Homo Avatarius: ( Your Consciousness is an Alien ) (17 page)

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Authors: JT Alblood

Tags: #genesis code, #alien, #mongol, #gladiador, #black death, #genghis kahn, #warlord, #time travel, #history

BOOK: Homo Avatarius: ( Your Consciousness is an Alien )
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But I said nothing in the bed, and you don’t know how difficult it is…,” Hellen purred as she embraced me.

Shhh.” Our lips touched. We hugged each other and went back to the bedroom.

I have to leave the country.”

Why? Can’t we stay?”

I’m not wanted here, and I don’t want to live here anymore. War is coming.”

Can I come with you?” she asked with a touch of apprehension.

Of course, we can go away together, my love. From now on, we will experience everything together, and we will be so happy.”

As I said those words, suddenly, a feeling of peace and joy enfolded me. Leaving everything behind and starting a new life with the woman I loved was enough to make me feel good.

I love you,” she said.

I love you, too.”

Where will we go?”

To a country that will not be affected by the war, to a fresh republic famous for its ancient civilizations: Turkey.”

You are so adventurous and romantic, and--”

I kissed her and Hellen was silent, her eyes gleaming with expectation.

We will go to the country of a foreseeing statesman, Mustafa Kemal Atatürk,” I told her. “I might even have the opportunity to tell him about my thoughts on the Mu continent and the ancient civilizations of his roots.” I whispered to her.

No,” Hellen corrected me. “There will be no one else. I won’t share our time with anyone. There will only be us,” Hellen said as she hugged me.

1. Selen: X

2. Maria: X

3. Hellen: X


I said ‘four,’ you idiot!”

[Take Four]

4. Elif: active



The hypercube had completed its shape and was hanging in the air, scattering its colorful light all around. I knew my duty now. With my last bit of strength, I escaped my restraints and stood up. I took a small step first and then another one. Upon reaching the cube, I reached up and took it in my hands.

I stumbled, and as I fell, I caught myself with my right hand, landing directly in a pool of blood before me. With my left hand, I pressed the cube of light against my stomach until it disappeared inside me. Then I stood up and ran towards the emergency room. Once the guards realized what I was doing, it was too late to stop me. I had already pushed the red [EXIT] button next to the emergency room door with my blood-covered palm.


Cmnd//: suck*source^0f#hypercube//




The theory of everything; gravitation and time are different forms of the same force.


can be neither created nor be destroyed, but it transforms from one form to another.




Sir! You’re back! It’s impossible, but you’re here and you accomplished the task!”

How do you know?” I asked.

A firewall forbade us to talk about this before, but it must have collapsed because now we can talk about it freely.”

What was the task?”

Sir, think about building a bridge across a river. First, you throw a stone with a thin string tied to it. When someone across the river catches the string, this is your first connection. Then, you tie a rope to the string and pull it across. Now, you have a stronger connection that you can use to transfer everything that you need to build the bridge.”

A bridge where?”

Between two different time blocks using a connection between Wilhelm Reich and Oktay.”

How did it happen? Isn’t there some kind of technology or energy needed to throw the stone across, regardless of how wide the river is?”

Remember the séance? Maria Orsic received the information for this technology from us that night and gave it to you later.”

"You mean Maria Orsic was working for you?"

"Are you surprised by this? Maria Orsic had been working as a medum in Vienna since the end of WWI. She was the head of the Vril community."

"But when I first met her at the mental hospital, the war had just ended and she was just a desperate young girl, recently come from Croatia."

"It was actually Maria's idea to get into the hospital so she could get to you."

"So it was no coincidence."

"Of course not, Sir. After your hospital adventure, Maria went to Munich. She helped faciliate the rise of Hitler, and the Vril communty, at first, took on the sponsorship of the National Socialist movement. All the while, Maria Orsic supervised the construction, testing, and development of the time-space craft in accordance with the specs she received from us. With the help of Dr. Winfried Otto Schummann, Maria finished the spacecraft."

"Did Maria know Mr. Schummann before?"


"Well, was it also Maria's idea to send Prof. Schummann's wife to the psychiatry sessions with me?"

"Hellen was just one of the Vril girls and, of course, she wasn't Mr. Schummann's wife."


Sir, are you OK?”

I’m fine.”

Are you sure?”

Yes…Then how did I receive the letter from J.R.Koldewey while I was in Oslo in 1934?”

Maria had already met with Berton’s father. At that time, Maria shared her information with Mr. Koldewey, information that was gathered by telepathic communications with Sumerians. It was not hard for Maria to convince the professor. J.R. Koldewey wrote that letter before his death in 1925 and he directed that it be posted at a further date.”

So, I was captured while following a fake message back to Germany.”

Yes sir. And in order to get away, you convinced Hitler of the most audacious project ever, Operation WTA.”

Killing God. A megalomaniac such as Hitler couldn’t refuse. He accepted the project without question.”

Yes sir, after Hitler ‘was baited,’ all you had to do was mention your demands. “

In order to gain time, I just demanded anything that came to mind in the moment.”

Sending someone to hell by killing them and expecting that person to send you the coordinates to Hell were easy tasks to accomplish for the opposite side. The impossibility of checking the result was your advantage. But the spaceship was necessary for the operation...”

I expected that demand would be a struggle for them.”

The Nazis used the Vril society, and that’s how Maria Orsic was supported and directed to build the spaceship.”

And she built it with the information you provided.”

Yes sir, after long effort, they managed to build a functioning spaceship. But the Nazis spent time and resources building a spaceship that they would never use…”

Actually, you have provided all your resources to Maria in order to build a spaceship you will never use.

and sir, that’s how Operation WTA was created.”

Operation WTA; Winner Takes All”

Yes sir, winner takes all.

"Can we talk about something else?"

"Of course, sir.
When you were in America, you worked on making the first message connection with the other side using the organon energy and organon accumulator as a screen. But, although the FBI didn’t know what it was, they became suspicious and saw your work as a threat. They began to trail you, and, even though they didn’t understand what you were working on, they tried to stop you and threw you into jail as a guarantee.”

If you already had the technology, why didn’t you use it then?”

The main issue was that we couldn’t estimate who would receive the stone we would throw across the river to another time block. You solved this problem by throwing it to yourself in the future. You first threw the stone as Wilhelm Reich, then went to a time block 60 years into the future as Oktay and caught the stone you had thrown so that the connection could be established.

But, the potential difference between the two time blocks significantly harmed Oktay, so you were forced to divide yourself into various personalities to gain critical time while each personality’s energy level cooled down. Afterwards, you used the connection to lead yourself, as Wilhelm Reich, past World War I to save the life of Hitler. This gave way to the possibility of WW II taking place.”

Why did I want WW II to take place?”

The purpose wasn’t necessarily to make war, but you wanted to gather maximum power and resources in one location. While the Nazis thought they had developed a super weapon using Maria Orsic and the Vril community, they were actually offering all their power and resources to us.”

But what was the purpose of all this? Why was it so important to make a connection between the two time blocks?”

Firstly, it was necessary to discover how to make this connection because once this had been done, you had the ability to alter time and incidents in both the past and the future. Now you can control everything. You even have a weapon that can destroy the one who made the law to separate those time blocks—the Weapon of Time itself.”

Aren’t you the rescue program that I wrote? Who are you?”

You might say that I am ‘the coordinator of operations.’”

Who am I?”

You are an assassin who has proved many times that you are the best. That is why I chose you.”

The best?”

In fact, I chose you out of a bit of necessity after Cuci killed all the assassin successors of Hassan Sabbah.”

If I'm an assassin, then why don’t I know or remember any of this?”

As an assassin, your abilities to remember have been restricted in order to keep you focused on specific targets and maintain secrecy. Not even God knew what you were up to.”

Well, how did I accept this mission?”

Maria Orsic informed you about it, and you accepted it.”

I mean, how could I approve a mission that I didn’t know anything about?”

You signed it with blood.”


1933, Berlin

A cold, pitch-dark night in an underground pub

I wish I could change the past,” I said, looking intently into Maria’s eyes.

You can,” she said mysteriously.

I smiled, “How?”

Easily! Stop Doomsday from happening, and then, kill God,” she said. She paused for a moment and then stared at me. Her gaze was something I had really missed. Changing her mysterious attitude and tone of voice, she continued cheerfully. “But first, you need to accept the mission and sign it with blood. Only then can I be yours.”

You must understand something,” I replied. “For me to accept this mission, you must not only be mine. You must also love me.”

You want something that is impossible. Can we offer you something else?” she asked, staring at me.

As I’ve said, I can only accept this mission in return for something very precious. I can only accept your love for me.”

Hmmm…you drive a hard bargain, and you have me cornered now…I guess that I must accept,” she said.

As Berton’s body twitched and he breathed his last, I looked at Maria. While Hellen had turned away from me, Maria looked into my eyes. I pressed the palm of my right hand, now covered in blood, to my heart. Maria closed her eyes and nodded.

Yes, I signed it right on my heart with blood.


The Exit of Limbo

Is there a church around here?”

A church?”

A church, to confess my sins…?”

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