Homo Avatarius: ( Your Consciousness is an Alien ) (16 page)

Read Homo Avatarius: ( Your Consciousness is an Alien ) Online

Authors: JT Alblood

Tags: #genesis code, #alien, #mongol, #gladiador, #black death, #genghis kahn, #warlord, #time travel, #history

BOOK: Homo Avatarius: ( Your Consciousness is an Alien )
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What is stranger yet is that the holy book says you will go through ‘iron obstacles’ and attack humanity in raids, as in the stories of Yecuc and Mecuc or Gog and Magog. It says there is a layer of iron sand which must be overcome to reach the Earth once every five thousand years. The calendar of the Mayans and of the planet Marduc of the Sumerians predicts the period when our sphere of influence gets stronger and we can directly reach the Earth.”

Actually,” I jumped in, “the same belief says Yecuc and Mecuc/Gog and Magog get defeated. The book says that something like the Dabbat al-Ard, or the Beast of the Earth, will cause it.”

Yes, strangely enough, it seems like what has been predicted will occur. A bacteria in the camel’s saliva has evolved in Medina, where the plague didn’t visit. It has been spreading to tame humans all over the world. It is a kind of disease which ends with the loss of brain control.”

You mean a microorganism will release the human beings under our control?”

Yes, it prevents us from effective administration. There is damage in the data that has been transferred during each life you experience. That’s why the program we use to get back your old abilities doesn’t always work properly, and…”


And, it is unsuccessful from time to time.”

What do you mean? I’ve come back complete, without any damage, haven’t I?”

Well, yes. You don’t have any problems.”

If what the holy books say is true, then the
( Antichrist ) will come, there will be wars, and the end of the Earth will occur, right?”

Humans are about to be free, and they will try to live under their own will.”

But, you have said that they can’t produce anything on their own. Their genes have been modified to only serve us. What will they do when they are free? It’s like setting tamed sheep free into nature. They either fall prey to predators or they vanish. Human beings would only survive for two days without the homes, clothes, and food they’re used to.”

That is true in theory, according to the experiments we carried out on other animals. The continuation of such species, whose genes have been modified, seems impossible, but of course, that is not certain.”

I want to fight for the Earth! I won’t let all our effort and labor be wasted by such a disease. I have to regain the people’s trust. Otherwise, they will all vanish without our protection. The intelligent ones will understand me and join us, won’t they?”

You won’t let your sheep be unprotected.”

Of course not.”

Who will be the shepherd’ like it says in the Bible?”

What does that mean?”

Just brainstorming, sir, sorry. It is odd that everything has happened as predicted. If you go down onto the Earth and try to convince people, maybe as Dajjal, as it has been described…”

Consciousness and knowledge brings responsibility. Although it is called Dajjal and seems bad, I won’t let the people end up in the arms of the disease. I will find a way to heal them and try to convince them that I do it for their own good. But, if it doesn’t work, I will fight.”

Like taking a sheep back to the flock before it falls prey to the wolf, then keeping it in the barn and butchering and eating it in the fall.”

Maybe so, if you look at it with plain logic, but I will do it to help them live on and make them better. Whatever the motive, isn’t the result more important?”

I am just a program you designed, sir. How would I dare judge you?”

The invasion of humanity and the Earth happened a long time ago. If fighting is necessary to protect what we achieved, then it is inevitable. Yes, start the preparations and send me back to Earth, as Dajjal, if necessary.”

It has already been done, sir. You are ready to go back, but you have to make a choice.”

What choice?”

Can you choose a number from one to three?”


For a little modification, sir.”



The Main Station,

The Dark Side of the Moon



The 28th attempt to save the damaged consciousness and restore its abilities has concluded negatively. There are no improvements and the increasing rate of reflections has caused the system to become unstable.”






There is no possibility of saving the program. Transfer all data received to the main station. End the consciousness, then proceed to system shut down.”

Before the program shut down its systems, it showed kindness to the “consciousness” that had taken such initiative. Before destroying it, it sent the consciousness to its chosen fate and let it have its fictional joy.


1. Selen: active

2. Maria: X

3. Hellen: X




After returning from the expedition to Beijing, I ran to the tent of the shaman to see Selen. I barely recognized the beautiful girl in front of me. Remembering the one I had left and seeing her so changed upset me and reminded me that we were no longer children.

We rode horses to a faraway point on the rocks, where the tents of our people looked like small dots. Turning our backs to the village, we stared at the setting sun absently and remained quiet for a long time. Finally, she broke the silence. “I am very sorry for the wolf. I loved it almost as much as you. When the messengers brought the news of victory, they also told me your story.”

Nevermind. Let bygones be bygones. Talking about it will not change anything,” I said, stopping her. I didn’t want to speak of the wolf anymore.

I turned and looked at Selen, “You grew up a lot, and changed…and got more beautiful. However, your eyes still look the same,” I added, trying to change the subject.

She lightly blushed and looked down, acting as though she wanted to say something.

I will leave soon,” I said. “I don’t know how I know, but my end is near, and I have limited time to fulfill what I need to do.”

Where will you go?” Selen asked. “I can come with you, if you want. My father used to tell us that you weren’t one of us, and the souls of our ancestors warned him about you. He told me many times to be careful and not to approach you, but I insisted, and with you being the son of Genghis Khan, he didn’t …”

I put my hand on her hand, and I stared into her eyes. They seemed to be the only light in the sky. I slowly pulled her to me and kissed her lips gently.

You are the only one I am glad to know,” I said. “And you are also the last one I want to upset. If you feel the same for me, try to understand me. Just don’t stop me because, if I could, my only choice would be to be with you. The most painful thing is to now realize what I will miss, what could have happened with you…”

We walked towards our horses. She stopped and untied the red silk handkerchief in her hair. Her hands, like her lips, trembled. She gave me the handkerchief, and I stood alone in the dark as she rode away.

Suddenly, everything seemed meaningless. I realized that I didn’t want a life without Selen. Without hesitating any longer, I jumped on my horse and rode after her. She stopped when she heard the sound of the hoofs and turned her horse toward me.

In midstride, I jumped off the horse and soon, we were both on the ground, breathless, longing to get even with all those lost years.

I can’t be without you,” she whispered into my ear.

You won’t,” I breathed back, holding her closer. “I upset you for nothing. I’m sorry.”

Are we going away from here?”

Yes, but first I need to tell my mother the happy news: her eldest son will be getting married to the one he loves.”

We will be so happy together.”

Yes, all the lands of the empire in the West are mine. It can be our own country, and our children can rule it.

Selen smiled and shook her head.

You’re enough for me,” she said.



Before the program shut down its systems, it showed kindness to the “consciousness” that had taken such initiative. Before destroying it, it sent the consciousness to its chosen fate and let it have its fictional joy.


1. Selen: X

2. Maria: active

3. Hellen: X




Crowds of new arrivals and departing passengers filled the train station. Only a few minutes remained before the Munich train left. As I hurried onto the platform, the smoke from the departing train obscured my view. I wove through the human obstacles, periodically standing on tiptoe and pushing anyone who got in my way.

Despite the crowd, I saw her in the distance. She was wearing the clothes I’d carefully chosen for her the day before; only the hat she wore was different. A tall young man stood next to her, holding her as if she were his. I felt weak and paralyzed by rage. Those whom I’d pushed to pass were now passing me. Maria disappeared, and the train began to move.

I stared at the car windows in despair and deep shame, not knowing what to do next. I saw the tall man using his strong arms to put the suitcase overhead, and I saw the blonde girl lean her forehead against the window and look at me, her thin lips parted as if she were telling me something.

With sudden hope of catching up with the train, I began to run, pushing aside one person after another until I stumbled and fell to the ground just before the final car passed me. I didn’t want to watch the train receding in the distance so I closed my eyes.

The crowd broke up, and I was defeated. As I walked on, my clothes messed up and my eyes on the ground, people stepped to the side and made me feel more alone.

Suddenly, I felt a light breeze and, with it, a pleasant scent. I stopped and looked up at the person standing in front of me.

Maria!” I hugged her tight and buried my teary eyes into her neck.

I don’t want to live without you,” she whispered into my ear.

Neither do I. I can’t be happy without you.”

Let’s go far away, where no one knows us. Will you come with me?”

I kissed her forehead. “We’ve already set off.”


Before the program shut down its systems, it showed kindness to the “consciousness” that had taken such initiative. Before destroying it, it sent the consciousness to its chosen fate and let it have its fictional joy.


1. Selen: X

2. Maria: X

3. Hellen: active...




I shivered when I looked out and saw two men wearing brown shirts get out of a pitch-black car and approach the door of my house. I got dressed as their knocking persisted. Reluctantly, I finally opened the door. They pressed an envelope into my hand and went away without a word. I opened the envelope with hands shaking from a mix of fear and relief. Inside, was a letter addressed to me and along with a few official, signed documents. The documents consisted of a single permission to leave the country, including the proper supporting papers. The letter addressed to me was a single page topped by a letterhead featuring an eagle holding a swastika in its claws.

Who is it, dear?”

Shuddering, I turned to see Hellen emerging from the bedroom. She was barefoot and held my sheet over her naked body with one hand. With the other hand, she touched my shoulder and looked with curiosity at the papers in my hand.

It’s not important,” I said. “Official things.”

But you seem shaken, and the document says…”

What about our agreement? The long talks are forbidden, and we won’t say everything that comes into our minds, right?”

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