How to Love a Blue Demon (26 page)

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Authors: Sherrod Story

BOOK: How to Love a Blue Demon
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“You could always fuck me into a better mood.” She coaxed. She’d never felt this needy. Never even imagined it was possible.

He didn’t have to tell her anything about the mind body connection. She had only to think of him to want him.
This morning she stood outside the shower watching him clean himself until the water ran cold. He said nothing, just smiled and did his best to give her a good show.

hands reached around, muscles bunching in his arms as he cleaned his shoulders. Leisurely he cleaned his ears and neck, lathered his hair. Soap ran lovingly over his chest to frame his belly button and emphasize the length of his still sleeping cock. When he tipped his head back to rinse the soap from his hair she couldn’t help but reach out, sinking the tips of her fingers into the hard muscles of his chest. She felt him shudder but he continued as though she hadn’t touched him.

When he reached one big
hand down to wash his cock, she groaned, opened the shower door, dropped to her knees and cleaned that part of him thoroughly with her mouth. She hummed her approval when he moved so that the water hit his back and not her. Then she could look up, view unimpeded, and watch the pleasure take hold. She focused on the sounds he made, enjoyed the way his lips parted, his chest rose with each deep, agitated breath.

It made her feel as wonderful
as if he was touching her, but she didn’t let him. When he tried to caress her shoulders she shrugged his hands away. When he tried to hold her head, to shove his hands into her hair and control the pace and strength of her sucking, she slapped his hands down.

“If you touch me I’ll stop,” she threatened and
was thrilled by the guttural moan that echoed around the shower.

She relished
the opportunity to return some of the pleasure he lavished on her so unselfishly. Incongruously, in that heated moment, on her knees with her mouth full of him, fondness ran through her. He shivered, feeling it, and teasingly pinched her chin with two long fingers.

her blood continued to heat, the past fading as she shifted, rubbing her ass against the sheets and recalling how it had felt to have the flat of his hand there.

She sigh
ed raggedly. Desire had taken root in her belly and breasts and long neglected pussy. Even the crack of her ass seemed to miss him because he never failed to touch everything when he made love to her. He usually behaved as though to miss any part, to not lave each finger and toe and curve and dip with his touch was to commit the greatest crime imaginable. Yet now he refused to touch her.

ied as she was she couldn’t even touch herself to relieve some of the pressure. She was also confused. He’d never before shown the slightest inclination to delay their sexual gratification before, and now he’d gone to the far side of crazy with it.

Maddeningly g
entle nudges, seemingly accidental caresses, his thigh against hers, his knee against her leg, his forearm against the side of her breast. Nothing was overtly sexual; he behaved as though he had all day to make his home between her legs, content to press her into the bed and talk. She wanted to scream. She wasn’t listening; she was just watching his lips move and waiting for him to wind down like some chatty ass clock with an insanely hot body and a cock that could –

“Are you listening, my dear?”

“No!” she yelled. “I want you to fuck me, now!” She drummed her heels against the bed she was so frustrated. Waves of sensational heat ran over her body as his magic surged, and her heart sped up at this involuntary display of his power.

As if he needed magic when
her pussy was pulsing in the same rhythm as the energy combs sucking determinedly on her breasts, and still all she could get out of Eyoen was the occasional caress as he shifted position.

Even h
is heat felt good. She wanted to crawl inside him and nest. That or slap that smug look off his face. Her eyes narrowed as he looked back at her; there was a suspicious twinkle in his eye. She’d seen it once before when he played a prank on Priti. Wait a minute… Suddenly Cass began to laugh. Her breasts shook and her belly ached she laughed so hard.

Eyoen just grinned. “What’s so funny?”

“I am,” she admitted. “For not realizing that you’ve been playing a game all this time. You win, demon. You’ve mind fucked me but good. Uncle! Mind giving my body a turn now?”

Eyoen gently touched the combs on her breasts and reluctantly the little things disengaged and he poofed them
away, replacing one with his warm, wet mouth. He barely sucked, barely licked her nipple with the very tip of his tongue, and she came. The orgasm flooded her body with shudders so deep they seemed to rattle her very bones.

When she came to her senses, she
found her wrists and ankles free, and Eyoen lying next to her grinning.

Cass laughed and weakly shook her head. “You win.”

“Were we in a competition?”

“No, thank everything. If we were I’d have lost my shirt.”

“You have no shirt.”

She laughed with a bit more energy. “You’re right.” She turned her head to look at him. “As soon as I catch my breath I’m gonna tear your ass up,” she promised.
“And don’t think I don’t know that you played me. Aside from those wretched little combs, I doubt very seriously you showed me anything really Cyani-like.”

Now it was Eyoen’s turn to laugh.
“I showed you the paddle. Though I have not demonstrated it yet.”

She cocked an eyebrow.
“The night’s young, demon.”

He held out a hand and an ice cold glass of water appeared in it. “Something to refresh you, my dear? It will hasten your recovery.”

Chapter eleven


“What’s wrong with you?”


“You keep rubbing your chest like your heart hurts.”

Eyoen looked down and found that he was indeed doing as she said. “Oh. I, I feel kind of strange.”


He shook his head. “
No. I feel fine.”

“Well, what’s wrong?

“I’m,” he hesitated. “A little anxious.” He sounded surprised.

“What’s on your mind?

He shrugged. “I don’t know. Nothing in particular.
I just feel weird. Like something is about to happen.”

“Like what?”

“I don’t know.”

Cass frowned. This was the first time he’d acted at all squirrely. Eyoen typically walked through life curious and confident, but now he looked pained, and she didn’t think it was a
real pain in his chest that he rubbing.

“Are you worried about something?”

“I, maybe.”

“Are you homesick?” she pressed.


“Homesick. Longing for home, needing to be around things that are familiar and comfortable.”

“I am very comfortable where I am, thank you.” But he appeared to be thinking about the idea.

“Do you need to call home or something? Check in maybe?”

Eyoen laughed softly. “And how would I do that? Have you a phone that can reach between galaxies?”

Cass rolled her eyes at his teasing.
“No, I guess not. It’s probably because you sent all that stuff home.”

Rierdane had transported all of the gifts Eyoen had purchased home by magic and returned with Eyoen’s beloved crystal so he could see his mother and the rest of his family enjoying everything.
He’d watched and laughed as his brothers had eaten themselves practically sick, and had to spell each other to cure their unsettled bellies full of so many new and strange foods.

His father had been conspicuously absent
, but Rierdane said the King had liked his bag of golf clubs and the microwave popcorn. “After he got the hang of it.”

Eyoen just grinned. He watched as his father touched the bag with one powerful finger and then jumped back, hands up in a defensive posture when it exploded and white fluffy kernels rained down everywhere. The King had chuckled, zapped away the mess and immediately called for a new bag, which he munched while Rierdane told him what Eyoen was up to.

Apparently the King thought it was hilarious that his son was poised to, as Cass said, make a mint helping earthlings to shit.

“My son,” Carlow said, shaking his head, but anyone could see the pr
ide on his face at his youngest child’s ingenuity. “Only he would think of such a thing. Will it pay, Rierdane?”

Oh, yes! Projections indicate a 279 percent return on investment within the first month of operation. The spa will open in about 12 weeks. We’re hosting a party to celebrate, and there is already a waiting list for services. We’ve even hired staff. I will be supervising,” he said proudly.

The crystal abruptly
went dark, and Eyoen scowled, shaking it, but no matter what he said, it would not show his father again. It was as if the King was deliberately hiding.

e swore he didn’t know what was going on, and tried several times in several different ways to assure him that there was nothing wrong, but Eyoen knew he lied. His intuition was going off like a smoke alarm near a lit cigar. But he knew if the King told his servant to be silent, then silent he would ne, no matter what Eyoen threatened. His threats were meaningless anyway; Rierdane knew he would never hurt him.

“Phone,” Priti said
, poking her head into the room.

Cass, who lay with a mask on her face and some sort of pillow concoction on both eyes, reached out a hand. “H’lo?”

“Come out,” Natty said.

Eyoen perked up. He was always more attentive when there was a man around, and this particular man had slept with his Cass.

“Where you at?”

“The Knick

“Oh, yeah? Who there?”

“E’rybody.” Natty sniffed.

“That bitch gave you a cold, huh?”

“Shut up.”

Cass laughed softly. “You know you can pick ‘em.”

“Come out,” he said again. “Bring Eyoen. We could split a pretzel burger.”

“What is a pretzel?” Rierdane asked.
“Is it like the cinnamon bread you ate at the mall?”

I have no idea.
But it must be good if he wants to share it, yes?

“Let’s go,” he whispered to Cass, shaking her leg. “I want to try this pretzel.”

“Everybody’s gonna be drunk,” she warned. “You know you can’t hold no liquor.”

“Can too,” he pouted.

It was a blatant lie. He’d giggled like a school girl at the last party. Natty had teased her unmercifully the next day about dating such a lightweight. Eyoen had been sleeping off the excess, snoring, completely blue, unable to hold his disguised white skin while hung over.

Cass just rolled her eyes. “A’ight. We’ll be there in a few.

Her friend/assistant stuck her head
back in the door. “Yeah?”

“Find me something to wear to the Knick.”


“You comin’?”

“Nah. Bars ain’t no fun since I can’t drink,” she gestured to her belly. “I’ma be yawning in a few minutes anyway.”

Cass laughed
and peeled the mask off her face. “It’s not even nine.”

“Don’t matter. My baby like
s to go to bed early.”

Eyoen lik
ed the Knick, also known as the Knickerbocker Hotel, an establishment off North Michigan Avenue with an elegant front and an old fashioned charm. It wasn’t popular with celebs, which was why Cass and Natty and their crowd liked it, and they were zealous about keeping it secret, lest it become a hot spot.

“Hey Marvin,” Cass greeted the bartender. “Lemme get an Amaretto sour w
ith DiSaranno. Whatchu’ want, E?”

“The same as you, and the pretzel.”

“I already ordered it,” Natty said, slapping Eyoen on the back and giving Cass a kiss on the cheek. “Come to the back when you get your drinks.”

He walked away before Eyoen could scowl at him for taking liberties.

“Don’t you act up,” Cass warned. “These are my oldest friends, and I want them to like you.”

Eyoen just blinked innocently and gathered their drinks. “Of course, my dear.”

She narrowed her eyes at him, but he was a perfect doll. Natty was surrounded by family. His twin older brothers Jordan and Jeremy and their wives Baby and Lani were there along with friends Fiona and her husband Dane. Natty’s cousin Niomi was there with her husband Dan, but they were just about to leave. Eyoen remembered her from the photo shoot, but recalled in the nick of time that he had to act as though they had never met since he’d been in Lee’s body at the time.

“Already?” Cass asked.

Niomi laughed. “Himself is three sheets to the wind.”

Dan muttered something in
his native French and teetered precariously before Jordan shored him up.

“Need to walk,” Dan slurred, turning to aim them in the general direction of the door.

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