HOOKED ON YOU (Paradise Cove) (11 page)

BOOK: HOOKED ON YOU (Paradise Cove)
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“I am now.” She clung to Colt. “I hope you’ll be leaving first thing in the morning.” Just looking at him made her sick. “Leave the key in the room.”

“Whatever.” Jack seemed as if he wanted to say more, but seeing the possessive way Colt held her, he backed off. “Your loss.” With that he sauntered off.

“Did he do anything to you?” Colt asked in angry, low tones. “You want me to go after him?”

“No. He doesn’t matter. Stay with me.”

“Always.” Colt folded her into his arms, and she wrapped herself around him, feeling safe and cared for. He kissed the top of her head. “Guess I don’t have to ask how your evening went.”

She laughed. Then tears spilled out. “He thought buying me dinner meant he could do anything he wanted. And I didn’t want.”

“I’m glad that you didn’t want to be with him.” He caressed her cheek with the back of his hand, wiping away the tears. “I’m not going to say I told you so.”

She smacked his arm, then smiled up at him. “You’re such an ass.”

“And that’s all the appreciation I get?”

“You can get one more thing.” She wrapped her arms around his back and lifted her face.

His eyes danced. “And what’s that?”

“One more kiss. Just one. I want to enjoy it this time.”

And, oh, she did. His mouth took hers sweetly, and he kissed her with gentle tenderness. Her emotions were close to the surface and she feared she might fall apart. Her ribs felt tight, as if her heart had swelled.

Colt rubbed her back, and stroked her as he would a child. It was a calming movement, not fraught with passion. She wasn’t sure which one she wanted more. She knew which one was better for her, in the long run.

“I’m okay now. Walk me home?”

“If you’re sure. Or we could sit here for awhile. The moon’s just come out. I want to be with you. Hold you. Make sure you’re all right.”

“I am. Thanks to you.” Oh, she was so tempted, but tonight had too many highs and lows and she didn’t trust herself. Besides, she knew that with Colt she wouldn’t be able to hold back, and that fragile heart of hers might just crack.

“You made the right choice. You should be with me instead.”

She understood his meaning and set him straight. “As much as we want to, we can’t.” Her voice hitched. “If we made love it would change things between us, and neither of us want that. We’re such good friends, Colt. I think we should stay that way. Don’t you?”

He glanced out to sea, his face equally as handsome to her as Jack’s, and didn’t answer right away. “It’s probably best. But is that what I want?” Colt looked at her, his blue eyes dark and shadowed in the moonlight. “No. I want the same thing Jack does. To do you everyway there is. I could get lost in you.”

She swallowed hard, her body thrilling at the idea while her mind forced her to be realistic. “Then what?” Taylor removed her hand from his. “Like all the other girls, you’d leave me too?”

He had no answer to that, and with her heart aching, she slowly walked away. She’d had such high hopes for a night of passion only to end up alone.


The next morning Jack’s car was gone and Taylor felt a sense of relief as she went into the cafe. She certainly did not want a guy like that, who thought he could buy anything or anyone he wanted. Heck, he probably thought he was doing her a favor. Relieving her boredom in this small island town. A dinner out, a hot night of sex. Lucky her.

Yes, well, lucky her that Colt had come along. What if he hadn’t come back to check on her? Would Jack have forced the issue? She didn’t think so, but she couldn’t deny the fear in her body when he wouldn’t let her go and forced his kiss.

Taylor found herself looking for Colt as she baked her muffins and croissants. With his admission that he wanted her physically, it was like Pandora’s box had been opened. The things they said to each other couldn’t be taken back. The thought of actually having sex with Colt had her insides doing cartwheels. She’d laid awake half the night thinking about it. She woke thinking of him with her pulse racing, her libido all worked up. She wanted him. She wanted to make a baby with him.

Oh, dear God in Heaven. Where had that thought come from?

Kayla called back an order, her engagement ring catching the light. “Two bacon quiche.”

Her sister, with her own bun in her oven, emanated happiness. Everyday she grew more positive that this time she would carry the baby to full term. It had to happen. She was healthy and the doctors said there was no reason why she might lose this baby. She didn’t need bed rest, just not to over do it.

Taylor would make sure that Kayla’s work schedule was light. She could always hire a local woman to help wait tables in the busy months. Having this baby was crucial to her sister’s happiness. Kayla might not rebound from another disappointment. Taylor couldn’t wait to be an aunt. If she was destined to be a spinster, at least she could spoil other people’s children.

She plated the quiche and put everything on a tray for Kayla. The café had two of the four-person tables filled, and one of the two seaters. Two loners sat in the back outside area with their laptops. Where was Colt?

“Juanita. When did you first fall in love with Miguel? Did you know all at once, or did it build slowly?”

“Right away. We knew each other in school and he was my first real boyfriend.”

“So, how long did you date?”

“We married as soon as we finished school.” Juanita rinsed a mixing bowl and put it in the dishwasher. “He’s a good man, and good to me.”

“Yes. You both are very lucky.” Taylor took the pan of chocolate almond croissants from the oven and left them on the counter to cool. She then added a tray of caramel apple breakfast pudding, which smelled so divine, nobody would be able to resist.

Juanita was no help in matters of
heart. Brittany might be a better confident for this sort of thing. Taylor knew that her sister would advise her to do exactly what she was thinking. To enjoy what Colt offered and take it a day at a time. It was the encouragement she needed—and the permission she wanted.

No guarantees, remember! That was Brittany to a T. She lived for the moment and with no regrets. It wasn’t a bad view on life. It just wasn’t her own.

She was living her dream right now too. Taylor’s Cafe. The resort. Getting them both on financially solid ground. She had a three year plan. By then she’d only be thirty-three, and then she’d get serious about finding a husband and start having a houseful of kids.

Three years before she got serious, which meant doing Colt might not be a bad idea. She could have all the sex she wanted while they remained friends. Perfect.

“What are you smiling about?” Kayla asked as she and Juanita switched places. “Did your date with Jack go well?” Her hazel eyes glittered with excitement. “Will you be seeing him again? He’s really something, isn’t he?”

“Yeah, he’s something all right.” Taylor checked the timer. Five more minutes. “A real jerk!”

“What?” Kayla’s mouth fell open. “Taylor, honey, what happened?”

“He came on kind of strong, and wasn’t taking no for an answer. We were walking the beach, and I ended up stomping on his foot to get him to release me.” She shivered at the memory.

“Oh, hon, that’s awful. You poor thing. He is a jerk.”

“I know. We had had a nice evening, and I thought I might sleep with him, but during the stroll I realized that I couldn’t go through with it.” She’d thought about each move they’d made over and over. “I didn’t lead him on.”

“I’m sure you didn’t.” Kayla rubbed Taylor’s back. “He had no right to be forceful. You stepped on his foot?”

“It frightened me, and I just reacted. Anyway, I dashed off and when I got back to Paradise Cove, Colt was on the beach looking for me.”

“I think I need a cup of coffee.”

Taylor poured them both a cup as she surveyed the tables. Juanita was clearing two that had just emptied, which left two folks finishing their quiche and the people out back. How much of this story did she want to share?

“So tell me about Colt,” Kayla encouraged, sitting at the small bistro table. “I knew he was jealous the other day. Did he say anything?”

Taylor took a sip of her coffee before answering. Kayla was the voice of reason, and as her older sister Taylor had always confided in her. Keeping her emotions a secret was not much of an option. Kayla knew when she was troubled and wouldn’t stop digging until she could help.

“Colt admitted that he has a thing for me. Physically, at least. I’m attracted to him as well.” She lowered her eyes, looking for answers in her dark roast. “But he doesn’t do relationships. It’s too soon after his divorce, and he’s not ready for a second Mrs. Travis. Besides, I don’t have time to get romantically involved with anyone, let alone get married.” Taylor swept her gaze over the restaurant, avoiding her sister’s sympathy. “So basically, I told him we should remain friends.”

“Uh-huh. What did he say to that?”

“Said it was probably best, but I could tell he didn’t mean it.” Her throat closed.

“And what about you?” Kayla tugged at Taylor’s shirt sleeve, demanding her attention. “Do you want to sleep with him?”

Taylor, seeing that Juanita had everything under control, sank into the chair opposite her sister. “Yes, and no. I’m afraid, Kayla.” She looked into her sister’s eyes, hoping the answer would be there. “Do you think I could handle a casual affair, or would I wind up with a broken, bleeding heart?”

Her sister wrapped both hands around her mug, maintaining eye contact. “That’s a difficult question that only you can answer.”

“Oh, Kayla, I just don’t know. I’m very tempted. Couldn’t sleep last night thinking about it. I haven’t been with anyone since I moved here.” She blew out a frustrated breath. “It’s been over eighteen months. I really want to be with him. And he with me. It’s more than just physical attraction. We really like each other.”

Kayla sighed. “I know you do, and that’s half the problem.” She reached out a hand and squeezed Taylor’s. “I like Colt a lot too. But unless he’s ready to commit to you, I’d stay away. You aren’t built that way. You’re a very passionate woman, the kind that will probably only truly love one man in her life. Don’t rush anything. Your time will come. Just wait.”

Taylor looked down at their joined hands. She knew Kayla was probably right. She was the most sensible woman she knew. But still she wished just for once, that she could be wrong. It was why she’d wanted to talk with Juanita and Brittany instead—she and Kayla were the most alike.

“So I can’t have Colt? Not even a little bit?”

Juanita pushed her way through the beaded door. “Why don’t we all have a chocolate almond croissant instead?”

“Juanita? Have you been listening?”

“I couldn’t help but hear.” She put her hands on Taylor’s shoulders, and kneaded them to soothe her stress. “Colt is a good man. Like my Miguel. Do what your heart tells you.”

Tears blurred Taylor’s vision but she swiped them away. “My heart is not speaking, and my stomach is churning.”

“Everything will turn out as it should. Warm chocolate croissants will help you feel better. Just wait and see.” She put a tray in the center of the small table. “Eat up now. You drink too much coffee.”

“I like coffee,” Taylor retorted, but too tired to argue she picked up the croissant. Sinking her teeth into the rich chocolate center, Taylor had to agree. There was nothing like a little chocolate to make a woman feel better.

Before she had a chance to finish the delicious pastry two couples entered and she returned to work. For the next few hours the three women were kept busy, and Taylor was happy for the distraction.

There was a lull between the breakfast hours and lunch, but it quickly picked up again. Taylor had made crab quiche with Gruyere cheese which was selling well, and flatbreads with various toppings. She had an assortment of wraps and salads, and a large pot of clam chowder. Plus her best selling luncheon special offered quiche and a side salad, or a cup of soup and half a sandwich.

The afternoon flew by—with no sign of Colt—and then Anna came in with Meri. They all took turns giving her hugs and kisses, and the little girl’s bright smile and happy giggles warmed the cafe.

After Juanita and Meri left, Taylor saw the longing on Kayla’s face, hoping she didn’t wear that same look. “She’s a sweetheart, isn’t she?”

“Too precious for words. I love her to death,” Kayla said, putting a hand to her heart.

“Me too.” Taylor nodded with understanding. “I want a dozen just like her.”

“Oh, Tay, I so hope I can too,” Kayla said with a catch in her voice.

“You will. The one you are carrying will be just as precious, I’m sure.”

“To God’s ears,” she replied.

Anna had heard the brief exchange, and sent her a sympathetic glance. They didn’t say anything more on the subject, not wanting to jinx their luck.

“What time is Sean getting home tonight?” Taylor asked. “You need to take half the leftovers home for him. Save you from cooking. You’ve been working all day.”

“It’s not hard work. Not like the weeding I used to do before Miguel took over.” Kayla made a face. “Or prepping the cabins for the paint job. Now that was hard work. Waiting on tables? A piece of cake.”

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