Hot & Humid (19 page)

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Authors: Tatum Throne

Tags: #romance

BOOK: Hot & Humid
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“Look at me when you come again.”

Their eyes held as he thrust up in quick, short moves that sent her falling over the edge without a safety line. “Oh, Thane…”

Her orgasms hit one right after another. Thane’s cock flexed out hard. His ejaculation shot up inside of her with unleashed power. Brine shuddered as she slid down onto his body. They were both breathing hard. Brine sensed that both of them had been screwed speechless.

That thought frightened her greatly. Brine threaded her fingers through his chest hair, letting the pad of her fingers move over his manly nipple.

“Just friends?” he asked.

She could hear the rumble of challenge in his deep voice. She didn’t want to fight with him about this. Not right now when she was still feeling her pussy quake with aftershocks. She knew what she wanted was different than what was best. It’d been reckless to think she could have sex with him one last time and think she could walk away from Thane without a fight. She was going to try.

She rubbed her cheek along the corded line of his shoulder. “We can be.”

Thane pulled her on top of his naked body so that she felt him breast to toes. He held her close. “You would rather throw me away than let me love you?”

Pain slashed through his eyes, cutting her heart wide open. “Please, Thane. Don’t make this any more complicated than it needs to be.”

“Is this what you really want?”

She pulled away. “Yes it is.”

“Then there’s nothing else for you to say.” He swung his legs to sit off the side of the bed. “You need to go, Brine.”

Pain like she’d never known shot through her body. If they couldn’t be lovers, he wasn’t willing to be friends? That hurt. “Thane, don’t…”

“Don’t what? Try to convince you that I’m worth loving? I don’t think so. Don’t you think you’ve done enough?”

Brine grabbed her clothes. “I’m sorry, Thane.”

She was downstairs grabbing her things when she heard something shatter against the wall upstairs. She fought the urge to run back to Thane and make things right. Things would never be the same again for them.

Chapter Twenty


Brine packed her bags.

She was doing something she hadn’t done in years. She was driving out to her brother’s lake house. It was the only thing she had left of her family. It was two hours outside of Salem but she knew if she left now she’d miss most of the evening traffic.

She needed to leave town for a little while to get away from her thoughts of Thane.

Days had blended into one another. She stayed home all the time. Thane didn’t want to see her anymore. Could she blame him? Janis called a few times but Brine couldn’t bring herself to answer the phone. She wanted to talk with Thane. She wanted to make him understand.

She missed him.

Brine stopped showering and ordered take out. She knew she was going through her savings, but she couldn’t bring herself to fix anything. The food in the fridge quickly became outdated, but she didn’t have the energy to clean it out. A day went by, then two, which blended into three. When four hit she stopped believing he would call. At the end of the fifth day, she stopped counting because it was too painful.

They would never work this out. If he couldn’t sleep with her, he didn’t want to be friends. That was just how he felt.

Alex was calling though and leaving message after message for her to come back to work. She really needed to think about that. Brine found herself reaching for the phone but hanging it up quickly when she realized she was dialing Thane.

Brine had enough of the pain that settled deep within her body. She couldn’t make him understand. Both knew that they would never have a traditional relationship. She couldn’t have kids. She didn’t want to have a family she could lose. She knew she had to get over the loss of her family before she could get over losing Thane.

Before she realized it, Brine was pulling up in front of the lake house.

The lake house was everything she remembered it to be. She got out of the car and stared at the cabin. Josh was just out of law school when he bought the place. Wind whipped Brine’s hair around her face as she stepped back in time. It was like looking into the painting
Weeping Willow
by Monet, with past reflecting present.

It’s the perfect place to hold the wedding.

Josh’s infectious zeal for life still made her smile. She turned to look at Josh, but he wasn’t there. Her twin would never be there again. The years felt like yesterday.

She shut the car door. She’d tried to save all of them that night. She was supposed to be home an hour earlier from work. Had she kept to that schedule, they’d all be alive today. She would’ve found the fire in the wall. She could’ve saved all of them. Instead, she lost Josh, her mom, and her dad. Everyone. She was an orphan.

Brine went inside. The maid still came once a week to dust and clean. The place looked exactly the same as the day she was last there. Josh didn’t even have time to move in all the things he wanted to. He’d only had the place for a few weeks.

This was the place she needed to be. This was the place she felt most at home. Didn’t she?

Brine closed her eyes. The cabin looked exactly like Thane’s place. That was the reason why she felt so at home with him. She couldn’t get away from him. It didn’t matter where she was. He had wormed his way into her very being, making her body crave him with the simple thought of his name.

Brine filled the kettle with water to make tea.

being a coward, Little.”

Brine closed her eyes at the sound of her twin’s voice and shut off the water. She steadied her hands as she went about tuning the flame under the kettle. She knew if she looked, she’d see Josh standing across the kitchen. It’d been years since she had a visit from him. She turned and saw him slouched with his arms crossed. She could tell by his look that he was in a mood. His dark-blond hair was messed and his jeans were new.

“Where’ve you been, Big?” she asked.

“Here and there. Mostly watching you make a mess of things with that new man of yours.”

making a mess of our relationship. He didn’t want what I had to offer. I offered him friendship, and he shut me out.”

Josh tossed up his hands. “Finally you admit it. You are in a relationship with Thane. Too bad he’s not around to hear it.”

She snorted. “Did you come here just to bitch at me?”

“Yep. You need to make it right, Brine.”

“Why? He’s the one that didn’t want to be friends. I did what I can to make it work for me.”

Josh went to the fridge and opened the door. When he saw that it was empty, he slammed it shut. “For you. What about him? Don’t you care about him?”

“Of course I care for him!”

“Then why don’t you start acting like it?”

She flinched. “I do care for him.”

Josh shook his head. “Don’t tell me you haven’t heard. It’s been all over the papers. The news.”

A vortex flew through her body “What has?”

“Thane’s pulling his company out of Oregon. I guess if he can’t be with you, he doesn’t want to be in the same state you occupy.”

“What the hell? He can’t do that. If he does that…”

“Bingo. The government contracts he holds could go to other logging companies that aren’t so concerned with their environmental footprint. Which is what will happen if you walk away from him. Fifty years from now, the site you guys met at will be gone. A hundred years from now, the entire forest will be gone.”

She shivered “Oh my god. What am I supposed to do?”

“Stop him from leaving. Keep his company in Oregon where it’s meant to be. It’s vital to you…to him…to the children you will have together.”

“What if I can’t?” she asked.

“That’s the risk you’re going to have to take. He wants you, Brine.”

“I miss you, Big.”

He touched her cheek. “I miss you, too, Little. Make this right with Thane. You both deserve a chance at happiness.”

“Love doesn’t conquer all.”

“No, but it can free you both.” He messed her hair like he used to do when they were kids. “See you later, Little.”

“Wait…don’t go!’

“It’s time for you to wake up.”

The whistling of the kettle brought Brine out of her head. She’d fallen asleep with her head on her linked hands on the table. Had she imagined another visit with Josh? Had she been dreaming again? She found herself staring at the spot he’d been standing. It was always like that when he came and went. She lost time. It was always like waking from a dream.

Brine made her tea and went out onto the porch to watch the fading sunlight disappear behind storm clouds rolling across the lake. Lightning splintered across the sky. Rain started pouring on the other side of the lake. Brine watched the rain race across the lake toward the house. Thunder shook the foundation of the house. Brine went inside and the wind caught the door from her fingers. The lights flickered, winking off and on. It was almost like someone was snapping at her, trying to get her attention.

The dream resonated in her mind. Josh had said Thane was leaving. It couldn’t be possible. Brine went to the television and clicked it on, searching for a local news channel.

The news report wouldn’t start for another ten minutes. She paced the house as she listened to the media heads talk about the weather, traffic, and mudslides that knocked out roadways.

The top stories came on. Brine reached for her cold tea but set it down without drinking any of it. She listened as a picture of Thane came up onto the screen. It was true. His company was pulling their contracts out of Oregon. Brine shivered as she thought of what would happen to the land and those beautiful redwoods that towered there. She had to stop Thane. She had to make him see reason. Just because he couldn’t have her…

She was a coward. She sat down. Maybe it was wrong. Maybe Josh’s message wasn’t true. The lights flicked on and off again. Thunder rattled the windows.

“All right!” she screamed. “I hear you!

Chapter Twenty-One


The mudslides had taken out half the road to Thane’s house. She ignored the barricade that blocked the road and drove on the good side of the street. It was no longer raining but water edged up near the roadway. Another detour blocked the road. The white-and-red sign said that the road was closed.

The lights showed a muddy watery mess covering the road. She was going to risk it. It probably wasn’t the smartest thing to do but she had to get to him before he left for good. Brine white-knuckled it all the way to his house.

She pulled up the driveway and her headlights cut across the front porch.

Thane stood on the stoop. He was soaking wet. He looked dangerous in his tight jeans and leather jacket. He used a cane to walk with his booted foot. Her heart flipped wildly. She wondered if it would always be this way when she saw him. Somehow she suspected that it would. That would only make losing him harder to get over. Thane looked shocked to see her

“You shouldn’t have come. It’s too dangerous.”

“What are you doing out here?” she asked.

“I’ve been looking for Shadow. He took off when the storm hit. He’s frightened of them.” Shadow now sat at his feet looking wet and guilty. Thane dropped the towel he had around Shadow’s back and started to towel him off. “What are you doing here?”

How could she even begin to explain her dream from her brother? She couldn’t. “We need to talk.”

“There’s nothing to talk about,” he said. “I think I know where things stand between us.”

Thunder rumbled in the distance. She was still irritated with him for the way he left things between them. She couldn’t hide her annoyance at his refusal to be friends. “Can we go inside to talk about it?”

“Sure. That’s what friends do.”

She could hear the mocking note in his voice. Thane opened the door, and Shadow trotted off to his spot in the living room. He was giving her what she wanted. A chance to talk with an extra large side of cold shoulder. Everything should’ve been falling into place the way it was meant to be. Why wasn’t she happy about it then? Damn Josh, his visit had left her doubting what she knew to be the best thing for her heart. She felt mixed up and confused. Could she be more than friends with Thane? She’d have to try.

“How’s your foot feeling?”

“Better.” They were silent for a few moments. “Tell me how this friendship thing is going to go. No sex, right?”

Brine was surprised he wanted to talk about it. “Yeah, just friends.”

“So, I can have other relationships with other women?”

She cleared her throat. “Uh, yeah with whomever, whenever.”

“And you’ll be okay with that?” he asked.

“It’s your sex life. Not mine.”

Thane ran a hand through his wet hair. “Okay. I think I can handle it. You want your handcuffs back.”

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