House of Hits: The Story of Houston's Gold Star/SugarHill Recording Studios (Brad and Michele Moore Roots Music) (65 page)

BOOK: House of Hits: The Story of Houston's Gold Star/SugarHill Recording Studios (Brad and Michele Moore Roots Music)
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Fagan, Dick, 89, 289

Dugas, Emily, 236

Fain, Sammy, 196

Duke Records, 61, 67, 84, 87, 104–111,

Faith (record label), 29

113, 115, 117–120, 134, 150, 154, 164,

Fantasy Records, 220

186–187, 220, 247, 261, 295–296, 299

Farr, Little Joey, 85, 288

Duncan, Jimmy, 113, 132, 274

Felder, Wilton, 247

Dupri, Jermaine, 252

Fender, Freddy, vii, xi, 137, 185, 187,

–203, 213–214, 222, 237,

Earle, Steve, 94

262–263, 291–293, 301–302, 304, 306

Eddie’s (record label), 27

Fine, Michael, 234

Eddings, Eddie, 58, 81, 279

Fisher, Sonny, 52, 54–56, 279, 280–281

Eder, Bruce, 151–152

Fitch, Charlie, 39, 88–89

Edgington, Henry, 151

Flippo, Chet, 9, 159, 166

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Flores, Jesse (and Vudu Café), 252

Gilley, Mickey, 34, 60, 69, 132–133, 135,

Folkways Records, 117, 210–211

203, 246, 256, 301

Fonovisa Records, 233, 264, 266, 306–

Gimble, Johnny, 206


Ginger Valley (band), 178–179, 300

Ford, Neal (and the Fanatics), 142, 266

Ginther, Noble, Jr., 159–162

Fore, David (Dave), 169–170

Globe (record label), 117

4–Star Records, 29, 42–43

Golden Dawn (band), 159

Frankie and Johnny (duo), 162

Golden Eagle (record label), 113, 265

Freda and the Firedogs (band), 185, 188

Golden World (record label), 99

Freedom Records, 27, 34, 38, 252

Goldrhyme Records, 233

Fresh, Mannie (Byron O. Thomas),

Gold Star Record Co., 18–32, 42, 60, 83,


162, 268

Friedman, Kinky, xi, 199, 206–207

Gonzalez, Rick, 223, 306

Frilot, Bert, 99, 109, 118, 121–122, 130,

Gordon, Roscoe, 104

134, 141–142, 144, 311

Gospel Chariots (group), 187

Frisby, Lew (
, 50

Gottschalk, Art, 215, 218–220, 224

Frost, Jimmy, 172

Govenar, Alan, 26

Frushay, Ray,132

Gradney, Kenny, 204

Fuel 2000 (record label), 174–175

Grant, Cleon, 87

Fuller, Bobby, xii

Gray, Christopher (Chris), ix, 222

Gray, Claude, 78, 260, 286–287

Gaar, William Burton, 216, 292–293,

Gray, Kellye, 225, 249, 263–264, 308


Grayzell, Rudy (Gray), 43, 51–54,

Gaines, Grady, viii, 220, 229–230, 247


Gaines, Roy, 221

Green, Clarence, 110, 297

Galindo, Dan (Danny), 163, 165, 173

Greenberg, Stan, 132

Gallarza, Bob, 223

Greenhaw, Art, 253

Gallegos, Adalberto, 210, 223

Greenhill, Richard, 33

Garcia, Elsa, 223–224, 264, 306–307

G-reg (rapper), 253

Garcia, Maria, 2

Gregory, Rex, 153–155, 256

Garlington, James, 253, 311

Grever, Bob, 222–223

Garlow, Clarence, 26, 97


th, J. R., 228, 311

Garnier, Tony, 206


th, Nanci, 94

Gart, Galen, 106, 110, 113, 120


th, Tim, 130

Gasca, Luis (
Louis), 98


th, Tom, 130

Gass, Aubrey, 29, 265, 268

Grimaldo, Leo, 97

GCP (record label), 210

Grossman, Albert, 140

George, Lowell, 204

Guion, David, 147

George, Nelson, 7

Gulf Coast Recording Co., 121, 123

Gerlach, Ed, 64

Gulf Record Co., 19–20, 267, 289

Gerniottis, Chris, 153–155

Gunn, Jim, 95

Giant Records, 245, 265

Gibbons, Billy, 142–143, 173

Hagy, Al, 79

Gibson, Gerry, 114

Hall (and Hall-Way) Records, 129

Gillespie, Dizzy, 220

Hall, Bill, 74, 76–77, 121–123, 129, 134

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Hall, Michael, 163

Hicks, Jeanette, 42, 44, 47, 260, 282

Hall, Sonny, 149, 284–285, 300

Hill, Cameron, 58

Hall, Tommy, 142, 162–163

Hill, Tommy, 57

Ham, Bill, 198, 207

Hi-Lo Records, 20, 276

Ham Brothers (band), 198

Hinton, Joe, xvi, 104, 109–110,
, 260,

Hamel, Jennifer, 236–237

295–296, 299

Hamler, Eddie, 69

Hodges, Arthur, 95

Hanners, Doug, x, 165

Hoe Cooking Records, 150

Harmonica Kid, 38, 278

Hoff man, Lawrence, 117

Harper, Malcolm, 234

Hogg, Ima, 147

Harrell, James, 172

Holford, Bill, ix, xii, xv, 8, 33, 42, 62, 65,

Harris, Charlie, 38

80, 88–89, 98, 106, 109–110, 121–122,

Harris, Hal, 58–59, 68, 73, 77, 275

125, 132, 134–135, 143–144, 147–148,

Harris, Peppermint (Harrison D. Nel-

213, 311

son, Jr.), 28, 270

Hollimon, Clarence, 108–111, 119

Harris, Roger, 183, 187–190, 193, 204,

Hollinshead, George, 216

256, 311

Holly, Buddy, 76, 169

Harrison, Blanche, 224

Hollywood Records, 44

Harrison, Paul, 224

Holtzman, Scott, 95–96, 162

Hartman, Gary, ix, 136, 215

Holtzman, Vivian, 95–96, 162–163

Harvey, Bill, 133

Hometown Boys (band), 224,

Hawkins, Dale, 179

234, 264, 306–307

Haworth, Albert Lee, 26, 76

Honky Tonk Heroes (band), 247

Hayes, Henry, 82–85, 89, 129, 270, 288

Hopkins, Sam “Lightnin’,” xi, xv, 8, 23,

Hayes, Joe “Red,” 58, 279

, 28, 30, 32–33, 86, 94–96, 102,

Hayes, Kenneth “Little Red,” 58

125–127, 148–149, 158–159, 163,

Hayward, Richie, 204

173–175, 259, 265, 270–273, 300

Head, James, 88

Horn, Karl, 151

Head, Roy (and the Traits), xi, 93, 104,

HSP Corporation, 121–122, 124–125,

, 119, 134–135, 144, 184, 261,

128–130, 132, 134–137, 143–147

295–296, 301, 303

Huey, Steve, 211

Heart Music (record label), 225, 263–

Hughes, Joe “Guitar,” 83–86, 133, 288

264, 308

Hulin, T. K., 132, 216–217, 292, 302, 306

Heart of Texas Records, 39

Hummingbird (record label), 22

Heather Black (band), 187, 209, 290

Hunter, Ernie, 16,
, 58, 275

Hellinger, Linda, 42

Hunter, Ivory Joe, 132, 293

Helms, Bobby, 132

Hunter, Lee, 27, 271

Henderson, Jimmy, 132

Hendon, R. D., 38, 279–281

I-45 (band), 232

Hennige, Scott, 206

Imperial Records, 27, 116, 118, 261

Hernandez, Joe (Little Joe), 215

Ingram, Robert “Red,” 149

Hess, Harry, 201

International Artists Producing Corp.

Hess, Orville “Bennie,” 19

(IA), xv, 151, 155, 158–181, 183, 231,

Hickinbotham, Gary, xii, 34


Hickory Records, 79, 91, 130

Irby, Jerry, 20, 50, 267, 274, 276

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* * *

Joplin, Janis, 94, 98, 175

Jack, Brian (and the Zydeco Gamblers),

Jordanaires (group), 253


Juricek, Frank, x, 13–14,
, 16, 29, 31,

Jackson, Chuck, 132

43, 50, 58, 256

Jackson, Lil’ Son (Melvin), 27, 30, 32, 86,

Justice Records, 225–227, 249, 263–264,

259, 270–271


Jackson, Melvin (instrumentalist), 108,

Juvenile (Terius Gray), 242

110, 256

Jackson, Ray, 72, 284–285

Kahal family, 38

Jades (band),

Kangaroo Records, 83–85, 88, 265, 288

Jamail, Randall, 225–227, 256

Kannis, Johnny, 228

Jamel, Charlie, 142

K-Doe, Ernie, 109, 296–297

Jamel Records, 142

Keith, Vivian, 192

James, Mark (Francis Zambon), 98–99,

Keller, Julie, 238


Kennedy, Jack, 56

Jamie (record label), 197

Kennedy, Ray “Shang,” 58

Jandek, 245, 250

Kienzle, Rich, 47

Janette Records, 20

Kimbrough, Bill, 46, 58, 73, 285

Jax (record label), 27

King, B. B., 87, 108, 247–248

Jenkins, Leon, 29, 268, 272–273

King, Donny, 186, 199–200, 290–291,

Jennings, Waylon, 123, 128, 227


Jericho, Jerry, 42, 90, 288

King Records, 187

Jerome, “Sonny Boy” Terry, 247

Kline, Lofton, 139–140,

Jerrico, Sherry, 199, 291, 303

Knowles, Beyoncé, xii, 238–240,

Jimenez, Flaco, 137

242, 265

JIN Records, 93

Knowles, Matthew, 238, 240–242

JLP Corporation, 102, 121–122

Knowles, Solange, 239

Joed Records, 130, 266

Koch Records, 234, 253

Johnson, Calvin “Loudmouth,” 150

Koda, Cub, 125

Johnson, Conrad, xi, 28, 247, 270

Koeppen, Gary, 130

Johnson, Doug, 245

Koshkin, Brett, 156

Johnson, Evelyn, 106–107, 119

Kristoff erson, Kris, 227

Johnson, Robert, xiii

Kruse, Anita, 233

Johnston, Diana, 206

Kurtz, Gene, 114, 216, 256

Jones, Doyle, 99, 102, 109–110, 114–115,

121–122, 124, 127, 129–131,

LaBate, Steve, 25

137, 139, 141, 144, 147–148, 160, 256,

LaBeef, Sleepy (Thomas Paulsey LaBeff ),


33, 47, 54, 59, 65, 67–69, 77, 109, 256,

Jones, E. J., 237

265, 277, 282, 289

Jones, George, xi, 9, 42–48,
, 50–52,

LaCroix, Jerry, 100, 256

57–59, 62, 70, 76–77, 81, 128–129,

Ladd, Gaylan.
Latimer, Gaylan

143, 217, 250, 256, 259–260, 279,

La Fiebre (band), 223

280–284, 288

Lam, Hank, 182, 185–186, 256, 311

Jones, Jon, 94

La Mafi a (band), 222

Jones, Willie, 45

L&O Records, 253

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Landreth, Sonny, 189

Los Pecadores (band), 230

Langford, Jesse, 132, 290, 302

Lost and Found (band), 159, 172

Lanor Records, 217

Lovett, Lyle, 94

Lanphier, Steve, 222, 224, 228, 230, 234,

Loving Sisters (singers), 109, 297–298,

237, 311


Latimer, Gaylan (
Emery Capel), x,

Luca, Sergiu, 215

131, 133, 181, 187, 198–199, 203, 205,

Lummis, David, 3, 219, 224, 230

208–209, 256

Lurie, Bob, 121–122, 127, 133, 137, 140,

Latin Breed (band), 210, 223

142, 144–147, 151, 311

Law, Don, Sr., 69

Lynn, Barbara, 132, 136, 184, 188–189,

Leadbitter, Mike, 149

, 293

Leatherman, Ronnie, 142, 163, 165

Lynn, Barry, 200

Leavitt, Barry, 219, 230

Lynn, Trudy, 247–248, 303

Lee-Roy (record label), 99

Lynskey, Dorian, 163

Leisy, Boyd, 38, 88–89

Lemon Fog (band), 132

Mabry, Bill, 206

Lennon, John, 174

Machanga, Pete, 16

Leo and the Prophets (band), 156

Mack 10 (Deadrick D’Mon Rolison),

Levin, Danny, 206

243–244, 252, 265

Lewis, Charles “Doc,”
, 50, 58, 73

Macy’s (record label), 26, 34, 97

Lewis, Wink, 38, 270, 274

Malone, Bill C., 8

Liberty Bell (band), 155

Mansfi eld, Joe, 140

Light Crust Doughboys, 253

Marcel, Rick, 242–243

Lightfoot, Jerry, 101, 233

Marek, Ted, 34, 42–43, 67

Lil’ Wayne (Dwayne Michael Carter), xii,

Martin, Alex, 95


Martin, Dickie, 114

Lindley, Joe, 209

Martin, D. W., 130

Linhof, Kurt, 178–180, 256, 311

Martin, Lester, 159

Lipscomb, Mance, 96

Masters, Jimmy, 183

Little Feat (band), 204

Masuak, Chris, vii, 228–229

Little Joe y La Familia, xi, 215, 266

Mathis, “County” Johnny, 260, 285–287

Little Royal (Royal Torrance), 187, 262,

Matthews, Andre, 211


Matthews, Chip, 246

Littman, Tom, 215, 235

Mattis, Davis James, 104

Livingston, Larry, 215

Mayes, Pete, 86–87, 248, 256

Lockett, Jesse, 20, 267

Mayfi eld, Percy, 86

Locklin, Hank, 16, 29, 44, 51,
, 269

MCA (record label), 87, 108, 129, 246

Lomax, John A., xii–xiii

McCalla, Errol, 244

Lomax, John A., Jr., 95

McCartney, Paul, 174

Lomax, John Nova, ix, 211

McComb, David G., 7

Lonergan, David, 206

McCord, Jeff , 73, 113, 137

Long, Joey, 132, 302

McCormick, Mack, ix, 17, 126

Looney, Tex, 29, 268

McCoy, Mary, 93, 149, 304

Lopez, John, 153, 155

McCracklin, Jimmy, 116–118, 256, 261

Los Dos Gilbertos (band), 230, 234, 307

McKnight, Brian, 245, 252

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McLain, Chad, 200

Modern Records, 21, 25, 27, 32

McLain, Tommy, 189, 200, 203, 216–217,

Montgomery, Marvin “Smokey,” xii

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