Hounded (Shifter Town Enforcement) (14 page)

Read Hounded (Shifter Town Enforcement) Online

Authors: Sadie Hart

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Hounded (Shifter Town Enforcement)
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Well. Mostly.

He trailed the tip of his tongue over his lips, remembering her kisses and it was all he could do not to walk over there, bury his hand in her hair, tilt her head up and steal her mouth. Claim it. His lion rumbled his assent. She needed to be marked, fucked, mastered.

And there went his dick.

Lennox fisted the sheet in her hand, one pale, pink lip curved into a snarl and even sound asleep she looked ready to do battle. It made his heart beat faster. Why Lennox of all people sent his pulse racing was beyond him. It was a feeling he normally reserved for Tegan.

It was probably her no nonsense tolerance for bullshit. Or the way he could see her working over the urge to slug him just before she kissed him. Or the soft sympathy in her eyes when she’d cupped Tegan’s face. His chest squeezed at that.

Lennox gave a low moan and shifted, red hair falling over her face and Kanon rocked back so he leaned against the wall, watching her. It was her damn hair too.

“Something on your mind, lover boy?”

He jerked, startled as Melody strode into the room in a pink bathrobe and fuzzy bunny slippers. “No,” he managed, his throat so dry his voice cracked.

“Yeah.” She made a swipe at his groin and he leapt out of range. “Tell that to Mr. Happy.”

She winked, striding past him into the kitchen. Dishes clinked as she readied the coffee pot and Kanon trailed after her. It was safer than standing there watching Lennox sleep. If he’d stood there much longer, or her little gown had rode up any higher,

Melody grinned at him and pulled out a second mug. “You drink coffee?”

“Nope. But I’ll start.” Pulling a stool out he forced himself to sit down, his tight jeans making his breath hiss out between his teeth.

“She’s a bit reluctant.”

Startled, he blinked at her.

“Lennie.” She gestured with an empty cup in the direction of the living room. “Give her time. She likes you.”

Melody tilted her head a little, and then added, “Both of you. That’s odd for her.”

Well, damn, he hadn’t expected this.

“Me, on the other hand? I’d have done you both by now.” Her gaze narrowed on his, but Kanon just grinned. He liked her, but he liked the woman sprawled out over her couch more.

“Good. She likes loyalty. Glad to know it’s a trait that occasionally pops up in lions.”


“Just know one thing.” Melody looked him square in the eye. A tiny scrap of a woman he could have knocked aside with one hand, but the set of her jaw told him she’d have no issues using Lennox’s gun.

He nodded. “Yeah?”

“You lure her into whatever you think you want, but you break her heart and I’ll skin your asses alive and use your pelts for new rugs, got it?”

It would have been laughable if she didn’t look fully capable of it. Kanon inclined his head. “Understood. Though I don’t think Lennox does casual.”

“Nope. I don’t think she can.” She arched a brow.

“We’re not looking for casual.” Maybe at first, not anymore.

“Good.” She wrinkled her nose up at him as the coffee maker chimed. Scooping both mugs up, she turned to fill them. “When everyone is up and fed, you boys are going shopping. You all reek. Lennie can wear my shit, but you and your boy there; well I think you’re a little big.”

She turned and flashed him a grin, the shoulder of her robe slipping down to reveal skin, and a very flimsy, pale shirt underneath. His gaze tracked it and darted away. Lennox in clothes like Melody’s was going to drive him insane.

“Maybe we should get
some clothes too.”

“You call her that to her face and see how long you live.” She passed him a steaming mug, the smell of coffee making his stomach rumble and he sipped it. Awful. His lips curled back and he reached for the sugar.

He didn’t even realize she’d stepped up behind him until she slid a hand down his chest, her lips dangerously close to one ear. “But I think you’ll like her in mine. I have fashion sense.”

Kanon coughed. Not quite sure he agreed and she laughed, patting his shoulder as she stepped away. “Hey, Len, you getting up today?”

A man with brains would have stayed on the stool, unable to see the woman stirring on the couch. Kanon had never been a smart man. Slipping off the stool he followed Melody out to the living room. Lennox smelled of sleep, all soft and warm, and she groaned, rolling over. One leg slid up, propped against the back of the couch and her night gown slipped down to pool around her hips.


Kanon froze, hot coffee spilling over the edges and over his fingertips. He let out a hiss.

He’d never in his goddamned life thought of tightie-whities as hot.But on Lennox they were damn near an invitation. Kanon groaned; sheer want ripping through him and Lennox jerked up, her hands immediately going to the hem of her gown as she tugged it down.

The motion plastered it to her breasts, the dark spots of her nipples showing through the light fabric. Kanon took a step towards her, automatic.

“Shit,” Lennox muttered and snatched the sheet off the couch, wrapping it around herself. “We are so going shopping. I’ll pay you back when this is done, Mel I swear, but these clothes so aren’t going to work.”

Oh, he begged to differ now.

They were doing incredible things for him.

“And stop looking at me like that.” Lennox shot him a glare but Kanon set his mug on the table and closed the distance between them in four strides. “Mel,” she started, but he held up a hand.

“Go,” he told Melody before she did something stupid. Like try and stop him.

Then his hands found Lennox’s waist and he dragged her up against him. One handed he yanked the sheet off and tossed it back over the couch. One small part of his brain dared to remind him that this wasn’t smart, that Lennox could knock his ass flat for this.

But it was too late to take this back, and frankly, Kanon didn’t want to. He dipped his head and captured her lips. There was nothing hard or fast about this kiss. His tongue swept over her lips, toying, begging her to open as he pressed his lips against hers. He wanted her willing, wanting, squirming against him.

He wanted her to open her mouth and beg him inside.

A whimper sounded in her throat, her legs opening a little and Kanon slipped a thigh between hers, his cock twitching as the gown rode up over his jeans and he could feel her wet against him.

“Shit,” he breathed against her lips. “Nice dreams?”

Kanon didn’t let her answer. He shoved her back against the couch and followed her down, his leg still wrapped between her thighs. His hand under her back, he lifted her up, rubbing her along his thigh and Lennox groaned, arching against him.

It was all the invitation he needed. His tongue stole inside her mouth, tasting, exploring. She buried her hands in his hair and held him there, kissing him back. She rubbed against him, her hips making small, desperate thrusts against his leg and Kanon knew he could bring her, with just her body riding against his.

His cock tightened, pulsing, and Kanon pulled back. He was too damn close. Sucking in a ragged breath he started to pull away, but the low moan from Lennox stopped him dead in his tracks. One look into her brilliant, green eyes and Kanon felt himself speeding towards the edge. A smile quirked the edge of her lips. Then she wrapped a hand in his shirt and dragged him back down.

Her choice. Her call. And the thought sent him into a tailspin as Kanon drank her in. She kissed him. Wild, hard, wanton.

Warm breath tickled the back of his neck. “Should I join in?”

Tegan’s hand found his waist and Kanon shuddered. He pulled his head back, breaking the kiss just as Tegan pressed against his ass. “Shit. If we don’t stop...”

He swallowed back a groan. He wanted to come inside her, not in his fucking jeans. Lennox groaned against him, her hands fisted at her sides as she squeezed her eyes shut and sucked in breath. “Oh, shit. Mel.”

She started to rise when Tegan caught her, flattening Kanon down across her so he could steal his good morning kiss. “Sweetheart, she done went to the bathroom. Can’t you hear the water?”

Tegan kissed her, his tongue tangling with hers before he pulled back, wrapped a hand in Kanon’s hair and forced his head up to snag a kiss from him too.

“Should finish you both,” he murmured against Kanon’s lips before pulling away.

Lennox shook her head and scooted down the length of the couch. Smelling of him, sleep, and lust. Shit. The scent of her made him wild. Kanon gripped the back of the couch to keep himself from grabbing her by the hips and hauling her up against him. A bead of moisture shimmered on her thigh and Tegan’s rough growl told Kanon he’d spotted it too.

His partner leaned forward, swiping an index finger across her thigh. “Really should let us finish this.”

“Pass.” Lennox rolled off the couch and headed down the hall. “I’m stealing the second shower; you can have Mel’s when she’s done.”

Kanon watched her go, so hard he wanted nothing more than to follow her down the hall. She rounded a corner and a door clicked shut.

“Damn.” Kanon sagged, turning to flop down across the couch.

Tegan’s head tilted, listening for a second, and then a grin split his face as he dropped to his knees in front of Kanon. “Shower is still going.”

He ran a calloused fingertip down the seam of Kanon’s jeans, from his knee all the way up to his groin. Kanon’s hips came off the couch of their own accord.

“And if she comes out before you’re done?” Though at this point, Kanon wasn’t sure he gave a damn.

Let Melody see. Hell. Let Lennox come walking back out and watch. His hips jerked again and he reached for his fly, unsnapping the button. “I take it back, I don’t care.”

Tegan gave a low chuckle and knocked his hand aside. “Didn’t really think you did.”

He slid the zipper down with one hand, reaching the other inside to wrap his hand around Kanon’s cock. “Fuck,” Kanon breathed, his hips lifting as he pumped into Tegan’s hand.

“What do you want?”

“You know damn well what I want.” Kanon thrust into his partner’s hand, trying like hell to con the man into lowering that pretty little head of his. “Where are those lips of yours, Tegan?”

In answer, Tegan squeezed his shaft, his lips parting. Warm breath cascaded down the length of him, and Tegan ran his tongue along the slit.


“What?” His partner grinned, pressing his lips against the head of his cock. He alternated light strokes with tongue and fingertips, before reaching a hand down to cup Kanon’s balls. “This?”

He didn’t have the sense left to answer. But then again, Tegan always had known how to rob him of everything: speech, sense. The sheet bunched under his fingertips, Lennox’s soft scent drifting up between then, Tegan’s hot breaths whispering over his thighs.

“This?” Tegan repeated, teasing, a rough laugh on the edge of his voice and Kanon arched against him. He was so goddamned close it didn’t matter if Tegan never slipped those lips around him; Kanon was going to burst any moment.

But he wanted more than just the idea of Tegan, of Lennox. He wanted the reality.

The word came out forced, hollow. An aching beg that was met with silence, just warm exhale of Tegan’s breath over his already too hot skin. Then warm, wet lips found the head of his cock and sucked him down. Tegan took him in slowly, angling his head until Kanon felt the dip at the back of Tegan’s throat. Slowly, his partner worked his head back, and then sucked him down again.

“Oh fuck.”

A door clicked and all he could think about was Lennox standing in the hall, watching as Tegan swallowed him down and he lost it. Pleasure cascaded through him in waves, shuddering down through his body and he jerked, his whole body going tight.

The orgasm rolled though him in a roar and Kanon groaned, his head tossed back against the couch, his hand buried in Tegan’s hair. Trembling, his hips fell back to the couch, the world slowly falling back into place around him. Tegan pulled back, unraveling Kanon’s fingers from his hair, before he snagged Kanon by the back of his neck and kissed him.

The salty sweet taste of his own semen on Tegan’s tongue would have done him in all over again if he’d had anything left to give. Tegan pulled back, a sly grin on his face.

“My turn.”

He didn’t ask. Tegan dragged him off the couch by his hair and shoved him to his knees. Anyone else, and Kanon would have growled under the silent command. But Tegan? Anything. Everything. Lennox too, he realized, as Kanon wrapped his hands around the backs of Tegan’s jean-clad thighs and looked up at his partner. Somehow, she’d managed to worm her way into their life and Kanon didn’t see either one of them letting her go. He tilted his head back, knowing full well he’d have never let the man in front of him go either.

Dark, cat-gold eyes gleamed back down at him.

One look shook him all the way down to his bones. Loving Tegan hurt so damn much sometimes. Looking at Lennox was beginning to feel a lot like the out of control spiral he’d taken when he’d first locked eyes on Tegan.

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