Hounded (Going to the Dogs) (14 page)

BOOK: Hounded (Going to the Dogs)
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He was building a bond with her, but would it be strong enough to weather the realization that he was here at Harper’s request? Poe had distinctly told her not to meddle, but, being Harper, she had done it anyway. Now he was knee-deep in wanting Poe and too close to probably losing her.

Back down in the apartment they got into bed and Poe snuggled up to him. “See,” she said with amusement in her voice. “imminently huggable.”

He was getting in too deep, and the more time he spent with her, the more he couldn’t imagine his life without her.


Poe balanced the bike between her legs as she watched Jared give Daisy her scent using one of her socks. “Track, Daisy,” Jared said.

The little hound bayed around in a circle she was so exciting. Poe smiled. She took the rope with her sock attached and tied it to her handlebars. “Okay, give me a head start, then let her go.”

She pedaled off toward the center of the park, dragging her sock.

When she glanced behind her, she saw Jared had let Daisy go. The little basset ran full-out, and Poe turned to focus on where she was going as she got into a busier section of the park.

She detoured off the sidewalk onto a dirt path to give Daisy a bit of a challenge. They didn’t want to make it too easy for her.

It was a bumpy ride, but when Poe heard the joy in Daisy’s bark, she smiled to herself. Finally she reached where they’d decided to let Daisy have her treat and some water.

She stashed the sock and one of the yappy meals she’d bought from Brooke in some bushes and stepped away just as the little dog came pelting up the walk, her ears flapping. Jared was right behind her.

He wasn’t even breathing hard as he slowed. Daisy sniffed around as if teasing them. Then she made a beeline for the bushes, ferreted out the sock and the treat, crunched up the treat, and then flopped down panting in the shade. Poe gave her some water in the dish she’d had in her backpack.

“She loved it!” Poe said, clapping and jumping up and down. “Did you see her go?”

Jared chuckled. “Maybe I should change her name to Lightning?”

“No. Daisy is perfect.”

Suddenly a woman screamed and cried, “Watch out!” Poe turned to see a rider-less chestnut horse bearing down on them, shooting clumps of grass from churning hooves.

Poe jumped out of the way, but Jared didn’t move. Poe watched him from the safety of the grass. His gaze never wavered. As soon as the horse came close enough to barrel right into him, Jared lunged, caught the edge of the saddle and was hanging on like a limpet.

As the horse galloped away, he vaulted into the saddle and, before Poe could even blink, he’d stopped the runaway animal and was trotting back to her. The woman had made it as far as Poe, and she said, “Thank you so much! I don’t know what happened. I’ve never lost control of Buttercup before.”

Jared dismounted in one smooth movement and handed the reins over to her. “You’re welcome. You might want to walk her for a bit. She’s spooked.”

The woman stared at him, and Poe couldn’t blame her. He might have been gutted emotionally by what had happened in Afghanistan, but he never hesitated to handle a situation with ease and competence. He’d been forced to leap into action and had done very well. If only the man could dance.

“Have we met before?”

The sun illuminated his espresso-dark hair, spilled over his face, contouring his features with shadows, the square angle of his tough jaw, the straight dark lines of his brows, the seriousness of his gaze—and the world’s most amazing mouth. That was a lame pick-up line, and, so help her God, if the woman tried to get his number…

Jared shook his head. “I don’t think so.”

Her face brightened. “I know. You’re that guy who saved that little dog from going into the gutter. I saw it on YouTube. It’s all over the net. You’re quite the hero.”

Jared flushed and he glanced at Poe. “What?”

“Yeah, some guy filmed it. It’s really great. Thanks again.”

She led the horse off and Jared rubbed the back of his neck and said, “Shoot! Allan is one little troublemaker.”

“Yes, now I guess you can understand why we’re getting death threats.”

Jared sobered. “It’s got to be more than that, Poe.”

He bent down and clipped on Daisy’s leash. “Walk,” he said and Daisy rose and toddled after him on her stubby legs. Poe walked the bike.

“What’s your professional opinion?”

“It’s revenge for something this guy perceived you did to him, or that The Terrible Two did to him.”

“It’s a really bad way to handle his anger. Talking to me, asking for retribution, or suing me would be better than scaring me half to death.”

“Agreed. Unless there’s a reason he wants to keep his identity a secret.”

“You think it could be someone I know? I hadn’t thought about that.”

“You heard his voice. It wasn’t someone you recognized?”

“No. I don’t think so. But I was freaked out at the time and I hung up really fast. I’m hoping it’s blown over. He hasn’t bothered me in almost a week.”

“You need to be on your guard. He could be lulling you into a false sense of security.”

“You really are a security specialist.”

“I was a soldier, Poe. I had to be ready for anything.”

She nodded. “I understand that. But there is no war here.”

“There’s danger all around us.”

“Chill out, Jared. You really need to stop being so vigilant and start having fun. I say that’s what’s lacking in your life.”

“I have fun.”


“When I’m with you.”

“Exactly. I’m the embodiment of fun. I’m fun personified. Who wouldn’t have fun with me? You need to have fun.”

“I play basketball. That’s fun.”

Poe turned in the bike. “That’s just another battleground where you can be a warrior.”

“Okay, I will think about it and see what I can do to have fun on my own. Should I write about it in my diary?”

“Would that be the one with the Care Bears on it?”

He nudged her and she nudged him back. “See, too much fun. Right?”

He bent down and scooped her up in a fireman’s carry.

“Put me down, you oaf.”

“That’s Oaf of Fun to you.”

Poe burst out laughing. “Okay, I take it back, you’re not an oaf.”

“Just fun?”

“Yes,” she laughed again. “Tons of fun.”

He set her down and she shoved his shoulder. “You’re really strong.”

“You don’t weigh much, Poe.”

“You’re still strong. And the way you stopped that runaway horse was pretty amazing.”

“It comes as second nature to me. When they get spooked, they’re like big babies. Just takes time to settle them down.”

He cupped her face and her breath caught.

“Thanks for helping with Daisy today. I think she really had fun.” At the sound of her name, she barked, her tail going a mile a minute.

They both laughed.

“She’s much happier, so hopefully she’ll participate more in the routine.”

“I’ve been practicing with her. Let’s see what she can do. Food first, then off to Sit Happens?”

Poe started to nod, then slapped her head. “Oh my God. I almost forgot. We have that gallery thing tonight.”

When he looked blank, she prompted, “You know. Callie mentioned it a couple of days ago. Brooke’s fiancé’s sister?”

“Oh, yes, that’s right. Emma.”

“Exactly. Do you mind?”

“No, but we’re going to have to really practice from now until next week. The Fur Ball isn’t far off.”

“I know. We have all weekend. I’m not on call. Are you busy?”

“No, I’m all yours.”

“Oooh, I like the sound of that.”

He waggled his eyebrows and she laughed.

“I guess it’s back to my apartment to get dolled up. Do you have a suit with you?”

“I didn’t bring a suit.”

“With your apartment a mess, it’s doubtful you’ll be able to get inside. We could probably get away with a nice pair of pants and a shirt.”

“Then I’m set.”

“Well, we better get going if we’re going to make it on time. I need a shower.”

Back at Poe’s apartment, she ducked into the bathroom and Jared followed right behind her.

“I thought we could conserve water and time,” he said, sending goose bumps all over her.

“You think if we get into the shower all nakey we’re going to conserve time?”

“If it’s a quickie.”

“I don’t think we’re talking about the shower anymore,” she said turning away to flip on the water. She started to strip and his eyes deepened. The room started to fill with a steamy heat that was reflected in his eyes.

Her arousal was almost instantaneous. They stepped inside under the hot spray. She kissed him hard, and he returned it with equal fervor. He tugged her hands from their grasp in his hair, and pinned them on the tile wall beside her head, then slowly slid them upward, until her body bowed away from the wall, pressing her belly, and the aching, throbbing tips of her nipples against the hard planes of his water-slicked chest.

He crossed her wrists, and said, “Leave them there.” Then he slid his hands down her arms. His gaze flicked to hers, then down at her elevated breasts and her thoughts scattered instantly at the touch of his warm, wet velvety mouth.

He sucked, and she felt that tugging, pulling sensation all the way down to her sex. She couldn’t stop the soft, breathless groans that tumbled one after the other.

She gasped and arched into him, the exquisite sensations spearing through her, rendering her speechless as well as mindless.

After protection, he slid slowly, fully, and completely into her.

“Hold on to me,” he commanded, the words more growl than anything.

She reveled in the feel of him against her…like no man she’d ever met, his skin, his mouth, his chest, it was all about this man.


Despite being eager for him, she sucked in a startled breath as her inner muscles clamped tight around him. His eyes flared wide in response, giving her a brief glimpse of passion, heat, and something else warring in their hot, moss-green depths. Before she could analyze that last emotion, before she could dwell on the initial pleasure of being thoroughly consumed by him, he began to move, his body undulating and grinding against hers as he increased his rhythmic pace.

A low, throaty, on-the-edge moan escaped him, and he crushed his mouth to hers, kissing her with a desperate, fierce passion that caught her off-guard. His tongue swept into her mouth, matching the rapid, pistoning stroke of his hips and the slick, penetrating slide of his flesh into hers.

Tremors radiated through her from the sensitive spot where they were joined so intimately. She felt thoroughly possessed by him, body and soul, in a way that defied the short span of time she’d known him.

Pushing those thoughts from her mind, she concentrated on the pleasure he gave her, and how alive he made her body feel. Running her hands down the slope of his spine, she locked her legs tighter around his waist to pull him closer, deeper, and abandoned herself to a stunning orgasm.

This time, he was right there with her when she reached the peak of her climax. Groaning, he broke their kiss and tossed his head back, his hips driving hard, his body tightening, straining against hers.

.” Her name whispered between his clenched teeth as his body convulsed with the force of his release.

When the shudders subsided, Jared lowered her gently and panted as he still supported her under her arms. He braced his forearms on the tile, while she peppered kisses over his face.

He was shaking as he slid from her body and let her legs drop from around his waist. He rolled them both so his back was against the tile, and he held her tightly against him as they fought for breath. Her knees were woozy, her muscles pliant, on the verge of uselessness.

It was long moments when it registered the water had grown tepid. It actually felt good on her overheated skin, but she blindly reached down and turned the lever off. Jared made no move to leave, or to let her go. And she made no move either. The steam slowly dissipated as their heartbeats eased to a somewhat steadier rhythm. It was the only thing steady about her at the moment.

It felt good, she decided, being in his arms. Held so tightly. It wasn’t like her to accept that from anyone, most especially in a moment like this. She’d fought so long and hard for independence, it had carried over to all aspects of her personal life, including intimacy. But he’d shattered all that, and it was hard to pick up those pieces and reset them. And there was that strange unsettled feeling again. It seemed to crawl inside her and give her the jitters.

He must have been in tune with her, because he tightened his hold slightly, then slid his hand up to tip her chin up.


“You are so articulate.” The look in his eyes, a little stunned, but a lot tender, kept her from teasing him.

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