Holding On To Love (6 page)

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Authors: A.E. Neal

BOOK: Holding On To Love
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He laughed, "Well, well, well. Such an anxious group of beautiful ladies we have here tonight." More screams followed. You would have thought we were attending a Justin Bieber concert with the constant shrieking that was taking place a few feet from our table. I rolled my eyes. Groupies.

A spot light fell onto Brody and I felt my cheeks flush when I immediately recognized his face. My embarrassing run-in from Shaker's stood center stage. He was wearing a tight black t-shirt that outlined the curves of his sculpted chest and arms perfectly. His free hand was tucked into the back pocket of the dark jeans and he shifted his weight back and forth, causing the recognizable silver belt buckle to flash against the light. I sucked in a sharp breath as my gaze dropped to the significant bulge in his tight jeans. I fantasized at the thought of what treasure I might find underneath the pair of jeans he was wearing. He began speaking again, but my heart was pounding so furiously...I didn't hear a word he said.

I leaned over to Kennedy still keeping my gaze locked on Brody and nudged her arm...hard, causing some of her beer to splatter onto the table. "Oh my God— that's the guy from last night." I said tilting my head toward the stage.

She whirled around to face me. "What? That's the sex-god from Shaker's?" She shrieked. 

"Shhh...Yeah, that's definitely him." I said shielding my look of embarrassment from his view with my hand.

"Holy shit, Al. You were right, he is a fucking god. Are you sure that's him?" Her gaze was now locked on Brody's masculine physic and her jaw hung wide open.

"Positive." I said as he glanced at me, holding my gaze with those beautiful green eyes for a moment before looking over the crowd. 

A million dirty thoughts rolled around in my head like a tumbleweed caught in a wind storm. The heat spread across my cheeks and my heart continued to thump in my ears.

What the hell is he doing here? I wonder if he'll recognize me? Thank goodness Kennedy fixed my hair. I wouldn't want him to see me looking like a mess. Wait! What the hell am I thinking? I don't even know the guy. He could turn out to be a serial killer or something. Oh, dear God. I'm losing my mind!

"Are you okay?" Kennedy asked, sensing my uneasiness.

I swallowed hard, "Yeah...I'm good. I-I think." I felt the blaze from my cheeks work it's way down my neck and across my chest, "Hot in here. Don't you think?" I asked, fanning my face with the paper coaster. 

She let out a snort and laughed, "Oh my God. You're totally hot for him, aren't you?"

I set the coaster down and slapped my hand over her mouth.

"Be serious, Kennedy. I don't even know him..." I scoffed, "and shut up, he might hear you."

She threw her head back and laughed again.


I shook my head and snapped back to the real world as Brody continued, "We have a special guest tonight! One of my all-time favorite cover bands and friends...give it up for HashTag!" He announced and the curtains drew back. Zac stood to next to Alex, who held his electric guitar by the neck and Chris, who was seated behind his drums, calmly held his drumsticks waiting for his queue. The crowd erupted. Kennedy whistled and clapped furiously. I joined in, clapping and even shouted out a few 'Woos'.

Brody set the microphone back in its stand, hopped off the front of the stage, grabbed a short platinum-haired girl in the front row by the waist, leaned her back and kissed her. This wasn't just a friendly peck on the cheek. No...I'm talking full fledged tonsil hockey. She stood on her tip toes and wrapped her hands tightly around his neck as he kissed her...deeply.

I turned to Kennedy with disgust. "Um—Tell me when it's over, please," I mumbled.

She giggled, tipping the beer bottle to her lips. "Wishing it was you instead of that trampy sorostitute?" She joked. I laughed at her choice of words. Sor-osti-tute: noun: A sorority sister who proudly wears designer sunglasses, drives a Land Rover that Daddy bought her and dresses like she belongs on a street corner, not in college.


I reached back for my drink without turning my head. I kept thinking I'd turn around and witness the two, completely naked, going at it on the sticky bar floor in front of everyone, but Kennedy assured me they weren't. And then it hit me...I was insanely jealous. Jealous of that Barbie doll he was kissing and wishing it was me in his strong god-like arms instead. I swiped my drink, swirled the tiny red straw around the glass before plucking it out and taking three large gulps. Now, I'm not normally one for hard liquor. But, man, Finn made a damn good drink. The rum and coke was delicious and quickly coated my dry throat, sending warmth through my veins. 


"Hello everyone! We are HashTag and we hope you enjoy!" Alex shouted into the microphone and the crowd cheered rowdily.

The band began playing one of their favorite songs, "Nothin' But A Good Time". I watched Zac intently as he plucked the strings on his Fender, he looked so comfortable and at ease in front of such a large crowd. It made me happy to finally see him in his element.  

The crowd cheered and Kennedy nudged my side with her elbow.

"Ally— they aren't tongue fucking each other anymore. You can open your eyes now and act like a normal human being again."

I turned to face her. "I'm sorry," I apologized.

It occurred to me that I may have hallucinated Brody staring at me moments ago. I searched the pub for him and came up empty. I wondered where he ran off to and then I realized 'Barbie' was no longer with her friends at the front of the stage.

Ugh. I'm going to need a lot more rum, stat.

I straightened my back and spotted Amy, our waitress, a couple of tables behind us. I waved her over once she finished taking their order and she hurried to my side.

"Ally, right?" She asked in a perky voice.

"Yep. And you must be Amy?" I said, hearing the dread in my voice. 

She smiled brightly. "I am. What can I get for you?"

"Another rum and coke, please...and whatever she wants," I said tapping Kennedy's shoulder to get her attention.

"Huh? Oh...I'll have another beer and a shot of Patron, please." She said holding up her empty bottle.

"Make it two shots," I added.

"Sure thing, ladies. I'll be right back," she said and scurried off.

Kennedy turned to me with a smirk, "Feeling a little brave, aren't we? I mean after what happened last night and all."

I nodded. "Uh-huh." And I finished the remainder of my drink.

The band continued to play into the night, with their versions of rock hits from the 80's and all I could do was fantasize about Brody in his tight, perfectly tailored jeans. I chugged the remainder of my third rum and coke. I wasn't drunk, but felt something stir inside me.

The band finished their set around midnight, the crowd started to thin out and Kennedy disappeared to the bathroom. Suddenly, Zac appeared at my side. "Hey sis," he said nudging me in the ribs.

I shrugged and smiled at him, "Hey bro, you guys did amazing. That was awesome...and..." I began before he cut me off mid-sentence, "Yeah, you seemed preoccupied. What's eating you already? You've been staring at your drink coaster for over an hour," he asked in a genuinely concerned tone.

I shrugged my shoulders again. "I don't know. Really, it's nothing. I'm fine...promise," I said, attempting to sound reassuring.

He smiled, put his arm around my shoulder and squeezed...too hard, "Seriously, kiddo. What's wrong? I can tell when something's up...you bite your nails," he asked reaching up to pull my hand away from my mouth.

He was right, I was a mess. And what for? Over some random guy, I had never actually met? It was just that his presence did things to my body. He made the butterflies in my stomach flutter, my heart skip a beat, and my legs weak.

I rolled my eyes. I was not about to divulge all my inner fantasizes to my older brother. Instead I asked, "Do you know Brody?"

He sent me a wary look. "Sort of. We usually hang with him after gigs when we're in town, but Ally..." He responded, "He's not someone you need to get mixed up with, if you know what I mean." And I did, but someone needed to tell that to my body. Brody didn't look like any guy I had ever seen before, but his intense green eyes, muscular body and mussed chestnut hair made me want to forget my preconceived notions of him.

"Yeah, I get it. He's just a jerk, who sleeps with a different girl every night," I said, straightening my back. Amusement filled Zac's grey eyes and he shook his head. "I'm right, aren't I?" I asked, but he didn't respond. "HA! I knew it!" 

He smiled, and pushed his long blonde hair out of his eyes. "Come on....I'll introduce you," he said, taking my hand.

"Wait!" I squeaked, "I need to tell Kennedy where I am...she'll worry."

"Okay, but hurry up. I still have to load our shit into the van," he snapped.

I cornered Kennedy at the far end of the bar and told her that Zac was taking me back to see his band mates. She agreed and let me know she'd meet me back at our table later. She didn't protest, which lead me to believe she was on the prowl and had her prey in sight. 


Zac was at my side tapping his wrist as if we were on a time constraint. I followed closely behind my brother through the doors adjacent to the stage, my heart pounding and my legs suddenly heavy. This was it, I was finally going to meet him. He held my hand tightly and steered me through the dark hallway, passing a few doors, that read "Manager's Office" and "Employees Only". The last door on the right read, "Dressing Room" and written below in handwriting on a clean sheet of white paper, it read, "#HASHTAG, BAND ONLY, NO GROUPIES ALLOWED".

Zac opened the door, his band mates stood in the fairly large dressing room that housed a long leather couch, a couple of wingback chairs and an ornate Japanese shoji screen against the far wall. The walls were littered with band flyers and concert posters. Brody wasn't amongst the group of guys.

The band congratulated Zac with pats on the back and Chris handed him a bottle of scotch. "Drink up, my friend! This is an epic night!"

The band laughed, Zac drank from the bottle and handed it to me. I looked over the bottle carefully, "Um—are you sure I should drink this, guys?" I asked cautiously.

The guys erupted in laughter, "Go on! Just drink it!"

One thing I was well educated in, was my scotch and this particular brand happened to be Andrew's drink of choice. I glanced at the label and noticed this was a twenty-one year old bottle. I gasped and spoke up, not realizing I didn't have a captive audience. "This bottle is twenty-one years old...casks that once contained premium Caribbean rum and then aged for 21 years and four months...and you asshats are drinking it like it's water!" I shouted over the music that was now playing at deafening volumes.

The band broke out into hysterical laughter and Alex shouted, "She sure knows her scotch! A woman after my own heart!" He laid is hand over his heart and batted his dark eyelashes at me.

"Just keep it in your pants, Alexander. God only knows where it's been," I joked, rolling my eyes.

  I turned to my brother and Chris who were also laughing; shook my head and swiped a bottle of water that was neatly arranged on the coffee table. I twisted the cap and drank it's contents.

Silly boys.

I sat in a large arm chair in the corner and listened to Alex's fond memories of some girl that got away. Which included very detailed sexual positions, some of which I'd never heard of before and it made me blush.

The bathroom door cracked and 'Barbie' stepped out, dressed only in a white lace bra and a jean mini skirt. I felt the blood boil in my veins at the sight of her.

So, this is where Brody had run off to. A bathroom? Wow, that's classy. What a freaking whore!

She waved to the band and disappeared into the hallway. A moment later, Brody swung the bathroom door open and stood in the doorway, both hands gripping the frame over his head. He was shirtless. An intricate, tribal-like tattoo covered his left breast and wrapped around his shoulder, it had been hidden under his shirt all this time, no wonder I hadn't seen it until now. The muscles in his arms flexed and I dropped my gaze down his chiseled abs and perfect "v" just visible over his waistband. He closely resembled a tanned, tattooed, God.

The guys let out hoots and whistles. Alex shouted, "Way to go, man! I tried to bag her last time, but she was a prude bitch. Guess you broke her in for me!" More laughter erupted. I kept my gaze focused on Brody and his wide, dimpled smile appeared. "Yeah, you just didn't have what it takes to tame a wild cat like her!"

He pulled a white shirt over his head and ran his fingers through his hair. He froze momentarily when he caught me staring at him and winked. My cheeks flushed and my stomach did a cart-wheel. He moved towards the couch, sat in between Alex and Zac and leaned over to Zac. He whispered something in his ear, which caused Zac to laugh and Brody slapped him on the back.

The band laughed, Alex reached over, swiped the bottle of scotch from my hands and passed it to Brody. I sipped the bottle of water I had a vice grip on and leaned back into the chair unable to break my gaze from the most beautiful man I had ever seen.

Zac jumped up from the couch and grabbed my arm. "Come on, sis. This is a night to celebrate! Brody just offered our band to play here exclusively for the next year. Fucking awesome, right?"

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