Hot & Humid (17 page)

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Authors: Tatum Throne

Tags: #romance

BOOK: Hot & Humid
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“Do you?”

“You’re a good person, Thane. I know that. I see that. I was angry when I wrote that article. I was frustrated.”

She reached for him, but he didn’t let her touch him. She felt raw inside from all the emotion splintering from her body.

“Then what the hell is this?” he demanded. “I can’t win with you, can I? It doesn’t matter what I do. That day in my home office. Were you looking for more dirt to use against me? Is that why you’ve been playing these games to get me to sleep with you?”

He was angry. He had every right to be upset with her. “No. I told you the truth. I’m not working for the paper anymore.”

“What about your blog?”

Tears sprung to her eyes. “I haven’t been able to write in days. Not since I met you! I haven’t been able to think straight since we started fucking. All I think about is you!”

“Maybe that’s a good thing.”

She flinched from the verbal slap. “Thane…” She wanted him to stay but he was going for his coat. “Please, let me throw it out. It’s just a misunderstanding. We can work through this.”

“We’re not going to work through anything tonight. I’m not sure what I’m supposed to think. I’ve never felt this way about anyone, Brine.”


“I need time to think. I just need time.”

She followed him out the door with tears streaming down her face. He jogged off the porch to his truck parked across the street. Thane’s shoulders were hunched forward. He was running away. Brine felt as though her heart was beating outside her body, and it had nothing to do with her piece for the
How can one man destroy all sense of balance in my life?

They were more alike than he knew.

Brine knew she wouldn’t be seeing him anymore. He was letting her go and there was nothing she could do to fix this. The urge to run after him was an overpowering chant in her mind. She watched his taillights until they disappeared. What happened next was out of her hands.

Chapter Seventeen


Organizing didn’t keep Brine’s thoughts off of Thane, but she tried for two days. She wanted to call him, but she couldn’t. It was a misunderstanding he had to get over. She did nothing wrong in doing her job. He had to get over this misunderstanding on his own.

Brine jumped when her cell phone vibrated on the coffee table. She stared at it for several seconds, not recognizing the number. She picked it up before it dumped to voice mail though.


“Brine. It’s me, Janis.”

“Oh, hey. How are you?”

She laughed. “I’ve been better. Andrew didn’t like finding his shit all over my lawn. What did he expect though? He was the one that brought a tramp into my home.”

“He’s lucky you just put it on the lawn.”

She chuckled. “Trust me, I had other ideas.”

“So what’s going on?” Brine asked.

“I have a favor to ask of you.”

Brine could hear the uncertainty in her voice. “Sure what’s up?”

“It’s Thane. He doesn’t like to admit he’s not invincible. I need you to go see him.”

“Janis…I don’t think Thane wants to see me right now.”

She snorted. “Oh, I know he doesn’t. He doesn’t want to see anyone when he’s like this.”

Brine was afraid to ask but she had to know. “Like what?”

“He’s been stuck in bed. He broke his foot at the jobsite yesterday, and the doctor wants him off of it for at least a week. I went over there to help him, but he doesn’t want my help. I can’t deal with him when he gets this way. He needs to take it easy on his foot or he’s going to hurt himself more. Please, Brine. I’m not above begging.”

“I can go over there and check up on him.”

“Thank you! I
owe you for this. Do the breakfast, lunch, and dinner thing for the next week, just so he keeps off it. It might help if you move in with him for the week.”

“Oh, I can’t do that!”

“Sure you can. I know he wants to see you.”

Janis obviously didn’t know about their fight. “Okay. I’ll take care of him.”

“Thanks, Brine. Oh, he’s out of food in the house, too. I’ll send you a check for your expenses, and make sure to get him enough for two weeks. You never know.”

“I’ll take care of it.”

“Call me later to let me know how he’s doing. I’ve hidden the spare key under the garden gnome next to the porch.”

“Okay, I will.”

She hung up. What the hell was she doing? This was so not going to end well when she showed up on his front porch with her suitcase in tow. Maybe she could keep him from knowing. If he was stuck in bed, she could pretend to leave. Then she could sleep on the couch. She’d have to play this right, or he’d throw her out on her ass.

Brine packed and then hit the grocery store on the way over to Thane’s. By the time she got over to his house, it was close to dinnertime. Storm clouds were gathering in the distance. The rainy season could be treacherous in Oregon. Mudslides tended to take out roads.
God willing the creek won’t rise while I’m out here, too.

She looked up at the house as she got out of the car. The lights were on upstairs and dark downstairs. She found the key and unlocked the front door. Shadow greeted her at the front door and immediately ran outside. The alarm on the door beeped and she checked to make sure it was deactivated.

“Boo, is that you?” Thane called. “Did you bring me dinner like you promised?”

“It’s Brine. Janis asked me to stop by…She was busy. I’ll be right up with your dinner.”

Brine brought the groceries in and put them away quickly. Shadow followed her around before settling in his sleeping spot. She was glad she stopped along the way for dinner for both of them. She setup sandwiches with sides on a tray and took it upstairs.

Thane was propped on his bed with pillows. His foot was propped up with another four. He looked downright surly at being trapped by his situation. His white T-shirt said Harvard. His gray sweatpants were baggy. He looked her up and down with a suspicious glare in his eyes. The soft cast was splinted up his calf. There were books, the newspaper, and a laptop on his bed.

“Did you go to Harvard?”

“Janis did. I went to U.C.L.A. So, Janis talked you into coming over.”

Brine moved things around then placed the tray on his lap. “I hope you like East Coast subs.”

“I do.”

His gaze turned hungry as he checked out the spread on the tray. He ate and she went about straightening up his room. “How long are you out of commission for?”

“A week.”

“How’d you do it?”

“It was stupid. I wasn’t paying attention. I just landed wrong on it when I fell.”

He was grouchy. He had every right to be. Thane wasn’t the type of man that sat in one place for very long. He finished one half of his sandwich and worked on the second with the same gusto. Brine sat down in the chair near his bed. “Do you have to have a cast?”

“Nope. I’m booted as long as I keep off of it to keep the swelling down.”

Thane finished eating and moved the tray from his lap to the bed. He swung his legs from the bed and grimaced at the change in gravity. Brine rushed to his side as he went to stand. She put her arm around his waist.

He leaned onto her shoulder. “You should be in bed.”

“I have to hit the bathroom.”

“Where’s your crutches?” she asked.

“Under the bed.”

Brine worked one out and put it under his arm. She helped him into the bathroom and waited outside for him to finish. At the sound of the bath water running, she peeked back inside. “Thane.”

She couldn’t hide the exasperation from her voice. His boot was off his swollen and bruised foot. His clothes were on the floor. One hand was on the wall for balance while the other still held the lone crutch.

“I stink. Help me in, woman.”

She flinched at the growl in his voice, knowing she wasn’t the cause of his frustration. “I’m not going to be able to talk you out of this, am I?”


Brine got wet helping him into the tub when the water sloshed over the edge. Thane sighed his big body into the hot water. “Keep your foot up.”

He glared, and she glared back. “You’re not a very nice nurse.”

“You’re not my favorite patient,” she snapped.

He peeked out of one eye. “Get naked and join me, Nurse Brine.”

“I don’t think so.”

Brine picked up his clothes from the floor and went to find him fresh ones. She tossed the dirty into the hamper in the walk-in closet. She got him a fresh towel, too. Thane’s bruised foot was propped on the edge of the tub when she came back in. His eyes were closed. Steam billowed up from the water. Thane’s dark hair was curling from the humidity. He didn’t look so intimidating when he was out cold. It was the scar and those predatory ice-blue eyes that gave him such a fierce look.

It was only a week. Brine could do this. How hard could it be?

Brine cupped water in her hands and rinsed it over his hair. “What the hell are you doing, woman?”

She squeezed some shampoo into her palm. “Washing your hair. You have a party in it.”

“You’re not invited to the party,” he grumbled.

She smiled. “I’m crashing it this time.”

She worked her fingers through his tangled hair until it smoothed clean. She rinsed it with the same matter of fact efficiency she’d give to cleaning a wet dog. It wouldn’t be good for her sense of control if she thought of Thane in a sexual manner now. She popped the drain and he grumbled.

“I wasn’t done. The water’s still hot.”

“The heat is making your foot swell. You need to get out.”

She helped him stand, all the while trying to avoid looking at his sex. Thane was hung in a way that would make any woman stop and take notice no matter what state it was in. She wrapped the towel around his waist and helped him step out. He fumbled trying not to put weight on it as he reached for his crutch.

“Let’s get you back in bed before you fall over.”

“I never thought I’d want to get back in there.”

She walked him to the bed where she helped him dress and she booted him back up. She shook out two ibuprofen and handed him a glass of water. She tucked him in and turned off the light.

“Thanks for stopping by, Brine. I’m glad you came by.”

“Good night, Thane.”

“Make sure Shadow is inside on your way out.”

“He’s in. Go to sleep.”

Chapter Eighteen


Brine slept on the couch downstairs with Shadow curled on the floor next to her. Early the next morning, she awoke to the sound of cursing. Brine rushed upstairs. Thane was in the process of trying to dress himself. They glared at each other from across the room. Her long T-shirt was just enough to skim her ass. Thane took an extra long look at her legs.

“What the hell are you doing here?” he demanded.

Oh, he is in a bad mood.
“Janis asked that I stay the night.”

He glowered. “I don’t need a babysitter.”

“What are you doing out of bed?

“I need to get some work done today. That means I have to get downstairs to my office, and I don’t want to do it in my boxers. That okay with you?”

“No. It’s not. I can bring it up to you. Tell me what you need.”

He shook his head and bit out, “The files stacked on the right of my desk.”

“Get back in bed and put up that foot. I’ll get your files and breakfast,” she said.

“Don’t order me
,” he warned.

“Too bad. That’s why I’m here. So deal with it!” She took a few steps toward him to help him back into bed.

“I can fall into bed by myself!”

She heard him cursing as he made his way back into bed. Brine brought up his files and breakfast at the same time. She went to the curtains and opened them to let in some morning sunshine.

She stood at the foot of the bed with her hands on her hips. “I’m getting a shower. When I get out, you’re going to do everything I say with no more complaints...or I will never sleep with you ever again.”

Thane’s mouth dropped open and shut. “Fine.”

She headed for the bath. “I’ll be out in a few to get you whatever you need.”


She felt her heart beat a little faster. “Yes?”


He looked away. There was so much to say and like him, she couldn’t find the perfect way to fix what was going on in their relationship. “I’m here for you, Thane.”

“I know.”

Brine went back to check on Thane after her shower and she found him asleep. A flush covered his cheeks and sweat dotted his brow. She felt his forehead. He was hot. Not good. She called Janis first to fill her in on what was going on.

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