared on the screen and I hit the green call button. I swayed lightly as I held the phone to my ear.

"Hey gorgeous, what's up?" The familiar voice asked.

"Heeey, Craig. We're at the bowling alley and need a ride." I said, slurring a little.

"I've got another stop close by. I'll be there in twenty, cool?" He asked.

"Perfect." I replied, hung up and slid the phone back into my pocket.

"Twenty minutes, guys!" I shouted and the group 'high-fived' each other.


A half our later, we were standing outside Shaker's and I could hear music blaring from inside the thick wooden doors. A few people were gathered outside smoking and talking. Bryan wrapped his arm around Kennedy and Seth held the door open for us. The long narrow bar was filled with people and a small crowd stood in front of a low stage at the end. Two girls faced each other with microphones in their hands as
they belted out the lyrics to "Like A Virgin". Which I found rather amusing considering the length of their denim skirts, matching hot pink tank tops and the word "Bachelorette" written in silver glitter across the chest of the brunette wearing a tiara.


"Holy shit! Someone needs to put them out of their misery," Kennedy shouted over the two off-key singers who had just begun the chorus. "My ears are literally bleeding!"

I laughed, took Kennedy's arm and steered her towards the bar where Bryan and Seth had already ordered our drinks.

"No more shots!" I shouted.

"Don't worry—" Seth said handing me a beer. "Just beer from now on, promise."

I nodded, tipping the bottle to my lips, "Thanks."


The DJ introduced the next group of singers. I prayed inwardly they would be better than the last two girls. A tiny blonde girl towed her boyfriend onto the stage and reached for the microphone. "Hey everyone! We're gonna sing 'Summer Lovin'!" Cheers erupted from the front row. I rolled my eyes and followed Kennedy to an empty table in the corner.

"Where'd Bryan and Seth go?" I asked, looking around the bar for the two.

"Bryan said he wanted to do a song," She grinned wildly and tipped her beer back.

"I hope he's better than these two," I said pointing at the spectacle taking place on the tiny stage.

She nodded, "Actually, I think he was in a band once or something. I don't really know."

I laughed and scanned the bar again for the guys. I spotted Seth towering over most everyone, standing beside him was Bryan. They were talking to one of the girls from the bachelorette party, her fluorescent pink tank was a dead give away. The girl was a good foot and a half shorter than Seth and he looked like he was struggling to bend over enough to hear her. In an instant, she reached up, wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him, deeply. What the hell?

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