How Miss West Was Won (17 page)

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Authors: Lexie Clark

BOOK: How Miss West Was Won
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Eli had told her of a game he’d played with his brothers, where they had a certain object that they hid from each other. They gave clues as to where the object could be found.

The idea took hold and grew. Eli was working in the field that afternoon, so she took the time to write a short note to Mr. Tuttle. She did not want her former boss to find out her decision before she told her future husband, so after she wrote the letter, she put it in an envelope and sealed it, ready to send it out in tomorrow’s post. She would still write Mr. Tuttle’s story, but it would have a different ending: she had come as a fake mail-order bride, but now she would be a real one. She had to admit to a certain amount of trepidation to the idea of marriage, but she would put herself in Eli’s hands, in more ways than one.

It took her a few moments to select the object she wanted to hide. When she decided, she laughed, wondering how Eli would take the twist in the classic game.

She spent the afternoon writing out clues, and then putting them in various places around the yard. When she was done, she went into the house and gladly took the glass of lemonade that Mrs. Dunlap offered her.

“It will be nice to have another woman around the house,” Mrs. Dunlap said as Cordelia drank the cool liquid.

“How did you know I had decided to stay?” Cordelia asked when her glass was empty.

“I can tell by the smile on your face,” Mrs. Dunlap replied. “I am looking forward to having you here, and to seeing your children born.”

Hearing those words made Cordelia think. She needed to visit the local physician, but she would not worry about it right now. First things first; she would tell Eli she would become his wife, and then they would worry about other matters later.

“When Eli gets in, please direct him to my room upstairs. Tell him there is a note for him there, please.”

“I will,” Mrs. Dunlap said. “And then I will go to my own house so I don’t ruin the fun.”

Cordelia hugged her. “I am looking forward to getting to know you better.”

The housekeeper replied in kind, and then Cordelia went upstairs. She took a short nap. Afterward, she washed her face and looked out the window. The sun was beginning to go down, and she knew it was about time for Eli to come home. After about ten minutes, she saw him riding toward the barn.

She knew he would corral his horse for the night, and then come into the house. It was time for her to get into her position for the game. She went to the library and hid behind the sofa, just in case her future husband did not follow directions well and came into this room first, instead of last. The windows were open, and a cool, fall breeze filled the space. Cordelia was looking forward to her first Colorado winter. Playing in the snow with Eli would be fun.

Moments later, she heard Eli enter the house and call out hello. Mrs. Dunlap answered that she was in the kitchen. Cordelia listened as he made his way there, his boots slapping against the wooden floor. He was not in there long before she heard him go up the stairs. The back door closed, and Cordelia knew that she and her future husband were alone in the house.

She listened for more sounds, and after a few moments was rewarded by the pounding of his boots on the stairs once more. But instead of going out the front door, as she had expected him to do, he came into the library. “I know you’re in here,” he said, jovially. “It seems like the best place to find the object, which is you, I’m sure. Come out, come out, wherever you are, Cordelia.”

Cordelia thought about staying in place, and not saying a word. But she was pretty sure Eli would wait things out, especially when he crossed the room and sat down in his chair near the window. “I’m waiting,” he said, cheerfully.

“You cheat,” she responded. “You are supposed to follow the rules.”

“Rules?” Eli laughed. “There are no rules in this game. Remember, the first person to find the object wins, and I win. Come give me my prize.”

Cordelia lifted her head just enough so he could see it over the sofa. “What is your prize?”

“A kiss.” He stretched out his legs in front of him, and then he crooked his finger toward her. “Come and kiss me, Cordelia. I’ve been hungry to taste your lips for a few days now.”

She stood and smoothed down her skirt. “Maybe that is not the prize I had in mind.”

“What did you have in mind?” He crooked his finger at her again. “Come here, Cordelia.”

She shrugged. “I think not.”

“Excuse me?” He stood this time, his gaze locked on hers.

“I think we should play a different game, since you refused to play by the rules this time around.”  She came out from behind the sofa as she spoke.

His laughter filled the room. “I want my prize first.”

“Very well.” She cocked her head and blinked in what she hoped was a seductive fashion. “I wrote Mr. Tuttle today, and resigned. I did tell him I would write my story for him.”

She could see the hopeful look in Eli’s eyes. “What story are you writing for him?”

“The title is ‘I Was a Mail-Order Bride.’ Do you like it?”

Eli’s smile widened. “Don’t you mean a fake mail-order bride?”

“Not at all,” she said. “I will be a real bride, with a real dress, a real wedding that has a real preacher. Can you do that for me, Eli?”

“I can arrange it in one hour if you like.”

Cordelia shook her head. “No, I want to plan, and prepare. Right now, I want my future husband inside me.”

“I can arrange that, too.” He ran his hands over his thighs.

She could see the bulge between his legs, and it made the warm spot between her legs flush with need and wetness. She crossed the room quickly, stopping in front of him.

“Take off your dress, Cordelia.”

After she took one step backward, she undid the buttons and ties and let the material fall to the ground. When she was naked, she ran her hands down her sides. “Now it is your turn, Eli. Take off your clothes.”

He chuckled. “Is this what I can expect, a bossy wife?” Instead of following her command he wrapped his arms around her middle and pulled her to him. Before Cordelia could object that he was still dressed, he captured a nipple between his teeth, sucking it into his mouth until Cordelia groaned in pleasure.

“Oh yes,” she said as she wedged her fingers into his hair. “Eli.”

He moved his mouth to the other nipple. Cordelia continued to knead his scalp, savoring the feel of his mouth on her sensitive nub.

“You are not playing fair,” she managed to say as he continued to suckle her, his mouth moving from one nipple to the other. She could not make out his muffled response, but she could feel his breath on her wet nipples, which made her shiver even more.

“You’re a naughty girl, Cordelia.” He kissed her nipple, and then delivered a sharp slap to her bottom.

Cordelia groaned in pleasure. It was amazing how this sort of spanking was so pleasurable, but the other one was so horrid. She had thought about discussing the spanking issue with him before she told him she was going to stay, but she decided they would talk about it when the time came.

The best scenario was for her to behave herself and not get the bad kind of spanking. She would strive only for the ones like Eli was giving her now. He slapped her ass again, and she groaned. “Eli, you are… Eli.”

“Come across my lap, naughty Cordelia.”

There was no need to argue, because she wanted this as much as he did. She lay across his lap, steading herself by placing a hand on the floor. Eli smacked her bottom three times, and she wiggled under his touch. “More,” she heard herself saying.

Instead of slapping her bottom again, Eli caressed her thigh. “Open for me.”

She thought she would fall when she did as he asked. One foot was on the floor, the other still in the air. Eli caressed her soft, wet folds and Cordelia thought she would explode.

He continued to stroke her with one hand, as the other one slapped her bottom. Within moments she did burst, the climax making her feel as if she could float.

“So beautiful,” Eli said as he lightly slapped her bottom. His fingers were still probing her core. “Do you want me inside you, Cordelia?”

“I do.”

He helped her to stand, and she stepped back and watched as he took off his clothes. He walked to the sofa and sat down. “Come and mount me.”

“Such naughty words,” she said. But Cordelia did exactly as he asked. She grasped the back of the sofa as she lowered herself onto his hard length. She rode him slowly at first, and each time she went up he slapped her ass, and when she went down he did the same.

Eli let her control the rhythm, and before long she was moving faster, and the slaps against her ass were harder. When Eli grasped her hips and gave her his seed, she placed her head on his shoulder and shivered as a second climax tore through her.

They were silent for a few moments, their hot, sweaty bodies sticking together as their arms clasped each other.

“You’ve won my heart, Eli,” she said. “Thank you for that.”

“I love you, Cordelia,” he said. “I’m going to make you very happy.”

Cordelia settled herself against his body. She still hummed with the pleasure he had just given her. “We’ll make each other happy,” she said. Then she gasped. “My speech has already slipped. I should have said we will make each other happy.”

Eli chuckled, and then he kissed her. “Yes, we definitely will.”


The End.


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