Holding The Line (10 page)

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Authors: Andrew Wood

BOOK: Holding The Line
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After gazing upon each other's beauty, they moved closer. Sarena felt a tremble as she could feel Lukens skin against hers, and she shuddered as he run his fingers gently down her body. She tentatively did likewise, moving her fingertips lower, whilst kissing him, feeling his body responding. The two gradually made their way up on the bed, and Sarena lay on her back and groaned with pleasure, as she felt Luken enter inside her for the first time.


Chapter 9.


After the rather long tiring events of yesterday, and a night of little time for sleeping, both Luken and Sarena slept well past their usual hour of waking. Taylor on the other hand did not, and having already woken Caldar and Vanessa, thought nothing to making his own way across the corridor to wake his dad.

Sarena rolled over "Good morning sweetheart, "she said softly, nuzzling at her husband's neck. Luken turned to face her, and felt perhaps there was a chance that another repeat performance of the previous night's activities may be on the cards. Things were just starting to become interesting when the bedroom doors burst open, and Taylor launched himself on top of the bed.

After feeling a little deflated, he lifted his head up, "morning Taylor. You slept well I hope?" The young boy looked a little bemused to find his dad in bed with Sarena. Why was this woman here, she had her own room, this was his and his dad's quarters. "Are you sharing my dad's bed because you have nowhere else to sleep, like Vanessa is doing with Uncle Caldar?" he asked innocently. Sarena smiled, and offered her hand for him to cuddle up to her, much to the frustration of Luken.

It soon became apparent Taylor had been questioning the reasoning for Caldar and Vanessa sharing a bed, which made Luken chuckle. He would have loved to see his brother talk his way out of that one. "When two people love each other, "Sarena explained, "Like me and your Dad, well then it is normal for them to sleep in the same bed." Taylor looked at her quizzically, he was a bright boy, and something did not appear to add up. "I thought you said you already loved each other, but you never slept here before," he replied. Sarena looked over to her husband for help, but all she got was a gormless looking grin, as he tried to move his hand secretly under the covers. He withdrew it sharply when she gave him a meaningful stare. "We did love each other before, even more so now, but we are married, and that is what married people do," she added, hoping that would satisfy the boy's curiosity.

It did not, "Caldar and Vanessa are not married." Sarena sighed, and to make matters worse Luken was childishly pulling faces each time she turned her back. She was not blind, though to his credit it my make Taylor stop asking such awkward questions. How did you tell a six-year-old boy, who had never known parents, at least not two together, on the reasons for sharing a marital bed? Luken was thinking a lock was probably needed for his door; he would not want Taylor interrupting him every night. Alternatively, perhaps he was now old enough to have a set of rooms of his own, before realising it would not be very fair to push him away like that.

Luken finally sat up and pulled Taylor over towards him, for his morning hug. "Sarena is your mum now, and from now on she is going to be sharing our rooms." Taylor nodded, "perhaps we can get her a bed of her own, you are a prince and Uncle Caldar is king. I am sure he could order it, that way you won't have to share." The two newlyweds looked at each other, smiling, before all having a big hug together. "I don't mind sharing Taylor," he added. "Do you think I will have to share my bed, when I am older? I am not sure I would want to," Luken and Sarena chuckled, "I'm sure you might think differently when you're older."

Another awkward moment arose, as Sarena realised she was entirely naked beneath the covers, "Why don't you go and see if our breakfast has been put in the other room?" Luken asked realising this start to a family life was much more difficult than it first appeared. How did every other married couple with children cope? Eventually Taylor slipped down off the top of the bed and made his way back out of the bedroom door. Luken thought it just enough time to move his hand over, and start working his magic, "stop it" she said sharply, "I have to get some clothes on. She shook her head, "this could be problematic Luken."

He did not think it was, but listened and watched her stand before him. Mainly watched, if truth were told, admiring her pale soft skin, and gentle curves as she slipped a bathrobe around her. She moved around the bed, and Luken thought he was going to be kissed as she leant down towards him. Instead, she yanked the bed covers off him, completely revealing his naked body. She looked down and smiled, "now get dressed, and put that thing away; we need to talk properly with Taylor."

Luken grimaced, and with the look of a child who had been told he could not get any dessert, he reluctantly got up and started dressing.

All Sarena's clothes were still in her own room; as such, she stayed in the bedroom, whilst Luken asked Dareen to fetch a few items for her, after she had bought breakfast.  Once suitably attired they eventually all sat around the table, to try further to explain how things would now be, to Taylor. Luken did not foresee there being any problems, but Sarena thought otherwise. She could already sense a difference in the child. Here was a boy who for the last few months had lived by his father's side virtually every second of the day. Although Sarena was not new on the scene in the day-to-day run of things, she was now in that space that had been just father and son.

Over breakfast, she tried to explain, and quell any fears he may have. She told him, that now she was his mum, she would also share that exclusive time with them. Just because Luken and she were together, did not mean they loved him any less. She was not sure her explanations were particularly good ones, and she hoped the young boy did not suddenly feel pushed out by her. Eventually the penny dropped with Luken about her concerns, and he attempted to add input to the explaining, though she thought hers was better. She started her campaign by giving Taylor an extra big hug and Luken just a small one, to show he was just as special.

The clear up was started in the city, despite there being a number of people still inebriated lying around the streets. Taking into account the amount of wine barrels that had been emptied, and the inevitable number of sore heads that would be around, the whole celebration had gone without any major incidents. There had been a few, which had not been permitted to join the festivities. A half cohort of soldiers had been ordered to remain on duty, just in case anything untoward had made an appearance. As a gesture of recompense, each of those would receive extra in their pay.

Lord Willem of South Besemia had bid his farewells, and although not completely yet sobered from the previous day slowly trotted his horse away from the city. His men fell in around him, as they made the way back to Berston and Casham, on the border. As nice as it was to take a few days leave, he knew he must return as soon as possible and start on his plans to remove the blight upon the northern part of his country. If he wanted to be in Bashek before winter, he was going to have to get a move on.

At the camp of recruits, just south of the city it was business as usual. Captain Jak Corley stood at the front, about to give the details for the day. "As a part of your training, from today small groups of you will accompany regular troops on patrols. I will put you in groups of six, and every few days those selected will go on twenty four hour tours." There was a buzz of excitement amongst the young men; going on placement would certainly break up the current monotony of day-to-day training.

There were a few gasps when Jak Corley continued, and told them those patrols would take place north of the river. He hushed them and read out the first group, who would be leaving at mid-day with the regular soldiers. "Dane, as Squad Leader will have the honour of being in the first group. The others are Camden, Rowan, Patrick, Vincent and Shane." There were one or two groans from those not selected but Jak carried on telling them this was just the first group. He continued dividing the others up for future groups.

Jak took Dane and the other selected candidates to one side, and gave them some advice. He told them to be alert, and diligent. They were to listen to advice when it was being given, and to obey orders above all else. He reminded them that despite all scouting north of the river since the battle, had been uneventful, they were still venturing into possible hostile territory. As such they should be aware the trip out was not without danger. With little time to even think about getting nervous, the recruits busied themselves collecting their kit, before having to report to the keep barracks.

By mid-day Jak stood at the bridge as he watched his first six new recruits ride out, joined as they were by twelve regulars. With his immediate duties complete, he needed to see someone in the city; he had an important matter to discuss. After making his way through the gates, and up the main street, past the guards at the keep entrance and those at the keep doors, he started up the stairs. Something had been on his mind for the past few weeks, and he needed some on advice on the matter.

He knocked gently on the door, and entered the room within. "Jak, come on in, and join us," said Luken, who was sat at the table having lunch with Sarena and Taylor. He felt a little awkward, he had not considered the fact he may be interrupting their meal. He quickly apologised, and offered to return later after they had eaten, but the young prince would have none of it. After reluctantly sitting at the table, he smiled at the young boy who offered him a plate, though refusing politely.

Jak had hoped to speak to Luken alone, but decided to go ahead and ask for advice anyway. He had already thought how strange it might seem, for a man of his age asking guidance from a boy not quite yet eighteen years old. "I wanted to ask you about something I have been thinking of for quite some time. Well, I was thinking of asking Levin if he would like me to adopt him. I know he is a lot older than the normal age for doing so, but I have grown fond of the lad. He hasn't got anyone else really..." he stopped when he realised Luken and Sarena were both staring at him. There was an awkward silence, and for a moment, Jak thought they were thinking him foolish, for even contemplating the idea.

"Well Jak, you surprise me. I did not have you down as father material, you really are going soft in your old age," Luken sniggered. Noticing his mocking reaction was making the old soldier uncomfortable, he became more serious. "In all honesty Jak, I think it is a wonderful Idea. What does Levin think?" Jak sighed, and put his head in his hands, "that's the problem; I am not sure how to even start asking the question. I was...well... hoping you might..." Luken nodded, "all right Jak, yes I'll go and ask him."

Quickly swigging back his drink, he stood, "right, Mid-day does he still finish working with the General at that time?" Jak nodded, "you are not going now are you?" He nodded, "why not, no time like the present." Taylor went to stand up and go with him, but Luken calmly told him to stay with his mum. Although he had stayed with Sarena before, he noticed a difference in the way his son acted, and was beginning to realise why his wife had shown concern earlier. He quickly gave him a hug and a kiss for Sarena, before he darted off out of the room, leaving a very nervous Jak sitting at the table.

He found the young man at the centre of conversation, wiping down his horse just outside the keep stable block. Levin waved as he saw Luken, and was surprised when the prince approached him to talk. Luken had quickly decided on his plan of action, on his journey down the stairs. He would be his usual tactful self, "Levin, "that was a good start he thought, small talk over, "Jak has been to see me, and wants to adopt you. Though he is not sure how to ask if you. What do you think?" Levin stood there with his mouth gaping open.

Luken knew Levin was not really that much younger than he was, but he was still a child. An older child, granted, and as Jak had pointed out, he did not really have anyone. Levin finally spoke, "well, yes. I just thought I would live with Jak anyway, but I guess this kind of makes it all official." Luken grinned, then grabbed Levin by the arm, "come on then."

Levin was virtually pulled in through the keep doors, and then dragged all the way to the top floor of the keep. This he knew was the royal quarters, "just wait here." He did as was told and watched as Luken went through one door, and came out with Jak behind him. "Wait here," he said again before disappearing through another door on the opposite side of the corridor. A few moments later, Luken appeared again, grabbing both Jak and Levin and pulling them in through the door.

Inside the room stood King Caldar, who gestured them all in. Jak thought, it would certainly take time to getting used to calling Caldar, king. "Quite exciting isn't it," he said as they all waited. "I've never done this before, so here we go. From this day forth, I do decree that, Levin?" he checked the name with Luken, who nodded the affirmative. "Is now officially the adopted son of Jak Corley. I'll get someone else to write the papers and whatever else ... but I think that is it." Jak turned to Levin, and put an arm on his shoulder, "you don't have to call me dad or anything. It's just I did not want you being alone, and well...I quite like having you around."

Luken laughed, "That is as emotional as Jak gets Levin, so you don't have to worry about hugs and being tucked in at night." Levin did not join in the mirth, "It is just nice to know someone cares," he said a little solemnly, "after father was killed, I was never quite certain where or what I would do or go. You have all been so kind to me and Jak especially." Luken gave a grin, he had to, it was that, or start crying. In an attempt to quickly move away from the morose subject of Levin's father, "perhaps Caldar could pull a few strings and get you one of the new homes in the city."

Caldar needed a dig in the ribs from his younger brother, before responding, "Oh! Yes of course, if that is what you want." Jak looked at Levin and the two both appeared to agree on something without saying a word. "The offer is very kind your majesty, but I think I would prefer a little place in the countryside, maybe a half hour's ride from the city." Levin nodded his agreement, he had been bought up in a small rural community, and as nice as these people were, the city was not quite the same as living in the countryside.

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