Hot Buttered Rum: Standalone Romance (Silk Stocking Inn Book 4) (4 page)

BOOK: Hot Buttered Rum: Standalone Romance (Silk Stocking Inn Book 4)
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Chapter 8

I lifted my arms intending to do a nice long stretch before climbing out of bed and getting ready for work, but my fist stopped on a bearded chin. I sat up with a start and hit my head on the edge of a porthole. The man attached to the bearded chin squinted up into the harsh daylight pouring through the same porthole.

I glanced down. My nakedness quickly reminded me where I was. “Hey there, you.” I snatched the corner of the blanket and yanked on it in an attempt to cover myself. I managed to cover one breast and used my arm to cover the other.

Turner sat up on an elbow and a teasing smile crossed his lips. “You do remember last night when you, without hesitation or modesty, dropped your robe for me?”

I pushed my salt-stiffened hair back behind my ear. “Yes, well that was because I was lightheaded from a hot bath.”

His laugh shook the tiny room. “Ahh, the ole’ intoxicated by bubbles excuse. I like it. Makes me wish I had a bathtub right here on the
Pickled Pepper

It was my turn to laugh. “
Pickled Pepper
? That is not exactly a prestigious or even menacing name for a pirate boat.” The second the words left my mouth, I felt my cheeks redden from embarrassment.

“Pirate boat, huh? Is that how you see me? A pirate?”

“No, of course not. How silly. I’m just teasing you.” I quickly looked around the room to find a new topic. The corner opposite the bed held an old wooden desk that had been bolted to the floor. Maps and what appeared to be a logbook sat on top of the desk. All the items were held in place by shell-shaped paper weights. “Do you keep count of your catch in that book?”

“It’s required by law.”

I nodded. “Yes, of course, that makes sense. We wouldn’t want one, lone fisherman to drain the seabed of lobsters.”

“I’m hardly in danger of that with my eight traps.”

I looked around for another topic since the last one was short lived, but the sparsely appointed room was lacking in interesting objects. Other than the incredibly gorgeous man stretched out next to me. His muscular chest brought back the vivid details of the moments before I dozed off.

I stared down at the wool blanket, and my throat tightened. “You saved me from the water.” I lifted my eyes to him. “And you warmed me to keep me alive. Thank you.”

“Nothing any red blooded pirate wouldn’t do.”

“And humble. Red blooded and humble.”

“Yes, but you don’t know if my motives were pure. We scalawags are sort of known for saving wenches and taking them for our own.”

“Guess my pirate comment is going to stick around for awhile. I hadn’t meant it as an insult.”

“None taken.” He reached across the blanket and trailed his fingers along my arm. It sent a shiver through me, but I was no longer the slightest bit chilled.

“As I’m sure you know, pirates have sort of been morphed into romantic characters in books and movies.” I began my ramble, not completely sure where it was leading or why I’d even started it. But I was fairly certain it had to do with the way his dark blue eyes were holding me as if I’d been pulled into a magnetic field. “Although—” I continued unabated, even though I sounded annoyingly garrulous even to my own ears. “I’m sure the real guys were far from romantic or, for that matter, good looking enough to grace a book cover.”

Turner flashed his teeth and pointed at them. “I don’t think they had choppers like these either. But then Blackbeard and Calico Jack probably didn’t come from a family of dentists.”

“Ah, that explains why you look as if you should be in a toothpaste commercial. Very nice, by the way. You have a fantastic smile. And I’m not just saying that to keep from walking the plank either.”

“Now what kind of pirate would I be if I made a beautiful wench walk the plank? A stupid one, that’s for sure. Nope, a smart pirate always takes good care of his treasure.” Turner scooted up to his bottom, and the blanket shifted down to the waistband of his briefs. That was when I noticed the distinct bulge beneath the blanket that hadn’t been there a few seconds earlier. 

A decent woman would have quickly climbed off the bed and plucked up the discarded, wet clothes strewn across the floor. But after last night’s little episode, I’d given up the right to be labeled decent.

I stared down at Turner. Every inch of me was stirred physically. Decency was highly overrated, as far as I was concerned.

Turner’s fingers trailed lightly over the back of my hand as I clutched the blanket against me. He pinched the blanket between his thumb and forefinger. “What do you suppose a pirate might do if he had a beautiful, naked lass in his bed?”

“I—uh, I’m not sure.”

He tugged the blanket from my grasp, and it fell away from my breasts. “I think that’s what he’d do. But then I’m not completely sure because I’ve only been a pirate for a few minutes. I’m improvising.” He sat up, took hold of my face and kissed me.

The one kiss was all it took. My body reacted instantly. I knew there was no argument my mind could come up with to turn off the flow of heat. Traces of his touch from the night before had lingered all morning and every intense sensation returned.

With our mouths still locked together, I relaxed into his arms. The bed was hard and it creaked with every movement, but with the way his hand caressed my back, it was easy to ignore. There was no hesitation from either of us. I wanted this as badly as him. It was one weekend, I told myself. On Sunday afternoon I would drive back toward the city, back toward my dry, logical, highly successful life. I’d return to my drafting desk with only the memory of Turner’s kisses. But for now, I was going to take in all of it, his touch, the scent of hair, the taste of the salty sea on his skin.

Research, I quickly assured myself. This was all in the name of writing romance. I was immersing myself for research. That new rationale made me smile.

With our mouths pressed together, Turner felt my lips turn up. He pulled his face back and produced a smile of his own. “What are you grinning about?”

I shook my head and ran my finger along his collarbone. “Nothing. An inside joke meant just for my ears. A buccaneer like yourself wouldn’t understand.”

“Is that right?”

“Yes, that’s right.” Then before I could even think about stopping myself, I leaned forward and traced the skull tattoo on his shoulder with my tongue. I was somewhat out of practice in erotic flirting, but it seemed I hadn’t lost my touch completely.

“You are one sweet nugget of gold, baby,” Turner said in a low voice. I lifted my face and he kissed my lips again. “Say it, Ginger. Say you want me to fuck you.” He reached up and dragged his callused thumb across my bottom lip. “I want to hear it from these honey lips.”

I pushed to my knees. He leaned back as I straddled him. His hardened cock pressed urgently against the tight fabric of his briefs. I couldn’t stop myself from rubbing my pussy over the bulge. My head lolled back as the warm friction made the heat between my legs surge.

He reached up and pinched my nipple between his thumb and forefinger. I bit my lip against the sharp tingle. He seemed to know exactly how to reach that fine line between pleasure and pain without crossing it. He tugged softly at my nipple, and a breath caught in my throat as he reached that same fine line again.

“Tell me you want this,” he ordered.

“I want this,” My voice shook. “I want you to fuck me. Please. Now.” The last word came out sounding like a plea. None of it sounded like me, and yet, I loved the way it sounded. I loved the way I felt in Turner’s arms.

No longer satisfied with the barrier of his underwear between us, I reached down and curled my fingers around the waistband. He stared down at my hands and watched as I slid down his briefs. It was like unveiling a masterpiece, and just as if I was looking at a fine piece of art, I stared at his thick, long erection appreciatively and with a discerning eye. My sex life had been sorely lacking in the past year, but I’d been with enough men to know that I was looking at something extraordinary.

Turner misread my silent pause. “Disappointed?”

A slight nervous laugh followed. “Holy shit. Disappointed? No. Definitely not. Slightly terrified maybe, but definitely not disappointed.”

I ran my fingers along his cock. He groaned in response. As much as I wanted to convince myself that for this weekend I was a fictional heroine in a raunchy romance novel, a moment of reality returned. “Uh, I want to continue this amazing fantasy scene, but there is the little matter of—”


“Yep. I know it’s like a slap of cold water to bring it up, but—”

As I spoke, he reached around under his bed and fished out a box of toiletries. “My bathroom medicine cabinet.” His fingers deftly found a foil package. He held it up victoriously. “Anything else?”

“That should do it.”

“Good. Now turn around,” he said in a tone that would accept no challenge.

I hesitated. He arched a dark brow at me. “Who is the pirate here? Turn that sweet ass around so I can get a good taste of that honey pot.”

I got up on my knees and turned around as he pulled himself up to sitting behind me. The bed seemed to protest our new positions at first, but once Turner had position himself firmly behind me, the bed had stopped creaking. He reached up and opened a porthole. A breeze flowed inside, cooling my naked skin.

The sea had calmed, and the boat shifted back and forth like a hammock. My arms wobbled slightly, as I tried to maintain my balance.

Turner’s large hands took hold of my ass. He lifted it up giving him full view of my most intimate parts. “Beautiful and completely fuckable.” His warm breath tickled my pussy. He pressed his thumbs against the folds of my pussy and spread me wide open to his gaze . . . and his mouth.

The second his tongue flicked against my clit, I nearly pitched forward off the bed. But once I regained my balance, my body began to relax and absorb the extreme pleasure his tongue and mouth were bestowing. I’d never had oral sex in such an exposed position. I found myself parting my thighs and lifting my ass higher to assure him I wanted more.

His thumb took over the job of massaging my clit as his tongue impaled me, pressing deep inside and stroking places that made me cry out in pleasure. I began to rock back and forth, to absorb the feel of his mouth and tongue.

I was in such delirium it took me a second to recognize that the soft mewling sounds floating around the room were from my own lips. My fingers twisted in the blankets, and I had to work to stay upright as he brought my pussy to the delicious frenzy of an orgasm. His tongue continued to lap up the moisture as my pussy clenched in shuddering waves.

I stayed on my hands and knees, my arms trembling with fatigue as he repositioned himself behind me. I felt lightheaded with it all. I heard the foil package rip open and the next few seconds were pure agony as I waited for him. Visions of his enormous cock sent a shiver through me.

A gasp escaped me as he took a firm hold of my hips. “God, your ass is beautiful.” Another gasp followed when he took a second to deliver a sharp spank before plunging inside of me.

“Oh shit!” I cried out. I couldn’t support myself on my hands and dropped down to my forearms. My face pressed against the blanket and sheets, and I breathed in his intoxicating scent as he thrust into me with the precision and strength of a torpedo. My pussy was still tender from his mouth and tongue. Each time he entered me it renewed some of the erotic sensations.

“Fuck, baby, I’m already there. You’re so damn beautiful, and your pussy . . . your pussy is so fucking perfect.” His grip on me tightened. I held my breath as he moved fast and hard against me. If the small bed hadn’t been bolted down, it surely would have scooted across the floor.

“Fuuuck,” Turner groaned as he came.

The fatigue in my arms had moved to my shoulders. I trembled as he remained behind me, still buried deep inside. He leaned over and pressed a kiss against the middle of my back. It was the perfect tender compliment and finale for the slamming sex we’d just had. 

Turner sighed loudly as he withdrew. He rolled down next to me and pulled me into his arms. We lay there for a few quiet moments listening to the sound of the water slapping the side of the boat. In the distance, seagulls screeched overhead.

I lifted my head. “Where’s Dexter?”

“Out napping on his perch. He gets drowsy after a big meal.”

I sat up on my elbow and smiled down at him as I brushed a strand of hair off his face. I fingered the steel gray plug in his ear. “So, this is what it’s like to be bedded by a pirate? No wonder they ended up being the heroes in our books.” I got up on my knees and peered out the porthole. We were anchored just outside the cove. I could see the outline of the inn. The canoe was floating serenely toward shore as if being rowed by a ghost.

“The canoe is finding its own way back to shore. Thank goodness. I hope the oar finds its way back too.” I spun around and sat down. “What time is it? I should get back to the inn.”

“Why?” Turner reached up and ran a tantalizing circle around my nipple with his fingertip. “What if I’m not done with you yet?”

“Oh? But what if I’m hungry?”

“I think I’ve got some stale bread and a hunk of cheese in the ice chest. You know. A feast fit for a pirate.”

“That’s where I draw the line on the pirate fantasy. Coco is cooking up lobster pot pie and apple cobbler. Now that the water has calmed, I’m not beyond jumping off the bow and making a swim for it.”

Turner laughed. The bed wobbled as he sat up. “I guess I don’t blame you. My stale cheese sandwich is hardly a match for Coco’s cooking.”

I lowered my feet to the floor and looked over at him. “Thank you again, Turner. Foreverything.”

His faint, humble smile was just as breathtaking as the real thing. “I’m glad I spotted you, Ginger. I hadn’t planned to turn back to the cove so early, but—” He shrugged. “Don’t know why but something told me to head back. Kind of strange how fate works sometimes.” He smiled again. “Especially when Coco is near.”

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