How the French Won Waterloo (or Think They Did) (31 page)

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Baudin, Pierre-François, 74

Becquey, Louis, 235

Bédoyère, Colonel Le, 39

Beethoven, works, 189–91

Belgium, xiii, 6, 49, 196

liberation, 166–7

and rain, 54

Belgo-Dutch troops, 77

Bell, Charles, 106

Belle Poule
, 153, 154, 155

Bellerophon, HMS
, 127–8, 130, 132, 133, 144, 165

Berezina, River, 17

Berlin, 4

Bernadotte, 206

Berthier, Louis-Alexandre, 68

Bertrand, General, 132

Bessières, Marshal Jean-Baptiste, 68

Bijou, 80–1

‘Bivouac de Napoléon, Le’, exhibition, 10

Blanqui, Adolphe, 236

Blocus Continental, 12, 17, 220

bloodiest day of Napoleonic wars, 19

Blücher, General Gebhard, 3, 29, 67, 84–7, 98, 243

almost died, 50

army, 49

and Bourmont, 65

French-hater, 101–2

at Leipzig, 25

and prisoners, 93

Bonaparte, Jérôme, 11, 60, 70, 74–5

Bonaparte, Joseph (King of Spain), 24, 119

Bonaparte, Josephine, 6, 7, 23, 34

Bonaparte, Louis-Napoléon, 158, 172
see also

Napoleon III, Emperor

Bonaparte, Lucien, 122

Bonaparte, Marie-Louise, 23

Bonaparte, Napoleon, xii, xiii, xv, 8, 16, 69, 90, 121, 126, 134, 166, 175

100 day return to power, 43

abdication and resignation, 30, 125

administration and logic, 9, 10, 211

after the battle, 94

breakfast party, 69

camp bed, 10, 34, 58, 59, 63

camper-van, 19

charisma, 136, 165

compared to Hitler, 189

condemnation of his rule, 207, 230

culture, 238

death, 148

defenders of, 5, 46

defending Paris, 29

dictator, xv, 121, 177, 231, 234

Elba, 32–7

escape, 36

exile, xii, 32–6, 133

federal European system, 42

final speech, 31–2

first abdication, 17

fled, xi, 119, 123

and French law, 211–12

funeral, remains and tomb, 152–4, 156–7, 199–201

furniture, 11

generals and commanders, xiv, 64

and Hugo, 53–4, 60, 156–7, 174, 175, 211

image of, xiv, 130, 144, 163, 164

imprisonment, 142, 143

influence on life in France, xv, 4, 205, 219

invaded Italy, 5

legacy, 208

letter to Prince Regent, 6–7, 42, 123

march north to Paris, 37–40

military tactics, 18, 25, 47, 91

modernisation of the army, 10

night before Waterloo, 58–9

and peace, 4, 6, 42

and pension, 35

piles and other afflictions, 60–1

proposed scientific exploration, 126–7

report of Waterloo, 46

return to Paris from Moscow, 22–3

route through Alps, 39

Saint Helena, 139–48, 150, 229

snowball fight, 9

statues, monuments etc., 148, 194, 197, 209

surrender to the British, 122, 127, 231

uniform, 203–5

Bonapartes, banned from France, 211

Bonapartist propaganda, 161

Bonapartists massacred, 147

Bondarchuk, Sergei, 82

book trade, 241

boots, 56
see also

Bordeaux, 24, 231

Borodin, Battle of, 19


Boulogne, 165

Bourbons, 35

Bourmont, General Louis-Auguste, 64–5

Brienne le Château, 28

see also

army, 42, 102

cannons, 75, 79

‘cheated’, xiv, 46, 51, 52, 88, 102

flags, 97

Guards, 74, 89

Napoleonic debt, 12

occupying forces, 35

press, 124, 132

squares, 80

troops, xii, 77

British Corsican exiles, 141

Brussels, xii

Bulwer-Lytton, Edward, 184

Byron, Lord George Gordon, 181–5

Caillou, Le, 59, 69, 93

Cambronne, General Pierre, 92, 107, 110–11, 179, 180, 243

Campagne de France, 27

Campbell, Colonel Neil, 37

Canning, George, 13

Canova, Antonio, 209

capitalism, and the French, 236–7

Carriere, Jean-Claude
, Dictionnaire des Révélations Historiques et Contemporaines
, 92

cartridges, wet, 62–3

Catholic missionaries, 147

Caulaincourt, Louis de, 121

cemetries, 208

Cent Jours, Les
, 43

‘c’est la Bérézina’, 16

Chaboulon, Pierre Alexandre Fleury de, 167

Chambre des Députés, 41

Chambre des Pairs, 41

Champaubert, Battle of, 28

Champs-Elysées, xii

Chapelle de Saint-Jérôme, 198

Chapelle Expiatoire, 199

Chaptal, Jean-Antoine, 238

Chapuis, Colonel, 67

Charleroi, 164

Charles X, 151

Charras, Jean-Baptiste-Adolphe, 60, 61–2, 103, 162

Charte constitutionelle, 234–5

Château de Fontainebleau, 31

Château de Vincennes, 104

Chateaubriand, Céleste de, 114, 146

Chateaubriand, Viscount François-René, 177

Château-Thierry, 28

Chatrian, Alexandre, 112

Childe Harold’s Pilgrimage
, 183

citizen king (Louis-Philippe), 152

Civirieux, Larreguy de, 75, 105

Code Civil, 211

Code Napoléon, 211–14

Coignet, Captain, 91, 93

colonies, 7

Comédie Française, 14, 239

Comédie Humaine
, 169

Communards, 207

Conscript of 1813, The
, 112

conscripts, 99

Constant, Louis Rilliet de, 106, 147

co-propriété, 212

Corrèze, 104

Corsica, 140

Cossacks, 18, 19, 34

coup d’etat 1799, 5, 145

Craonne, 29

’ (Haydn), 6

Czech Republic, 193–4

Damamme, Jean-Claude, xii, 5, 6, 27, 49–50, 89, 90, 164, 165

animal abuse, 80

on British officers, 100

his distaste for England, 135

on Wellington, 94

Daublé, Julie-Victoire, 216

deaths, in battle, 232

defeat, 92, 114

de Gaulle,

déjeuner à la fourchette, 48

Delort, General, 78

Denon, Dominique Vivant, 210

d’Erlon, Jean-Baptiste, 81

Desaix, Louis Charles, 68

d’Escola, Edouard, xii

Dessales, General Victor-Albert, 58

Dictionnaire Napoléon, Le
, 231

Dino, Duchesse de, 156

doctors 31
see also

Don Juan
, 185

droits réunis, 230

Drouot, General Antoine, 70, 90

drummer boys, 40

Dumoulin, Louis, xiii, 196

Dupuy, Victor, 98

‘Duroc, Baron’, 141

Duroc, Marshal Michel, 68

Durutte, General Pierre François Joseph, 91

Dutch, paid by British, 6

Duthilt, Captain Pierre-Charles, 57, 90

eagles, 97, 195, 204, 205, 264

Ecole Militaire, 23, 41

Ecole Normale Supérieure, 217

Ecole Polytechnique, 217

economic model, 235–8

economic tranquillity, 243

education, discipline in, 217–18

Edward VII, 198

Elba, 32–6

elections, 41

elite, French, 235

embargo against Britain, 12

England, Napoleon’s invasion plans, 165

see also

army supplies, 57

cannons, 77

centre, 85

charge, 89

‘Entrevue d’Erfurt’, 14

Erckmann, Emile, 112

Exelmans, Rémy, 125

factories of Wolverhampton, 236

Fauveau, Carabinier Antoine, 203

Fayette, Marquis de La, 122

film of Waterloo, 82

films, French, 115

Finland, 14

Fitzgerald, Lady Charlotte, 135

folk tales, 11

Fondation Napoléon, 161

Fontainebleau, 222, 245

adieux at, 32, 178

food supplies, 20

foreign occupation, 112

Fouché Joseph, 119–21, 125

Fox, James, 7, 8

fox-hunting, 100

Foy, General Maximilien, 48, 55, 93, 97

France, exhausted by war, 232

François, Prince, 155

Franco-Russian treaty, 14

Franz I, 23, 32


individuals, 212–13

press, 39, 41, 235, 241

religion, 235

speech, 8


actors, 239–40

army, 19, 34, 48, 103–4

casualties, 29, 106–7

cavalry, xiii, 78, 79

crafts, 237

education system, xv, 215–18

Empire in June 1812, 17

films, 115

fleet, 13

government, xv

and the Industrial Revolution, 114

language, 245

law, 211–12

luxury industry, 237

national theatre, 239

navy, 231

Parliament, 40

ports, 6

Presidents, xv, 214

Prime Minister, 214–15

Resistance, 113

revisionism, xiv, 96

Revolution, 5, 7, 186

royalists, 106, 231

Socialist Party, 117–18

soldiers, 56, 57, 93, 103, 105, 106

spirit, xv, 175, 245

Friedland, 49

Friedrich Wilhelm III of Prussia, 4, 220

Fröhliche Wissenschaft
, 188

full-frontal assault, 77

Gallo, Max, 18, 59, 61

Garde Impériale, 87–92, 99, 107, 109, 173

Gaulle, Charles de, 96, 117, 229

Genappe, 93

George III, 7, 13

Gérard, Etienne-Maurice, 83, 84

German princedoms, 11

Gironde, MP for, 230

, 102

Gneisenau, General August Neidhardt von, 123

God and Napoleon, 54

Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von, 189

gold, Napoleon’s, 23

Gourgaud, General Gaspard, 180

Grace, Princess, 223

Grande Armée
, 11, 34, 69, 71, 170, 223

march to Paris 36–8

monument, 207

and Moscow, 18–22

veterans, 55, 169

grapeshot, 76, 81

Grimm brothers, 11

Grouchy, Emmanuel de, 69, 98, 99, 119, 125, 206

beat Prussians, 118

inactivity, 88

marching away from battle, 83–5

strawberry breakfast, 66–7

Halles, Les
, 208

Hamilton, Monsieur, 86

Harrow, 181

Haxo, General François-Nicolas, 74

Haydn, 6

Haye Sainte, La 85

Hegel, Georg, 186–7

Heymès, Colonel, 65, 87

Histoire de France
, 4

Histoire de la Campagne de 1815 - Waterloo
, 60, 103

Histoire des derniers jours de la Grand Armée
, 53

Hitler, Adolf, 113, 205

see under name

Holland, 5, 17

Hollert, Maître, 67

Home, Midshipman George, 128–34

Hotham, Admiral William, 130

Hougoumont, 73, 75, 89

Houssaye, Henry, 110–11, 163

Howard, Major Frederick, 183

Hudson Lowe face au jugement des Anglais
, 142–3

Hugo, Victor, 89, 136, 149, 187, 238, 241

anti-war writing, 176

comparing Napoleon and Wellington, 175

described the carnage, 80

describing Ney, 91

exile, 172

father, 171

glorious victory, 174

greatness of Napoleon, 174

and Hougoumont, 75

Les Misérables,
60, 71, 75, 80, 91, 112, 174, 238

’, 172–4

‘merde’, 110–11

‘morne plaine’, 52, 172

and Napoleon’s funeral, 156–7

Napoleon’s fate, 53–4

Napoleon’s legacy, 211

Napoleon’s ‘local pains’, 60

‘ravine of death’, 82–3

tragic heroes, 71

, 109

Hundred Years War, 4

image of military power, 203

Impressionism, 242, 244

, 37

India, 13, 14, 15

infantrymen, 85

Ingres, 204

Invalides, 156, 158, 172, 174, 198, 201, 205, 214, 217, 221

‘iron cage’, 38

Isabey, Jean-Baptiste, 204

Italy, 5, 17

Jaurès, Jean, 117–18

Jena, Battle of, 186

Jobit, Captain, 33

Journal Général de France
, 92

juge d’instruction, 212

Lago Maggiore, laurel tree, 184

, 223

Lainé, Joseph, 230

Lamartine, Alphonse de, 153, 155

Lannes, Marshal Jean, 68

Laon, 29

Larousse’s encyclopaedia, 233–4

Larrey, Barron, 60

Las Cases, Emmanuel de, 21, 84, 143, 144, 148, 163, 211

Laudy, Lucien, 59

laws, 4

Lefebvre, Marshal François-Joseph, 30, 32

Lefol, General Etienne, 71

legal systems

basis of, 213–14

combined, 212

Legros, Sous-lieutenant, 75

Leipzig, 25, 26, 181

l’Elysée, 215

Lemonnier-Delafosse, Captain Marie Jean Baptiste, 55, 86, 87, 93, 98

’, 172–4

Lignereux, Aurélien, 40

Ligny, 50, 53, 55

Battle of, 106, 166

Lion d’Or, 118, 147

Lobkowitz, Prince Franz Joseph von, 190

Lodi, 145

Longwood House, 141, 149, 248–9

Louis XIV, body of, 199

Louis XVIII, 34, 35, 146, 151, 171, 229, 234

administration, 211

army, 147

brother, 38

royalists, 82

Louis-Philippe, 151–3, 157

flees to England, 158

Louvre, The, 208–10

Lowe, Sir Hudson, 140, 142, 144, 148, 178

Lucchesini, Marquis Girolamo, 4

‘Lui’, 171

luxury industry, 244

lycées, 216

Lyon, 38

uprising in, 120

Maitland, Captain Frederick Lewis, 128, 129, 144

‘march to the cannon’, 83

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