Holmes & Moriarty 02 - All She Wrote (MM) (19 page)

BOOK: Holmes & Moriarty 02 - All She Wrote (MM)
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“It’s still pretty chaotic over there with the police and all.”

,” they echoed.

“You said food poisoning.” Poppy’s tone was accusing.

“Did I?”

“Yes.” That was J.X. Always a stickler for accuracy, that guy.

“I guess I did. I don’t think the police have determined the exact substance used, except that whatever it was, it was probably administered through the wine we had at dinner last night.”

?” Victoria whispered right before she fell over in a dead faint.

Chapter Seventeen

As you might imagine, J.X. is much better at scraping damsels in distress off the carpeting than yours truly. Even not counting the injured shoulder and bad back.

He scooped up Victoria practically before she hit the ground, well within the five-second rule. If she’d been a potato chip, he could have still eaten her. Not something I particularly wanted to contemplate.

Poppy was squawking as she hauled herself off the sofa and hopped out of the way. J.X.

replaced her with Victoria who was already coming around all twitchy and fluttery.

“Where am I?” she breathed, gazing bewilderedly up at the ring of faces surrounding her.

Poppy ignored her—and with dialog like that, I couldn’t blame her. “Is it true? Sara’s dead? Poisoned?”

“It’s true that she’s dead. She appears to have been poisoned. I really can’t say more than that.”

“No, you can’t.” J.X. gave me a stern look. But if he’d had views on what I should or shouldn’t say, he should have expressed them earlier. Like during our journey through the Northwest Passage.

“When did it happen?”

“She died during the night. We don’t know anything else. Not for sure,” I added conscientiously.

“It doesn’t make sense. Why would anyone want to kill Sara? I mean sure, she was a snotty, cold bitch—”

,” moaned Victoria.

Poppy shut up.

“No love lost, huh?” I asked.

“I didn’t like her, no. But I didn’t kill her. How could I? Why would I?”

“Sara wasn’t the intended victim. Anna was the intended victim.”

They exchanged distressed looks. Victoria made more of those protesting noises. Poppy said nothing.

“Wait a minute,” J.X. intervened. “This is all supposition. We don’t know that it
food poisoning; let alone who the intended victim might have been.”

“It wasn’t food poisoning if the problem was with the wine.”

“We don’t know that for a fact yet either. You’re jumping the gun, Kit.”

“It had to be the wine. That’s the only thing all of you had that I didn’t.”

Victoria said faintly, “I brought Anna a bottle of red wine when I arrived for the weekend seminar.”

Neither of us had an immediate answer to that.

Poppy said finally, “Oh.”

“Where did the wine come from?” J.X. asked.

Victoria put a hand to her forehead. “I bought it.”

J.X. and I asked at the same time, “Where?”

“I-I don’t remember.”

“When did you buy it?”

“I don’t remember.”

“You don’t even drink wine,” Poppy said.

Victoria lowered her hand and shot Poppy a look that would have shut anyone else up.

Not Poppy.

“Well? You
drink wine.”

“It was a gift. I didn’t plan on drinking it.”

“Then you must have only recently bought it. How can you not remember where?”

Victoria looked outraged. “
Shut up
, Poppy.”

“Do you have a receipt?” J.X. asked.


As I regarded her unhappy, angry face, a thought occurred. “Was the wine a gift to you?”

Score. I could tell by her red face. Regifting. You gotta love it.

“Who gave you the wine?”

“I don’t know.”

I could see by Poppy’s expression that she and I were finally in agreement on something.

“Why are you protecting this person?” I demanded. I really couldn’t follow her logic. “You’re probably next on her list.”


“But she could be in danger herself.” Assuming she hadn’t bought and poisoned the wine and then concocted this story as a cover. J.X. was shaking his head.

know who gave me the wine. I
” Victoria sat up in her earnestness. “I never knew. I got it at Christmas in a Secret Santa gift exchange.”

“A what?” J.X. and I shared looks.

Poppy explained, “It’s where a bunch of people exchange names anonymously and buy each other cheapo Christmas presents they’d be otherwise embarrassed to purchase. Victoria’s always participating in that kind of thing.”

I asked, “Don’t you find out who your Secret Santa is after you exchange gifts?”

Victoria nodded.

“Then you must know—”

She was shaking her head. “No. That’s what I’m trying to tell you. The name tag must have fallen off. I never knew who gave the wine to me. I belonged to two different Secret Santa exchanges last year. It could have been someone from either group.”

I looked at J.X. He said, “Can you make a list of everyone who took part in the two gift trades?”

“Why should she?” That was, predictably, Poppy. She hopped over to one of the wide chintz-covered chairs and lowered awkwardly to the fat cushions. “What authority do you two have to start butting into this? Isn’t this for the police to dig into?”

“Anna asked for our help.” I could feel J.X.’s gaze. I ignored it. Anna was the queen bee in this circle, and the only person likely to thwart her wishes was, in my opinion, the person who wanted her dead. And even that person was unlikely to openly oppose Anna.

“I don’t have anything to hide.” Victoria lost what little color she’d regained. “I’ll make the list. I can’t believe that there was anything wrong with the wine. That would mean…” She stopped, swallowed, gazed at us all with wide, stricken eyes.

“You were the actual target,” I said.

It pretty much took any pretense at social out of our social call.

“We never did get a chance to question Poppy.” J.X. and I were back in our bedroom at the main house. He sat on the side of the bed tugging at his boots while I paced up and down.

He muttered, “It’s moot, don’t you think?”

“What is?” I stopped pacing.

We’d ended up calling for a ride back—I’d had to cry uncle, an elderly uncle, it felt like—and admit I wasn’t up to another long walk through the snow. Luke had retrieved us in a rattletrap of a station wagon.

Initially it had seemed like a heaven-sent opportunity to question Luke, but he wasn’t the chatty type. He had responded to all attempts to initiate conversation with grunts—when he bothered to respond at all. Short of an unvarnished interrogation, which we had neither time nor authorization for, there was no way to casually interview him.

I’d spent the entire drive gazing at the back of his head, staring at the rumpled Fabio-like mane while commenting fruitlessly on the weather and the road and life in general in a vain attempt to draw Luke out. J.X. had, unhelpfully in my opinion, gazed out the window at the white landscape bumping and bouncing by as the station wagon hit every snow-covered pothole and rock in the dirt road.

Anyway, Luke wasn’t a major concern for me anymore. The police would surely investigate Luke more thoroughly than we could. I was now convinced that the lead to follow was Victoria’s mysterious bottle of wine.

On that score at least, J.X. had seemed of the same mind. “I don’t know about you, but Poppy didn’t strike me as particularly depressed.” He tossed his left boot to the side of the bed.

I absently considered that discarded boot. It seemed, I dunno, sort of territorial the way he tossed his belongings around my room. Granted, it was his room too. That was the whole idea of sharing a room. But I wouldn’t have been so comfortable so fast.

I said automatically, “Plus, it’s hard to believe that if Poppy was involved she’d be so…indiscreet. If I’d killed someone, I don’t think I’d go out of my way to point out how much that person needed killing.”

J.X. shrugged. “The genius mastermind criminal is pretty much a myth. The average bad guy—or girl—is a lot more likely to be found trying to audition for
America’s Dumbest

I snorted. “Either way, this anonymously gifted bottle of wine has to be significant.”


“There’s no
about it. Either Victoria has been the target all along, or Victoria is the killer.”

Hands locked around his right boot, he tipped his head, studying me. “Slow down, Kit.

First, we don’t know that the poison—well, to start with, we don’t know that poison was involved—but if poison
used, we don’t know that it came from Victoria’s bottle of wine. We have no idea what bottle of wine was used last night. Secondly—”

“No,” I interrupted. “I refuse to believe that. I refuse to believe that in the midst of someone trying to kill Anna, there are these two totally random accidents. That’s just—it’s just impossible to believe. It’s…bad fiction. These things
to be connected.”

“Truth is stranger than fiction.”

I gave him a look of disgust.

“Okay, okay. But I find it equally hard to believe that someone is trying to knock off both Anna and Victoria.”

He had me there. It did seem unlikely. I sighed. “I know. The car accident and the anonymous bottle of wine couldn’t have been aimed at Anna, which means Victoria had to be the target—which is almost harder to believe than the idea of Victoria as a cold-blooded murderess willing to wipe out entire dinner parties to achieve her ends. No pun intended.”

J.X. was grinning, though I failed to see what was so amusing him.

“Yes?” I inquired shortly.

“I don’t know. It’s just…you’re cute when you’re all worked up.” He pulled off his boot and tossed it over with the other.

“Do you mind focusing here?”

He stretched out on the bed, propping his head on his hand. “Why don’t you lock the door?”


“We’ve got a couple of hours before dinner. Why don’t we have a nap together and see what…transpires?”

I put my hands on my hips and scowled forbiddingly at him. My disapproval seemed to sail right past him. He smiled at me, his teeth very white against the outline of his beard. It was an appealing smile, I admit.

“You’re not taking this seriously enough.”

“Honey, the police are involved now. Our role is primarily moral support for Anna. If you want to bat theories back and forth, I’m fine with that, but—” A wide yawn cut him off. I had a front-row view of his epiglottis before he continued, “I’m running short of sleep. As are you.

Why don’t we discuss this lying down?”

“Hmph!” I replied.

J.X.’s smile went still wider—and seemingly whiter. “Come on, Kit. Relax for a few minutes.”

I was very tired. I’d been tired before the two-mile hike to Victoria’s. I probably hadn’t had more than three hours sleep the night before. And not a restful three hours at that. The mere idea of kicking my shoes off and lying down was seductive—let alone the idea of lying down in J.X.’s brawny arms.

I went to the door and locked it. Returning to the bed, I tugged one-handedly at my own boots.

He raised his head. “You want some help?”

“No.” I couldn’t help the note of irritation. I’ve never been good at needing help, let alone asking for it. I finally got my boots off and flopped back on the tapestry coverlet.

J.X.’s hand closed on my good shoulder. “You’re so far away. C’mere. Get comfortable.”

I groaned, but moved with a great deal of wincing and flinching. I felt best on my back with a pillow bracing my injured shoulder, but even that wasn’t comfortable. I was supposed to wear the damned sling for a minimum of six weeks and thinking of that put me in a horrible mood.

J.X. watched the production, still smiling. “How’s the shoulder?”

“Terrible. How’s the stomach?”

“Much better.”

I sighed, settling down next to J.X. He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me closer, and despite the fact that my mending collarbone was not happy with that particular position, there was great comfort in resting in his arms. He leaned his face against mine. His lips were soft, so soft against my jaw. I could feel his eyelashes flickering against my skin, feel his warm breath.

“I knew it,” I said. “We’re not going to talk.”

I felt his smile. He didn’t even bother to answer.

I started to complain, but was caught mid-yawn. Who was I kidding? I also wanted to sleep. I closed my eyes. My lungs seemed to fall into the same peaceful rhythm as his own. I could feel his heart beating quietly, steadily against mine. I let my body relax, go heavy.

I think I was starting to drowse when J.X. murmured, “You know what I really want to do?”


He whispered in my ear.

My eyes shot wide open.

Chapter Eighteen

I want to fuck you, Kit.

I raised my head, cleared my throat. “Come again?”

J.X. smiled at me, a lazy smile. His eyes were dark and tender. “And again and again and again.” His voice was soft. It seemed to raise every hair on my body, like the drifting ripple of static electricity.

“Oh.” I lowered my head to my arm, looked into the serious regard centimeters from my own. Well, good luck avoiding him at
distance. I redirected my gaze to his mouth. It was soft and moist and his lips were faintly pink as they shaped his words.

“You never let me before. Is it a problem?”


“You don’t sound sure.”

I wasn’t sure. That is…the idea turned me on, no denying it. The idea of J.X. taking me, all that warmth and strength burying itself in me and making me his own—
thought and yet…definitely a turn-on. Which was kind of weird because I’d never liked being fucked. Never enjoyed it. Found it uncomfortable, a little painful, and too much like subjugation. And David had felt the same way. So we’d taken turns with it, because that was the fair thing to do, but there had always been that niggling knowledge that both of us were never truly enjoying sex at the same time. That it was always a concession on someone’s part.

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