HOOKED ON YOU (Paradise Cove) (15 page)

BOOK: HOOKED ON YOU (Paradise Cove)
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Jamie came out of the shower, his short hair gelled up into a Mohawk of spikes. “What do you think? Will Taylor like it this way?”

Colt hid his smile. “Sure, she will. You’re the best looking guy around.”

He made a face. “Then why won’t she date me?”

“Uh…because you’re shorter than her?”

“No, I don’t think it’s that. It’s an age thing. She thinks she’s too old for me.” He puffed out his thin little chest. “I like older women, and she’s real pretty.”

“Did she tell you she’s too old?” He didn’t know his son had had the courage to ask her out. He was aware the boy had a crush on her, but didn’t honestly think he’d make it known. Poor Taylor had two Travis boys after her.

“She said if she was ten years younger, she’d take me up on it. Then suggested I should date Jessie from school. She wears braces!” he said with disgust. “What if I tried to kiss her? My lips might get stuck.”

He chuckled. “That couldn’t happen. And I think Taylor is right. You should look for a girl a little closer to your age. Taylor’s way old. She’s probably thirty at least.” He grinned. “Maybe she’s got false teeth and puts them in a glass of water when she goes to bed.”

“I’m going to tell her you said that,” Jamie retorted, and went into his bedroom to dress. He came back wearing jeans and a Miami Heat t-shirt. “This makes me look like I’ve got muscles,” he said, flexing his thin arms.

“You’re right. It does.” Colt agreed, and opened the door. With a flourish, he waved his son through. “Your chariot awaits.”

“You talk weird.”

“That’s ’cuz I am. Got a weird son too.”

They parked on the side of Taylor’s Cafe, and found the front door unlocked. The lights were dimmed so as not to attract drivers passing by. Colt and Jamie followed the sound of voices to the back. Lanterns and a row of fairy lights turned the outdoor terrace into a romantic setting. With the trees blowing and the rain pelting down outside, they were cocooned in a safe place to enjoy the roll of thunder.

Taylor looked up and waved them over. “You came! I didn’t expect to see you tonight. Not in this storm.” She hugged them. “You’re both crazy.”

“Dad is,” Jamie said, eyes twinkling with fun. “He said you have false teeth and put them in a glass at night.”

“He did?” Her eyes narrowed, and she put her hands on her hips. “My teeth happen to be my own,” she said, baring them. “All the better to eat you with.” She grabbed Jamie’s hand and pretended to take a bite.

He giggled and pulled away. “I’m going to get a Coke,” he said, hightailing away. He glanced back nervously to see if she was following him.

Colt snickered. “Think you scared him half to death.”

“You know he asked me out?”

“So I heard. That’s why I said you were old. Really old.”

“Nice. You say the sweetest things.”

“I don’t mind old broads.” He moved closer and bumped her shoulder, just so he could touch her. “It’s after four.”

“I noticed.” She smiled and looked at her watch. “And you’re here. Very responsible of you.”

“I came to see Carole,” he lied, his eyes never leaving her face. God, how he wanted to kiss her.

She gave him a knowing look. “Of course you did.”

Joan and Carole sat with Anna, and there were two new couples at another table. He was surprised anyone had shown up on a wet night like this. But they had to eat somewhere, he supposed.

“Go talk to them,” she said. “The two couples came together. They’re from the Jersey shore.” She lowered her voice. “They’re worried about the storm that’s supposed to hit in a couple of days. It’s being called a category one.”

He’d heard about the upcoming storm—when you made your living on the ocean, weather patterns mattered. “Yeah, but they usually dissipate out at sea,” he said. And category one’s tended to be wind events. Not a big deal if you prepared for it.

“I told them the same thing,” she said into his ear, “but the latest news isn’t good.”

What could have changed in an hour? “What’s up?”

Taylor nodded in their direction. “Go make friends. They’ll tell you.” She gave a brief smile. “I’ll bring you a drink.”

“What are you having?” he asked. His body craved being close to hers. They were close friends, but much more than that.

“A delicious red wine. Care to join me?”

“Thought you’d never ask.”

He watched her walk away and then joined the three women eyeing him. “Hello, ladies. How did you manage to get here in this nasty weather without being blown to bits?”

“Rain gear,” Anna told him.

He saw the heap of yellow jackets at an empty table. “I see.” He put his windbreaker on the bench, and told Jamie to take off his jacket and have a seat. “I’ll join you in a minute. After I meet the new guests.” He’d become a regular at happy hour almost from the beginning, so it felt natural to greet the tourists.

He stepped over to the two couples who glanced up at him with worried expressions. He didn’t blame them. The entire east coast had been hit hard the past few years, their seaboard washed away. Then after huge restoration had been made to the boardwalk and seaside neighborhood, they’d suffered another big hit.

Colt’s living and everyone else in the Keys were dependent on Mother Nature and the sea, so he could readily identify with their fears and concern. For these four people this weather was an added insult, an upsetting start to their vacation.

“I’m Colt Travis. Charter boat captain. I have the Hatteras, “Bait Me” down at the marina. When the weather settles down, perhaps I can take the four of you out.”

“John Fuller, and my wife Trish.” They shook hands.

“Phil Marley, and Susan.” After the exchange of names, Phil added, “We’ve been talking about this storm. We’ve seen plenty lately, and none of us are keen to sit here and be part of another.”

“I get that.” Colt leaned against the picnic table behind him and crossed his arms. “We see a lot of activity this time of the year, but the storms usually dissipate before they reach land. The outer islands get blasted year after year. Haiti’s had more than their share, but this one isn’t supposed to amount to much last I heard.”

“We watched the update just before coming over.” John’s brows drew together in a scowl. “It’s still a tropical storm, but there is a risk that it could escalate. This morning they said a cat one, now it’s been changed to category two status.” John shot a worried look to his wife. “Supposed to hit Tuesday.”

Colt nodded. Two days from now. He mentally ran through the check list of things to do to ensure his Hatteras was safe in the marina.

Taylor showed up with a bottle of wine and glasses. She heard the last remark. “We took over Paradise Cove eighteen months ago,” she told them, “and we’ve been lucky so far. Not looking forward to a hurricane, believe me—we’ve prepared quite a few times, only to have the storms fizzle.” She poured out the wine, refilling the couple’s glasses first. “I have lasagna in the oven. Fresh warm bread, and a green salad. We can go inside, have some dinner, and ride out this thunderstorm.”

“If the status doesn’t improve tomorrow, we might drive up to Miami,” Trish said. “We don’t want to get stuck here if a hurricane hits.”

“I don’t blame you. It won’t be any problem,” Taylor hastened to assure them. “We will refund your money completely, or offer you a fifty percent discount if you rebook again anytime within a year.”

“That’s very kind of you.” Phil sipped on his wine. “Excellent bottle by the way.” He glanced at the label, and twirled the balloon glass, sniffing it with appreciation.

“Glad you like it. Let me check on the lasagna and turn on some lights. Come in when you’re all ready.” She put a hand on Trish’s shoulder. “Let’s try not to worry. In two days the sun could come out, and the storm might never happen.”

Taylor went inside and Colt was about to ask Phil what kind of fishing he liked to do when they heard the rumble of thunder, and a moment later a lightning strike rattled their glasses. Jamie jumped and knocked over his soda, and Joan let out a loud shriek.

She clutched her heart, and whispered, “My pills…”

Carole quickly grabbed her mother’s handbag and found the tablets, putting one under her tongue. “Mom? How’s that?”

Her hand trembled as she reached for the water to swallow the pill. “I can’t breathe.” Joan blew out short breaths. “It hurts.”

“Can someone call 911?” Carole asked in a rush of concern. “Mom’s got a heart condition. She might be having an attack.”

Joan was already on her feet, pacing as Anna made the call. The couples picked up their belongings and wine glasses, hurrying inside. “Go with them, Jamie,” Colt said. “I’ll help the ladies.”

Jamie held open the door for the others, waiting for him. Colt had a hand under Joan’s elbow to help her stand when they heard a loud crack. One of the pine trees outside toppled and nearly hit the thatched roof.

Colt and Carole supported Joan as they walked her to an inside table. She sank into a chair and Carole took the seat next to her, a protective set to her shoulders.

Taylor had lit candles for the tables, and only had the kitchen lights on bright. She rushed out of the kitchen. “I heard a terrible noise. Is everything okay outside?”

When no one answered, her face blanched. “What is it? What’s wrong?”

“Joan is having chest pains. We called 911,” Colt said softly.

“Oh no!” She sat opposite Joan and reached for her hand. “What can we do for you until the ambulance arrives?”

“I took a pill.” Her voice was weak. “I have angina. It’ll be fine.”

“One of the trees almost hit the back patio,” Jamie said.

Taylor nodded with understanding, but kept her attention on Joan.

Colt went back to check but nothing had been damaged. The thatched roof and open walls would need anchoring before a hurricane hit.

After a few minutes the blessed sound of an ambulance was heard and a sigh of relief was shared when the flashing lights pulled up front. Minutes later, Joan was bundled inside with her daughter accompanying her. Colt put a comforting arm around Taylor, who was staring at the taillights of the ambulance. “It’s been quite a night. But Joan is in good hands, and I think your guests deserve a good meal, don’t you?”

“The lasagna!” she said.

Anna jumped up. “Yes. Let me help. I need to keep busy. Oh, poor Joan. I didn’t know. She never said anything.”

“They will take care of her, Mom. Carole said she’d keep in touch and let us know how she’s doing.” Taylor patted Phil and John on the back, and poured more wine. “Please everyone take a seat. Jamie, honey, would you mind helping me and Ms. Anna serve?”

Jamie jumped up, his face beaming. “I sure will. You need help, I’m your man.”

Taylor glanced over at Colt. He winked, and even in all the chaos the vibes between them were sizzling hot. He had no friggin’ idea where this temptation would all lead, and whether he could be the man she wanted him to be. Hell, he didn’t even know what that was. All he knew was somehow, sometime, he would have her in his bed, and what he’d do after that, he didn’t have a clue.


Joan was released from the hospital the following day, and the two ladies decided to catch the first flight home. Taylor’s Cafe had a closed sign on the door, as they had lost their power. An emergency generator was keeping the refrigerator running so the food wouldn’t spoil. Taylor stayed to man the office at the resort while Anna drove her friends to the local airport where they’d catch a connecting flight to Newark.

Her mom popped into the office on her return. “How’s it going? Did we get any more cancellations? Did you call FPL to report our power outage?”

“Yes, I called FPL—they are working on it, no to the cancellations, but then again, our landline isn’t working, so that’s probably a good thing.” Taylor smiled, trying to ease her mother’s worries. “How was Joan?”

“Fine. She just had a bad scare. Apparently she’s had this condition for several years. Carole is a big help to her.” Anna took a bottle of tepid water from the fridge and drank. The cooler wasn’t working either. “When we said our goodbyes, they both promised to come back again soon. I have a good feeling they will.”

“So do I. Get away from the winter weather. Why not?”

Taylor glanced out the window. The sky was clear, but the wind had left branches from the trees across their dirt road, and the grounds were a mess. The predicted storm was churning in the Atlantic, so Taylor saw no sense in rushing to clean it up.

“Miguel’s out working already,” Anna said. “Got Raul with him.”

“I know. I had thought we could wait until the storm blows through, but Miguel can’t sit still,” Taylor said with a sigh. “Mind if I run off and give them a hand? He’s got the boy doing some heavy lifting.”

“Sure. But don’t be doing too much either. We can hire a crew for this.”

“Mom. Best if we conserve our money for now. If this hurricane comes we might need it for repairs later.” The light blue sky gave no hint of a storm, though the winds were strong.

“Oh, dear. Do you think it might hit us after all?”

“According to the Weather Channel, we are in the warning cone.” You’d think they’d be able to pinpoint hurricane landings with all of the scientific gear, but Mother Nature had a mind of her own.

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