Hostage Crisis (5 page)

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Authors: Craig Simpson

BOOK: Hostage Crisis
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Drawing closer, they could hear voices and saw that the Taliban had posted guards on the walls and roof of the tower. Still they pressed on and, reaching the wall, slipped off their backpacks. They primed the charges and placed them in position. They were about to retreat when a sudden scuffle from the parapet above made them freeze. Someone peered down towards where they lay. Ben held his breath. Had they been heard? Gently, he reached to his belt for his Glock handgun. The face eventually vanished but before either Danny or Ben could breathe a sigh of relief, a naked backside appeared instead. And then they heard splattering and the air filled with a stink. They didn’t wait for the man to finish before retreating to the cover of some boulders.



Faruq and his men settled down on some plump cushions. They faced the Taliban’s representatives across the room. Connor studied the camp’s leader, a man finely dressed with a golden hat made from karakul skins, and gold rings on his fingers. To his left was the camp’s mullah, and to his right was a man with his arm in a sling; Masud. Connor recognised him from intel he’d studied.

A succession of food on trays was brought in and the feast began; spicy meat dishes, roasted corn, nuts and gallons of sweet tea. Conversation was polite and trivial. Connor had to bide his time. It was too early to act.

With the feasting over, talk turned to the business of stolen chickens, appropriate compensation, and a string of promises. Connor could tell the Taliban leader cared little for the Baloch, and he sensed Faruq felt the same about the Taliban.

Beneath his turban, Connor was wearing a covert earpiece. He heard Sparks updating the team. “Arrow and Spear are in position. Helos are on their way and on schedule for the evac. Code Green. We have clearance to proceed. Check your weapons and detonate charges at zero hour when Arrow set off their flares. Good luck.”

The shura drew to a close shortly before eleven fifteen. Everyone headed outside via a narrow corridor. Connor knew it was time to make his move. He dipped through an open side door leading to a storeroom. Feeling his way through the dark to the window, he gently forced it open and climbed out. A nearby rainwater tank offered cover. As Faruq’s party exited through the gate, Connor took stock of his surroundings.

There were Taliban guards everywhere. Connor could see the tower in which Kate Shawcross was hopefully still being held on the far side of the camp. First, though, he needed to locate Hassan. There were numerous buildings to check out, some lit by oil lamps and all hives of activity. In one, men knelt and prayed. In another a dozen or so were reading aloud from the Qur’an. In a third building ten more Taliban were cleaning their rifles.

Connor cursed under his breath. “Where the hell are you, Hassan?” It was twenty to twelve. He realised he had little choice other than ask around. Spotting a tall man crossing the camp, Connor set off after him.

“I’m looking for Hassan,” Connor said.

“What do you want with the boy?” Amin asked. “And who are you? I don’t recognise you.”

Sensing he was about to raise the alarm, Connor pulled the man into the shadows. He gripped the man’s throat. “Where’s the boy? I won’t ask again.”

“I’m here. Now leave my friend alone,” said Hassan as he pointed an AK-47 at Connor.

Connor finds Hassan

“He’s an infidel imposter, Hassan. Shoot him. Shoot him now,” Amin demanded.

“Be quiet.” Connor tightened his choking grip. “Listen, Hassan. I know who you are. I’m an old friend of your father’s. I’ve come to rescue you and Miss Shawcross.”

The rifle shook in Hassan’s hands. “Liar. Let my friend go.”

“My name’s Nathan Connor. I knew your father as a boy. I blame myself that the Taliban came and killed your family, Hassan. I promised him I’d look after you.”

killed your family?” Amin repeated in surprise. “Hassan, you never said…”

Hassan lowered his rifle. “I remember you. You came to my village.”

“Yes. Yes, Hassan. And I promised your father that if anything happened to him I’d find you and help you. I’ve been searching for you for weeks. Listen, we haven’t got much time. We must get to Miss Shawcross.”

“Don’t listen to him, Hassan,” Amin spluttered.

“Come with us, Amin. You don’t belong here. Most of these men aren’t even Afghans. And all they want to do is kill people.”

“No. Never. Shoot him, Hass—”

Connor twisted Amin’s head. He went limp and slipped from Connor’s grip. “Sorry, Hassan, but there’s no time for lengthy discussions.”

“You killed my friend!”

“No, Hassan, just rendered him unconscious. Now, we must get to Miss Shawcross.”

Together they headed for the tower. “She is in a room on the first floor. The door is bolted and there are two guards. I visited her earlier and gave her a gun.”

Connor stopped abruptly. “You did what?”

“They were going to kill her, ransom or no ransom. That is wrong. I was going to help her escape. That’s why I have this rifle.”

“Jesus!” Hassan’s courage, and stupidity, had taken Connor by surprise.

Reaching the entrance to the tower, Connor whispered, “At midnight we’re going to blast the wall in order to create a way out. All hell will break loose. I need you to remain calm and do exactly as I say. Now, give me that rifle. Go up the stairs first and distract the guards. I’ll deal with them.” Kneeling down, he removed his combat knife. Hassan gawped at it.

Zero hour

Kate heard a scuffle outside. She held out her pistol, pointing it unsteadily towards the door.

The door burst open and Hassan stood before her. “You must lie down, Kate. Now!”


Connor came into view holding his blood-covered knife. “I’m Major Connor. Please, miss, do exactly what Hassan says.”

Flares arced into the sky and cast a flickering white light over the camp. The first mortar shells screamed in from the north and exploded in the compound, just as Danny detonated the blanket charges.

The tower shuddered. A huge crack appeared in the wall and debris showered down from the ceiling onto Connor’s head. He leaped to his feet and dragged a bewildered Kate through the swirling cloud of dust towards the door. “Hassan, you all right?”

Coughing and spluttering, Hassan replied, “Yes, sir.”

Together they hurried down the stairs into the courtyard. Buildings to the north were on fire and Taliban fighters were running to defend the camp. Others were already firing their rifles into the night from positions on top of the wall. “This way,” Connor yelled, heading for the blast hole in the wall, with Kate and Hassan close behind.

Connor shot two Taliban who blocked their path. Then two more fighters on the wall turned to shoot. Connor took out one, but the other had a clear shot. Then suddenly the man collapsed, and toppled down into the courtyard. Connor had Sam Wilson to thank for that later.

Danny and Ben emerged from the hole in the wall and adopted crouching positions. “Got you covered, sir,” Danny shouted.

Connor guided Kate and Hassan as they clambered over the pile of rubble and through the hole. Jacko and Sam were waiting further up the valley. “Sir,”Jacko called out. He waved them forward. “This way to our helo. She’s just touched down but won’t want to hang around.”

Helicopter evac

Their helo took to the air under full power and banked steeply. Kate couldn’t stop shaking. “You came. I didn’t think you would. I’d given up hope.”

“Sorry we took so long, miss,” Connor replied.

Hassan had only ever seen helicopters flying overhead. He’d certainly never flown in one, but he was glad to be out of Masud’s reach and away from the Taliban. Sparks leaned forward and grabbed his shoulder. He shouted over the noise of the helo, “Major Connor risked his career, not to mention his life, to find and rescue you.”

“My father was his best friend. He was always talking about him. Thank you for rescuing us. Our prayers were answered.
Allahu Akbar
, sir,
Allahu Akbar
. God is greatest!”

Sparks smiled and slapped his shoulder.

Bright light suddenly bathed the interior of the helicopter and moments later it rocked gently as the pressure waves struck it. “Don’t look so alarmed, miss,” Danny called out to Kate. “It’s the air strike. By the time they’re done, there’ll be nothing but dust down there.”

Hassan pressed his face against one of the small windows as he suddenly remembered Amin. Hassan knew they were both on different paths, but perhaps with time Amin would have seen how senseless it all was. He slumped back down, drew his knees up to his chin and buried his head. He was alone in the world again, with no father or mother, and no friends. But at least he still had someone looking over him.

Connor stared at Hassan with a huge feeling of relief. Somehow, they’d all got out alive. Perhaps his nightmares would go now.

He rested his head back and closed his weary eyes. “I’ve kept my promise to you, Assif, old friend. I have found Hassan, your son,” he muttered. But Connor realised he hadn’t thought any further than that. He puffed out his cheeks and sighed. He’d do what he could for the boy. But in the most dangerous, lawless, poverty-stricken place on Earth, how would Hassan ever be safe?

Connor could hear his men celebrating. The mission had been a success. And that’s how they had to live, from one moment to the next. Who knows what tomorrow would hold? But for now, they were alive, and that was enough.


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