Holding The Line (9 page)

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Authors: Andrew Wood

BOOK: Holding The Line
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Taylor, who was stood off to one side, was holding aloft a velvet cushion in his open hands. On top of this was placed the new shining, gleaming steel crown of Corlan. He was thought the most adorable for this nice little task. He was to stand to one side, until called for. He was then to walk over to Caldar, and stand still whilst Dagon lifted the crown from his cushion and place it on his uncle's head. However, after an hour of continual droning from Dagon, the young child's arms were starting to ache. Nobody could really blame him for placing the cushion on the floor, and going over to sit on his dad's knee.

A few chuckles and ooh's drifted through the crowd, who were by now, no doubt very bored. Dagon looked behind him to see the object of amusement, and cast a stony glare Luken's direction, as if it was his fault, his son had given up his task. It was at that precise moment, that the sleepless night finally hit him, and he could not help himself from releasing what seemed to him, the world's loudest yawn. Roars of laughter rippled through the crowd, and Father Dagon stood red with rage, at that obnoxious boy.

After an awkward moment, Dagon turned back to the crowd, still clearly not impressed; he picked the crown off the cushion. Finally raising it high in the air, and then bringing it down slowly on to Caldar's head. "Under the witness of all the gods, I crown thee, Caldar, King of Corlan. Leader of its people, governor of its lands, upholder of its laws and defender to all, we all submit to your rule."

If Dagon was already miffed, he was even more so when Lord Galliss stole his thunder. Wanting to conclude the ceremony before Dagon started on any more mundane speeches, he stood and shouted, "All hail the King!" He punched the air, as the crowd repeated after him in a deafening roar. Then as Caldar stood from his very uncomfortable throne, Galliss was the first to drop to one knee, showing complete allegiance to his new monarch.

As one, the crowd before the platform imitated the lord, and dropped loyally before the man who would now rule them. Luken lifted Taylor down, and whispered for him to do as he did, dropping down as all the others. The king's brother he may be, but that did not mean he should be excused from showing anything but constancy towards Caldar. Even Dagon, although somewhat reluctantly, as the only one still standing was forced to drop to his old knee's. Though Luken could have sworn he could hear the man cursing under his breath as he did.

The horns and drums sounded again, and the people all stood. Caldar walked slowly to the front of the platform and raised his hands, and a great cheer came from his adoring people. After milking his popularity for a few minutes, he slowly waited for Vanessa to join him, and the two walked down the steps and back towards the entrance to the keep.

The first part of the day's services was complete. The next was Luken and Sarena's turn. He was not sure how Dagon was going to feel if he happened to yawn again. It was not his fault he was so tired. As he and Taylor returned to their rooms, Dareen bought them up a tray of food for lunch. The two sat quietly as she ladled each a bowl of creamy chicken soup, and handed each a warm bread roll. "I thought you would prefer something light for lunch. I would imagine you are a touch nervous your highness." Luken just nodded but Taylor answered, telling her how his dad had been up all night walking around the room, drinking wine and even waking him up. "Oh you poor little thing," she said to Taylor, "your father should know better than to drink." Luken shook his head this time, in disbelief. How was it that Taylor always got the sympathy?

After eating, and grumbling at Taylor for dripping soup down his shirt, Luken started to dress himself, for what would surely be the biggest day of his life. Dressing in identical uniform to that of his brother, he posed in his mirror. He fastened a ceremonial sword around his waist. A longer thinner bladed weapon than the one Caldar had once given to him. He paced back and forth, and it was not long before Taylor was mimicking him.

He was certain his lunch was going to make its reappearance, if not now than probably at the service. He wandered whether Sarena was going through the same trepidation as he felt. Despite the look both Dareen and Taylor gave him, he poured himself a small brandy, just to help ease the nerves a little. It was almost a relief when Darak finally appeared, an indication they were almost ready. Being as it was the bride who appeared last they all slowly made their way down the stairs.

Dareen kindly waited with Taylor on the ground floor. He would follow behind Sarena, Lord Galliss and Vanessa. Despite them, all being there earlier, he was still overwhelmed by the huge crowd that roared their delight as he made his appearance upon the platform. Darak looked very smart, dressed in black boots, dark blue trousers and matching tunic over a white shirt. The throne used earlier for the coronation had been removed and two stands of white flowers stood in its place.

Luken looked across at Darak, the young man looked just as nervous as he did. "Are you alright", he asked him, "my stomach feels like it's doing somersaults, and you're the one who is getting married. Heavens knows what you must be like." Technically Darak's only task was to hold the wedding rings, and then pass them over when required.

The two stood together, as the crowd talked amongst themselves waiting for the main attraction to make her appearance. To the side Luken could see his brother, still wearing his shining new crown upon his head, sat talking quietly to Lord Willem beside him. A single horn sounded, and the entire crowd fell into silence, and Darak leaned over, "if you plan on doing a runner your highness, it's now or never," he joked.

A line of Royal Guards paced out around the front of the platform, all in full military dress, and stood in line facing out to the crowds. The horns and drums sounded once more and Luken puffed his cheeks, showing more signs of nervousness. He was certain he could feel beads of sweat, trickling down his body beneath his shirt. The crowd silenced, the drums beat louder, building to a crescendo, before stopping. Then the horns started again, a huge fanfare as the Lady Sarena slowly made her way up the steps onto the platform.

Once in view of the public, there were sounds of gasps, and clapping. Luken turned to get a quick peek at the woman, to whom he had decided to spend the rest of his life. He felt his heart pounding as he watched her approach. Dressed in a pure white silken gown, and carrying a small posy of white flowers, matching the ones on the stands. He thought how utterly beautiful she looked; everything about her was truly stunning. Lord Galliss, dressed in military uniform, but bearing the colours of his house, gently held aloft her small-gloved hand, as the two walked side by side towards a now very anxious prince.

Behind her wearing a pale blue gown and carrying a similar posy of flowers, and looking glamorous was Vanessa. Following her was a very bored looking Taylor, who did lighten up a little as he gave his audience a little wave, much to the amusement of Luken. Father Dagon made his way onto the stage, and looked as if he had calmed from the morning's misdemeanours.

Sarena walked up beside Luken, and the crowd fell silent once more as Dagon started his speech. Beginning once more, on why they were there, under the watchful eyes of all the gods, and making vows to each other, declaring their love. Un-expectantly he did not drone on too long, and was soon asking who brought forth this woman. Lord Galliss stepped up, took Sarena's hand, and placed it on Lukens.

After a few more words on fidelity and the sacramental meaning behind their forthcoming vows, he called forth the rings. Darak moved forward and placed two plain gold rings on the palm of Father Dagon. After giving them a blessing, it was time for both bride and groom to declare their love for one another, and place the respective rings on each other's finger.

The whole service appeared to flow quickly, and Luken was pleasantly surprised when Father Dagon told him he may kiss Sarena. The crowd erupted once more in cheers and claps, and he did not need asking twice. He wrapped his arms around her and kissed her passionately on the lips," I love you," he said softly to her as he moved his mouth from hers.

The people cheered and clapped even louder as the newlyweds stepped to the front of the platform and gave the crowds a wave. Taylor rushed up to the front and took his dad's hand, and smiled and waved his own way into the people's hearts. Sarena blushed a little at so much attention, and gave a little smile as her husband looked at her adoringly.

Now the services were over, the partying and celebrations could start in earnest. An announcement was made to the crowds, that masses of food and wine were freely available to all in the market square. Even from the keep courtyard, Luken could hear the musicians start playing, above the noise of the crowd outside the walls. Naturally, they would be having a more refined, civil form of celebration, in the newly refurbished hall within the keep.

Sarena and Luken, with Taylor at their side, slowly made their way up to the third floor. Continuing through the newly hung double doors and making their way inside, where most of the other distinguished guests were already gathered. This had been the first time he had seen the new hall, and although it was not overly grand, it was clearly a fine looking room, worthy of any royal residence.

The room itself spanned from one side to the other, enabling the windows on both sides to flood the area with natural light. At the far end was a short raised dais, reachable at either end by two steps. The floor was polished timber, and hence was a little slippery under foot, if one was not careful. On the far wall, hung above the dais draped the royal colours of Corlan. Two huge candelabras hung from the ceiling that would supply the light for the evening's entertainments.

A number of tables were lined up in the room, and one across the dais. All were draped in fine linen cloths, and various crockery and sparkling silver cutlery were all neatly laid out on top. It would be a few hours before their main meal, so a few trays of appetisers were carried amongst the guests, alongside the inevitable glasses of drinks.

After the initial clapping by the guests Luken and Sarena started moving around each little collective group, having a short chat with each, before moving on to the next. He even ventured over to where Father Dagon stood, and politely as he could, thanked him for an excellent service. The grunted reply he got in return, made Luken assume the man had not forgiven him for the mornings little slip ups.

He moved around, Lord Galliss and his boys, Aric and Darak who were chatting to a few young women. Then there was Lord Willem, who was happy mingling with Vanessa's father and brothers. He then moved on to General Skalton and a few other senior officers with their wives, as well as Jak Corley and his young friend Levin. There was Edward and Hunter, and his brother Reece, before moving onto a few people who Sarena knew from Forwich, that Luken did not.

They ended up stood next to Caldar and Vanessa, before Taylor tugged at his dad's hand. "After dinner will you and Sarena read to me tonight," causing a few laughs. The young boy looked a little puzzled; before Caldar leaned down to explain further. "I think your dad is going to be a little busy tonight Taylor. Luckily for you, you're going to spend tonight with me and Vanessa, and she is an excellent story teller." The young boy looked at Vanessa; he didn't think she looked a very good storyteller at all.

Dareen was going to look after the baby Hope, and despite Sarena's constant fretting of going to check she was all right, Luken managed to keep hold of her. A gong was sounded and the people separated and moved to their allocated places around the tables. Naturally, Luken and Sarena took the centre of the table upon the Dais, with Taylor, Caldar and Lord Willem on his side, whilst Sarena sat beside Vanessa, Darak and Lord Galliss.

Staff appeared to emerge from all directions as the first course was placed before each. For Luken it meant his second bowl of soup of the day, but at least it was not the same type. That was followed by a huge main course. There were huge platters of roast meats and game, alongside which were bowls of vegetables and peculiar shaped pouring jugs filled with gravy. The wine flowed freely, and no sooner was a glass empty, than a waiter was refilling it.

After working his way through a mountain of roast meats, Luken was already feeling like he may burst open at any moment. Trays of fruits, and fancy lavish looking cakes were bought for guests to help themselves too. Then after that boards of cheeses and grapes, all washed down with that never-ending supply of wine.

Whilst they sat and ate, the candelabras were lowered, and after being lit, were once more raised back up to the ceiling. It had been a long day, Luken could see it was now getting dark outside, and he hoped the people were enjoying the street party laid on for them. He was soon being pulled up from his seat by his new wife, as the music started. It was tradition for the newly married couple to take to the centre of the room, and have the first dance.

The music was much slower than that he had heard earlier outside. He gently placed his arm around the waist of Sarena, before she did likewise. As they moved he looked into her beautiful brown eyes, her dark hair flowed freely across her shoulders, and his gaze was caught by how her dress appeared to make her bosom much larger than he had imagined. She gave him a friendly nudge, noticing on where he was staring, "Hey you, that's for later. My face is up here." Luken chuckled, "I've made my choice," he said keeping his gaze lower than it should.

After a few drunken toasts, none so more than the one given my Caldar, it was finally time for Luken and Sarena to leave the party. After another ten minutes of trying to placate Taylor, who was not happy about having to sleep away from his dad, they eventually opened the doors to his rooms, went inside and they both slumped down on the cushioned chairs.

After staring inanely at each other for a few moments, Luken finally plucked up the courage, to take Sarena by the hand and lead her to the bedroom. He kissed her passionately, and gently slid his hands down her body, attempting to find the clasp on her gown. Sarena fidgeted her fingers trying to unbutton his shirt, clearly as nervous as he was. After several minutes of fumbling around, and having to light a lamp to see what they were doing, the two stood naked before each other.

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