Hounded (Going to the Dogs) (15 page)

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He just shook his head.

He gathered her closer, settling her between his legs, so she was pressed against the full length of him, chest to chest, hip to hip. The soft places on her easing against all the hard planes of him.

“So, is there going to be food at this thing?”

“It’s all about hard-ons for you, either for me or for food.”

“That’s all I need, darlin’”

“I’m sure there will be finger foods.”

He groaned. “I hate damn finger food. It takes a whole damn platter to even make a dent.”

She finger combed the wet silk of his hair, smiling into his twinkling eyes.

“Cowboys need their grub, especially after roping themselves a little filly.”

He threw his head back and laughed, the rumble vibrating against her chest. This was sweet bliss.

“That’s right, a cowpoke can work hisself up to a powerful hunger.”

She simply had to have his mouth one more time. She slipped one arm around his waist and cupped the back of his neck, pulling his head down to hers, and kissed him with heat and passion that seemed to grow every time she touched him. Her hands then came to rest on his slick, bare chest, and her mouth seduced his until he finally gave her what she wanted—a soft, surrendering sigh.

Chapter Eleven

Jared stood just inside the doorway of the Crossings Gallery, looking at all the people who had come for the show, watching the crowd, and trying not to be completely blown away by what had happened in the shower only a little while ago.


He was getting more and more worried, because he could not figure out how he was going to handle this assignment without losing her. How he could follow his gut—and yeah, his heart—and still stay focused enough to take care of business, protect Poe, and protect Harper’s confidences.

“It’s amazing, isn’t it?” Poe said from just in front of him. The woman wearing the most incredible little black dress. But leave it to Poe to make a statement. The back of it was sheer except for the outline of a skull. Her dark pageboy was a crazy, curly mess, and she’d accented her lips in kissable cherry red that matched the sandals with the delicate chiffon roses.

Grinning death and tantalizing roses. Only Poe could make that work.

And the angel wing earrings were whimsical, and skull-studded knuckle ring evening bag—unpredictable, just like her.

There were about thirty people in the gallery. But as he moved deeper inside, he noticed the towering sculptures fastened to the ceiling and displayed on great hooks around the room. The work was incredible. Imposing. Great ribbons of complex interwoven fabric mixed with yarn and rope swayed from intricately bent iron and steel, cast bronze, and copper pipe, each ten to fifteen feet high.

“That macramé is pretty amazing.”

Poe chuckled. “It’s not macramé.”

“What is it, then?”

“Fiber art. Harper’s brother did it.”

He almost…
blurted out Aiden’s name, but Poe didn’t know he knew Aiden, that the buddy who’d saved his life was Aiden.

“Are you shitting me?”

“Nope. It’s Aiden’s. See how they’re all about strength and subtlety, holding tight and release, force and compliance, life and death?”

He didn’t know jack about any of that. He did see the dichotomy of the soft paired with hard, weak and strong, stiff and flowing, and it was freaking

With some of them, pure sensuality rolled off the piece, like the angles of a woman’s form and some of them were a statement about violence, danger inherent in the composition. And, they evoked what art was meant to elicit—emotion, strong and deep, settling hard on his heart. Because he knew Aiden. He knew what it meant to struggle with what was inside, desperately looking for a way out. He ached that this man, his friend, who had gone to heartbreaking and heroic lengths was suffering in silence.

He wasn’t going to live through this subterfuge. He could tell. But maybe he could live through the rest of this minute, and then he’d just hope for the best in the next. He really needed to make time to talk to Aiden.

He’d made the right decision in protecting Poe. He knew that—but being right was getting harder.

His gaze wandered over the expanse of the enormous piece in front of him. Hugely thick, knotty yarns, as big as his torso and infused with color, hung between a pair of polished copper spikes. According to the descriptive cards, some of the other pieces were draped with the finest woven linens and silks. Some were no more than strings of fiber, all of them constructed with regard to mass and structure, to the weave of the cloth and the properties of the metal. He wasn’t an idiot. He could see what was right in front of him. Aiden was struggling with his own demons.

Then it dawned on him in that slow way a catastrophe sneaks up, little by dawning little until it rolled over him in one great gigantic wave of
oh, shit!

If Aiden was one of the artists, then it was only logical to assume that during the grand opening of the gallery, he would fucking be here.

And there he was, headed this way.

. That’s all he needed as he watched his doom come towards him in sure, purposeful strides, since Aiden not only commanded attention, he commanded the whole room.

Poe got swallowed up in the crowd as Jared backpedaled. Suddenly a hand clamped onto his arm and he was dragged sideways behind a gorgeous tapestry/screen thing.

“What are you doing here?!” Harper hissed. “Aiden’s here, for God’s sake.”

“Callie invited me,” he snapped back. “Why didn’t you tell me Aiden did this amazing crap?”

would know that if
had visited him!”

“I’m sensing some hostility here, Harper. I couldn’t have known he was going to be here.”

“I’m not mad about that. Well, I am, but it’s a 50/50 mad.”

“I’m about to lose something very important here. What are you 50/50 mad about?”

“You slept with Poe. What were you thinking?! This was a simple assignment. Protect her, then get out of her life without her the wiser. How did this happen?”

“I don’t know! It just happened. The minute I saw her I knew I was in trouble. I tried to tell you the night I almost got caught in your penthouse. If I remember correctly, you were the one who insisted I get inside her apartment.”

Harper leaned against the wall, looking classic and cool in a pair of black leather shorts, legs long and sleek with a white silky see-through top over an elaborately beaded black bra. Her blonde hair was pulled into a severe ponytail that reached to the middle of her back. She looked rich and untouchable…and he’d never seen the woman look so unhinged.

“She’ll never forgive me for this. It’s a disaster!”

“Forgive you? She’s going despise me. I’ll be lucky if she ever talks to me again.” His gut churned with a mix of guilt, alarm and helplessness. He’d felt this before and the thought of losing Poe was just like what it felt like to lose his life, to have failed his comrades, to have slowed down and, maybe, been the reason a courageous man wouldn’t make it. In this moment, all of that weighed heavily on him.

“Well, for starters, we have to get through this gallery opening. I promised Emma. Let me find Aiden and fill him in. I’ve got a feeling he’s not going to be very happy with me, but he’ll back me…um…us up. He’s my brother after all, and he would never let a Marine buddy down.”

He closed his eyes, his throat tight, he said, “Maybe I should just go.”

“No! Poe would wonder why and we have to keep this under wraps. My private investigator is still working on it.” She touched his arm and, regardless of her fear for Poe’s safety, her compassion for him and for Aiden was there. She knew what she was putting him through and, maybe, just maybe, he saw some regret there.

“We’re zombie food.”

Harper let out a little hysterical giggle. “She really has affected you. I don’t think even bacon could fix this.” She closed her eyes. “I think I’m losing it. I wouldn’t change a thing about this even though this is hard for you, Jared. I know you’d never let anything happen to her.”

He was already in too deep to find an easy way out at this point. If he was being honest with himself, he didn’t want an easy out. He wanted Poe. “Take a deep breath and hurry up and tell him before he says that he knows me right in front of Poe. She’d put two and two together in a New York minute, and the jig would be totally, irretrievably up.”

She nodded, grabbing a glass of champagne off a passing tray. She downed it in two seconds, clutched his shoulder when he tried to get away, snatched another glass, and downed that too. “Stay here until I get back.”

He stood there, concealed, mentally taking apart an M-16 and putting it back together to stay calm.

Harper came back. She looked more composed. “Okay, I talked to him and he’s on board.”


“Well, not exactly. He’s royally pissed that I got you tangled up in this mess.”

“He is?”

“Jared, don’t go all bro crush on me right now. I don’t like Aiden when he’s angry. I especially don’t like him angry at me. But it’s Poe who’s important right now. She’s the one in danger.”

“I need some air.”

He needed more than air, but when he stepped outside it did help. He took a few steps down the darkened alley next to the entrance and leaned back against the building, letting his head fall back, pressing his body against the bricks.

Impossibly, for a moment, he missed the military, the discipline, the routine. Then reason reasserted itself. What he missed was the sense of purpose he’d had, the certainty of what he was doing until…


He let out a weary breath and pushed off the building.
. He had to find a way to do this. Find a way to face Aiden.

“Hey, Aiden.”

Aiden Sinclair, the only son of the billionaire real estate mogul Harold J. Sinclair. Tired of being a party boy and constantly in the limelight as one of NYC’s beautiful people, Aiden had enlisted in the Marines against his father’s stringent protests. The man, desperate to save his one and only son, had even threatened to disinherit him, but Aiden had continued to defy his father, calling his bluff.

Ice-blue eyes studied Jared from beneath a shock of golden blond hair. Looking at his six foot two lean form, Jared still marveled over how Aiden had carried him for close to six miles with a wounded hip and leg.

The man had determination in spades.

“You don’t have to hide from Poe. I’ve been initiated into the spy clubhouse. I got a neat decoder ring and everything.”

Jared snorted and looked away.

“My sister has a way of meddling in her friends’ lives. But she really means well. I’m sorry she drafted you into this goatfuck.”

“Yeah, it’s a cluster all right.”

Aiden laughed, his teeth flashing white in the darkness. “You look good, man. Much better than the last time I saw you.”

He nodded. “I didn’t think I was going to make it.”

“I told you that you would. No way that shit wasn’t going to happen.”

Jared nodded. “It was all you, son.”

“It was both of us. You held on to life and I carted your ass over hill and dune.”

Jared laughed. “You saved my life, Aiden.”

For a moment, Aiden’s eyes shuttered and the ordeal they’d shared was front and center. But, with a blink, Aiden buried it. Jared knew from experience that wasn’t going to help.

“Don’t you say you didn’t deserve it or I’ll punch you in the mouth and get my new suit messed up. Emma will skin me.”

“I have three inches on you and about fifty pounds, rich boy.”

“I can take you.”

“No one is going to take any one out. Both of you get your cans back in there before Poe comes out here and discovers you taking this trip down memory lane!”

“Geezus, Harper. Lighten up.”

“Give me a break, Aiden. Please.”

“All right.” He grabbed her around the neck and squeezed.

“Let me go, you idiot.”

Aiden laughed. “Listen, Jared. Let’s go out sometime and get a drink. Catch up.”

Jared nodded. “Yeah. And that fiber shit, man, it’s off the charts.”


They left, but he stayed rooted to the spot. They had narrowly missed ruin tonight, and Jared didn’t know if he could walk away from Poe the way Harper expected him to do.
he walk away after this was over? All he had to do was close his eyes, and he could almost smell her…that sweet mix of woman and something uniquely Poe. How was he supposed to live without that? He could share her smiles and the sound of her voice. He could share the five earrings in one ear, the belly button ring, and at least one of her tattoos. Even the amazingly kooky way she dressed, but not the way she arched into him when he had his mouth on her, not the way she tasted. That was private, sacrosanct, only between them. It was primal, the way he breathed her in. It had knotted around his gut and sunk its talons into his psyche.

He dragged his hand back through his hair. For the most part, he handled his own demons. But the sheer relief of having her support him, just listen had been unexpected, and was already something he’d rather not do without. He suspected Aiden wasn’t doing that.

“Jared,” Harper said, her voice hushed and insistent.

He walked to the end of the alley and gave her a narrow-eyed glare, and she straightened.

“For Poe,” she said, ruthlessly playing her ace in the hole.

He entered the gallery.

His gaze zeroed in on her like a heat-seeking missile. His throat got tight as she laughed at something Brooke said. She turned her head and met his gaze and she smiled at him, a private, this-one-is-only-for-you smile. His heart flipped over in his chest. She was so damn beautiful. He’d never seen a face like hers, so perfectly shaped, every feature delicate, balanced, and heavenly. Knowing Poe, she would explain the golden ratio to him, very matter-of-factly. It was simply a matter of the angles, a formula for creating proportions pleasing to the human eye.

He huffed out a short breath.

He loved when she lapsed into those scientific explanations like diphthongs and CBCs and the king of hearts without a mustache.

As he approached, Aiden glanced at him with a blank face. He was good at this spy stuff. Jared was sure he was good at other kinds of concealment, too.

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