How It Rolls (20 page)

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Authors: Lila Felix

BOOK: How It Rolls
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“You look more beat up about it than I do.” I made light of his intensity.

He ran a hand over his growing Mohawk and blew out a breath. “Yeah, I always thought Owen was overreacting but this shit is no joke.”

I laughed and scooted him out of the bathroom.  “Yeah, but they’re married, it’s different.”  And as I closed the door, through the splice I could see a very hurt Falcon on the other side.


              I laid in the tub, the water had gone lukewarm a long time ago.  So many things ran through my head. 
What was the deal with this unclaimed property thing?  My luck?  There was some unclaimed debt and they wanted me to pay it.  And of course, there was Falcon.  I loved him, I did, and finally I had mustered up the courage to tell him.  And I would be lying if I said that marrying him hadn’t crossed my mind.  But he was a guy.  Guys didn’t get to that point this fast, did they?
  Then again, Falcon wasn’t your typical guy.  But there was no denying that look of hurt on his face when I basically claimed that Owen and Nellie were different from us because they were married. 

I finally got up the strength to get out of the tub since it was now cold and I resembled dried fruit.  I got dressed, combed my hair out and brushed my teeth.  I realized that there was no noise on the other side of the door.  No TV, no radio, no techo 80’s music, nothing. 

I walked out and he sat on the edge of the bed, doubled over, his hands made into tight fists on either side of his head.  He popped up to a sitting position as soon as he knew I entered the room and reached out his hand to me. 

I took it and he never let go, moving to my usual spot.  He pulled me onto the bed, lying against him. 

“What’s wrong?”  I asked him as he snaked his arms around me, squeezing me even tighter. 

“I just love you, and I don’t want you hurt,” He took a deep breath and when he exhaled, the warmth beat down on my neck making me shiver. “And even if you’re not my wife, it doesn’t make me worry any less.”

I’m sure he said something really profound, but for the life of me, all I could hear was ‘my wife.’

Chapter 25


There’s just something about lawyers’ offices that give me the
heebs.  And I think they all shop at the same Law ‘R’ Us furniture store.  It only sells cherry wood cabinets and brown leather chairs with metal rivets.  Maybe they have a leather trashcan so I can puke.


              The placard on his desk said Allen Boudreaux, Attorney at Law, and I knew that I was getting a one way ticket to Hell for saying this, but he looked exactly like that mumbling guy on King of the Hill. 
I swear; if he says daggone something, I’m out.

He sat down with a file and had his assistant make copies of my driver’s license and birth certificate.  He studied them for a minute like they were gonna tell him a story.  He smiled back at me and he had something green along his gumline—gross.

“Ms. Wolfe,” he began, “We were informed that there is unclaimed property in your name.  Specifically, a house and some kind  of reward money in the amount of ten thousand dollars.  We have researched and investigated and we can find no other claimant.  So,” He handed me an envelope with keys and a check, “Here are your keys to your home, the cashier’s check is in there too.  I just need you to sign these papers saying that you have the keys and the check and are taking possession of the property.”

“Wait, wait, wait, wait, how did you find me?”
And why don’t you brush your teeth?

“We have been looking for you for quite some time but recently one of my P.I.s found that you gained employment here in town.  We tracked the records and sent the letter to the address listed on your tax forms.”

“Well, how do I know if I want this house?  What if it’s a piece of crap?”

He chuckled and I wished I hadn’t said anything funny.  “I’ve seen the house Ms. Wolfe.  It’s far from a piece of crap. And the electricity and water have been turned on as of this morning and are in your name.”

“Ok, but I can sell it if I don’t want it, right?” He nodded and I signed the forms.  I walked out and his assistant waved at me.

I called Falcon, he was in between classes. 

“How’d it go Poppy?” I would never admit to him how much I loved when he called me that.

“Um, I don’t know yet.  Do you have class this afternoon?”

“I have Lit, but I can skip, I already turned in my paper.”

“Ok, can you meet me at 4777 Confiance, it’s a house.”

“I’m on my way.”  He hung up and I programmed the address into my GPS on my cell phone and headed in the direction of…something.

After driving for about twenty minutes and doing that thing where people turn down their radio to look for an address, I pulled into the brick paved driveway of what I thought was the most beautiful house I’d ever laid eyes on.  It was stark white and I really didn’t know architecture but this had to be Victorian.  Pessimistic Reed tore her way to the surface and said, ‘it’s pretty on the outside, so it’s either haunted or the inside has been flooded or burned.’ 

I got out of my car, which really looked like a piece of crap next to this magnificent house and made my way through the flower filled beds.  I cupped my hand over my eyes, making a bridge between my forehead and the huge bay window.  I gasped at what I saw inside.  Dark wood floors, shinier than I’ve ever seen, were everywhere.  I moved to the front door and used the key given to me and pressed my thumb on the lever and pushed gently.  There was a kitchen that would put Falcon’s Mom’s to shame.  I perused through huge bedrooms and in the master bedroom, a stained glass window separated me from the backyard.  I traipsed around the house for at least thirty minutes with my mouth open. 

“Reed!” I heard Falcon yell from the front of the house.

“I’m in the back!” I yelled back.

He came into the bedroom but he didn’t look as impressed as I did.  “So, what’s up?  What’s with the house?” 

I turned and grabbed his hand and talked non-stop as I gave him the tour. 

“So, what’s the deal?” He said.

“It’s mine.” I whispered, still in awe of it myself.

“How,” he asked.

“The lawyer, who was gross by the way, said it was some kind of unclaimed property.  He said this house is mine and he gave me a cashier’s check for ten thousand dollars.  I’m waiting for someone to call and say it’s a practical joke or something.”

“Did you look at the rest?” He took my explanation of the events way better than I did. 

“Come with me.  I was about to head to the backyard.”  I took his hand and led him out the back door and was hit by the smell before the sight.  It smelled like lavender and fresh flower petals even though it was still cold outside.  There were flowers everywhere. 

“I’m guessing you like it.  That’s the biggest smile I’ve ever seen on you.”  I turned and hugged him around his middle as hard as I could.

“If I could pick a house for myself I would pick this one.  I just still can’t believe this is happening.  Oh, what time is it?”

He looked at his watch and said it was two o’clock and asked why.

“Do you think there’s time to go get a bed and stuff?  I want to stay here tonight.”

A flash of heartbroken Falcon flashed across his face and then he said, “Yeah, let’s take the truck.”  We went to the bank and he convinced me to open a checking account and I took out enough cash to buy what I needed.  We headed to a furniture store and bought the softest mattress I’d ever laid on.  Then we headed to a bed and bath store where I bought a black and white comforter set and all new towels.  Falcon’s truck was beyond full and he called Mad on the way home to meet us there. 

The boys hefted my new stuff into the bedroom and I didn’t care if I had furniture or not.  I wanted to sleep in a place of my own.  Falcon went to the grocery store and said he was shopping for food since my new refrigerator was empty.  I couldn’t let him suffer any more.  So I called him.

“Hey, did you think of something else you need?” He never quit taking care of people.

“Yeah, I did.” 

“What is it? I’m about to check out.” I could hear the beeps and bomps of the register in the store.

“I need you to go to your apartment and pack a bag.”  I got nothing but silence for a few minutes and it worried me.

“Are you sure?” I had let it go too far, he was already defeated.

“Of course I am.”

“Ok,” I heard him thank the cashier at the store. “I’ll go and get some stuff.  I’ll be there in twenty.”

I hung up and began piling all of my stuff out of my car.  I also ordered pizza and grabbed a shower.  By the time he got to my house, I was more than ready to see him. 

Chapter 26


Lies are like Gremlins.  You can try to hide them and at first you think you can keep them under control.  Next thing you know you’ve fed them cake and you’ve got something nasty gnawing at you constantly.


I packed up a bag quickly and went back to Reed’s house.  I still couldn’t believe she loved it as much as she did.  It was like it was meant for her.  I had a sinking feeling all day while we shopped that this was it.  She wouldn’t need me anymore.  I thought about it while I should’ve been happy for her.  And I felt like a rat bastard for it.

I pulled up in her new driveway and felt sick again.  I didn’t have the stomach for lying; that much was for sure.  She bounced down the gray cement stairs and helped me bring the groceries in the house.  She was in some serious need of furniture and I second-guessed how much extra I had given her.  Maybe I should’ve given her more.  I smelled pizza and saw that she had ordered a delivery.  We put the groceries away and she sat on the granite countertop and opened the box. 

“Mr. Black, pineapple and ham or supreme?” She fanned the box lids at me, wafting the smells of both in my direction. 

“One of each, I’m starving.” I got a paper plate and hopped up on the counter next to her.  We ate and I inspected her house and our handiwork.  My mom had come in and cleaned all of the countertops and cabinets, she wanted to be in on the family project.  We finished our pizza and while I put it away, I heard the bathtub running.  She must’ve gone to take a bath.  I didn’t blame her; it had been a long day.  I walked to the bay window and looked out.  Long, soft arms came around my waist, lifted my shirt and hands moved up and down along my stomach.  I shuddered beneath her hands and was rewarded with a giggle against my back. 

“I thought you were going to take a bath,” I turned around and now her hands were running circles on the small of my back.  I didn’t know which one was more tempting. 

“Nope, that’s for you.” 

“No, this is your house; you have to have the first one.”

“Here’s the thing.  If you take a bath in it first, then every time I get in I’ll think of you.”

I groaned, “Come on Falcon, this is my chance to take care of you.” She said.  She balled the front of my shirt up in her hands and dragged me towards her bedroom, walking backwards and smiling devilishly at me.  And any fantasy I had ever had of her pulling me into the bedroom paled in comparison to reality.  We reached the bathroom and she pushed me in and closed the door behind me.  I undressed and stepped into the hot water.  It was a corner garden tub and it was big enough for the both of us.  Not a good thing to think about while she was right outside the door. 

I closed my eyes and relaxed, trying to bask in the fact that she finally had a permanent place to live when the door opened.   I sat up, splashing water everywhere.  She had a towel in front of her face and kept it there until she managed to fumble herself into a sitting positing in front of the tub, facing away from me.

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